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顾军 《世界遗产》2015,(3):38-41
庄严承诺精心布置从20世纪70年代开始,长年的战乱导致柬埔寨国内局势持续动荡,各派政治势力相互争斗。进入20世纪90年代,在国际社会的积极斡旋下,柬埔寨各方政治力量达成妥协,使柬埔寨国内局势出现和平的曙光。正是在这尚未完全安定的政治和社会环境中,当时的柬埔寨政府在联合国教科文组织的积极协调下,开始了国际社会援助柬埔寨保护吴哥的行  相似文献   

陈月娥 《世界历史》2004,(6):100-106
从政治思想史的角度来看 ,日本近代的国际协调外交渊源于原敬的“对清政略即是对欧政略”的外交哲学原则。在长达半年的欧美实地考察中 ,原敬亲眼目睹了美国实力正在蒸蒸日上 ,预见到美国将在国际舞台上发挥重要的作用 ,指出在今后的国际问题上要格外注意美国的动向。一战爆发后 ,原敬在各种场合反复陈述日本与美国协调关系的重要性和迫切性 ,其国际协调外交思想得到了充分展开。从原敬的思想主张来看 ,其国际协调外交思想的终极目标在于 :日本在比较有利的和平的国际环境下 ,从中国获得最大的国家利益。  相似文献   

1954年日内瓦会议是冷战格局下东西方阵营为解决朝鲜、印度支那问题召开的一次重要国际会议。在参会前,中苏围绕争取中国参会和准备工作一致协议,努力争取和平解决朝鲜和印度支那问题。在会议中,两国代表在一系列问题上密切磋商、分工配合,实现了双方的互利共赢。在会场外,双方通过多方协调,弥合了阵营内部的分歧,打了一场双赢的外交配合战,并使中国进一步获得了处理社会主义民主阵营内部事务的权力;苏方的牵线搭桥使中国与英、法乃至美国等资本主义阵营国家建立了外交联系,提高了新中国的国际地位,苏联也获取了解决欧洲问题的一个契机,增加了与西方国家谈判的筹码。日内瓦会议上中苏的协调与合作,国家利益和争取世界和平的因素发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

H.V.伊瓦特从1941年10月至1949年12月出任澳大利亚外务部长.战后初期澳大利亚的外交活动主要是由伊瓦特所开创的,特别是他提出的新亚洲政策--协调政策,极力主张扩展与亚洲的外交联系,积极发展经贸关系,密切关注亚洲事务,寻求在与西方相互信任和互惠基础上加强亚澳地区合作,增进相互理解.伊瓦特的新亚洲协调政策在调整、改善和发展战后澳亚关系方面产生了重大影响,取得了不少积极成果,促进了澳大利亚与亚洲国家外交和经贸关系的发展,并在一定程度上影响了20世纪五六十年代及其以后的澳大利亚外交.  相似文献   

邓显超 《攀登》2006,25(5):140-143
文化是国际竞争中备受关注的“软力量”。文化外交作为一个国家总体外交的重要组成部分越来越引起人们的重视。文化外交包括双边和多边文化交流、留学生培养、语言推广和媒体信息交流等活动。文化外交与公共外交关系密切,但又有所侧重。中国拥有悠久的对外文化交流的历史,改革开放以来,我国文化外交在配合国家整体外交,提升文化的国际影响力,宣传中国和平发展理念以及树立良好国家形象等方面发挥了重要的作用。尽管我国的文化外交仍处在一个初级阶段,对外文化交流的潜力还没有得到充分发挥,但是潜力巨大的中国文化外交必将在新世纪有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

从中共第一代领导集体首先倡导和平共处、求同存异的外交思想到第二代领导集体对和平共处、求同存异外交思想的继承和发展,再到第三代领导集体强调尊重并维护世界多样性,反映的是中国外交正确认识国际社会、充分尊重客观现实、合理应对时代变化的历史进程。实践证明,和平共处、求同存异与维护世界多样性的主张,不仅反映了国际社会的本质,而且代表了国际社会发展的趋势,它们既是中国推行独立自主和平外交政策的指导思想,也是中国外交对当代国际关系理论的重大贡献。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是一个移民国家,移民的状况决定了该国社会的发展方向和进程。自19世纪以来,移民至澳大利亚的人绝大多数来自英国,从而使该国总体上保持着人口的种族单一性和文化同质性,“把澳大利亚建成一个白种人的社会”自然成为推动国家建立、发展的精神力量,因而到二战时澳大利亚总体上已成为一个基于不列颠价值和制度的种族、文化同质社会。但是,二战却成为了澳大利亚移民史上的转折点,它迫使澳大利亚实行大规模移民计划,  相似文献   

