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殷人有重视东北方位、把东北看作是吉向尊位的传统观念。这是由于商族起源于东北地区的古渤海湾一带。甲骨文中“东北”为尊位而“西南”为卑位。商代都城规划中重东北方位的经营,如郑州商城、偃师商城、黄陂盘龙城、夏县东下冯商城、新近发现的焦作府城商代城址和洹北商城等莫不如此。尤以殷墟都城的规划布局重东北方位为甚,如殷墟地区时代最早的遗址在殷墟都城的东北部;殷墟都城之宫城正位于整个都城范围的东北部;殷墟发现的车马坑与大墓的位置关系也表明尊东北方位,等等。  相似文献   

历史上海南岛有众多别称,按其属性,可分为八种类型:一是由本岛古代土居民的习俗而得名,有儋耳;二是由本岛历史上最早设立的两个地方政权名称而得名,有“珠崖、儋耳”、儋崖;三是由统辖全岛的政权名称而得名,有珠崖、崖州、琼州、琼管、琼、琼崖、琼台、琼瑶、琼州府、琼郡、琼甸、朱崖洲、琼岛、琼海:四是由本岛孤悬南海和远离祖国大陆而得名,有海南州、海外;五是由本岛远处祖国南陲而得名,有朱垠、南极、南荒、炎荒:六是由本岛古代盛产香料而得名,有香洲;七是由本岛战略地位和经济地位的重要而得名,有南溟奇甸、宝岛、“南天一柱”和“南海明珠”:八是由本岛明代人昌盛而得名,有海滨邹鲁。本主要通过上述各个方面探讨海南岛诸别称的由来。  相似文献   

James the Great, son of Zebedee and brother of St John, was one of the three Apostles privileged to accompany Jesus on special occasions like the Transfiguration and the Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was beheaded in 42 AD by order of Herod. His connection with Spain is here the subject of critical enquiry, and it is demonstrated that there is virtually no evidence at all to substantiate the belief that his mortal remains lie in Spain, at Santiago de Compostela, which became one of the most important pilgrimage centres of the medieval West; nor indeed that he ever preached in Spain or visited that country. It is only in the ninth century that sources begin to mention the discovery of James' burial-place in Spain, while from the seventh century his preaching in Spain is mentioned. From about 800 the legend of St James in Spain took root in Latin Christian tradition.  相似文献   

One of the basic sources of information in Soviet migration research is the current system of registration of travelers, including migrants, at points of departure and arrival. Travelers fill out address sheets, including tear-off stubs, which are forwarded to statistical agencies for processing. A number of improvements in the registration system are suggested, both in the content of the information solicited and to insure more complete registration of departures and arrivals. Registration in urban places, which fall under the system of internal Soviet passports, is usually more complete and reliable than in rural places, which do not issue passports.  相似文献   

In 1825 Astley Cooper described the first account of ligation of the abdominal aorta. The patient developed loss of feeling in his lower limbs, incontinence of urine and died after several days. A post mortem was carried out but not, unfortunately, of the spinal cord. This case was recorded again by Astley Cooper, by Brock in 1940-41, and again by Ellis in 1994. Whilst there was early recognition of infarction of the brain, infarction of the spinal cord was thought to be almost unknown by Charcot in 1883 but it was recorded in the English literature by Bastian in 1886 and Williamson in 1894. There were isolated case reports but it was the advent of major surgery upon the aorta in the Second World War that drew attention to the frequency of this condition. The subsequent evolution of our recognition of infarction of the cord is described. The present situation, where it can be caused by a fall in blood pressure without there being direct interference to the blood supply, is evaluated.  相似文献   

王静 《收藏家》2011,(3):39-42
当代收藏已经不再公限于收藏传统的书画和瓷器,随着收藏家的精英化和收藏市场的成熟化,"藏琴成金"正成为近年艺术品市场的大势所趋。由于唐宁时期的古琴的数量极为有限,在艺术市场中出现机构较少。  相似文献   


