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杨果  陈曦 《江汉考古》2005,(3):77-82
宋代是我国古代制瓷业发展的鼎盛时期。在宋代制瓷业发展的历史中,江夏地区名不见经传,相关文献资料缺乏。本文主要依据考古资料,考察了宋代江夏地区制瓷业的发展与特点,并从自然与社会条件方面探讨了该地区制瓷业兴起、繁荣,及走向衰落的原因。  相似文献   

张名 《南方文物》2014,(3):192-194
民国是中国历史上大动荡大转变的时期,对景德镇瓷业来说,是中国制瓷业进入变革、创新、发展的一个全新的时代。在社会大变革的景德镇瓷业正处于转型阶段,专门烧制皇家用瓷的官窑已名存实亡,被逐渐兴起的股份制瓷业公司所替代。中国最早的一家瓷业公司是“江西省萍乡瓷业公司”,建于清光绪三十一年(1905年)。  相似文献   

<正>民国是中国历史上大动荡大转变的时期,对景德镇瓷业来说,是中国制瓷业进入变革、创新、发展的一个全新的时代。在社会大变革的景德镇瓷业正处于转型阶段,专门烧制皇家用瓷的官窑已名存实亡,被逐渐兴起的股份制瓷业公司所替代。中国最早的一家瓷业公司是"江西省萍乡瓷业公司",建于清光绪三十一年(1905年)。湘西凤凰县人熊希龄把建于光绪三十二年(1906年)的"湖南官立瓷业学堂"改  相似文献   

朱顺龙 《南方文物》2008,(4):156-159
中国是著名的陶瓷古国,中国制瓷业在元明清三朝达到了其黄金时期.而后的晚清民国时期,中国制瓷业日渐衰落。因而大凡论述中国陶瓷发展史,人们关注的多是唐宋元明清时期的瓷器,而民国瓷业通常为人所忽视。  相似文献   

马希桂  马旭 《收藏家》2009,(3):23-31
七.艳丽多姿的明清瓷器 明清时期是中国瓷业烧制的全盛时期,并以其突出贡献在中国陶瓷史上占有极其重要的地位。这时期,景德镇已成为全国著名的制瓷中心,在元代制瓷工艺的基础上,又有许多创新和发展。艳丽缤纷的斗彩、五彩、粉彩和珐琅彩瓷相继烧制成功和五颜六色颜色釉瓷的创烧,充分显示了明清瓷业的辉煌与成就,  相似文献   

孙欣 《收藏家》2006,(12):23-26
元代是景德镇制瓷业日趋成熟、承前启后的重要转折时期。元代景德镇青花、釉里红瓷器的成功烧造,对后世制瓷业的影响无疑是革命性的,从而决定了明清制瓷业的发展方向,也奠定了此后景德镇成为中国制瓷业的中心地位。关于元青花瓷器的存世量,学术界和民间收藏界有不同的意见,但元代景德镇巨大的生产能力和生产规模,则是客观存在的,也是不争的事实。特别是精美的“至正型”元青花瓷器,不经过长期的“量”的积累,是难以达到这种“质”的飞跃的。本文拟从生产力的角度对元青花瓷器的存世量谈几点认识,以赐教各位专家和收藏家。一、从宋、明景德镇…  相似文献   

试论翠蓝釉瓷器的产生、发展与传播   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
元代是中国古代制瓷业的一个重要转折时期。此前的宋、金时期是一种多元的生产体系,表现为在商品经济发展的推动下,各地为了适应市场的需求,都努力地发明和采用新的工艺技术,形成了许多在一定地域范围内以不同釉色和装饰方法为代表的不同风格的制瓷传统。南北并重,交相辉映,其所表现出来的丰富多彩的面貌是前所未有的,无疑是中国陶瓷史上的一个黄金时期。然而进入元代以后,由于蒙古军队在占领过程中和早期统治中对农业和手工业生产的破坏①,北方地区的制瓷业迅速衰落。表现为产品的质量下降,制品粗厚笨重,装饰草率简陋,尤其在工…  相似文献   

