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陈晔  穆兴平 《文博》2013,(2):66-68
本文通过对《唐乾陵令宗瑾墓志跋》一文的商榷,认为此文对志文的标点存在几个问题,影响了对志文的理解,对其进行了匡正,并对志文中的几个问题进行了补充。  相似文献   

针对电算化模式对会计档案管理工作,介绍了电算化模式对会计档案归档范围的影响,提出了电算化模式对会计档案载体多样性的影响,探讨了电算化模式对会计档案利用方式的影响,今后,为电算化模式对会计档案管理管理工作的发展作出努力。  相似文献   

张玮  冯健 《人文地理》2021,36(5):53-62
手机移动地图作为一种新兴的地图形式近年来迅速发展并对居民出行特征产生了深远的影响。本文通过问卷与访谈相结合的方式进行了相关定性定量分析,研究了当前居民对移动地图的使用情况、不同人群对移动地图的使用差异及移动地图的使用对居民出行特征的直接影响,并且进一步探究了其背后的机理模型。一方面移动地图对出行的直接影响造成了信息化时代下居民出行的新特征。另一方面不同年龄,性别,教育,区域的居民对移动地图的使用存在差异,而这种差异或放大或削弱了个人属性对出行特征的影响,从而间接作用于出行特征,改变了传统出行模式。最终,本文讨论了目前移动地图存在的问题及其在未来对城市交通的影响并提出了相应意见建议。  相似文献   

本文根据青铜甗形盉的发展变化,对群舒地区青铜器进行了分期,分析了各种器物的发展变化趋势,进而对徐国青铜器群作了初步的界定,并分析了其中的兽面鼎的来源及其流向.最后,还对徐与吴越文化的融合等相关问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

王彪 《黑龙江史志》2013,(15):180-180
新形势下信息化时代的到来,使得信息技术有了更广阔的应用空间,对图书馆管理产生了深刻影响,改变了图书馆资源的获取方式和结构。本文中,笔者结合自身的工作实践,对当前图书管理进行简要的分析和研究。文中首先对新形势下信息时代图书馆的发展趋势进行了阐述,然后就信息化对图书馆管理的影响进行了分析,在此基础上围绕新形势下图书馆管理的创新提出了理念措施,以期对图书馆的管理有所借鉴。  相似文献   

1957年10月10日,英国爆发了当时世界上最严重的核事故,温斯凯尔核电站一座反应堆发生了火灾并向周围释放了大量放射性物质,虽然当地消防员控制了火势,但是仍造成了严重的空气污染,当地政府实行了牛奶禁令并且召开了一系列的发布会。事故发生后英国进行了两次事故调查,并对在建和后来的核电站进行了改进,温斯凯尔核事故对英国和世界核能发展产生了深远的影响。目前国内对温斯凯尔核事故研究较少,基本属于空白领域,故本文将对这一事件进行阐述。  相似文献   

当前国家对教育大量的投入,对农村中小学的硬件设施配置比较完善,农村小学也引入了多媒体计算机教学,对语文教学质量的提高起到了重要的作用,优化了教学,提高了课堂教学效果。  相似文献   

通过对当前社区的文化建设程度和社区居民的期望进行了问卷调查,介绍了问卷的设计与实施,对调查数据进行统计分析,从而了解了本区居民对当前社区文化设施的看法,和对高职院校图书馆参与社区服务的期望,为今后高职院校图书馆对社区居民开放提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

智慧旅游作为一种新颖的旅游形式,将新一代信息技术应用到旅游中,为人们出行提供了极大便利,满足了游客日益个性化的旅游需求,对游客的旅游活动形成了极大的影响。本文首先对智慧旅游进行了简单概述,包括概念和发展情况,而后对智慧旅游对游客旅游活动的影响进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

教会法学家从其禁欲主义理想出发,对合法婚姻的本质展开了探讨与争鸣。他们通过对禁欲与婚姻关系的探讨,提出了婚姻的避淫乱与生育两大目的,然后对合法婚姻进行了界定,指出婚姻主要是精神结合,而肉体结合只是对它的确认。  相似文献   

The Middle Paleolithic industry of the Sibiryachikha facies is described on the basis of two stratified sites in the Altai – Okladnikov Cave (formerly Sibiryachikha) and Chagyrskaya Cave. Stratigrtraphic, environmental, and chronological aspects are discussed. The structure of two cave sites is analyzed. Petrographic properties of raw material are described and the typology and technology of the lithic industry are compared with those of other local Middle Paleolithic traditions. The Sibiryachikha facies of the Altai Middle Paleolithic represented by two sites was clearly associated with a small group of Neanderthals who migrated from western Central Asia. Eventually the Middle Paleolithic industry evolved into a local variant of the Upper Paleolithic.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the politics of memory in post-genocide Cambodia. Since 1979 genocide has been selectively memorialized in the country, with two sites receiving official commemoration: the Tuol Sleng Museum of Genocide Crimes and the killing fields at Choeung Ek. However, the Cambodian genocide was not limited to these two sites. Through a case study of two unmarked sites—the Sre Lieu mass grave at Koh Sla Dam and the Kampong Chhnang Airfield—we highlight the salience, and significance, of taking seriously those sites of violence that have not received official commemoration. We argue that the history of Cambodia's genocide, as well as attempts to promote transitional justice, must remain cognizant of how memories and memorials become political resources. In particular, we contend that a focus on the unremarked sites of past violence provides critical insight into our contemporary understandings of the politics of remembering and of forgetting.  相似文献   

