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新世纪以来,随着全球化的不断发展,国际社会不仅面临着地区冲突、武装斗争等传统安全问题,同时更面临着恐怖主义、气候变化、难民危机等非传统安全问题,它们相互交织、此起彼伏,严重威胁着人类的生存与发展。在此背景下,中国唯有积极参与全球治理,不断推进国际关系的转变与完善,促进全球经济的开放与发展,加强安全层面的合作与建设,增进世界文明的对话与交流,参与全球生态的治理与完善,不断应对人类社会的各类问题与挑战,才能顺利构建持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的"人类命运共同体"。  相似文献   

杜水生 《考古与文物》2003,270(2):22-26
一、引言探讨全球气候变化对人类活动的影响是当前全球气候变化研究中的前沿课题。一方面会拓展全球气候变化研究的意义 ,另一方面人类演化和文化发展中的一些重大问题也会得到一个较为满意的解释 12 3。更新世晚期到全新世初期 ,是人类自身及其文化发生变化的一个重要时期 ,其主要标志是现代人起源并向全球扩散和农业的发生 ;同时 ,这一时期也是自然环境变化较多的一个时期 ,末次冰期极盛期的来临与消退 ,使得有些时期极端干冷 ,有些时期干湿冷暖快速波动。泥河湾盆地处于中原与北方的过渡地带和气候变化的敏感地带 ,为研究人类的技术、行…  相似文献   

祝鹏 《风景名胜》2021,(7):0179-0179,0181
发生在 2019 年 9 月,持续到 2020 年年初的澳大利亚丛林大火,对澳洲经济、财产等多方面造成了数以万计的损失,对人类生态、文化等方面产生了不可估量的影响。如此严重的火灾拷问着人类对于生态治理对策的有效性,以及针对全球气候变化治理的紧迫性。探讨分析澳大利亚丛林大火并对其背后的生态问题反思,有利于我们基于当下全球大环境下对生态问题的进一步认识,积极采取相应对策改善治理生态危机。  相似文献   

从《气候变化框架公约》进展看当前国际环境关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1992年联合国环境与发展大会缔结了为气候变化问题上的全球合作提供法律框架的《气候变化框架公约》以来,国际上已经历六次缔约方大会。虽然1997年其第三次缔约方会议签订了具有削减温室气体排放数量和时间限制具体目标的《京都议定书》,取得了该领域的一个关键性进展,但最近在荷兰海牙召开的旨在就《京都协定书》的目标与措施达成具体协议的第六次缔约方会议却以失败而告终。纵观国际社会在《气候变化框架公约》问题上的后续行动进展,可以充分看出当前的国际环境关系具有环境问题政治化、环境关系复杂化、环境合作艰难化以及环境斗争激烈化的特点。这使中国今后在环境与发展的问题上将面临更加严峻的挑战,为此必须尽早采取有效对策。  相似文献   

全球海洋治理是将全球治理引入海洋领域,是推动构建人类命运共同体的重要组成部分.全球海洋治理与人类命运共同体有着密切的关系,两者都是建立在共同利益与共同价值的基础之上,协调人与海洋以及人与人之间的关系.中国作为新兴崛起的地区性大国,将构建人类命运共同体作为参与全球治理的新方案,并通过建立"蓝色伙伴关系",推动"一带一路"...  相似文献   

论文分析阐述了中国与国际移民组织关系的发展和中国加强与国际移民组织合作关系的内外因素。认为从中国与国际移民组织关系发展历程来看,中国不断推动深化两者之间合作关系。这一行为是内外因素综合作用的结果,但内部因素才是最根本原因,即借助国际移民组织提供的多边舞台既有助于增强中国在全球移民问题治理上的话语权以推动中国参与未来全球移民治理规制建构的战略需求,又有助于满足积极提高中国移民治理能力以形塑在国际移民问题治理上的负责任国家形象的现实需要。  相似文献   