Prior to the amalgamation of Aberdeen’s two medieval universities in 1860, Geography had been taught to undergraduate students at both King’s and Marischal Colleges since at least the late 16th Century. First mooted in the early 1900s, it was not until 1919 that a lectureship in Geography at Aberdeen was created and a ‘Department of Geography’ came into being. In this contribution we chronicle how, over a century, the Geography department has evolved, highlighting developments in the curriculum and research-related activities. The early decades of the Department were shaped by John McFarlane, the first and only full-time appointee in Geography until his retirement in 1945. The post-World War II period, led by Andrew O’Dell, saw Geography develop into a large and influential Department. During the 1960s and 1970s, the Department (and University) experienced unprecedented levels of growth. Student numbers, research output and income accelerated apace. In the recent past national assessments of research and teaching quality and institutional restructuring have prompted further change. As the Department enters a second century it remains committed to delivering a high quality education to undergraduate and postgraduate students and to the pursuit of excellent geographical research.  相似文献   

南京图书馆发展史略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国最早的近代图书馆之一的南京图书馆在艰难曲折的发展历程中取得了一系列成就,目前已成为我国第三大图书馆。  相似文献   

The chemical composition of beds of segregated ice in the pingos of northern Siberia is analyzed with particular reference to the origin of this type of ground ice and the heaving mechanism. A regular change in chemical composition with depth and a low mineral content are found to correspond to the distribution of dissolved substances in the upper horizons of groundwater and point to a segregated rather than an injected origin. A relatively high content of organic matter in the ice, corresponding to the maximum summer concentration of organic matter in groundwater, suggests that the beds of ice grow mainly in the summer. The growth of the ice masses, combining the drawing up of interstitial water from below with the thawing of the upper horizons, produces a steady upward movement of frozen soil, including buried mammoth tusks that are usually found in the vicinity of North Siberian pingos. When the ice content is so high that even a growing bed of ice is no longer adequate to replenish the seasonal frozen ground layer with thawed upward moving bands of frozen soil, then the thermokarstic process begins to operate, producing a thaw depression, often filled with a lake.  相似文献   

This article provides the first substantial account of the foundation of the Melbourne College of Divinity in 1910. It reveals the ecclesiastical, academic, and civic perceptions of theology in Australia in the first decade of the twentieth century. The article sets the establishment of the College against the background of the modernisation of higher education, especially secularism and the exclusion of the teaching of divinity at the University of Melbourne. It demonstrates the roles played by several churches in the formation of the College, and traces its origin to early Protestant interdenominational cooperation. Although the College's architects failed in their aim of having divinity accepted within the University of Melbourne, and thereby ensuring theology was in constant dialogue with the wider academy, they succeeded in establishing high academic standards in theological education and facilitating ministerial formation in an Australian context.  相似文献   

刘彦昺是元末明初的一位名士,其生卒年一直未得其详。今据嘉靖十二年刘氏六世孙刘塾刻本《春雨轩集》所载《自序墓志铭》及文后刘氏后裔之小注,考定刘彦昺生于元文宗至顺二年(1331)九月初三日卯时,卒于明洪武三十二年(1399)四月初三日寅时。  相似文献   

焦作出土汉代陶仓楼系目前保存下来较为完整的中国秦汉建筑的实物例证,其种类多,特色鲜明,具有较高的艺术价值和深厚的民族文化内涵。本文根据历年来相关考古报告和研究资料,并在实地考察部分馆藏作品的基础上,逐一对不同形制的陶仓楼进行了考释。  相似文献   

1949年国民党军队退居台湾之后,将金门视为日后反攻大陆的跳板,在金门地区实行所谓的"战地政务"。该政策的实施,对金门女性的地位产生了十分深刻的影响:为军中士兵服务的性工作者在金门出现;同时,大批军人的到来也使婚姻市场上的女性和普通家庭中已婚妇女的地位发生了改变;女性也被动员起来参加军事活动及女性士兵在金门的出现。整个冷战期间,和男性一样,金门地区的所有女性也被强制性地动员起来为国民党政权服务,成为国民党政权反共和"反攻大陆"的工具。  相似文献   

《旧唐书》虽经校勘,然仍有不少未尽善处。本文对《地理志》所记西南地区所涉诸州的州县领属、所领县数、设置时间及其变更等的失误,进行了订正和补遗。  相似文献   

The foramen of Huschke is a dehiscence in the antero‐inferior surface of the tympanic plate, which forms during the normal post‐natal development of the temporal bone. Closure of the foramen is generally reported to take place by 5 years of age, although a persistent foramen has been observed in 0–67% of adult crania depending on the population. A persistent foramen of Huschke in adult life may be involved in abnormalities of the external auditory canal and related structures, which can lead to otological complications. This paper examines age‐related changes in the development of the tympanic plate from the perinatal to the adult condition using two osteological samples from Britain, and is the first systematic evaluation beyond the age of six years. The results suggest that the widely cited chronology for the closure of the foramen of Huschke is erroneous. Earlier stages of formation may be used for narrowing age estimation in fragmentary remains of juveniles in a skeletal collection of unknown age or in a forensic or clinical context. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

