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正Not far from the ferry dock close to the Samye Monastery,there is a countryside road leading directly to the Dranang County.The road has been laid with asphalt and connects Lhasa to Lhokar.At the very beginning of the road,however,there is a sign,where"To the Drathang Monastery"is written.Obviously,the monastery is much more famous than the county.Ten  相似文献   

<正>Senior monk Dusuni Khyenpa from the Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism founded the Tsurpu Monastery in 1187;so today it is over 800 years old.  相似文献   

Forty kilometers to the west along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, after setting off from Lhasa, there is a bridge crossing over the Todlung River. This is Lungpa Sangpa (Tibetan, meaning the hometown bridge). Passing over the bridge and walking further into the mountain valley, you can reach the Gurong mountain area. On walking further, you will find a splendid ancient monastery standing on the green mountainside. This is the well-known Tsurpu Monastery situated beneath the snow-covered highlands.  相似文献   

My First Visit to Rtse Drugdgon Monastery I first heard about Bon religion through a friend ten years ago.Having heard from him how people refer to Bon religion as an“evil religion“and sometimes a“black religion“,I became quite terrified.In fact,Bon religion was actually the original Tibetan religion. Piously I prayed:“If one day I visit Tibet,please do not let me encounter Bon religion!“  相似文献   

XAODAINMONASTERY¥//TheXaodainMonastery,locatedinNagquTown,northernTibet,nowhasfiveLivingBuddhas,and18ofitslamashavewonGeshi,a...  相似文献   

Following in the wake of the repair of some halls at Tar Monastery in the 1992-1995 period, with the help of a State Council allocation to the tune of 37 million Yuan, the monastery will see the repair of its Gold Tile Hall with another 14 million Yuan from the State Council. The repair project has started, and it is expected to be completed before the end of the year. In the 12th year of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) Emperor Hong Wu, a Lotus Gathering Pagoda was built in the place where…  相似文献   

<正>The fame of the Samye Monastery is unique in the history of Tibetan Buddhism.This monastery, dedicated to the Three Precious Ones(Buddha,Dharma and Sangha),w...  相似文献   

On Feb.24,2013,an annual Butter Lantern Festival was held in the Labrang Monastery in Xiahe County of Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Gansu Province on the Chinese Lantern Festival.Each Chinese Lantern Festival,the monks would place the butter lanterns made of the Tibetan specialty of yak butter in the square before the sutra hall of the Labrang Monastery as a means to pray for good fortune and harvest.  相似文献   

<正>It’s dawn and the mountain valley in south Tibet is silent.There is only the smoke spiraling up from the kitchen chimneys of Tibetan households to greet the ...  相似文献   

正The Paingar Monastery is situated at the town of Jayul in Luntse County of Lhoka City.It was given the name because of a famous senior monk of the Kagyu Sect of Tibetan Buddhism,Drumpa Padmagyapo(1527-1596),who cultivated himself at this monastery according to Tibetan Buddhist doctrines.It is unknown when the monastery was founded,but it is presently a typical Kagyu monastery.  相似文献   

Shalu Monastery is one of the most famous Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and is seated in Gyatso Shong Township of Shigatse Municipality in the Tibet Autonomous Region.The monastery is rich in murals that total over a thousand square meters in wall space,putting on display a fine example of Tibetan Buddhist mural art from the Yuan dynasty.  相似文献   

桂林 《旅游纵览》2010,(4):68-71
帝王的巡视令江南园林在秀雅精美之上,又添得些许皇家园林的金碧辉煌与壮丽气势。这一点从五亭桥、煦春台等巍然雄姿和琉璃瓦的金黄色彩中,大致可读得几分奥妙来。  相似文献   

HistoriansbelieveTibetbecameapartofChinainthemid-13thcenturyduringtheYuanDynasty(1271-1368).TheSagyaMonasteryprovidesiron-cladproofinthisregard.MovingwestwardfromXigazeonereachesSagyaCounty,tuckedawayinhighmoun-tains.Haditnotbeenforthemagnifi-centSagyaMon…  相似文献   

正The six different Tibetan tribes residing in the peripheral areas of Kumbum Monastery are historically referred to as the Shenzhong,Longben, Xina, Qijia, Mina, and Xiuba. According to modern administrative divisions, these six tribes are scattered across the towns of Huangzhong County  相似文献   

影响晚清西方来华传教士宗教旅游的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄金刚  杨桂华 《人文地理》2007,22(5):114-117
本文从旅游的视角,认为西方来华传教士的活动是一种宗教旅游活动,论文选取西方传教士大规模进入我国的晚清时期作为研究时段,根据旅游系统三体论的思路,对晚清西方来华传教士宗教旅游的影响因素进行系统分析,研究结论表明:影响晚清西方来华传教士宗教旅游的主要因素有三个。其一是西方传教士旅游客源地的文化和经济因素;其二是中国作为西方传教士旅游目的地的政治开放、宗教政策以及安全保障因素;其三是西方传教士从其客源地到中国旅游目的地之间及其内部的交通因素。  相似文献   

NANWUMONASTERY:FestivalHighlightedbySitting-on-the-BedCeremony¥byYangXiaoliOutof114candidates,hechosefour.aftertraditionalcer...  相似文献   

TASHILHUNGPOMONASTERY:CeremonyUnveilsTheGold-CharacterBoardHUSZIOnMay28,1996,aceremonywasheldintheDorgyaCourtyardoftheTashilh?..  相似文献   

<正>津巴布韦,一个古老民俗与现代文明高度融合的非洲天堂。在这里,法律上允许"一夫多妻"制。而生活在这里的人们,有的至今还保留着新婚第一夜儿媳和公公度过的  相似文献   

SAGYAMONASTERY:Sorcerer'sDanceinWinterandSummerZHANGYINGBeginningwiththefirstdayofthe12thmonthofthenbetancalendar,Tibetansinw...  相似文献   

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