唐代是我国封建社会繁荣昌盛时期,随着经济、文化的发达,制瓷手工业也相应地呈现出大发展的局面。全国各地烧造瓷器的瓷窑作坊蓬勃兴起,制瓷工艺技术与造型装饰艺术不断创新和提高;陶瓷器在社会各阶层人们日常生活中,日愈受到普遍喜爱和广泛应用,在国内外商业贸易、中外友好交往中,瓷器已成为大宗商品或馈赠礼品。唐代的制瓷业,是我国陶瓷史上承前启后、继往开来的新阶段。利用考古发掘的新资料,结合有关史籍文献,综合分析研究唐代制瓷业的发展与成就,以及促进制瓷业大发展的各种条件和唐代制瓷业对海外的影响等,不仅对研究我国陶瓷史具有意义,而且对深入研  相似文献   

本文的主题是研究粉青沙器的化妆土工艺出现的历史背景,旨在探讨中韩陶瓷交流对粉青沙器制作的影响。在韩国陶瓷历史上,朝鲜时期(1392-1896)的粉青沙器是具有独特工艺特征的陶瓷样式,即在胎上用白化妆土粉妆,然后采用多样装饰技法,和磁州窑瓷器相似。关于朝鲜王朝制瓷业开始使用化妆土装饰技法的突然性和白瓷生产需求的背景,作者从中韩陶瓷交流史的角度,提出了两个论点:首先,高丽(918-1392)末朝鲜初期制瓷业衰退,在原料和工艺技术恶劣化的情况下,通过借鉴高丽时期已传入的中国磁州窑瓷器的化妆土工艺;应用于粉青沙器的生产。其次,中国陶瓷文化由青瓷转移到白地花纹的青花瓷器的发展趋势,直接影响到朝鲜制瓷业追求白瓷或白地瓷的状况,而在当时朝鲜制瓷业条件的限制下,只能以化妆土工艺表现白色地。这一现象也反映了当时中国先进陶瓷文化及陶瓷审美观念的变化。  相似文献   

彭明瀚 《南方文物》2013,(1):103-113,200,202
明清时期,随着珠山御器厂的设立,全国各地制瓷高手流向景德镇,景德镇周围的民窑也向市区集中,出现“工匠来八方,器成天下走”的盛况,景德镇瓷器几乎独占全国市场,中国瓷业生产也由宋代的“百花争艳”演变成景德镇“一枝独秀”的局面。明代瓷器生产以青花为主,同时还创新了青花釉里红、五彩、斗彩及红釉、兰釉、金釉、黄釉等各种颜色釉瓷。景德镇清代瓷业生产无论在造型、胎骨、釉色,还是纹样装饰上都得到了全面发展,产品质量有了明显提高,臻于极盛,发展成为“二十里长街半窑户”的制瓷中心。清代瓷器除青翠明快的青花瓷、  相似文献   

中国瓷器与土耳其陶器的相互影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国瓷器对土耳其陶器的影响是中国古外销瓷研究中的重要课题之一。欧、美及土耳其学者对此课题进行了多年的研究,成果颇丰。本文仅对之略作介绍,并从中国学者的视角观察作进一步的研究。同时对双方陶瓷相互影响的历史背景及海陆交通作一概略地叙述。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Nanking cargo Chinese export porcelain and gold, European glass and stoneware. Auction catalogue 28 April-2 May, Amsterdam Christie's Amsterdam, 1986
The Geidevmaisen history and porcelain. C. J. A. Jörg
Michael Hatcher with Max de Rham. The Nanking cargo. ANTHONY THORNCROFT
Armada 1588–1988—the official catalogue MIA RODRiGUEZ-SALGADO (Ed. and introduction)
The Spanish Armada COLIN MARTIN and GEOFFREY PARKER  相似文献   

本文根据近年的考古发现及相关的文献记载讨论了宋元时期中国瓷器对朝鲜半岛瓷器的影响,并主要探讨了中国出土的高丽瓷器、它们输入中国的途径及由此而体现的中国与朝鲜半岛的经济文化交流.  相似文献   

IN Faenza, lii (1966) I published the fragments of Chinese porcelain found at Lucera Castle and at the same time collected evidence for the occurrence of Chinese vessels elsewhere in Europe in the middle ages.1 This paper contains a larger catalogue of finds and references, and attempts to assess the extent to which Chinese porcelain was available in Europe before the 16th century. It is divided into three parts: Introduction, Catalogue and short Discussion. An Appendix contains notes on Italian imitations of Chinese porcelain in the 15th and early 16th centuries.  相似文献   

