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自2003年《保护非物质文化遗产公约》(以下简称"《公约》")于2006年生效以来,在非物质文化遗产(以下简称"非遗")的框架内,开始出现谨慎利用非遗保护来促进当地经济和社会发展的举措。保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会(以下简称"委员会")一直在审慎对待此问题。最初,委员会主要关注非遗保护中商业化的负面影响;后来,讨论发展为承认对非遗的经济利用可以对其可持续性、振兴以及相关社区的经济、社会发展作出贡献。通过回顾历届委员会会议和《公约》缔约国大会会议的辩论,可以洞见有关该主题的讨论是如何发展的。在日本的遗产发展实践中,注重将遗产保护与地方发展相结合并逐步修订了文化遗产相关法律。根据修订后的法律,遗产政策的实施权力下放到地方行政部门,遗产保护行动的主要目标是促进各地区和当地社区的经济、社会发展。  相似文献   


Chogha Zanbil, an Elamite ziggurat and UNESCO World Heritage Site in Iran, has considerable potential as a cultural tourism destination but currently it receives a surprisingly small number of visitors. The site has seen a successful international conservation project over the past decade: now it needs a complete heritage strategy, which will give sufficient weight to developing sustainable tourism in a way that ensures the site's conservation, as well as its effective presentation to the public. This paper combines existing approaches to sustainable cultural development with primary research in Iran, including interviews with different stakeholders. It uses the Chogha Zanbil case study to suggest how visitor management strategies and cultural tourism can equip a site with the necessary tools to receive visitors and manage their impact while generating revenue for the site's maintenance and preservation. It also highlights the importance of local community participation in this process and provides examples of how local villagers can participate in, and benefit from, the development of sustainable cultural tourism at Chogha Zanbil.  相似文献   

“花儿”艺术源远流长,是劳动人民的智慧与情感的结晶。“花儿会”反映了所传唱地区的文化、历史,也是当地的特色民俗之一,不仅具有很高文学、音乐、历史、文化价值,也有很高的社会价值以及作为地方特色的旅游资源的开发价值。但是随着社会经济的发展和乡村城镇化进程的加快,这种古老的艺术正面临着严重的危机,其内涵和外延都在严重萎缩。本文通过对“花儿”在当地居民中传承现状、保护措施、发展趋势等方面的实践调研,结合旅游业可持续发展相关理论,对旅游业发展与音乐类非物质文化遗产保护传承之关系作出了分析和探讨;并提出以实景舞台剧、艺术博物馆等旅游开发模式来加强对这一非物质文化遗产的保护与传承。  相似文献   

刘旺  王汝辉 《旅游科学》2008,22(2):63-68
文化权的主体是拥有、认同该文化的少数民族全体,主要包括文化自决权、文化发展权和文化使用权。企业资本介入到少数民族社区旅游开发后,少数民族的文化权被忽视、盗用和滥用的现象屡屡发生。本文拟从文化权理论的视角,通过具体案例分析少数民族社区旅游发展过程中出现的矛盾和冲突,探讨在企业资本介入后如何让少数民族自身在社区旅游发展中成为真正的受益者,从而让少数民族自身产生主动保护和传承民族文化的内在激励,实现少数民族传统文化资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   

城市文化资本与文化旅游发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市文化与旅游发展的关系需要从文化资本即文化因素不断积累和文化价值增值的角度进行考察。城市文化资本传承和累积受到文化资本的基础差异、获取能力和保障力度三个方面因素的影响,其综合作用的结果,决定了城市文化资本的质量及其势能强弱。文化资本质量高的城市,文化旅游无疑会有更好的发展。作为文化资本价值实现的一种具体形式,文化旅游同文化资本之间存在着一种双向选择互动关系。由于文化所具有的公共属性以及市场选择的某些消极作用,互动过程中就需要公共调节机制的介入,以保障城市文化资本和文化旅游发展的永续性动力。从文化资本的视角来看,可以从城市文化资本积累、文化的传承与创新关系、文化旅游系统化开发、城市旅游形象整体定位等方面考虑旅游目的地建设的措施。  相似文献   

