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旅游区规划的城市化问题及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游区规划城市化问题是学术界一直以来讨论的热点和声讨的对象。本文首先认为当前不少旅游区规划存在城市化现象,存在破坏景观风貌、冲淡游览意境、丧失发展主题、违背人本主义原则和浪费开发资金等影响;其次,文章认为其根本原因是"技术主义"崇拜下"科学主义"泛滥所导致的"人文主义"的缺失,具体表现在技术运用、学科教育、管理体制、社会心理等方面;最后文章提出了系列对策措施,即强化人本-生态主义规划观,维护自然肌理的有机生长,实施规划决策制度化,构建两维规划运行模式,以人文主义提升规划技术,解决游与憩的冲突,完善旅游区规划评价指标体系,建立旅游区特色评估与预警机制等。  相似文献   

Since 2010 and the launch of the METROBORDER project, funded by ESPON, Luxembourg and the neighbouring regions in Belgium, France and Germany have pursued the objective of creating a cross-border polycentric metropolitan region. In order to achieve this goal, the political actors have decided to elaborate a cross-border territorial strategy to bring more coherence and cohesion to a cross-border region characterized by its strong functional integration, due to the very high number of cross-border commuters. This paper reflects the approach that we have followed, as external advisors, to animate the debate between the stakeholders and to provide evidence for the decision-making process. Its objective is to examine the content of this cross-border territorial strategy and to question whether such a strategy between four countries is at all possible, efficient and able to answer to challenges of cross-border integration. An analytical framework has been designed, taking into consideration different approaches of cross-border integration, in order to examine, in a critical way, the content of the cross-border strategy.  相似文献   

I wish to express my gratitude to the College of Fine Arts, Arizona State University, and to Dean Seymour Rosen, for a grant enabling me to complete this paper. Thanks also are due to the Russian and East European Center of the University of Illinois, Urbana, for its support of part of the project; to Laurence H. Miller and the staff of the university's Special Languages Library and to M. Balachandran of the Commerce Library; and to Professor Roland John Wiley of the School of Music, The University of Michigan, for a number of thoughtful suggestions.  相似文献   

Asylum policies in Britain and in the countries of its EU partners are failing to cope with the demands made upon them. With migration pressures mounting and opportunities for legal immigration to many EU states restricted, larger numbers of potential migrants are turning to alternative means of entry and access, namely irregular migration and asylum channels. The responses of states to these challenges have been to adopt more restrictive policies and practices that have considerably changed the balance between immigration control and refugee protection. While states have the right to control entry and enforce their borders, the restrictive measures that have come to dominate policy-making and recent immigration enforcement initiatives in Britain and its European partners do not sufficiently discriminate between asylum seekers and other kinds of migrants, thereby failing to safeguard the right of refugees to seek protection. Current British proposals to move asylum seekers to 'safe areas' in regions of origin fail to understand the burdens, pressures and priorities of countries in the regions, fail to ensure effective protection for those in need, and are unlikely to deliver the UK policy objective of substantially reducing the numbers of illegal entries to Britain. What is needed is an approach that reduces the number of individuals seeking protection in Europe while maintaining the European tradition of providing asylum to those in genuine need. The 'missing link' in asylum policy that would respond both to the concerns of states and to the protection needs of refugees is more comprehensive engagement in regions of refugee origin. It is in this way that western asylum countries, including the UK, may best address the challenge of providing international protection to victims of persecution and respond to their own concerns about asylum.  相似文献   

A family of local, asynchronous, iterative, and parallel procedures (LAIPPs) are described. These procedures are designed to find least cost paths (LCPs) in bounded regions of the plane that have been partitioned into triangular subregions. The unit cost of traversing a given subregion is uniform within the subregion, but varies between subregions. In the case of one-dimensional chains of triangles, the procedures are guaranteed to converge to a global LCP. Although the procedures are guaranteed to terminate, we have so far been unable to prove, in the general case of a two-dimensional triangulation, that the procedures always terminate in admissible paths. Extensive experimental investigations, however, have revealed convergence to admissible paths in all cases examined. While counterexamples are constructed to prove that the procedures may converge to the local rather than global LCPs, convergence to the global LCP was found to occur in nearly all of our experimental investigations. The computational complexity of the procedures, as measured by the number of iterations required for convergence, was found experimentally to be independent of the size of the domain in which the paths lay, and to be slightly greater than linear in the Euclidian length of the paths. The complexity was also found to depend on the cost structure of the domain. Such LAIPPs appear to be promising procedures for both application and further investigation. In particular, the question of convergence is an interesting problem.  相似文献   

