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本文结合松柏汉墓出土的木牍与张家山汉简《二年律令.秩律》中保存的西汉初年南郡属县的信息,利用文书研究的方法,对西汉初期南郡的属县情况进行了考察。通过比较,本文认为西汉吕后时期,南郡原辖16县,后经七国之乱,汉中央开始削弱诸侯国的地位,南郡接受了4个侯国,而失去了西陵、下隽、销3县。醴阳县曾一度改名为醴陵县,竟陵改名为显陵。西陵先并入衡山郡,后随之并入江夏郡,下隽则在吴芮长沙国废后封给了长沙王刘发。本文也对轪侯国的地望进行了分析,认为其应在湖北浠水附近。  相似文献   

“岷江西山九州”考──唐贞观十三年政区考辨(五)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
唐朝在岷江西山地区设有许多羁縻州,其中茂州都督府所领翼、涂、维、笮、炎、彻、冉、穹、向九州建置较早,历史较长,影响较大,而至今学术界对其基本情况不甚了了。本文以贞观十三年(639)年为时代断面,对该九州的建制沿革、交通及地望进行了初步研究,考定翼州治今茂县较场乡,涂州治今坟川县卧、龙乡卧龙关,维州治今理县甘堡乡西南,笮州治今理县朴头乡毕棚沟上游,炎州治今小金县沃回乡,彻州治今小金县城,冉州治今小金县北木城牧场,穹州治今小金县日隆乡,向州治今茂县北卡尔牧场。  相似文献   

Shorter Reviews     
1) Nadje Al-Ali, Secularism, Gender and the State in the Middle East: The Euptian Women's Movement (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000)
2) Geoff Simons, Saudi Arabia: The Shape of a Client Feudalism (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1338)
3) Parker T. Hart, Saudi Arabia and the United States: Birth of a Security Partnership (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998)
4) Marion Boulby, The Muslim Brotherhood and the Kings of Jordan, 1945–1993 (Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1999)
5) Ahmad S. Moussalli, Historical Dictionary of Islamic Fundamentalist Movements in the Arab World, Iran, and Turkey (Lanham: The Scarecrow Press, 1999)
6) Noam Chomsky, 9–11 (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2002)
7) Eqbal Ahmad, Terrorism: Theirs and Ours (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2002)
8) As'ad AbuKhalil, Bin Laden, Islam and America's 'New War on Terrorism '(New York: Seven Stories Press, 2002)
9) David Gilmartin and Bruce B. Lawrence, eds., Beyond Turk and Hindu: Rethinking Religious Identity in Islamicate South Asia (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000)
10) Mark Tessler, ed., Area Studies and Social Science Strategies for Understanding Middle East Politics (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1999)
11) Zafar Ishaq Ansari, ed., Islamic Studies. Special Issue on Jerusalem (Islamabad: Pakistan, 2001)  相似文献   

新近公布的肩水金关汉简记录有丰富的西汉行政区划信息。本文结合传世文献,对汉简所见赵国尉文、梁国載、魏郡鄃、魏郡厝、魏郡廪丘等地名以及相关西汉政区问题进行分析。本文指出赵国尉文县与尉文侯国有关,梁国載县为《汉书·地理志》梁国甾县的早期书写形式,鄃、厝两县于武帝末年至元帝初年隶属魏郡管辖,而简文中的"魏郡廪丘"则为魏郡斥丘的误释。  相似文献   

本文对李青淼《唐代前期都督府探讨》一文提出的“唐前期都督在从军政向民政转变过程中,其等级也从统州降至与州同级”这一观点提出了不同意见,认为都督府是对驻在州有完全军事、民事管理权,对所督其它各州有完全军事及部分民事管理权的军政合一机构,虽不是标准的行政机构,但正因为对所督州有部分行政管理职能,也就形成了相应的上下级统属关系,在唐前期,都督并未下降为与州同级的官职,都督府也不是州一级行政机构。  相似文献   

