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China was one of the major centers for the origin of agriculture in the world. The origins of agriculture in China, especially the origin of rice agriculture, made a significant contribution not only to the occurrence of Chinese civilization but also to the development of world history. Recently, the study on the origin of rice agriculture has attracted the attention of the academic community due to the dramatic development of archaeobotanical research in China. In recent years, the flotation technique has widely implemented in archaeological excavations in China. As the result, a tremendous amount of plant remains have been recovered from archaeological sites, including those much related to the study of early rice agriculture. The new data provide direct archaeological evidence for, and raise some new issues about, the origin of rice agriculture in China. For example, the rice remains from the Shangshan site, dated to ca. 10,000 cal. B.P., suggest the beginning of rice cultivation regardless of whether that rice was domesticated or not. The quantitative analysis of plant remains recovered by floatation from the Jiahu site, dated to ca. 8,000 cal. B.P., revealed that the subsistence of the Jiahu people mainly relied on fishing/hunting/gathering, while the products of rice cultivation and animal husbandry were only a supplement to their diet. The ongoing excavation, with floatation and water-sieving, at the Tianluoshan site, dated to 6,000 to 7,000 cal. B.P., suggests that rice farming, though important, was only part of a broader subsistence pattern of the Hemudu Culture, and rice domestication culminated after 6,500 B.P and the beginning of rice domestication remain unclear.  相似文献   

Recently, rice fields dated between 5000 and 2500 BC were found at the Tianluoshan sit in east China. The early rice fields dated between 5000 and 4500 BC are the oldest rice fields known. The discovery has provided data of recovering reclamation, cultivation, and the ecological system of rice fields in the Neolithic age. People opened up marshes of dense reeds with fire and wooden or bone spades, in order to create rice fields. In the rice fields, there was not only rice, but a lot of weeds as well. The excavations proved that little or even no weeding or irrigation was adopted. However, tilling soil by wooden and bone tools was evidenced. The average yields are estimated to have been about 830 kg for the early period and 950 kg per hectare for the later period. The cultivation system was low-level. Although the Tianluoshan people cultivated rice, they still obtained a great deal of food by gathering and hunting.  相似文献   

Sika deer (Cervus nippon) was one of the major terrestrial mammals hunted in Japan throughout the Jomon period, which extends from the end of the Palaeolithic until the arrival of rice agriculture in the first millennium bc . Mandibular analysis of hunted deer is believed to be more useful in determining the season of death than antlers in archaeological contexts. This paper aims to present a new method of estimating an occupational season of a Jomon site by using sika deer mandibles. This method consists of two stages. First, two measurements on a mandible should be taken. If the distribution shows any gaps among young juveniles, this strongly suggests that the sika was hunted in a specific season. Second, tooth eruption and attrition stage should be observed; this may suggest the season in which hunting took place. This method was utilized to analyse sika deer remains from Awashimadai in eastern Kanto. The result of the analysis shows that deer were hunted only from spring to summer at Awashimadai. Putting these results together with the estimate of seasonality deduced from other species strongly suggests that the site was occupied only from April to July. This paper also examines how the tooth attrition stages of sika deer progress. The preliminary comparison with red deer (Cervus elaphus) in England suggests that molar wear progresses more quickly in sika than in red deer. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A gradual population increase accompanying climate cooling has been evinced as having occurred in western Japan during the Middle (ca. 5000–4000 years BP) to Late-Final Jomon period (ca. 4000–2300 years BP). We test the hypothesis that this population change paralleled increasing human migration. We also test the archaeological hypothesis that types of ritual tooth ablation can be used to distinguish between locals and immigrants during the Late-Final Jomon period. We measured strontium isotope ratios in human skeletal remains from the Middle Jomon Ota and the Late-Final Jomon Tsukumo sites located in the Sanyo region of western Japan. Tooth enamel and bone were analyzed, and modern plant samples were collected in the areas surrounding the two sites to make a map of environmental strontium isotope ratios. The biosphere strontium isotope ratios correlated well with the underlying geology, enabling us to put forth a hypothesis of immigrants’ origins. There were no migration pattern differences between the Middle and Late-Final Jomon groups, indicating that the gradual population increase was caused by an increase in the indigenous population. All the Tsukumo individuals are locals, and this finding indicates that types of tooth ablation did not distinguish between locals and immigrants. Alternative hypotheses for the presence of different tooth ablation types in the Jomon society should be explored.  相似文献   

