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Max Counter 《对极》2018,50(1):122-141
This research theorizes Colombia's 2011 Victims’ and Land Restitution Law (the Victims’ Law) as a biopolitical program that intends to foster the lives of conflict‐affected populations through providing an array of reparation measures. Based on fieldwork with internally displaced landmine victims in Colombia's Magdalena Medio region, I highlight how the Victims’ Law constitutes the identity of which populations count as “victims” worthy of reparations, how such parameters are contested, and how landmine survivors’ sense of themselves as “victims” is mediated via their experiences with the Victims’ Law and the reparation programs it provides. In particular, I highlight the possibilities and limitations of reparation measures that hinge on small‐scale business incubation programs for landmine victims to show how a legally recognized victimhood category presupposes “self‐responsible” neoliberal subjects who must confront contexts of conflict and state neglect.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the previous decade of governmental extractivism in Colombia, designed and imposed through two main power mechanisms: legislation and securitization. In examining the government's disposition and the territorialized settings of mining control, I identify two official architectures of rights: one supporting the private accumulation of capital through the foreign exploitation of mining resources and the other aiming to concede ethnic rights. While the two architectures compete in the juridical arena, a violent dispute has developed in the overlap between the geographies of mining concessions and the geographies of ethnic communities within the territorial settings of mining control. Legal and illegal military securitization has emerged as a complementary mechanism for territorial control. By looking at the case of La Toma in the Alto Cauca region, I conclude that the country's previous two presidencies have actively promoted differentiated access to and control over land-based resources, excluding Afrodescendant communities from accessing the environmental goods in their territories while favouring private actors.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the significance of the zoo as a place for family leisure and the emotional work of sustaining a positive family life. Zoos are understood as culturally laden places, widely identified as locations for family-friendly leisure and as stages for practicing family and then capturing and memorializing this behavior in and through family photographs. Zoo family photos become souvenirs of quality family time, depicting the time and emotional investment made in the social relations captured in the images. We draw on an interdisciplinary mix of literatures and use this as context for the interpretation of a sample of family zoo photographs, illustrating our findings with examples drawn from public and personal sources. In so doing we seek to better understand the significance of family leisure environments, and specifically zoos, as places facilitating the emotional work of building and maintaining family connection and interaction.  相似文献   

A photographic album entitled Oficina Alianza and Port of Iquique 1899 illustrates the industrial development of nitrate mining in Chile. From the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth, British capitalists dominated the extraction of Chilean nitrate and its export as a fertilizer and an explosive. The Oficina Alianza, a nitrate works at the centre of British monopoly of the trade, is, as other oficinas across the Antofagasta and Tarapacá regions of the Atacama Desert, a ruin. This article considers the correspondences between Alianza’s photographic album, a record of a working nitrate oficina, and its abandoned industrial structures. It examines the ruin and the photograph as Benjaminian allegories.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The 16th-century Spanish conquest of Colombia brought new technologies that altered and interacted with native metalworking traditions. In the colonial village of Santa Cruz de Mompox, renowned because of its goldsmithing tradition, indigenous groups and Spaniards experienced momentous encounters of individuals, metallurgical technologies and knowledge. However, little is known concerning colonial metallurgy, its continuities and changes with regards to the pre-Columbian period. Here we present the analytical characterization of five crucibles recovered in Mompox, together with discussion of relevant archival evidence. We find evidence for the local manufacture of crucibles as well as for the melting of unrefined gold dust, tumbaga (gold-copper-silver alloys) and silver. These metallurgical practices illustrate some likely illegal activities, continuities with pre-Columbian traditions in the use of tumbagas, and the Spanish-led introduction of silver in northern Colombia. It is argued that metallurgical remains can be informative of wider social and economic negotiations that engaged indigenous peoples, mestizos and Spaniards, which are critical to understand the configuration of the colonial reality.  相似文献   

Aerial photography provides a valuable recording method for archaeological sites and is often underutilized. In the past, aerial photographic platforms were expensive and often required highly specialized equipment. However, with new technology a variety of different platforms are now available. This paper will analyze two low cost aerial photographic platforms used at the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens/University of Sydney's project at Zagora, on the island of Andros, Greece. Over two years, both kites and drones were used with relative success. Through a review of the application of both systems on the project, along with a quantitative analysis of the cost, transportability, operation and quality of photographs, the strengths and weaknesses of both platforms will be discussed.  相似文献   