气候变化问题是当今人类社会面临的最大挑战,国际社会唯有携手同行,积极构建人类命运共同体,才能化解这一最大生态危机。人类命运共同体理念的核心要义是共谋全球性的社会公正与生态和谐。在当今世界,由于政治组织和社会组织的充分发展,使得人与自然的关系几乎完全受到人与人关系的制约与支配,因而,大力维护全球性的社会公正是积极推进生态和谐的前提与基础。从"构建人类命运共同体"到"实现生命共同体",这是一种超越主权国家,以全人类和整个生态系统福祉为核心的价值观。倡导构建人类命运共同体、建设清洁美丽世界的生命共同体,符合当今世界的绿色发展潮流和各国人民的共同意愿,也彰显出习近平生态文明思想的鲜明世界意义。  相似文献   

全球气候变化是人类历史上对文明生存的最大挑战。近年来,世界各国出现了几百年来历史上最极端的天气,它的出现与人类活动密不可分。为此,世界各国展开了包括行政手段和技术手段等在内的应对气候变化的方法,城市规划也是一个关注和讨论的重点领域。但是,目前这些方法仍旧延续了原有城市规划的原则和方法,现实指导作用较为有限。特别是对于快速城市化地区,如何通过调整规划原则和方法,编制能应对气候变化的城市或区域规划,仍是亟待探索和实践的问题。因此,本文就快速城市化地区如何应对气候变化提出了一系列的城市规划原则与方法,并将其深入落实在南京新一轮城市规划中。  相似文献   

吴耀琨 《攀登》2010,29(2):17-22
应对全球气候变化正作为一个重要议题影响着各国社会经济发展,其紧迫性要求各国必须采取有效措施。然而,旨在应对全球气候变化的哥本哈根会议并未实现普遍的预期目标,国际社会围绕气候变化问题的谈判仍在继续。本文旨在此基础上提出部分建议,即中方作为发展中大国,未来应积极开展多边外交,以积极的姿态和务实的态度参与应对气候变化的国际合作,以争取自身的发展权益,维护核心国家利益。  相似文献   

正在应对气候变化的外交实践中,中国逐渐摸索出了适合自身发展需要的气候变化战略及与之相应的外交政策。中国的气候变化战略中最核心也最受国际社会关注的是坚持在现阶段不承担任何减排义务,并始终反对将气候变化与其他问题挂钩。同时,中国的气候变化战略也有所调整,主要是对清洁发展机制的态度从质疑犹豫转向积极参加;开始积极参与各种国际技术开发和合作机制;加大力度,推进有利于低碳发展的国内政  相似文献   

In the last four decades, climate services (CS) have moved from being limited forecasting tools in their predictive capacity to becoming involved in the shaping of risk assessment instruments with global reach affected to enhance adaptation to climate change. Yet, they have been relatively overlooked by human geographers and critical risk theorists, whose interests have been to document the political processes involved in shaping climate change and the global scientific enterprise it has generated. By looking at the ways in which CS have been developed and exported to countries deemed as climate-vulnerable, the paper sheds light on two simultaneous kinds of knowledge politics that are occurring at the interstices of global human security aspirations and the realpolitik of local practices. The first emerges from the ways in which CS political relevance has been secured by climate scientists in the midst of grand developmentalist and humanitarian ambitions, what we have called beneficent knowledge politics. The second comes from the nitty-gritty of risk management practices in countries to which CS are exported, in this case China, and highlights how a myriad of knowledge and sensitivities involved in shaping risk and science have been overlooked by the superseding ideals underpinning the production of CS and their application to wider climate adaptation agenda. By doing so, the paper contributes to the geographies of risk and emergencies as well as to the geographies of science by enhancing our understanding of the knowledge politics at play in the development of and resistance to technocratic climate governance.  相似文献   

Energy security, climate change and food and water concerns are posing serious challenges to the management of international relations in an already turbulent world. These new developments—and the corresponding risk management strategies—will change the calculus of interests, powers and strategies for all actors, with significant impacts on the global political economy. Climate change action (such as targets for emissions reductions) will challenge the existing power structures, with the transition to a low-carbon economy creating new winners and losers in the global economy. Today, there is a fresh appreciation about the consequences of bad policy choices. Comparisons have been drawn between the fallout in the global financial system and the kind of risks that unmitigated climate change may bring. Even though the pressure on some resources may have eased since the onset of the global economic downturn in 2008, it is unlikely that the longer term trajectory has been reversed. This calls for renewed understanding and appreciation of the magnitude of risks foreseen. Multiple public goods need to be generated from the same production systems or sectors. In the context of climate change, international cooperation offers the only option that can best serve even narrowly defined national interests. Ensuring human security and peaceful relations among states in the decades to come will require short-term common action within the framework of long-term strategizing and visionary leadership as well as concerted efforts to deal head-on with worst case scenarios in our forecasting and policy planning.  相似文献   