拙文详考了明代西安下马陵从城南胭脂坡处演变为地处城内今和平门内西侧的过程,并且指出,正德初年陕西提学王云凤曾组织民力修筑城南下马陵和董子祠。嘉靖三年(1524年)陕西巡抚王珝与巡按御史喻茂坚首设城内董子祠,因其处原有墓,遂被时人认作董仲舒墓。笔者认为今之董墓所在之争在无可信证据前提下展开,并无意义。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Maria Dolores Garcia-Ramon and Janice Monk (eds) (1996): Women of the European Union. The Politics of Work and Daily Life
Hans Blotevogel and Anthony Fielding (eds) (1997): People, Jobs and Mobility in the New Europe
Mats Johansson and Lars Olof Persson (eds) (1996): Extending the Reach. Essays on Different Mobility Patterns in Sweden
Institut für Länderkunde (ed.) (1997): Atlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Pilotband
Richard Phillips (1997): Mapping Men & Empire. A Geography of Adventure
Lise Lyck (ed.) (1997): The Faroese economy in a strategic perspective  相似文献   

根据汉籍史料和阿拉伯地理文献,区分了中外史料记述的不同,考辨了千泉、白水城和恭御城的方位。玄奘所言"千泉",当在今哈萨克斯坦的梅尔克;玄奘所言千泉与阿拉伯地理学家所记之千泉,并非指称同一地方。玄奘所记白水城与阿拉伯地理学家所记之白水城(Isfijab)不能相等同;玄奘所记"白水",似应"泉"字之讹,即为阿拉伯地理学家所记之千泉(Abarjaj);而玄奘所记"恭御城"是阿拉伯地理学家所记之白水城。  相似文献   

Recently, a report on two human skeletons from an Early Bronze Age tomb excavated at Tell Ashara, Syria has been published in International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. One individual was identified as a warrior following these criteria: (i) size and robustness of bones, (ii) cut marks on the humerus, (iii) reduction of the ulnar styloid process, both interpreted as healed weapon‐related trauma, (iv) well‐developed muscle insertions, and (v) degenerative joint disease. Actually, none of these five criteria support the conclusion because of the following reasons: (i) not necessarily all tall and robust men become warriors, (ii) the post mortem origin of cut marks on the humerus is more likely than sharp force trauma, (iii) there are several possible causes of the unusual ulnar styloid shape other than weapon‐related trauma, (iv) the interpretation of musculoskeletal stress markers and (v) degenerative joint disease lacked control for age, sex and body size. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

隋唐长安辖县乡里考新补   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隋代长安城下辖大兴、长安二县,唐代为万年、长安二县。它们的郊区,据宋敏求《长安志》记载共有104乡。但其乡名、里名及其位置多已淹没无闻。武伯纶曾据唐代墓志资料补出了近70个乡的名称,并推定了大多数乡的位置。本文在武伯纶等人论文的基础上,利用新出墓志资料补出了隋代14乡、5里,唐代16乡、33村、19里。唐代的乡名基本沿用隋代之旧。唐代的乡与里分属不同的系统,之间无统辖关系。清代董曾臣所谓“唐长安有50乡”,是因版本而致误,唐长安的乡数应以宋敏求的记载为准。  相似文献   

Based on archaeological evidence from Kutch-Saurashtra (N Gujarat, NW India), we use agent-based modelling (ABM) to explore the persistence of hunter-gatherer (HG) groups in semi-arid environments in the mid and late Holocene. Agents interact within a realistic semi-arid environment dominated by the monsoon. Precipitation trends are modelled from instrumental records (1871–2008) calibrated with existing models for the Asian monsoon in the Holocene (c. 12 ka–present). Experiments aim at exploring dependencies between population dynamics and climate-driven environmental change (in terms of resource availability) for precipitation patterns at the local, regional and continental scales. Resources are distributed across a simplified ground model. Average yearly precipitation (AYP, i.e. mean) and variance in yearly precipitation (VYP, i.e. standard deviation) are the main parameters affecting resource availability in the simulations. We assess the effects of environmental change on HG populations at different timescales: (1) patterns of seasonal (inter-annual) resource availability, (2) effects of changes in mean precipitation trends over the long (Pleistocene–Holocene) and the mid (Holocene, millennial) periods, and (3) effects of intra-annual precipitation variability, i.e. changes in standard deviation from mean precipitation trends over the short period (annual to decadal). Simulations show that (1) strong seasonality is coherent with the persistence of HG populations in India, independently of the geographical scale of the precipitation models, (2) changes in AYP over the mid period (Holocene) are not sufficient to explain the disappearance of HG populations in Kutch-Saurashtra (K-S) 4 ka and (3) precipitation variability (VYP) over the short period (annual to decadal) is the main parameter affecting population performance and overall ecosystem dynamics. To date, sufficiently refined palaeoclimatic records do not exist for the study area, but higher VYP values 4 ka do not exclude the possibility that other factors may have driven the disappearance of HG populations in Kutch-Saurashtra.  相似文献   