This study investigates changes in past human and animal relationships by focusing on pig (Sus scrofa) remains excavated from archaeological sites in southern Kanto, Japan. Pigs and humans have had a close relationship since prehistoric times and the process of change in this relationship, including possible domestication, is one of the major issues in Japanese zooarchaeology. This study attempts to gain a better understanding of the nature of past interaction between humans and pigs by investigating their relative importance compared with other vertebrate remains, kill‐off patterns, and changes in their size and shape at these sites. The materials used for this study date from the Earliest to Final Jomon (ca. 10,000–2500 BP), Yayoi (ca. 2500–1700 BP) and Kofun (ca. 1700–1300 BP) periods. The relative proportions of pigs were calculated to show the overall trend of pig exploitation in each site. Age at death was obtained based on the state of tooth eruption. Bucco‐lingual crown measurements were taken on the third and fourth premolars and on each cusp of the first and second molars of the mandible, and the logarithmic ratio technique was then applied to these data. The age structure of Sus varies between different sites in the Jomon Period, and significant changes were observed in the Yayoi and Kofun Periods. A decrease in the relative proportion of pigs in the faunal assemblages was observed from Jomon to Kofun. Three major differences were observed in the size of pigs. The overall size of pigs significantly increased from Early to Middle Jomon, whilst a decrease in size occurred in the Yayoi Period. Finally, overall size increased significantly during the Kofun Period. Together with the archaeological evidence—such as the ritual burial of pigs accompanying human burial—we suggest that the interaction between pigs and humans became gradually stronger at some sites during the Late Jomon Period, and the relationship intensified in the Yayoi Period. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

2015年3月和2016年4月,中国国家博物馆等单位对韩井遗址进行第二、三次勘探和发掘.通过发掘揭示出顺山集文化一期、二期的遗存,发现了顺山集一期由洼地和多条水沟组成的水稻田等遗迹,丰富了顺山集文化的内涵.尤其是水稻田的发现,很可能是目前所见最早的与人类驯化水稻相关的遗迹,为研究顺山集文化的聚落形态和中国早期稻作农业提供了重要实物资料,也为中国淮河流域和黄河下游地区新石器时代文化跨区域的交流和互动提供了珍贵的材料.  相似文献   

Ritual tooth ablation was extensively practiced among Jomon (Japanese Neolithic) societies in their final phase (ca. 3000-2300 BP). This tradition includes two different tooth ablation patterns, type 4I and type 2C, referring to extraction of the mandibular incisors and canines, respectively. However, the reason for this difference is unclear. Previous carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of human remains from the Inariyama shell mound revealed that type 4I individuals were more dependent on terrestrial resources and type 2C individuals on marine resources. To test this hypothesis, we performed strontium (Sr) isotope (87Sr/86Sr) analyses on the same skeletal remains and on modern plants around the site. Because Sr isotope ratios of plants differ according to the local geology and seawater has a consistent Sr isotope ratio, the Sr isotope ratios of tooth enamel can reveal both migration and diet. Comparing Sr isotope ratios in plants and seawater with those of tooth enamel, we identified four possible immigrants. Type 4I locals had significantly higher Sr isotope ratios than type 2C locals. The ratios of the type 4I and type 2C locals were close to those of terrestrial plants and seawater, respectively, suggesting that type 4I locals had incorporated much Sr from terrestrial resources and type 2C locals from marine resources. These results support the hypothesis that ritual tooth ablation reflects dietary differences throughout an individual’s life, and they suggest possible occupational differentiation among the Jomon people.  相似文献   

江苏泗洪韩井遗址水稻驯化的植硅体证据及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩井遗址顺山集文化一期由洼地和水沟组成的水稻田,很可能是目前发现的最早与人类驯化水稻相关的遗迹,植硅体分析也在一定程度上对这一论断给予支持。从顺山集文化一期到二期,韩井遗址均以水稻双峰型植硅体居多,而且其百分比和浓度(均值)均呈现增多的态势;水稻扇型和横排哑铃型植硅体表现出相反的规律。与同时期顺山集遗址相比,韩井遗址的水稻扇型植硅体尺寸偏小。水稻扇型植硅体鱼鳞状纹饰个数和水稻双峰型植硅体形态测量用于水稻驯化程度的判定上,表现出非协同性。陶胎中掺入破碎稻壳是韩井遗址水稻栽培与驯化实践的又一反映。  相似文献   