The environment is increasingly affected by global climate change. While the causes of climate change are generated across the globe, the impacts of climate change will be highly variable at the local level. An increased scientific understanding of the potential impacts that climate change may have within China has raised new concern among China's leaders. Given that China's domestic realities inform its international policy choices, understanding how climate change may affect its population and natural resources is critical to global climate stabilization efforts. This article examines how the impacts of climate change on China, and China's response, will drive security challenges domestically, as well as in the greater Asian region and around the world. It shows that the impact of climate change on China will be significant and may have sizable adverse economic implications, particularly on vulnerable east coast economic centers. Water scarcity is a problem that already challenges China's leadership and one that will be exacerbated under projected climate impacts. In addition, the country faces the risk of international retaliation should it fail to undertake serious greenhouse gas mitigation actions. Yet China is not without options, and is already well poised to become a leader in the low-carbon technology revolution.  相似文献   

Climate and environmental changes pose emerging and unique challenges to international security—as the global community experiences issues of food insecurity, severe droughts and floods—and have cascading impacts on energy supplies and infrastructure. Environmental hazards may shift abruptly, posing new risks to vulnerable systems and critical nodes in ways that diverge from historical experience. Effective risk assessments and planning will require understanding of how climate change will affect natural disasters and disaster response, and how hazards may be more extreme or unique from past experiences. This article discusses the role of climate change in affecting security planning from a military perspective, and how integration of scientific data and intelligence methods can foster assessment and effective response.  相似文献   

Dystopian accounts of climate change posit that it will lead to more conflict, causing state failure and mass population movements. Yet these narratives are both theoretically and empirically problematic: the conflict–environment hypothesis merges a global securitization agenda with local manipulations of Northern fears about the state of planetary ecology. Sudan has experienced how damaging this fusion of wishful thinking, power politics and top-down development can be. In the 1970s, global resource scarcity concerns were used locally to impose the fata morgana of Sudan as an Arab-African breadbasket: in the name of development, violent evictions of local communities contributed to Sudan's second civil war and associated famines. Today, Darfur has been labelled ‘the world's first climate change conflict’, masking the long-term political-economic dynamics and Sudanese agency underpinning the crisis. Simultaneously, the global food crisis is instrumentalized to launch a dam programme and agricultural revival that claim to be African answers to resource scarcity. The winners, however, are Sudan's globalized Islamist elites and foreign investors, whilst the livelihoods of local communities are undermined. Important links exist between climatic developments and security, but global Malthusian narratives about state failure and conflict are dangerously susceptible to manipulations by national elites; the practical outcomes decrease rather than increase human security. In the climate change era, the breakdown of institutions and associated violence is often not an unfortunate failure of the old system due to environmental shock, but a strategy of elites in wider processes of power and wealth accumulation and contestation.  相似文献   

Once it was an environmental issue, then an energy problem, now climate change is being recast as a security threat. So far, the debate has focused on creating a security ‘hook’, illustrated by anecdote, to invest climate negotiations with a greater sense of urgency. Political momentum behind the idea of climate change as a security threat has progressed quickly, even reaching the United Nations Security Council. This article reviews the linkages between climate change and security in Africa and analyses the role of climate change adaptation policies in future conflict prevention. Africa, with its history of ethnic, resource and interstate conflict, is seen by many as particularly vulnerable to this new type of security threat, despite being the continent least responsible for global greenhouse gas emissions. Projected climatic changes for Africa suggest a future of increasingly scarce water, collapsing agricultural yields, encroaching desert and damaged coastal infrastructure. Such impacts, should they occur, would undermine the ‘carrying capacity’ of large parts of Africa, causing destabilizing population movements and raising tensions over dwindling strategic resources. In such cases, climate change could be a factor that tips fragile states into socio‐economic and political collapse. Climate change is only one of many security, environmental and developmental challenges facing Africa. Its impacts will be magnified or moderated by underlying conditions of governance, poverty and resource management, as well as the nature of climate change impacts at local and regional levels. Adaptation policies and programmes, if implemented quickly and at multiple scales, could help avert climate change and other environmental stresses becoming triggers for conflict. But, adaptation must take into account existing social, political and economic tensions and avoid exacerbating them.  相似文献   