论清末舆论放大现象的成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末舆论放大现象最为集中的体现是报刊发行量的飞速扩张;之二是舆论界自身定位为监督政府,并形成了强大的公共领域;之三是受众由以官吏为主转向以社会公众为主;之四是社会各阶层更加注重报刊舆论。至于舆论放大的成因,一是新闻界推行的白话运动,二是政府的引导与推动,三是政府与民间合力促成的讲报、阅报机构,综合催发清末的舆论放大效应。清朝政府对之未予正视,结果致使局势一发而不可收拾,王朝统治也随之荡然无存。  相似文献   

楚人(族)的起源地及其迁徙路线问题,是一个长期困扰楚史研究者的艰难研究课题。清华简《楚居》的面世,为该问题的解决提供了可能。本文在既有楚人源于关中平原观点的基础上,指出《楚居》12个早期地名皆在今陕西省境内:"畏阝山"即蒉山,在蓝田县境;"穴穷"即镐京,在西安市西;"乔山"即峣山,在蓝田县与商州区之间;"爰陂"即原陂,在蓝田县境;"汌水"即灌水,今赤水河;"方山"即华山,今华山山脉;"盘"即蕃,"京宗"即郑荆,皆在华县境;"哉水"即兹水,今灞河;"屈"即冢,今商州区境;"鄀"即上鄀,在洛河、丹江上游;"夷屯"即丹阳,今商州区境。这些地名位置的落实,为楚人源于关中平原的观点提供了新的证据,为楚文化之谜的破译奠定了新的历史地理基础。  相似文献   

灭亡南宋(1279年)之后,元朝在西南地区用兵不断。西南恶劣的气候地理环境使得军粮供给困难。再加上军官侵渔,元军经常发生缺粮现象。为筹措军粮,元朝政府主要采取了四种措施:一,征用百姓将粮食调运至西南地区;二,在西南地区开展屯田缓解供应压力;三,通过赋税的转移与增收来增加西南地区税粮收入和购买粮食的本钱;四,采用入中法解决边粮的运输问题。  相似文献   

区域知识管理的目标、原则与方式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张林 《人文地理》2007,22(1):92-96
为了能动响应信息化、全球化带来的机遇与挑战,在动态市场中持续发展,以及解决区域内部知识生产、知识交换和知识分配等方面的问题,区域必须进行有效的知识管理。作为知识系统,区域知识管理目标应该是如何设计出一个适应系统,强化私人主体和公共机构的知识生产能力和知识价值实现能力,管理的核心在于激励私人创造知识的积极性和公共管理的核心在于激励私人的创造知识的积极性和公共知识流通与分配方面。区域知识管理必须遵循人本主义原则、遵循市场规律原则、区域性原则和制度学习原则,并相应采用多级管理模式。  相似文献   

1936年下半年发生在中日国交调整期间的成都事件,虽然在一定程度上影响了中日关系,但也为重启交涉创造了契机。交涉过程中,日本企图借成都事件一揽子解决以往的各项悬案,从而导致外交谈判的重点出现偏移,谈判的目标由解决具体事件转为全面调整国交。由于双方分歧过大,交涉难以进行,最终谈判被迫退回到“就事论事”的层面,有限度地解决了成都事件。“蓉案”引发的中日交涉,表明了全面抗战爆发前中日两国调整关系的意愿,但由于双方存在明显分歧,国交调整所取得的成果有限。  相似文献   

汤茂林  蒋永华 《人文地理》2011,26(1):154-159
地理学界关于教学与研究的关系有些研究,关于研究与出版、教学与出版的关系几乎没有研究,但人文地理学界对这两种关系没有什么研究。研究表明,教学与研究相互依赖,研究是教学的基础,教学是研究成果得以普及和传承的途径之一,还可能促进研究的深入。教学和研究的质量和水平与出版有相当的关系。教材建设需要引进足够的重视并根据成果写出,研究的理念需要拓展,需要培养问题意识、学术史意识、与同行对话的意识和理论意识,还应注意著述的学术规范。学术出版要坚持高标准,以品质为导向,兼顾经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

陕西省旅游资源保护及其策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王兆萍 《人文地理》2002,17(6):37-40
旅游资源产权不明晰,旅游市场的不完全竞争性,非理性的旅游及其它经济活动以及片面强调旅游业的发展优势是陕西省旅游资源遭受破坏的主要原因。因此陕西省必须实施可持续旅游策略,树立资源忧患意识,改革旅游资源开发体制,建立资源价值合理化机制,实施绿色营销等,努力做到资源保护与旅游经济发展相协调。  相似文献   

This paper examines negotiations involving the exchange of envoys between the Qing dynasty and Khoqand in 1759-60. The Qing made contact with Khoqand in order to bring rapid stabilization to the newly acquired western territories. Khoqand, on the other hand, established a relationship with the Qing in order to expand their authority over the Kirghiz, and to advance toward Bukhara. Irdana tried to take advantage of Qing authority for the purpose of expanding his territories, but at the same time, he appealed to the other Central Asian Muslims to engage with him in a "holy war" against the Qing. It is true that each power in Central Asia shared a sense of crisis in reaction to the Qing's sudden expansion to the west. However, we also need to examine the competition for hegemony among the powers under the pretext of opposition to the Qing's advance.  相似文献   