During the Dobayashi New Phase (ca. 1450 cal BC–1300 cal BC), the Jomon maritime hunter–gatherers established pinniped hunting camps at the Hamanaka 2 site on Rebun Island, Hokkaido, Japan. They used the camps for animal processing and possibly cooking meat or processing fat using pottery vessels. Concentrations of conjoinable pottery around hearth features reveal that hearths were centers of activity. Analysis of conjoinable pottery within the excavated areas also indicates that artifacts were moved for the purposes of maintenance and cleaning of the hearths and activity areas.  相似文献   

试论重庆万州中坝子遗址夏商周时期文化遗存   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
万州中坝子遗址是三峡地区一处以商周时期化为主的重要遗存。经过近年来的发掘,清理出商周时期的灰坑、墓葬、水田等多处遗迹现象,同时获得一大批陶、石、骨、铜器等遗物。根据陶器组合及型式变化和地层关系,本将中坝子遗址商周时期化遗存分为二期四段。通过对比,其年代与鄂西地区的中堡岛三期类型、川西地区的三星堆二期化大致相当。另外,因中坝子遗址位于古代巴人活动的中心区域,对该遗址的研究也为探索早期巴化提供了十分重要的资料。  相似文献   

The emergence of rice agriculture in Korea: archaeobotanical perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews archaeobotanical records on the beginning and spread of rice agriculture in the Korean peninsula. Argument for the earliest evidence of domesticated rice at the Sorori site, 15,000 years ago, is invalid. The evidence for rice cultivation in the Neolithic (Chulmun) is still insufficient although rice remains have been reported from a few late Neolithic sites in central-western Korea which dated to about 3000 BC. The existence of rice agriculture in the Bronze Age (Early and Middle Mumun: c.1300 ∼ 300 BC), on the other hand, is demonstrated by the high percentage and/or frequency of rice remains among crops recovered from various sites, as well as through the numerous findings of paddy fields. Rice appears to have been introduced from the Liaodong region, China, while so called 'southern diffusion route' that the beginning of rice cultivation was first stimulated by influences from Southeast Asia or South China is no more valid. Charred rice remains recovered from the Bronze Age dwellings consist of dehusked clean grains and weedy seeds are very rare among samples containing rice grains, which could be related with the harvesting and processing methods of rice. Measurements of charred rice grains also will be reported in this paper. Agricultural villages disappear from the archaeological records from the third century BC, which corresponds to the beginning of the Early Iron Age (Late Mumun), and reappear from the late first century with the emergence of urban societies.  相似文献   

