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Probing Effortsand PioneeringSpirit-Story of Vice-PresidentLobsang NangyalAll the teaching staffand students ofTibet Universityspeak highly of LobsangNangyi,citing his probingefforts and pioneering spiritas the model for emulation.Lobsang Nangyal wasassigned to teach in TibetTeacher's School when hegraduated from Lhasa Mid-dle School in 1964.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: As World War II was about to end in the 1940s, the KMT Government built the Xikang-Tibet Highway and dispatched troops into the region, and Chiang Kai-shek appointed Shen Zonglian Director of the Tibet Office. The KMT Tibet Office remained in operation until in 1949, when the Tibetan government reacted to "drive the Hans out of Tibet." The author of the following story was secretary general of the KMT Tibet Office at that time. The following is the second part o…  相似文献   

WANGGUOZHENTibetisanautonomousregionofChina.TheoverwhelmingmajorityofTibetansarefaringmuchbetercomparedtothelifetheyledinwha...  相似文献   

Upon the invita-tion of the ChinaNational Centerfor TibetanStudies,I attended theInternational Symposiumon Tibetology held in Bei-jing in July 2001.Of the100-odd participants,mostwere Chinese Tibetan studyworkers.Foreign scholarsnumbered only some 20,and they came from the  相似文献   

Simply for Touching this Piece of Pure Land Mayu Hot Spring is the third we have passed on our way. It is located in Mayu Township 4.539 meters above sea level.  相似文献   

NationalSupportforTibet──TheThirdNationalConferenceonTibetHeldinBeijing¥//JiangZemin:Theperiodfromnowtotheendofthiscenturyisc...  相似文献   

During the period from 1950 toearly in 1951,Chairman Mao Zedong sent a cable to Peng Dehuai, saying:“it is said that the road extending from Qinghai to Tibet is smooth and good”. On December 9, 1950, the PLA Southwest Military Area sent cable to the Central Military Commission: “It is easier to build highways from Yushu to Lhasa by way of Naqu and Qamdo than from Qamdo to Lhasa by way of the 39-Tribe and Taizhao,  相似文献   

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, which practices ethnic regional autonomy.During this 40-year period, what changes have taken place in Tibet and to the life of Tibetans?Dainzin Lhunzhub, with the China National Center for Tibetan Studies, once interviewed some 100 residents of the Xoi Neighborhood Committee of Lhasa. Beginning with this issue,we will publish highlights of the interview.  相似文献   

TibetologistsarestudyingTibetwithgreatinterest.Manypapershavebeenproducedandthefollowingarehighlightsofsomeofthem.FactorsBehindGelug'sFallInTibetanSludies(issueNO.l,2000),XuDecunwrotethatinrecenttimesTibetansocietywasfilledwithshaIPeningcontradictionsastheTibetanfeudalserfownersystemdeclined.ReformofTibetanBuddhismturnedouttobeamust,andmanymonksleftBuddhahallsandshowedinterestintheoutsideworld.Ontheotherhand,theyfailedtodomoreforthedevelopmentofBuddhism,resultinginthedeclineoftheGelug…  相似文献   

The total installed capacity of electric power in theTibet Autonomous Region is nearly 0.5 million kilo-watts,the annual electric energy,production achieved12 hundred million kilowatts-hour.Nearly everyCounty in Tibet realized electrification.By the end of 2004,the population which used elec-tricity has reached more than 1600000,the rate of elec-tricity used population covered 57% of the whole re-gion,71% of the small towns and 40% of the villagesin Tibet have been electrified.In 1965,when the Tibet Autonomous Region was  相似文献   

A fter the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951,and in conformity with the tready signed on April 29,1954 ontrade and traffic between the two govermments,China revoked all the privileges India had enjoyed in Tibet that were passed on by Britain as the former colonial power,including removing the business offices in Gyangze and Yadong,with drawing armed troops in the two places,and transferring ownership of post offices,telegraph and telephone enterprises and 12 post stations run by India back to China.  相似文献   

The world used to be composed of five particles known today as a kind of oval. They evolved into dew and raindrops, which accumulated and eventually formed the oceans.One of the oval-related bubbles exploded and out jumped a blue woman. Without lowering her head  相似文献   

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council held their Fourth National Conference on Work in Tibet from June 25-27 in Beijing, when the whole nation was celebrating the 50th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet. The National Conference decided on efforts to achieve economic development and social stability to ensure faster socio-economic growth and a better life in Tibet. A review of the 50-year history shows that the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have, f…  相似文献   

In July 1994,the CPC Central Committee and the State Council held theThird National Conference on Work in Tibet.During the conference, JiangZemin,General Party Secretary and State President,said that showing carefor,and providing aid to Tibet constituted the consistent policy of the Partyand the State,and the bounden duty of peoples of all ethnic groups in the country.  相似文献   

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