Throughout the past dynasties of China, porcelain has always been used by royalty in their palaces. On one hand they were articles for the daily use and appraisal of the aristocrac)~ and on the other hand, ritual implements used in ceremonies honouring the ancestors of the royal families. The high status and prestige of porcelain were unrivaled. Because of the special properties of porcelain, in the Palace the aesthetic perception, tastes and faith of the emperors directly influenced and even restricted the development of porcelain.  相似文献   

1933年全国共有制造工厂4372家,分布在27个省区的391个县市,总体上呈现东部沿海制造工厂“连片发展”、中西部省区接受东部产业转移而形成的制造工厂“散点分布”的态势。这与东部和中西部的资源禀赋、交通条件、进入国际国内市场的深度和广度不同密切相关。与欧洲工业化先行国不同,20世纪前30年中国东部制造业的“连片发展”和中西部制造业的“散点分布”,不仅有赖于国际市场与国际贸易的引领和促进,更离不开国内超大市场的有力支撑,特别是后者,在一定程度上成为国内制造业应对20世纪30年代全球经济危机的“避风港”。不过,缺乏统一强大的国家政权推动的中国工业化进程,仍然面临国内超大市场启动乏力、东中西部空间隔阂、区域间的产业竞争激烈、农矿资源与资金人才市场配置不当等问题。  相似文献   

Excavations in a refuse dump area in Copenhagen, dated c. 1650–1760, have produced large quantities of Chinese porcelain which reveal considerable consumption of Oriental porcelain in the city, pre-dating the establishment of direct trade with China. The character of the porcelain dated to the first 30 years of the Danish China trade may indicate a socially wider consumption of Chinese porcelain than has been generally assumed. When comparing archaeological and documentary data, a differentiated picture of the import, distribution and consumption of Chinese porcelain in the Danish capital emerges.  相似文献   

董亮  江凌 《收藏家》2008,(1):17-22
西方中世纪时期,王权常常形同虚设,各城邦之间战争不断,既为在战争中辨别敌我以避免伤及战友,也为了树立自身城邦形象,欧洲纹章在这种背景下约于12世纪末兴起。最初只绘制于盾牌上,后来扩展于各类器物和建筑上,其使用范围亦从国家城邦象征向贵族、教会以及其他普通团体和民众扩展,成为体现欧洲文化最典型的象征之一,不过,时至今日,欧洲纹章的主要形式仍然保持盾形。  相似文献   

The grand spectacle of Britain's return of Hong Kong, its colony since the 1842 Treaty of Nanking, to Chinese sovereignty in July 1997 served to dramatize to a global audience the end of imperialism in its most overt political form. Beginning with China's defeat in the First Opium War in 1842, Britain and other European powers came to exercise varying degrees of forcible dominion, wrapped in a confusing array of legal guises, over parts of this proud but endangered country. Known to the Chinese ever since as the "unequal treaties," these agreements progressively infringed on China's sovereignty, administrative and legal integrity, and economic viability. Extraterritorial rights exempting foreigners from Chinese justice, treaty ports where administration was in the hands of foreigners, and foreign control of extensive portions of Chinese bureaucratic administration, including even the country's ability to collect revenue through the Maritime Customs Service—all became part of the elaborate edifice of extraordinary rights and privileges that the powers created for themselves in the name of the "great game" of empire in China.1  相似文献   

More than one million shards of ancient Chinese porcelain were excavated at the Maojiawan pit in Beijing in September 2005. Among these shards, four types of ancient Chinese white porcelain were identified. The ages and provenances of three of these types of porcelain were accurately determined by archaeologists based on typology. However, different archaeologists interpreted the other/fourth type differently. According to the colour of the porcelain body, it was easily identified as the product of the Jingdezhen kilns of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644 AD). However, based on the vessel shape, this fourth type of porcelain was also identified as the product of the Cizhou kilns of the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368 AD). In order to determine the provenance of this type of ancient Chinese white porcelain, 131 shards comprising the four types of white porcelain identified at the site were selected as experimental specimens and analysed by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). After the processing of experimental data by principal component analysis and geochemical analysis, the results show that the provenance of this type of ancient Chinese white porcelain is the Jingdezhen, not the Cizhou kiln.  相似文献   

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