现有研究成果表明,文化差异会影响游客对旅游目的地形象的感知,使形象感知形成差异化,因此有人认为文化差异必然导致形象感知差异。本文采用Hofstede的高/低不确定性规避文化维度,通过问卷划分高/低不确定性规避游客群体,并调查其对目的地的认知、情感和总体形象的感知。研究发现,高不确定性规避和低不确定性规避两个游客群体对张家界认知形象中的信息和交通方面的感知存在显著差异,在情感形象和总体形象的感知上并不存在明显差异。  相似文献   

孙剑冰 《旅游科学》2012,26(4):1-7,16
苏州古城区现存的古典园林作为明清时期私家园林的典型代表,如同文化标本一般,体现了明清园林文化和风格。本文从苏州古城区的居住街区空间构成入手,通过重新评价古典园林作为街区空间资源的价值定位,探索居民生活和园林文化相互融合的途径,在此基础之上,构建了以苏州古典园林为资源的社区旅游发展模式,其特征为:旅游者和居民的利益统一在街区生活环境改善之上;以古典园林为平台形成旅游者和居民间的交流;园林资源保护的旅游者和居民双方参与。  相似文献   

王大悟 《旅游科学》2005,19(5):68-72
本文以海洋文化与海洋旅游的关系为切入点,提出进行海洋旅游资源客观科学评估的两个重要认识,即对中国海洋文化先进性的认识和对海洋文化的旅游市场价值的认识.在此基础上阐述了舟山海洋旅游和谐发展的六大策略.  相似文献   

对历史文化名城旅游开发的探索和思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
魏峰群 《旅游科学》2006,20(2):30-34
历史文化名城记载着城市的发展信息、蕴涵着深厚的历史文化,是我国古代城市规划建设的典范,也是全人类的宝贵财富。今天,越来越多的历史文化名城正在成为闻名遐尔的旅游热点城市.但在旅游开发过程中也出现了一些不恰当的建设行为,从而导致历史文化遗产遭到破坏。因此,必须在有效保护历史文化名城这一珍贵的资源的前提下充分发挥其城市的旅游功能。本文通过对历史文化名城旅游开发的理论基础、空间模式选择及管理体制建设等内容的阐述,对构建完整的历史文化名城旅游开发体系进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

The article contributes to the discussions of the relationships between planners and the local community, with a focus on the intervention of the planner in reaching reflexivity and just decisions. In spite of the commonly acknowledged phenomenon of local communities that protest against “unwanted” risk facilities, the principal contradiction in the problem formulation between their lifeworld and the structure of modern institutions has received little attention. This is the focus of the following case study, which explores the communicative activity of the local community within a planning process of mining in a new EU member state. In the theoretical section, I discuss the theory of Habermas to re-investigate the widely criticized foundations of communicative planning. I approach the statements of Habermas with the help of Luhmann to reveal that their different viewpoints may be complementary rather than oppositional. The empirical analysis focuses on the lifeworld of the affected community members and the decision-making process by institutions. The analysis reveals preconditions embedded deeply in the planning process that prevents community members from the introduction of their vision of the issue.  相似文献   

本文以参与过美国访学旅游的台湾地区学生为例,通过深度访谈,分析文化因素的重要性以及访学旅游活动这一消费行为的社会意义.访学旅游带动了文化消费,加深了旅游活动与教育学习的多元发展.参与访学旅游活动,也是游学生建构英语文化与社会资本的渠道.本文还讨论了“异文化”在旅游中所扮演的角色以及对于访学旅游地点选择的影响.  相似文献   

苏州工业园区旅游发展的问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着国内外环境的变化,开发区已经从单一经济功能的产业园区向具有综合城市功能的新城转型。旅游业作为产业链较长、容纳就业人口较多的第三产业,在开发区转型发展中起着重要作用。本文对苏州工业园区旅游发展现状进行了研究,指出其现阶段存在的主要问题有旅游新品牌形象难以树立、旅游服务倾向高端群体、旅游项目收益不理想和企业参与旅游业发展的热情不高等,并尝试针对这些问题提出相应的对策措施,以期为研究区及其它处于相似境地的开发区旅游业发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

作为南京城市文化代名词的六朝文化,实质是一种非物质精神文化。地方政府在城市文化建设上应该把握非物质精神文化的特点,发挥文化想象,将六朝精神文化有机地结合到城市文化建设中去,通过媒体、教育等精神文化部门,将主要存于文学、艺术以及历史文献中的六朝精神文化整合到地方文化软实力建设中,使六朝精神文化成为具有再生意义和实践功能的动力源。  相似文献   

