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<正>一、形成的原因青铜时代滇池区域的生业方式历经了不同阶段,发展成狩猎采集、渔捞、农业三种主要方式,这三种方式均存于滇池区域的青铜时代的不同阶段。形成这样的生业方式的主要原因是滇池地区优越的自然地理条件。自然地理环境是环绕着人群的空间中可以直接、间接影响到人类生活、生产的一切自然形成的物质、能量的总体,是人类赖以生存的客观条件,它对人类生业方式起着极其巨大的作用,有时甚至是决定性的作用,人类的任何生产活动无  相似文献   

铁古拉遗址位于黑龙江省嫩江县,地处嫩江中游左岸的二级台地上,属红马山文化,为早期铁器时代遗址。2004年,黑龙江省文物考古研究所对其进行了全面的发掘,出土大量动物骨骼遗存,总数达2153件,种类包括软体动物类、鱼鳖类、鱼类、鸟类及哺乳动物类,此外,还出土了骨、角和蚌制品。根据动物考古学研究结果,铁古拉遗址古代先民是以家畜饲养为主,渔猎采集为辅的生业模式;进一步推测,铁器时代嫩江流域在畜养方面较青铜时代已有明显变化,但仍然与东北南部地区生业情况保持不同的发展趋势。  相似文献   

历时6年,"生业与社会"栏目已经开设23期。我们的研究范围涉及15个省市自治区的40余处遗址的人骨考古、动植物考古、古DNA研究、碳氮稳定同位素分析和环境考古;还包括对多种动植物种类开展专题研究;对全国各个地区自新石器时代到青铜时代的生业状况进行系统而全面地探讨,划分发展阶段;对于与礼仪性相关的活动也有研究;另外还有对于方法论的探讨等。今后,我们要继续推动发表单个遗址的研究成果,同时要注重在有条件的单个遗址中,开展包括动植物考古、古DNA研究、同位素分析和环境考古在内的多角度的分析,以求更加全面地认识当时的生业状况。我们要继续推动专题研究,在一定的时空范围内探讨生业与社会的各个方面,以求深化研究的内涵,拓展研究的领域。我们要继续推进生业考古相关学科的建设,立足标准化和规范化建设。我们要继续鼓励青年学者挑大梁,推动青年学者在研究中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

为深入理解新石器时代河南地区生业经济的发展过程及其与环境波动、文化演变和社会变迁的关系,本文根据已发表的人和动物的碳、氮稳定同位素比值,对该地区新石器时代中期至新石器时代末期先民的食物结构和家畜的饲养方式进行了梳理,并总结了本地生业经济发展的过程。如果说新石器时代中期的贾湖遗址已经开启了向农业迈进的步伐,那么随后的新石器时代晚期则已经发展成为成熟的农业社会,新石器时代末期的生业,则可以概括为生计方式多样化与生业经济复杂化,其中粟作农业的生产是本地生业经济的主体。通过对生业经济与环境、文化、社会变迁之间相互关系的梳理,本文认为自然环境是人类活动的背景和舞台,生业经济则集中呈现了人们为适应、开发和利用环境而发展出的生计方式的技术体系,其转变将引发物质文化与社会层面的一系列连锁反应。生业、环境与文化的交互作用对于社会复杂化进程加深和早期文明化进程提速的影响需要我们思考和进一步研究。  相似文献   

汉水中游地区位于中国南方与北方文化交汇地带,南北方文化因素来回拉锯,属于典型的考古学文化"漩涡地带"。相比黄河、长江流域,该区域的生业经济并不明晰。本文通过对该区域的郧县大寺遗址出土动物骨骼研究,认识到该遗址的生业经济是家畜饲养与狩猎经济并重,具有南北地带过渡性的特点。同时,通过与周边数个遗址的对比发现,汉水中游地区的生业经济在区域内部存在差异,初步推测这种差异可能与仪式性的活动需求有一定关系。  相似文献   

通过对十二桥文化成都平原类型和渝东类型典型遗址所出动物骨骼的可鉴定标本、最小个体数和肉量估算的统计来考察其生业方式,结果显示前者的肉食资源以家畜为主,而后者则以狩猎为主。与香炉石文化的生业方式进行比较,并认为在早期文明阶段,同一考古学文化的不同类型其生业方式不尽相同,而不同的考古学文化间的生业方式则可能趋同。  相似文献   

正对遗址生业特征的全面认识离不开对其自然环境的探讨。自然环境是一个包含地貌、气候、土壤、水文和生物等多种要素的整体,并且在不同的时间和空间尺度上往往呈现出不同的特征,不同的环境要素与不同的生业方式的关系必定是因时因地而异的,动植物考古学研究针对具体遗址开展工作,环境考古学研究也需要落实到具体的遗址上。《山东省章丘市西河遗址的古地貌及相关问题》一文认为,在全新世早期,西河遗址附近的河道从加积状态转为下切,现代河道的雏形开始形成,西河遗址早期的先民在河漫滩通过渔猎和采集等方式获取食物资源。不晚于距今8000年前,河流进一步下  相似文献   