This study documents and interprets patterns of identity in relation to tooth ablation patterns at Yoshigo, a Late/Final Jomon period (3500–2500 yBP) site. Two patterns of tooth ablation are observed among the Yoshigo people: both (2) mandibular canines or four (4) mandibular incisors were extracted during life and formed a basis for identity differentiation. Three hypotheses are tested regarding these groups: (1) tooth ablation groups will be unrelated to postmarital residence; (2) tooth ablation groups will be associated with age‐based achievements; (3) tooth ablation groups will be associated with occupational specialisation. Biodistance, demographic and stable isotope analyses were performed on skeletal remains recovered from Yoshigo (3500–2300 BP) to test these hypotheses. Within‐group variation expressed by cranial and dental measurements was not significantly different between tooth ablation groups. This indicates that tooth ablation practices were not related to migration. Previous biodistance findings do, however, suggest that tooth ablation groups represent closely related individuals, possibly kin‐based networks. Demographic analysis of age‐at‐death and tooth ablation suggests that tooth ablation styles were achieved at different ages. Stable isotope analysis indicates that the tooth ablation groups consumed similar foods. Based on isotopic findings from other sites and archaeological evidence for food sharing among Jomon people, these results suggest that dietary variability between tooth ablation groups was homogenised by cooperative food sharing. The totality of these findings support the hypothesis that the identities associated with tooth ablation were unrelated to migratory patterns, and instead, possibly reflect kin‐based social units, where achievement or age acted as a determinant of membership. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Japanese rice cultivation in paddy fields has 2,400∼3,000 years of history. Most of modern Japanese rice varieties are classified as Temperate-japonica (Tm-J). Few landraces are recognized as Tropical-japonica (Tr-J) only in southwestern Japan. However, ancient DNA studies and phytolith analysis suggest that Tr-J strains were more popular in the past than now. Maekawa is a complex archaeological site composed of paddies dated from the Yayoi (2,100 years BP) to the Heian (1,100 years BP) periods. Phytolith analysis indicates that intensive rice cultivation was practiced in both periods, but there was no cultivation in the intervening period. Morphological features of bulliform phytoliths suggest that Tr-J was cultivated during both periods. Locally, rice cultivation during the Heian period was brought to a close by a flood event, in which immature rice plants were pulled down and buried in silt to be preserved in a quasi-carbonized/ waterlogged state. Ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis of the carbonized plant culm from Heian Maekawa recovered chloroplast DNA sequences of the 6C7A plastid subtype, which is common to both Tr-J and Tm-J, whereas two plastid subtypes, such as 6C7A and also 7C6A, were found in aDNA of carbonized grains from the Tareyanagi site of the Yayoi period. The latter plastid subtype was specific only to Tr-J. In order to better characterize the past rice populations, modern landraces collected in the local area were classified with morphophysiological traits. Some of the landraces were found to carry several traits of Tr-J, including bulliform phytolith types, but mixed with Tm-J traits. Based on the discontinuous distribution of rice phytoliths between the Yayoi and the Heian period, the early introduction of rice cultivation may have been discontinuous and locally reintroduced after a ∼1,000-year hiatus, but with a genetically different rice population. Such populations were composed from Tr-J like strains as shown by landraces but with reduced diversity in plastid types. Through such changes, since the Yayoi era, Tr-J was largely replaced by Tm-J, although ancient Tr-J continued to participate in the genetic makeup of later rice populations and may have aided the local adaptation of introduced Tm-J.  相似文献   

Archaeobotanical analysis of moat sediments from the Neolithic site of Chengtoushan, Hunan, China, provides evidence of the land-use change for rice and foxtail millet cultivation around the site. Rice constantly appeared through the three phases of Daxi culture with high percentages, while accompanying wetland species of paddy field weeds gradually decreased. In contrast, foxtail millet increased together with upland field and ruderal weeds through the time. These changes suggest that foxtail millet cultivation was established with the expansion of dry farming in region of the site, while rice cultivation was continuously practiced on the alluvial plain surrounding the site. This diversification of land-use through the addition of foxtail millet cultivation may be attributed to population increase or as a buffer to natural disasters such as flooding. In addition, gathering of wild nuts and fruits continued alongside cultivation. These multiple strategies for food procurement provided sustainable food supply for the population of Chengtoushan for 1,800 years.  相似文献   

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was used to measure radiocarbon (14C) in bones excavated from the Late Jomon shell midden at the Kitakogane site, Hokkaido, Japan. Comparison between 14C ages of terrestrial and marine mammals from the same site showed systematic age differences which could be attributed to the 14C marine reservoir effect in the western North Pacific Ocean. Furthermore, this effect was clearly observed in human remains from this site, indicating a heavy dependence on seafood. Dietary habit was estimated from δ13C and δ15N measured in the same human remains. Apparent 14C ages indicated 79% of protein originated from marine sources.  相似文献   

Establishing stable cropping systems was vital in antiquity, assuring certain yields and enabling ancient people to settle, thus possibly causing various modern food habits and culture to form around the world, especially in cereal-cultivation-dominated countries. China, one of the most famous ancient agricultural countries, has a long history of rice planting, and the fire-irrigation paddy cultivation system is prevalent in the lower Yangtze region, which is considered a rice domestication center. However, its origin and cultivation pattern remain unclear. We studied a famous agricultural vestige, the Chuodun site, involved in rice planting in the lower Yangtze River Delta in eastern China, during the Neolithic Age. Clear evidence from archaeology, paleobiology, pedology and biogeochemistry suggest both that the rice fire-irrigation cultivation system formed during the Neolithic Age and that ancient peoples lived there steadily. Under this extensive cultivation system, soil structures and properties changed significantly; in particular, it left more black carbon in the soil and increased the organic carbon soil stability, which can be used to reconstruct prehistoric environments. Meanwhile, the prevalent fire-irrigation paddy cultivation system used by farmers in this area, though for a different purpose than ancient people, may be inherited from the Neolithic Age.  相似文献   