松柏一号墓35号木牍与西汉南郡属县   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
松柏一号墓35号木牍所载汉武帝初年南郡"免老"、"新傅"、"罷癃"等3个统计簿,对研究西汉南郡政区地理具有重要价值。结合其它文献进行研究,可以就西汉南郡属县(包括道和侯国)的变动情况得出几点认识:江陵、巫、宜成、秭归、临沮、夷陵、州陵、夷道、中庐、邔等10个县、道、侯国,均与西汉朝相始终,且当一直属南郡;孱陵、索、下隽、竟陵、安陆、沙羡、轪等7个县、侯国,西汉前期应属南郡,之后分别转属他郡或他国;销、显陵、醴阳等3个县,当分别于西汉前期或后期废置,废置前均应属南郡;便侯国约于文帝时由长沙国迁入南郡,武帝元鼎五年国除,改置编县;枝江、当阳、郢、鄀等4个秦置县,西汉初或均废置,武帝初年以后又都复置,且属南郡;高成、华容、襄阳等3个县、侯国,均当为武帝初年以后新置,属南郡;西陵县,西汉时或从未属南郡。  相似文献   


The results of pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating are presented for two hyrax dung deposits from rock shelters found in the Afroalpine zone of the Bale Mountains (South-Central Ethiopia). Deposits accumulated from about 15,000 to 1500 (cal) years BP and from 7000 (cal) years BP till nowadays, respectively. Pollen spectra of the initial stages of deposit development (up to 15,000 (cal) years BP) correlate with unfavourable conditions in the Late Glacial Maximum. The African Humid Period (AHP) (15,000–5000 (cal) years BP) is registered in this palaeoecological record as well as the Younger Dryas event (about 12,500 (cal) years BP). Upward shift of Afromontane forest belt and expansion of ericoid communities at high altitudes were characteristic of the Pleistocene/Holocene transition (about 10,000 (cal) years BP). The AHP which continues around 10,000 (cal) years BP after Younger Dryas, was interrupted by a dry episode around 8200 (cal) years BP. Principal aridisation trend during the last 5000 years was observed. Presumably the first traces of human activities in this area can be shown for up about 2500 (cal) years BP.  相似文献   

廖薇 《华夏考古》2020,(2):76-83,113
樽、卮(含觯、卮两种器物)很容易被混淆,我们通过综合传世文献、出土文献、考古出土实物三方面材料,认为觯、卮共存且器形有别,觯附三足,卮为平底,且觯的等级高于卮,目前考古出土的玉卮应为玉觯。通过数据分析,我们发现樽与觯的区分要点是容器的径高比差异,樽口大腹浅,便于盛取液体,而觯口小腹深,便于饮用液体。  相似文献   

卜辞■(■、■)、寻(■、■)、谭(■)诸地,尽管读音相近,但所指实不相同。■地在鲁中泰安东南,或与商周时期的姒姓斟寻阝氏相关;寻地在鲁北章丘附近,殆为子姓寻阝氏的族居地;谭地在鲁东沂水县北部,即《春秋》经传所记谭子国的所在地。此类卜辞地名的考定,有助于武丁时期军政大事及商代民族等重大问题的重新梳理,过去所论定的西部族群,如土方、■方和方方等,都应该在殷墟以东区域寻找。  相似文献   