Somalia has suffered a civil war since early 1991. Systematic looting, destruction and illicit excavation of sites continue without the international community (including academics, government organisations, heritage workers and humanitarian aid organisations) acknowledging this problem, let alone addressing it. The pre-war approaches to Somali cultural heritage lacked awareness-raising initiatives and basic dialogue with local communities, and hence remained uninformed about local views and methodologies regarding heritage. This has resulted in a lack of interest in building a local foundation and infrastructure for heritage management and archaeological research in the country. Today, it is clear that no measures were taken to protect cultural heritage during two decades of armed conflict in Somalia. Recently, archaeological material has become the target of ideologically motivated destruction. However, in post-conflict Somaliland, a self-declared, de facto country where there is peace and stability, possibilities for protection and management of cultural heritage exist. In order to carry out such work, an understanding of local practices is necessary. Hence, this paper presents unique research into local heritage management strategies and unveils indigenous heritage management methods, which the author refers to as the knowledge-centred approach. This approach emphasises knowledge and skill rather than objects, helping cultures such as the Somali, with strong oral transmission of knowledge, preserve their cultural heritage even in times of armed conflict. Also, this paper presents a critical assessment of the Somali cultural emergency as a whole and suggests ways of assisting different stakeholders in the protection of Somali heritage in the conflict and post-conflict eras.  相似文献   

西夏王陵的文化旅游开发对宁夏社会经济及文化建设具有重要的意义,也是西夏历史文化遗存保护的重要手段。限于社会经济发展水平,西夏王陵文化旅游开发过程中还存在一些问题,针对这些问题,本文从品牌战略、文化影响力、"一带一路"区域合作及旅游体验等几个方面提出了合理开发策略,进一步认识了西夏王陵极高的历史价值、独特的文化艺术价值和超高的商业开发价值。  相似文献   

Urban and Rural Definitions in Regional Context: A Case Study on Turkey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transformations in the urban and rural areas under the effects of global economic, social and political circumstances have rendered their boundaries more blurring. It has become increasingly difficult to make a clear distinction between urban and rural. This paper intends to bring definitions of urban–rural into discussion in the context of Turkey. It reveals the results of a research project (conducted by Hürriyet G. Ö?dül with Serkan Öngel and Habip Uluçay from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 2007 and financed by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Research Fund), aiming at revealing the degrees of the urbanity and rurality throughout the country, with an emphasis on the diversification of regions in the urban–rural context. The study is conducted at the NUTS 4 level. Districts are classified as “dominantly rural, dominantly urban and transitional” through the factor analysis based on six structures: agricultural production, non-agricultural production, employment, demography, education and flows of money, goods and people. The urban–rural profile of the country is found as rural and transitional. It is possible to observe some areas displaying deep rural characters in well-developed western regions and some “prosperity spots” dispersed throughout the less-developed eastern regions. Then, regional classifications ranging from “concentrated urban regions” to “rural regions” are made at the NUTS 1 level. Finally, the results are evaluated in perspectives of spatial planning of Turkey and entering process to the EU.  相似文献   

庄志民 《旅游科学》2010,24(3):49-53
本文立足于区域旅游意象文化设计,通过本土地脉、文脉、人脉梳理和市场潜能分析,采用了“财智”作为东钱湖旅游度假区旅游意象的主题定位,并将其纳入适销对路的产品(项目)架构之中。本文认为,“意”与“象”呼应互动应成为旅游文化设计的基本技术路线。  相似文献   

Is it the role of archaeologists to lead on community involvement? In 2000 the Trouvadore Project was launched as a partnership. The archaeologists of Ships of Discovery were to search for the shipwreck, film makers Windward Media were to document the project and the Turks and Caicos National Museum was to research the wrecking and the legacy of the survivors. With its developing outreach programmes it was natural for the museum to take on the responsibility of informing and involving the community in the project. This is the story of community inclusion in the search for the slave ship Troubadour.  相似文献   

区域旅游发展战略规划作为一种新的旅游规划理念或方式,是对现有旅游规划体系的补充和完善。本文首先对区域旅游发展战略规划的概念和内涵进行了界定与阐释,提出“竞争力导向”的区域旅游发展战略规划研究框架,然后重点探讨了区域旅游竞争力定量评价的方法,最后进行了甘肃省旅游发展规则的实证研究。  相似文献   

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