Chestnuts and walnuts, both sun-loving plants, were the most important food resources for sedentary villagers in Japan throughout the Jomon (Neolithic) period. Though morphologically these nuts were wild types, ecologically they were symbiotic with man. Given this ecological relationship, the following interrelation of Jomon period subsistence may be proposed: lowland, waterside villages, a generalized subsistence tradition comprising fishing, hunting, gathering, and farming lasted until the end of the Jomon period (ca. 2300 B.P.). In the Central Honshu Highland, specialized farming villages dependent on chestnuts and walnuts appeared in the late stage of the Early Jomon period (ca. 5500 B.P.) as an adaptation of the former tradition to this highland environment which lacks significant fish resources.  相似文献   

Distinct patterns can be discerned in the extensive ritual tooth ablation found among the human skeletal remains of the Late–Final Jomon period (ca. 3200–2800 cal BP) in Japan. Based on comparative observations of sex and grave patterns in the skeletal remains, two major patterns in ritual tooth ablation, termed type 4I and type 2C, have been assigned to locals and immigrants, respectively. In order to test this hypothesis, strontium (Sr) isotope (87Sr/86Sr) analyses were performed on human skeletal remains from the Yoshigo shell mound in Aichi Prefecture, central Japan. Plants in the surrounding area were also examined to illustrate the geographic 87Sr/86Sr distribution. The Sr isotopic variation in human tooth enamel (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70868–0.71028) was greater than that in human bones (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70871–0.70943). Individuals with higher Sr isotope ratios in their tooth enamel than seawater Sr values of 0.7092 can be identified as immigrants (36% of population). The presence of these isotopically identified immigrants between both type 2C and type 4I individuals does not support the previous hypothesis. The intra-population 87Sr/86Sr distribution of tooth enamel of type 2C individuals showed a significantly higher mean ratio than that of type 4I individuals, suggesting a higher proportion of immigrants among the former.  相似文献   

The efficiency of nonmetric (discrete) characters of the deciduous dentition in assessing affinities of human populations was investigated in seven population samples from western Japan. The Neolithic Jomon (the Late and Latest stages, 4000–2300 BP ), the Aeneolithic Yayoi (2300–1700 BP , divided into materials from the Tanegashima Island and other western Japan materials), the protohistoric Kofun (1700–1300 BP ), the medieval Kamakura & Muromachi (800–400 BP ), the early modern Edo (400–130 BP ) and modern Japanese were compared for 17 traits. From the analyses of univariate and multivariate comparisons, close affinities between the Jomon and the Tanegashima Yayoi populations and between the other Yayoi, Kofun, Medieval, Edo and modern Japanese populations were indicated. This result coincided with the results obtained from the investigations of permanent dentition. The Jomon and Tanegashima Yayoi populations showed high frequencies of middle trigonid crest and cusp 6, while the other Yayoi and post‐Yayoi Japanese populations expressed high frequencies of shovelling, cusp 7 and distal trigonid crest. As simple tooth crowns are characteristic of their permanent teeth, the traits abounding in the Jomon and the Tanegashima Yayoi deciduous dentition were unique to their deciduous dentition. Different gene frequencies in juveniles and adults, or a heavy functional demand on their deciduous teeth, may be responsible for this difference. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文的东夷文化是指以山东地区为中心的海岱地区自新石器时代至周代的考古学文化,它有产生、发展、繁荣和消亡的过程,同时又有融合和传播的过程。在融合、传播的过程中,对日本绳纹文化、弥生文化遗存,无论遗址、聚落、墓葬形制、稻作农业、习俗诸方面,还是制陶工艺、器表装饰风格以及陶器、石器的形制等方面都与东夷文化有密切关系。东夷文化和日本考古学文化都是世界东方文化的重要组成部分,需要共同深入研究。  相似文献   

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