Concerns about climate and energy security are leading to increased government intervention in the energy sector, in particular as they relate to the choice of energy supply options. While many of these options will improve both energy and climate security, many measures will benefit one while harming the other. This raises an important question for governments and energy planners: how can conflicts between climate and energy security be resolved? This article outlines some of the barriers and problems that may arise as governments and companies try to address climate and energy security concerns simultaneously in various energy supply areas. It concludes by arguing against choosing one objective over the other, and by outlining steps that can be taken to help resolve conflicts between the two agendas.  相似文献   

国内外"低碳发展"研究进展及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着工业化、城市化的深入发展,人类活动造成的能源安全与全球环境变化日益引起全球的广泛关注,以低消耗、低排放、低污染、高效益为特征"低碳"发展模式受到国际社会、政府、环境非政府组织(E-NGOs)等推崇,各界纷纷开展"低碳"的理论研究与实践探索.本文在简要概述"低碳"发展的时代背景的基础上,从理论研究与价值取向、宏观碳排放及驱动因素、低碳经济性与实现策略、微观碳排放与低碳生活方式、低碳城市发展与空间规划等5个方面对国内外的低碳研究进行回顾,并从理论与实践的关系、研究重点的差异、研究尺度的缺失、机制的探讨等方面进行评价,并展望未来的低碳研究-全面并力求反映现实的、面向未来与强调适应的、全球变化下不确定性的、追求品质与促进公平的低碳研究.  相似文献   

Climate change,human security and violent conflict   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Political Geography》2007,26(6):639-655
Climate change is increasingly been called a ‘security’ problem, and there has been speculation that climate change may increase the risk of violent conflict. This paper integrates three disparate but well-founded bodies of research – on the vulnerability of local places and social groups to climate change, on livelihoods and violent conflict, and the role of the state in development and peacemaking, to offer new insights into the relationships between climate change, human security, and violent conflict. It explains that climate change increasingly undermines human security in the present day, and will increasingly do so in the future, by reducing access to, and the quality of, natural resources that are important to sustain livelihoods. Climate change is also likely to undermine the capacity of states to provide the opportunities and services that help people to sustain their livelihoods. We argue that in certain circumstances these direct and indirect impacts of climate change on human security may in turn increase the risk of violent conflict. The paper then outlines the broad contours of a research programme to guide empirical investigations into the risks climate change poses to human security and peace.  相似文献   


Given current emissions trends an increase in global temperatures in excess of 2°C is highly likely in the coming century. In this context, it seems increasingly probable that states may consider solar geoengineering as a stop-gap climate response. Solar geoengineering refers to measures that aim to alleviate some measure of global warming by intentionally increasing the amount of the sun’s energy that is reflected into space. Currently the two most discussed solar geoengineering techniques involve either marine cloud brightening or dispersing aerosols in the stratosphere. These techniques could be relatively inexpensive, are within the technological capacities (after a brief period of development) of technologically-advanced countries, and could have an almost immediate impact on temperatures. Yet, while solar geoengineering might potentially be utilised to manage some climate-linked security threats, it itself would create new security challenges. Consequently, this paper explores potential international security implications for Australia if a regional state, or group of states, initiates a solar geoengineering program. We conclude that since solar geoengineering is unlikely to become a first-order international issue, disputation over solar geoengineering will likely reflect, or act as a proxy for, wider patterns of state interaction. However, scenarios in which China and the United States take different positions, or in which there are divisions among regional powers, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Singapore would pose the greatest threat to Australia’s national security.  相似文献   

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