潘正祥  李宇征 《安徽史学》2003,2(5):62-64,52
20世纪50年代中后期,我国外交战略经历了一个从“和平外交”到“革命外交”的大转变。促使这种大转变发生的原因是复杂的、多元的,其中国际因素占有重要地位。本文对此进行分析、归纳与研究,以就教于方家。  相似文献   

论澳中关系正常化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪诗明 《世界历史》2003,2(2):70-80
20世纪 4 0年代末至 70年代初澳中之间的不友好关系 ,从根本上说 ,是冷战背景下国际关系的一个缩影 ,是澳美同盟关系的牺牲品。除此之外 ,澳大利亚国内对共产主义的憎恨与恐惧也是一个重要因素。随着国际局势的相对缓和 ,美国对外防务战略的收缩 ,中美关系的改善 ,中国国际地位的提高以及澳大利亚工党的上台 ,澳大利亚新政府开始重新评估对华政策。澳中建交是澳大利亚独立外交开展的体现 ,它不仅符合澳大利亚的国家利益 ,也与中国对外关系相一致。  相似文献   

论新中国周边外交政策的历史演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中华人民共和国的周边外交历来在其整个外交战略中占有极为重要的地位。中国的国家安全、政治稳定、经济发展乃至国际地位的改善都需要一个和平的、发展的、稳定的周边环境 ,这是中国历届政府力图实现的基本外交目标。大体来讲 ,中国的周边外交政策受到国际格局变迁、中国对外战略调整以及周边环境变化的影响与制约 ,这同时也和中国决策者的主观认识和世界战略思想发展变化有关 ,大致以 1 0年为期呈现阶段性的变化。本文主要探讨了 50年来中国周边外交政策的阶段变化 ,剖析其基本内容 ,总结其经验教训。  相似文献   

Sister city type relationships at local government level form an important part of Australian-Japanese relations. The original concept of sister cities was to increase international understanding and peace at local level. Over the years, that concept has changed and there is now a robust debate over the inclusion of commercial exchanges into sister city type relationships. This article describes the context of this debate by analysing the different perceptions of sister city type relationships in Australia and Japan. It begins with a discussion of the public policy contexts of sister cities in both Australia and Japan. The second section deals with an analysis of the results of surveys in Australia and Japan. Finally, case studies of two important issues related to SCTRs are discussed: economic and business relations and community involvement. The article concludes by suggesting that sister city type relationships between Australia and Japan are dependent upon the over-arching public policy contexts and sometimes lead to mismatched expectations between the two countries.  相似文献   

With the changing nature of warfare and the increasing awareness of the specific gender dimensions of war and peace, the international legal framework has been expanded to address the particular challenges faced by women in conflict and post-conflict contexts. This process culminated in 2000 with the first United Nations document to explicitly address the role and needs of women in peace processes: United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on women, peace and security. Thirteen years on, this article assesses the extent to which Australia's stated commitment to women, peace and security principles at the level of the international norm has translated into meaningful action on the ground in the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI). The analysis shows that despite it being an ideal context for a mission informed by UNSCR 1325, and Australia being strongly committed to the resolution's principles and implementation, the mission did not unfold in a manner that fulfilled Australia's obligations under UNSCR 1325. The RAMSI case highlights the difficulty in getting new security issues afforded adequate attention in the traditional security sphere, suggesting that while an overarching policy framework would be beneficial, it may not address all the challenges inherent in implementing resolutions such as UNSCR 1325.  相似文献   

中国对联合国维持和平行动的认知和参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国参与联合国维和行动经过了一个复杂的历史演进过程,大致可分为新中国成立后至改革开放前的原则否定、概不参与,改革开放后至冷战结束前的区另I对待、有限参与,冷战结束至今的积极支持、扩大参与三个阶段。中国对联合国维和行动政策的调整与国际环境和中国国内政治的变化是相对应的,它从一个方面反映了中国国际地位的提高、中国世界观念的变革和中国外交行为方式的转型。中国参与联合国维和行动的历史演进过程表明,中国维护世界和平的大国责任意识日益彰显。  相似文献   

正视历史是发展中日关系的重大课题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪的历史教训值得铭记,维护和发展和平友好的国际环境是人类共同的责任,当今日本社会对历史认知与和平友好的人数比例上存在着“人间大,两头小”的客观现状,这是由于日本人有缺陷的和平观,偏颇的历史观和教育的偏向性造成的,日本应向亚洲各受害国人民真诚地谢罪,勇敢地承担起战争的责任,中日两国应面向未来,以前瞻的态度处理中日关系,共同为亚洲的稳定与发展及世界的和平做出贡献。  相似文献   

