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The Uluburun shipwreck: an overview   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

The project ‘Winter in Northern Europe (WINE)’ of the international ‘Middle Atmosphere Program (MAP)’ comprised a multinational study of the structure, dynamics and composition of the middle atmosphere in winter at high latitudes. Coordinated field measurements were performed during the winter 1983/1984 by a large number of ground-based, air-borne, rocket-borne and satellite-borne instruments. Many of the individual experiments were performed in the European sector of the high latitude and polar atmosphere. Studies of the stratosphere, on the other hand, were expanded to hemispheric scales by the use of data obtained from remotely sensing satellites. Hence, the results derived from the MAP/WINE data can be loosely divided into those related to (a) large scale (> 1000 km) processes, (b) structure and dynamics above northern Scandinavia (with scales between a few hundred kilometers and a few meters) and (c) trace constituents, including ionospheric components.This paper briefly reviews the scientific aims of the project, gives details of the field campaign and provides a synopsis of MAP/WINE results. An in-depth discussion of MAP/WINE results is contained in the subsequent 18 papers of this issue.  相似文献   

The history of cerebral trauma is a large subject and this overview is an attempt to summarise the main trends of understanding and management over the millenia. Although beginning with anthropological evidence, papyrology and Homeric times, the main impetus for its scientific study began with Hippocrates, but little progress was made until the Salernitan period. Because the ancients believed it was the fractured bone and not the underlying neurological status that mattered, and determined whether an operation was to be performed, the classification of head injuries was based on the types of skull fracture and not the underlying neurological damage. Only in recent centuries was it realised that it was not skull fractures that were important but the brain lesion. Further improvement in management occurred during warring periods but the lessons learned were not passed on, although mortality from military wounds has steadily declined. Since only a small percentage of head injuries require surgery, consideration should be given to reserve the time and skills of the neurosurgeon to those cases requiring his expertise; this would require that the preliminary care should be undertaken by physicians with a specific interest in this field.  相似文献   

Once the British transatlantic slave trade came under abolitionists' scrutiny in 1788, West Indian slaveholders had to consider alternative methods of obtaining well-needed laborers. This article examines changes in enslaved women's working lives as planters sought to increase birth rates to replenish declining laboring populations. By focusing more on variances in work assignment and degrees of punishment rather than their absence, this article establishes that enslaved women in Jamaica experienced a considerable shift in their work responsibilities and their subjection to discipline as slaveholders sought to capitalize on their abilities to reproduce. Enslaved women's reproductive capabilities were pivotal for slavery and the plantation economy's survival once legal supplies from Africa were discontinued.  相似文献   

Paolo Liverani 《文博》2009,(6):387-395
直到近些年来系统的研究才使人们对罗马帝国时期雕塑上的色彩装饰及其技术有了一定的了解。仔细的分析使一些著名艺术品的色彩得以重现。比如现存于梵蒂冈博物馆的AugustusofPrimaPorta雕像以及the marble revetment of the end wall of the so-called Aula del Colosso in the Augustus Forum in Rome。现在对和平祭坛博物馆颜料的研究也在进行之中。在这个纪念碑中,色彩并不是完全按照现实的方式来标志被塑形象的地位或者来强调救济的政治信息的。不过这并不是一个大致的结论,因为同时代的其他雕塑如在哥本哈根的嘉士伯艺术博物馆里的卡里古拉大帝的肖像,则将注意力更多的放在了色彩的自然效果上。许多有趣的新发现同样来源于对大理石上装饰的关注。在古希腊时代有三种流行的装饰曾经被用到过(尽管在后帝国时期我们可以鉴别出更多的类型和简约化的风格),尤其是在丧葬礼上。在这个领域,在激光的帮助下,新的保护技术使得重要的发现变成可能。从技术的角度来看有机颜料的重要性比如紫胶染料和湛蓝染料——变得越来越相关。紫色的应用只在亚马逊人的石棺(佛罗伦萨国家博物馆中的公元前四世纪的一个伊特拉斯堪人的石棺)中被发现过。粘合剂知识的进展也同样被关注。以后有必要详细制定一些关于分析和公布结果的标准程序来增加对比以及统计处理的可能性。  相似文献   


A significant proportion of the literature on the reburial of archaeological sites concerns mosaics. These publications reveal that a variety of materials have been used for mosaic reburial, including specialized fill and separation layers, from the early 1980s onwards. Although reburial practice often demonstrates an ad hoc and indiscriminate use of fill and separation materials, or the following of trends and anecdotal information favouring certain materials, knowledge of their characteristics is very important in developing an appropriate technical design for reburial of mosaics. The materials most commonly employed in mosaic reburial practice, including geotextiles, are reviewed and an assessment of their positive and negative characteristics within a reburial design is provided. Recent but limited laboratory and field testing, monitoring and evaluation of reburial interventions have begun to provide preliminary evidence about the behaviour of these materials, indicating which ones are most appropriate and how they should be utilized to best advantage. However, their selection and use remains uneven, and positive results continue to be as much a function of adequate maintenance as proper design and execution.  相似文献   

This overview is a summary of the state of understanding of processes and states in bone diagenesis, as seen from a chemical perspective. It deals with the significance and usefulness of the measurements of ‘diagenetic parameters’—that is, of measures of diagenetic alteration—and of the theories of physico–chemical processes which are considered to underlie the measured changes. In many ways these two aspects are seen to come together quite well, and some progress has been made in relating different burial environments to the observations of alteration. Such a framework also allows us to ask more penetrating questions, such as how characteristic differences in diagenetic alteration might arise, and how the pre–burial environment might influence the eventual course of diagenesis.  相似文献   

To date, neo-Latin studies have been hardly concerned with the nineteenth century, let alone the twentieth century. It would seem that literature written in Latin (called ‘neo-Latin literature’ from the Renaissance onwards) had completely lost its significance. However, recent research has shown that Latin verses were still quantitatively and qualitatively important, even if they no longer enjoyed the same popularity as in previous centuries. This article is a synthesis of what we know about neo-Latin literature in nineteenth-century Europe. The first section discusses the question of its quantitative and qualitative significance. Section 2 deals with the specific features of the neo-Latin literature in the nineteenth century. Section 3 presents the situation in Germany in order to give a more precise idea of the phenomenon. The aim of this article is to provide an impetus for further investigation in the field and to cast light on a facet of the nineteenth century that has long been forgotten.  相似文献   

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