Colombia's economy largely relies on an extractivist logic that increasingly focuses on industrial mineral extraction. The industry is regularly depicted as a means to bring economic development, to severe the ties of illegally armed groups to mineral extraction, and to bring peace and prosperity to mining regions in a period of macro-political transition. Yet, contrary to this plan, mining-related violence, and more specifically state-sanctioned violence, has intensified in mining regions. This article interrogates this state of affairs, drawing on Judith Butler's notion of the ‘frame’, which helps us apprehend the political work that forms of Artisanal Small-scale Mining (ASM) stigmatization set in motion in terms of legitimizing state violence. Based on a combination of ethnographic data from two mining towns in Northeastern Antioquia, interviews with state agents at different administrative scales, and the analysis of legal and policy documents, we bring out two frames pertaining ASM that help shine a new light on the violence-extraction nexus in Colombia. The first consists of a progressive conflation of ASM with informality, and of informality with criminality, and the second posits ASM in contradistinction with a more desirable large-scale industrial mining industry. We argue that these frames are part of the (re)definition of legitimate state violence, which seems to have intensified over time, which we find particularly striking in the Colombian post-demobilization context. We find these to also echo dynamics in mining contexts not usually considered as “conflict contexts” and propose that they are useful for rethinking the relationship between extractive agendas and development more widely.  相似文献   

This article utilises a gender lens to consider the notion of the ‘global countryside’ through a case study with four peasant Colombian women living in the mountain town of Toca, Boyacá. In seeking a bottom-up understanding of rural globalisation, as it is experienced in the everyday lives of peasant women in Colombia, we drew on a methodology that included participant observation and photo elicitation interviews. Data reveal the inflections and incursions of the global into women’s work and family lives, in particular, gendered implications of the emergence of a globalised countryside. At the same time, the results demonstrate women’s agency in recalibrating and resisting discourses of globalisation as they create places and strategies for subsistence based on peasant values and economic strategies. Finally, based on our results, we problematise the universalising tendencies of urban/Western feminist critiques of rural women’s lives which have been embedded in assumptions about modernity, development and liberalism.  相似文献   

This article presents the life stories of six indigenous women from the Amazonian region, who coordinate local women processes through indigenous organizations and networks. Since the political and legal visibility of violence against indigenous women in Colombia is weak and limited, we aim to analyze their experiences from an intersectional perspective. For this purpose, we employed multiple methodologies, including body mapping and social cartography. Thus, by reconstructing their experiences and attempts to make visible violence against them, we could perceive some of its multiple modalities, which are quickly captured by the great category.  相似文献   

This article discusses the experience of using photography in a research project with young (prospective) migrants in Ghana and Italy. Photography can be an empowering research tool, one that offers young participants a degree of control over the research process and thus allows their points of view to emerge. However, researchers need to consider that the choice of subjects may be influenced by the children’s desire to avoid taking photographs in public, as they may attract attention and the act of pointing a camera may provoke unwanted questions and comments. Moreover, young people often lack the means to move independently, and this may further restrict the subjects they are able to photograph. Finally, they may resent adults’ intrusion into their free time and therefore see taking photographs as a chore. I argue that all these factors need to receive greater attention when choosing photography in research with young participants.  相似文献   

Heat flow in the Sierra Nevada, CA, is low despite its young geologic age. We investigate the possibility that advective heat transport by groundwater flow leads to an underestimate of heat flow in the Sierras based purely on borehole measurements. Using temperature and discharge measurements at springs in Sagehen Basin, we find that groundwater removes the equivalent of approximately 20–40 mW m−2 of geothermal heat from the basin. This is comparable with other heat flow measurements in the region and indicates that, in this basin, at least, groundwater does transport a significant amount of geothermal heat within the basin. Additionally, we use estimates of the mean residence time of water discharged at the springs along with hourly temperature records in springs to provide constraints on groundwater flow depths within the basin. An analytical model based on these constraints indicates that the heat removed by groundwater may represent 20% to >90% of the total heat flow in the basin. Without better constraints on the regional hydrogeology and the depth of circulation, we cannot determine whether the heat discharged at the springs represents a change in the mode of heat transfer, i.e. from conduction to advection at shallow depths (<100 m) or whether this is a component of heat transfer that should be added to measured conductive values. If the latter is true, and Sagehen Basin is representative of the Sierras, basal heat flow in the Sierra Nevada may be higher than previously thought.  相似文献   

Buenaventura, Colombia's rapidly expanding Pacific port, is simultaneously a city of violence. Focusing the linkages between local violence and the port economy, this contribution explores the role the port's global interconnections play for Buenaventura as a site of violence. In which ways does everyday violence shape urban spatial practices, particularly movement? How do every day coping strategies, reacting to a violent context, produce urban space? I suggest an analysis that links the production of urban space through everyday practices to the notion of violence as inherent to urban power relations on the one, and to the role of global flows of goods in urban space on the other hand. The main argument is that, global interconnections through the port are not decoupled from, but rather constitute a condition for violence in Buenaventura, particularly in neighbourhoods next to port terminals. This urban space is constituted both by daily violence and by stretching along global supply chains. Both violence and the secured, off-access port spaces shape, transform and limit inhabitants' mobility, while they enable global flows. I identify coping strategies such as mapping safe spaces, accompaniment, adaptation of movement to zig-zag patterns, and organised spatial strategies. The article contributes to recent debates on violence and the everyday, and urban space shaped by violent global-local encounters.  相似文献   