Australia was the first United Nations member state to commit to the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund when it was established in 2006, and it has made annual contributions since then. Australia has also made significant contributions towards enhancing gender equality in peace and security governance, most recently during its 2013–14 term of office on the United Nations Security Council, recognising that gender matters in and to all aspects of peacebuilding activity. This article offers a discourse-theoretical policy analysis of a range of Australian Agency for International Development guidelines and strategies addressing gender and peacebuilding issues, and reads these against the international framework to explore the discursive construction of gender-sensitive peacebuilding in Australia. The authors argue that the representations of peacebuilding in the documents they analyse shape how Australia engages in peacebuilding-related activities and inform how Australia is positioned internationally as a peacebuilding actor.  相似文献   

太平洋商务会议不仅是一次比较完整意义上的商人外交活动,而且是中国商人外交继五四时期之后的又一次跨越。这次会议由联太平洋协会这一国际商人外交组织发起,由太平洋地区各国工商界所派代表参加,对中国商人来说是第一次直接的国际商人外交活动。通过这次会议,中国向世界发出了要求国际和平,反对政治侵略,希望太平洋各国建立真正友谊的呼吁;阐明了中国商务发展的障碍,以及建立平等国际经济秩序的必要性;宣传了中国工商业发展情况,消除国际上对中国商务状况的误会;提出了开发资源、发展交通、增进国际商务合作的主张。会议通过了许多有利于中国的议案,推进了中国工商界联美制日的外交策略,也增进了中国商人走向世界的意识。  相似文献   

What is the ‘Women, Peace and Security agenda’ and why is it relevant now for Australia? During 2013–14, Australia is a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and, with a growing foreign military, peacebuilding and aid presence around the world, the country must play a role in preventing conflict, in protecting women and girls from violence before, during and after conflict, and in encouraging the participation of women in these peace and security decisions in order to create the structural, gender-equal conditions for lasting peace. This article highlights the promises made by Australia during the campaign for the Security Council seat. It evaluates the credibility of the campaign commitments by assessing Australia's foreign policies and overseas aid spending on women and peacebuilding in Asia and the Pacific; exploring the avenues for government-funded research on women, peace and security issues to influence government policies and programs; and taking stock of the government's record of engaging with civil society in developing and carrying out its National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security. The article suggests concrete actions that would allow Australia to fulfil its promises and progress its international leadership on the major pillars of the Women, Peace and Security agenda.  相似文献   

‘Peace’ has not lent itself easily to emblematic or mnemonic forms of representation. In Europe’s furnished urban landscapes of the 19th century peace was often personified in female allegorical form. She can be seen in many of the sculpted memorials that commemorate distant battles fought on the edges of Empire. Invariably, however, the figure of ‘Peace’ had a more modest role in the allegory of commemoration than that of ‘Victory’ or ‘Triumph’. As an ideal, peace and pacifism is more often regarded as a process, a long‐term goal that cannot be captured in single static form. To this end, the promotion of peace has most often been realised through intervention, occupation, and fluid, temporal forms such as campaigns, marches, songs, dances and other extended programmes. Peace has also been promoted through slow, evolutionary forms such as designed landscapes, parks and gardens. Drawing on international parallels, this paper examines in detail two community gardens in central London. Each owes its origins to radical local agendas set within the political climate of the Cold War of the 1980s, but both were born out of grand visions for world peace, multilateral disarmament, and global accord. Twenty years after their creation, the author explores their current condition and examines their value as sites of political value and heritage.  相似文献   

This article argues that the dominant paradigm for understanding and explaining north Korean domestic and international politics is in crisis. This 'securitization' paradigm is divided into its %lsquo;bad' and 'mad' elements and is derived from the crudest of Cold War politics and theories. It no longer provides a useful frame of reference for international policy-makers having to 'do business' with north Korea. The intervention of the humanitarian community in north Korea since 1995 has not only shown the obsolescence of this paradigm but also has provided the foundation for two alternative approaches—the 'sad' and the 'rational actor' conceptual framework. The article concludes by arguing for the utility of a historicized and contextualized rational actor model in offering a realistic underpinning for international policies which seriously wish to promote peace, stability and freedom from hunger on the Korean peninsula. South Korea's 'sunshine policy' is cited as one example of such an approach.  相似文献   

1964年以后,国际社会支持中国恢复在联合国席位的力量日益增强。在1966年联合国关于中国代表权问题的讨论中,为阻止中国进入联合国,美国投入了极大的精力。在这一过程中,美国及其盟国和蒋介石集团发生了尖锐的矛盾,经过讨价还价,美国在盟国的压力下作了相应的让步,美蒋最终达成妥协,中国仍然被排除在联合国之外。  相似文献   

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