Plagioclase feldspar is the major luminescent mineral in meteorites. Thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics, peak temperature (Tm), full width at half maximum (FWHM), ratio of high (HT) to low temperature (LT) peak, and TL sensitivity (TL/dose/mass) to an extent reflect degree of crystallinity of the mineral. The present study explores and establishes a correlation between quantum mechanical anomalous (athermal) fading and structural state by examining TL of individual chondrules. Chondrules were separated using freeze-thaw technique from a single fragment of Dhajala meteorite. The results show large variation in Tm (155?230°C), FWHM (80?210°C) and HT/LT (0.07–0.47) and seem to be positively correlated. TL sensitivity (ranging from 14 to 554 counts/s/Gy/mg) decreases with increasing Tm and FWHM. Large variations in TL parameters (Tm, FWHM, HT/LT, and Sensitivty) suggest that individual chondrules had different degree of crystallization. Thermal annealing experiments suggest that comparatively ordered form of feldspar can be converted to a disordered form by annealing the sample at high temperatures (1000°C) for long time (10 hr) in vacuum (1 mbar pressure) condition and rapidly cooling it. Measured anomalous fading suggest that fading rate increases as the crystal form changes from an ordered state to a disordered state. However, the fading rate becomes nearly negligible for the most disordered feldspars.  相似文献   

澳门萧春源珍秦斋藏秦有铭青铜器有簋、鼎、盘、盉、(?)、壶、权及多件兵器。其铭文涉及秦的政治、军事、历史、文化,极为重要。本文选取其中10件铜器铭文进行考释,认为:十四年口平匽氏戟作于秦惠文王后元十四年(前311年),器主即四川青川县出土木牍所见的“内史匽”,时任上郡守;二十一年相邦冉戈作于昭襄王二十一年(前286年);三十年诏事戈时代有昭襄王三十年(前277年)及始皇三十年(前217年)两种可能性,而以前者的可能性为大;三十二年相邦冉戈作于昭襄王三十二年(前275年),该戈内上套一件鸟柲冒(帽),应是赵惠文王二十三年(前276年)赵国器物,秦人缴获后继续使用,西安市文物保护考古研究所藏同铭乌柲冒原称鸠杖首,不确;元年上郡假守暨戈作于庄襄王元年(前249年),暨即与白起同时之秦名将王龁;口年相邦吕不韦戈作于秦王政元年至六年间;三件“少府”弋铭文, 则讨论秦宫庭机构少府的职能;咸阳壶铭文讨论了秦的度量衡制度、器物命名及编号习惯。  相似文献   

宋杰 《史学集刊》2012,(1):31-41
项羽作为国君和统帅,在确定战略方针时未能考虑地理因素的重要影响,以致出现了一系列决策失误。例如选择资源匮乏、无险可守的"梁楚九郡"做根据地,建都彭城,而没有占据形势完固、物产丰饶的关中,结果其后方屡次被汉军攻破摧毁。他将主攻方向放在狭窄的豫西通道,无法展开兵力,发挥擅长野战的优势,致使刘邦得以集中人马成功地对其实施阻击。项羽对关东的韩、赵、魏、燕、齐等地区未予足够关注,没能实行有效的控制并征发那里的人力、资源来补充自己。尤其是对号称"东秦"的齐地举措失当,导致上述各地被刘邦轻易占领和利用,使楚汉双方的实力对比发生了逆转,造成了项羽的最后失败。  相似文献   

(I) At 5. 3 read considimus instead of consedimus, (II) at 8 certet instead of certat, (III) at 38 pupurea instead of purpureo, (IV) at 66 understand altaria as apposition to duas tibi, Daphni as well, (V) at 7. 5 take pares not as a predicative, but as governing cantare (‘equally competent at singing’) reflecting Theocr. 8. 4. (VI) Arguing against identifying Micon (29–30) with Corydon I take si proprium hoc fuerit (31) as expressing Corydon's own hope as a hunter, (VII) I modify the usual interpretation of Thyrsis' response (33–35), (VIII) find the idea that Thyrsis impersonates Galatea in 41–44 improbable and (IX) at 64 prefer the ancient reading Veneris instead of corylos.  相似文献   

动物标本的有害物主要产生于标本制作过程、保养方式和所处环境。为了解有害物残留情况,对广东省博物馆的动物标本抽样进行了能量色散X射线荧光光谱分析法(ED-XRF)和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES)实验分析。研究发现,馆藏动物标本羽毛和毛均有不同含量的硫(S)、钙(Ca)、砷(As)、氯(Cl)、钾(K)、铝(Al)、铁(Fe)、硅(Si)、锌(Zn)等元素;哺乳动物和大型猛禽标本的铁、锌等微量元素质量比高于其他实验物种;自然状态下,砷元素长期附着标本的表面和内部,毒性可影响接触者,不利于环保。建议剥制动物标本过程中避免使用砷化物。  相似文献   

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