Wells located in the Colombian Andean foreland often produce biodegraded hydrocarbons and relatively fresh water (total dissolved solids concentrations of 2000 mg l?1 dominate across most of the basin). The ratio of water to hydrocarbon in the produced fluids is high and has often been interpreted by explorationists and simulation engineers as being due to massive meteoric water invasion. To challenge this hypothesis, previously published and existing data are compiled here, along with 68 new water samples collected from both the surface (rivers) and subsurface (production wells), which are analyzed for major elements, salinity, and stable isotope compositions. The data indicate a mixed origin for the water, which involves formation water, meteoric water, and a third source that we interpret as being related to diagenetic processes (such as clay dehydration). Analyses of the variation of the parameters from north to south and west to east allow us to define the mixtures as coming from waters of different origins and make it possible to determine the relative contribution of each source.  相似文献   

This article considers the role of visualising in the formation of the nation narrative. It foregrounds the significance of gender performance in early twentieth-century Irish cultural nationalism. Prior to the consolidation of a hegemonic narrative of state, spaces existed for the exploration of a range of possible projections of identity. This study focuses on one of those possibilities, namely a series of costume photographs where gender is literally performed. A contextual reading of these photographs is offered in order to situate them within the formation of the nation narrative. The gender of the nation is enacted through performativity, which through its repetition comes to be seen as natural. The photographs under consideration here undermine that process of naturalisation by revealing a more complex and contradictory history of the relationship between gender and nation. The omission of this more complex representation in the Irish narrative, it is argued, reveals how monopoly of narrative is integral to both hegemonic control in the visual field and how we understand the nation.  相似文献   

This article discusses the relation between ethnography and underexposure of memory. Displaying similar characteristics, the ethnographies we developed in Portugal and Chile dealt precisely with this thematic in different chronological periods. We are going to point out our fieldwork convergences, specifically in what concerns the data recollection process.  相似文献   

U-Pb zircon radiometric dating and petrographic thin-section analysis were used for provenance identification of Ferrería and Marrón Inciso pottery styles from La Morena archaeological site in northwestern Colombia. U-Pb dating was applied to zircons recovered from pottery and rock samples from nearby geological units. The results suggest at least three distinct sources: the metamorphic rock unit on which the archaeological site is located, a granodiorite unit that outcrops further away from the site, and a mafic rock that cannot be attributed with certainty. U-Pb in zircons proved to be effective as a provenance method, where ages of the possible source rocks are well constrained, and can be applied to areas where traditional sourcing methods may be problematic.  相似文献   

透光摄影由常规可见光摄影发展而来,是针对中国古书画等能被可见光穿透的文物开发的一项无损摄影检测技术。通过实践发现透光摄影在古书画的修复与研究领域具有多项作用:观察书画命纸、背纸拼接等装裱情况;发现前人加固、补缀等修复痕迹;获取画面底稿内容;强化伤况视觉效果以便于分析文物伤况病害。透光摄影能够提供直观可靠的深层视觉信息,辅助修复人员了解文物内部状态,在古书画的修复与研究中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Archaeological fieldwork conducted on a plot of land near the town of Chia (Colombia, South America) uncovered the remains of a small Muisca settlement occupied from the late Prehispanic period to the colonial period. The excavation program documented particular sets of features including postholes, pits, colored floors, and a burial. These elements provided a baseline for reconstructing the ground plans of perishable structures and architectural spaces. The components of built areas were key cultural referents for the peoples who lived in La Maria during the Prehispanic period. Important changes in the arrangement of the elements that comprise architectural space are observed during the colonial period, arguably as the result of important transformations in native culture.  相似文献   

‘Memory’ is often confused and mistaken for myth; this is in turn connected with the widespread use of mistaking collective mythology and common myth for the idea of a ‘collective memory’. This essay discusses memory and history terminology in the context of the generic concept ‘classical tradition’. The case study explored here – the nineteenth-century Walhalla ‘temple’ near Regensburg in Southern Germany – is an attempt to discuss the classical tradition, focusing on archaeology and architecture rather than philology), within the parameters of the memory and history debate in contemporary historiography. The essay aims to develop the position of the iconic and symbolic importance of antiquity and the classical tradition in the memory and history debate as well as in historical writing. The concluding remarks emphasise the necessity of historicising tradition and its genealogies, conceptualised here as a tradition of legacies.  相似文献   

This article explores the historical commemoration, the Alarde of the Spanish-Basque town of Hondarribia, re-enacted for almost 400 years. It is a social account of the past portrayed through a history of local militarism and a history of commemorative performance. Since 1996, controversy has divided local inhabitants concerning wider female-inclusion in the male-dominated event, separating the town into factions, traditionalists (asserting traditions remain the same) and feminists (advocating broader female involvement). Theoretical concerns include examining traditions and their gradual transformations over time, rather than as episodic change; that interpreting the past can be competitive over rights of belonging; that history may be influenced by different agencies of gender, kin ties, memory, politics, and social experience; that people do not purposefully ignore the passage of time but may be protecting communal harmony; that commemorative rites are more than embodied performances; and that history can be a multiple, contested, and lived experience.  相似文献   

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