于中国历史与文化的研究赐惠颇多的《四库全书总目》亦有纰漏之处,我们发现该书在明代史料鉴别上出现了两处失误:将《姜氏秘史》与《革除编年》、《续藏书》与《熙朝名臣实录》各自看作两本不同的书,并给予迥异的评价。通过考证,《革除编年》即《姜氏秘史》,《熙朝名臣实录》即《续藏书》。《四库全书总目》一书两收两评的失误,让我们体会到当时政治对学术的干预及做学问之难。  相似文献   

The author analyzes the landscape-forming role of the snow cover by distinguishing four snow-cover periods in the winter season and investigating snow-accumulation conditions under various meteorological, relief and vegetation situations. The effect of the snow cover on ground frost, the wintering of plants and animals, the amount of surface runoff and soil erosion in the spring is analyzed for various combinations of conditions in each period.  相似文献   

In 1825 Astley Cooper described the first account of ligation of the abdominal aorta. The patient developed loss of feeling in his lower limbs, incontinence of urine and died after several days. A post mortem was carried out but not, unfortunately, of the spinal cord. This case was recorded again by Astley Cooper, by Brock in 1940-41, and again by Ellis in 1994. Whilst there was early recognition of infarction of the brain, infarction of the spinal cord was thought to be almost unknown by Charcot in 1883 but it was recorded in the English literature by Bastian in 1886 and Williamson in 1894. There were isolated case reports but it was the advent of major surgery upon the aorta in the Second World War that drew attention to the frequency of this condition. The subsequent evolution of our recognition of infarction of the cord is described. The present situation, where it can be caused by a fall in blood pressure without there being direct interference to the blood supply, is evaluated.  相似文献   

出土铁器文物的脱盐清洗研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
测试了铁在含不同浓度Cl~-、SO4~(2-)水溶液中的腐蚀速度和电化学极化曲线。结果表明,在通空气的情况下,Cl~-和SO4~(2-)浓度的增大能加速铁的腐蚀,而在密闭情况下就没有这种影响,说明铁器在地下不通空气的环境中相对较稳定。但出土铁器在大气环境中会受到Cl~-和SO4~(2-)的加速腐蚀,只有及时地排除这些有害物质,才有可能减缓铁器在大气环境中的腐蚀。根据铁在水溶液中腐蚀行为的电位-pH图判断,在pH=9-13的碱性水溶液中铁的腐蚀较小,因而可用添加有缓蚀剂、表面活性剂和多种助洗剂成分的复配碱性脱盐清洗液来处理出土铁器。它比铁在蒸馏水中的腐蚀速度小四十多倍,且去污和脱盐效率高。这对恢复出土铁器的面貌及进一步化学稳定转化铁器表面的锈层都具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

The arrival of Europeans in the New World had profound and long-lasting results for the native peoples. The record for the impact of this fundamental change in culture, society, and biology of Native Americans is well documented historically. This paper reviews the biological impact of the arrival of Europeans on native populations via the study of pre- and postcontact skeletal remains in Spanish Florida, the region today represented by coastal Georgia and northern Florida. The postcontact skeletal series, mostly drawn from Roman Catholic mission sites, are among the most comprehensive in the Americas, providing a compelling picture of adaptation and stress in this setting. Study of paleopathology, dental and skeletal indicators of physiological stress, stable isotope (carbon and nitrogen) analysis, tooth microwear, and skeletal morphology (cross-sectional geometry) reveals major alterations in quality of life and lifestyle. The bioarchaeological record indicates a general deterioration in health, declining dietary diversity and nutritional quality, and increasing workload in the contact period. The impact of contact in Spanish Florida appears to have been more dramatic in comparison with other regions, which likely reflects the different nature of contact relations in this setting versus other areas (e.g., New England, New France). The bioarchaeological record represents an important information source for understanding the dynamics of biocultural change resulting from colonization and conquest.  相似文献   

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