本文在对宁夏灵武市磁窑堡、回民巷古窑址进行实地考察并采集部分标本的基础上,结合已有的研究成果,对这两处古窑址的烧造品种、文化内涵及工艺渊源等进行了论述。这两处窑址是目前已发现的最重要的西夏瓷窑遗址,对其进行调查和发掘,为在宁夏、内蒙、青海等地西夏遗址出土陶瓷的断代和窑口的判别提供了珍贵的实物资料,对西夏史的研究也具有重要意义,同时也填补了故宫博物院在古陶瓷窑址调查方面的一项空白。  相似文献   


Millstone Bluff and Hayes Creek are principal sites in a late Mississippian complex in the upper Bay Creek watershed in southern Illinois. These and other settlements represent a 13th century expansion of Mississippian settlement away from large stream valleys into remote interior locations. Although contemporaneous and very close to one another, these sites are very different and have a complex history. These two sites were explored in six seasons of excavation and here we summarize that work, focusing on commonalities and differences in architectural patterning and community structure. These reveal that the two sites appear to have varied as a function of nature of initial settlement, adherence to a village layout, and respective roles in the larger settlement system.  相似文献   

Despite a growing recognition that intangible heritage forms an important part of the significance of heritage sites, and that intangible values are intertwined with material resources and spaces, many procedures for the identification and management of heritage sites remain unchanged and fail to integrate these two sets of values. The conservation of heritage sites continues to be dominated by a process that first identifies a material site and then identifies the associated values that comprise its significance. This paper suggests that rather than identifying the physical expression of heritage as the initial point of heritage assessment, the stories (or intangible values) of a region or national history can form the primary mechanism for identifying physical heritage sites. Using the example of Australian government policies of Aboriginal segregation and assimilation, we suggest how national stories – or intangible values – might be used to identify representative sites.  相似文献   

During the Iron Age a subsistence economy based on mixed farming existed in the Dutch wetlands. A model based on subsistence is put forward and tested against the archaeozoological data of 27 sites in order to gain insight into the role of animal husbandry. The model confirms that cattle husbandry was the dominant form of animal husbandry but pigs and sheep were also important at some sites. Although a high number of pig bones were expected, their role is mostly insignificant. An explanation is sought in their lack of secondary products and their competition with humans for the scarce cereals in the wetlands. The mortality profiles for cattle are largely in accordance with the subsistence model. Older cattle are used for traction, milk and herd security and sheep were mainly kept for their meat but also for their milk and wool. Differences in animal husbandry between sites also exist. At two sites more cattle were killed for their meat and at three sites the proportion of older cattle was larger than expected. Although this first test renders the subsistence model viable, it needs to be tested against more sites with larger bone samples.  相似文献   

The relationship between current interpretations of Natufian settlement and subsistence and available archaeological data are examined in light of recent research, particularly in Jordan. Regional variability in adaptive strategies is discernible, particularly between forest and coastal sites versus steppe and desert sites. Greater evidence of plant processing and more intensive occupation characterize settlement in the former, although year-round occupation has yet to be conclusively demonstrated. Patterned variability also exists between two classes of steppe and desert area settlements. One set of steppe and desert sites is characterized by a broad range of activities and moderate settlement permanence and activity intensity, while less permanent occupation and more specialized activities focused primarily on hunting typify the other set of sites. Evidence for food production in the Natufian is examined and, although the domestication process may have begun, no morphological evidence exists for the domestication of plants or herd animals. Finally, worthwhile areas for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

Phosphorus analysis of earthen and plaster floors has been used in Mesoamerica to locate and identify activities at ancient sites. This study uses phosphorus analysis to discern if the inhabitants of two Late Classic coeval and proximal sites located in the El Paraíso Valley of Honduras were different culturally from each other. The buried earthen and plaster surfaces of both sites were systematically sampled and analyzed for phosphorus remains. The patterns of elevated phosphorus from these open spaces were subsequently compared to determine if differences in the habitual use and treatment of open spaces could be discerned. These differences are evaluated as a function of behavioral norms, functional responses, and cultural dispositions in order to evaluate the extent to which these two populations were indeed different from each other.  相似文献   

This paper explores the potential of acoustics to interpret the prehistoric rock art of southern Andalusia (Spain). Tests undertaken in two areas, north of the Celemín river and the Bacinete area, will form the basis of our discussion. The results obtained at a selection of rock art sites show that the two key rock art sites, El Tajo de las Figuras and the large shelter at Bacinete, both with the majority of paintings in the earlier Laguna de la Janda style, had good resonance values. In contrast, at most of the other minor sites tested, the values for resonance were negative or insignificant, regardless of whether they were painted in Laguna de la Janda or schematic style. We conclude that the major rock art sites in southern Andalusia were chosen not only for their geological appearance and location in the landscape, but also for their acoustic properties.  相似文献   

In this paper zooarchaeological evidence from Iron Age and Roman sites in South-East Britain is presented and the results are applied to the continuing debate over culture contact and change following the Roman invasion. Evidence from Heybridge in Essex indicates that there were two stages of livestock development. These may reflect the import of new breeding stock into Britain. Differences between the rate of livestock development at this rural site and the nearby urban centre of Colchester indicate differing mechanisms of animal supply between the two sites. The appearance of very large cattle in Late Roman contexts at Boreham in Essex suggests that improvement of animals continued throughout the Roman occupation and was not merely an initial response to new economic and administrative demands. The biometrical evidence from these three sites is compared with evidence from elsewhere in Europe and the development of livestock during the Roman Period is shown to be complex and varied. The impetus and ideology behind the changes in animal husbandry following the Roman invasion in Britain are explored.  相似文献   

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