Mark Blitz’s Plato’s Political Philosophy is reviewed in this article with special attention to two recurring themes. The first is the relation of parts to wholes and, especially, how the knowledge of parts and wholes in general and of political parts and wholes in particular relate to the philosophic attempt to know the whole itself. The second theme is that of philosophy’s relation to piety and, in particular, how the attempt to know the whole, as understood by Blitz, relates to the fundamental opposition between piety and philosophy. Attention to these themes, the author argues, helps to explain peculiarities of Blitz’s approach, especially his greater emphasis on articulating the entire “realm of political philosophy” than on explicating individual dialogues and his tendency to connect and divide Platonic thoughts, themes, and problems rather than to bore into individual Socratic problems.  相似文献   

Using a politics of identity and memory approach, herein, we explore how political discourse plays out in practice and ‘in place’ when Poles were compelled to consider the introduction of visibly different persons, with different cultural characteristics, to their society. In 2017, and at the height of the "migrant/refugee crisis", we conducted 200 short interviews in Wrocław, Poland, to gauge and interpolate attitudes and opinions to refugees, in a context where the refugees had been strategically Othered, and constructed as a threat to Polish society. Our discussion focuses on how the strategic use and dissemination of threat and fear, in public discourse, was operationalised to disrupt steadfast notions of belonging to the Polish nation. By exploring belonging to the nation through a politics of identity and memory framework, we can better understand and provide contextual nuance to the import of maintaining ‘a [Polish] cultural sense of belonging’ (Brockmeier, 2002, p. 18). While in a Polish context, place-based and culturally historical narratives of conflict, territorial incursion, and occupation have framed threats to belonging in the past, the contemporary political exploitation of threat and its (re)production in public discourse is not only strongly exclusionary, but also denies the opportunity for Poles to know diversity as a felt experience reinforcing ideas of a ‘closed’ Poland. The contribution of this paper, then, is to demonstrate both the effectiveness of control of public discourse in a specific place and time, but to also elucidate the less often heard Eastern European states responses to the refugee crises.  相似文献   

Vladimir Putin has been president of Russia for eighteen months, sufficienttime for some judgement about his style of leadership and achievements to have been made. He set out to restore order to a Russia that was fragmenting in Yeltsin's latter years and to revive Russians' pride in their country. Nonetheless, he remains committed to a liberal market economy integrated with the world economy. He encouraged force to bring order to Chechnya, but has not really tackled the problem of reconstruction. He has brought the regions under greater control by the centre, but has been prepared to compromise to avoid confrontation. His most tangible achievement to date has been in championing legislation, most of it long overdue, to establish the legal basis of a market economy. He has been able to exploit a working majority in the parliament, which Yeltsin never enjoyed. The success of this enterprise will depend to some degree on its political context. Persistent efforts by Putin and his team to exert control over the political process and the media will be counterproductive if they concentrate power with the president but leave him without broadly based, independent political support. Putin is likely to remain in power until 2008, however, so he has time on his side.  相似文献   

生态河口是河口区发展的一种理念和模式。本文在分析珠江河口区面临的严重挑战和遇到的难得发展机遇的基础上,提出了建设生态河口是珠江三角洲未来可持续发展的崭新模式。并在科学发展观的指导下,提出建设珠江生态河口的战略对策.以期为河口三角洲地区的可持续发展寻求一种崭新的可持续发展理念和模式。  相似文献   

《UN chronicle》1996,33(2):61-63
Meeting for 6 weeks, the 53-member UN Commission on Human Rights adopted more than 83 resolutions and 14 decisions, the majority by consensus. Among its measures, the commission called for the creation of an open-ended working group to develop policy guidelines for economic structural adjustment programs and their effects upon economic, social, and cultural rights; and the holding of a seminar of experts to develop guidelines on the subject of forced evictions. This report offers a round-up of action with regard to children's rights and abuse, gender issues, the right of people to development, country situations, hostages, indigenous and minority issues, and follow-up to the 1993 Vienna World Conference on Human Rights. Children are being sold for prostitution, pornography, and adoption at an increasing rate worldwide. The commission has therefore called upon governments to take legislative, social, and educational measures to ensure the protection of children from exploitation. Deeply concerned by the persistence of such violations, the commission recommended that states adopt measures to eliminate the existing market for such practices, and asked the group drafting a related optional protocol to the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child to continue its work. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights will provide substantive support to the World Congress against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children, to be held in Stockholm in August.  相似文献   

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