近几年,淮河中游地区考古发掘和研究工作的陆续开展,揭示出这一地区在中国史前文化发展和演进过程中的重要地位。生业经济作为史前社会发展的物质基础,为全面认识古代社会和文化的发展提供了重要材料和研究视角,成为现今考古研究的重要内容。通过对安徽定远县侯家寨遗址出土动物遗骸进行整理和分析,可以探讨该遗址先民对动物资源的开发和利用。同时,结合双墩等遗址的已有研究,可对淮河流域史前先民的生业经济活动等进行探讨。  相似文献   

1993年内蒙古自治区文物考古研究所对阳湾遗址的发掘,发现了一处保存较为完好的仰韶文化中期聚落遗址。遗址内房屋皆为长方形、方形半地穴式,房屋结构规整,部分保存较好的房址穴壁上还发现有戳印的装饰纹样。遗址内出土大量的陶、石、骨器等。为内蒙古中南部地区仰韶文化的房屋建筑、聚落分布、生业方式等方面的研究提供了一批重要的资料。  相似文献   

裴李岗文化生业经济研究主要从微观和宏观两个层面展开。微观方面包括动物遗存、植物遗存和生产工具的研究,宏观方面则从聚落形态角度进行长时段的考察比较。总体上裴李岗文化生计表现出低水平的食物生产状态,以采集狩猎经济为主,农业生产可能也占有一定比例并有了初步发展。目前仅贾湖遗址进行过较系统的发掘和研究,而各遗址采集、狩猎、渔业、家畜饲养及农业生产的占比可能会有所不同,当前研究缺乏各遗址生业经济结构的具体细节,裴李岗文化跨越了近1500年,各时段的比较研究也还严重缺乏。  相似文献   

1955年底1956年初,在"四十条"所描绘的远景吸引下,许多农民抱着过高预期纷纷加入了高级社,这是农业合作化高潮形成的原因之一.由于预期加入高级社后收入可以大幅增加,许多农民不愿再从事原先对其具有吸引力的非农职业,有些农民也不愿从事副业生产.这一方面说明,许多农民加入高级社的确是自愿的,但是另一方面也意味着,许多农民的自愿是建立在不尽现实的过高预期之上的,带有很大的虚假性和盲目性.  相似文献   

The manufacture of stone tools was one of the most important craft production activities in prehistoric human society. Previously, lack of sound evidence had made it too early to confirm whether or not stone tool production during the Longshan cultural period had already transformed from a primitive self-sufficient household mode of production to a specialized mode of production. Excavation of the site of the Longshan cultural site at Liangchengzhen in Rizhao, Shandong from 1998–2001 through meticulous field methods such as sieving and floatation yielded a large number of lithic reduction tools, ranging from grinding stones, stone hammers, and polishing stones to raw materials, semi-finished products, and lithic debitage of various sizes, resulting from the lithic reduction process. This excavation suggests that the Liangchenzhen site was a settlement site where the complete process of lithic reduction was practiced. Through comparison with contemporary large-scale excavated sites of the Longshan culture, it is suggested that the Area 1 at the Liangchengzhen site was a lithic reduction locality with a relatively high degree of specialization which was used for hundreds of years. It is possible that stone tool production had already advanced to a stage of relatively high specialization during the Longshan cultural period in the Haidai region.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore regional innovation in the use of varieties of algae as inputs to industrial processes. It is important to understand that algae are one of nature's most bountiful products, with an almost infinite variety of applications. Algae have received prominence in the research literature because of the strong evidence that they can make a major contribution to the production and—importantly—storage of renewable energy. Following the introduction to this paper, Section 2 reviews the nature and application of algae in two main aspects of clean energy production: first as biogasolene or biodiesel; second as large-scale storage batteries for electricity. The latter is particularly important as one classic deficiency of electricity is the difficulty in storing it for lengthy periods other than in short-life batteries. However (Section 3), there are other uses for algae, ranging from aquaculture to medicine and the production of cosmetics. In the southwest corner of the Iberian Peninsula, between Faro in Portugal through Huelva to Cadiz in Spain, is a significant research and commercial algae production zone. The paper describes the key system elements in play in this trans-border innovation network and considers prospects for new path creation towards biofuels, the main research and application centres for which are in the San Francisco Bay Area in California. Conclusions and recommendations for policy action are then drawn.  相似文献   

Spencer Hall 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):265-267
Excavations took place in 1969, in advance of housing development, on the site of a fourth-century Roman pottery workshop, two adjacent kilns, a well, a large pit and two burials. The workshop contained internal features linked with pottery production, including possible emplacements for potters' wheels. Two kilns, each constructed differently, were producing grey and colour-coated wares. A large pit was used for rubbish. A well, square in plan, was associated with the workshop and must have provided water for the potters. Of particular interest was a complete millstone, which appears to have been used as a flywheel fixed to a potter's wheel. Pottery production at the site may have continued into the early part of the fifth century and as such is one of the last known production centres of the Roman Nene valley pottery industry. The site is significant in that it probably represents a near complete and typical industrial pottery production unit within a major pottery production area of the province and represents an important aspect of the late Roman economy.  相似文献   

试论城镇人居环境中的生产环境   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文通过对人居环境概念的分析,指出生产环境是人居环境中不可分割的组成部分,认为城镇人居环境中的生产环境应是城镇中居民从事各种生产活动的直接环境和各种生产活动所营造的对居民有直接或间接影响的城镇环境。根据这一认识,作者对城镇人居环境中的生产环境所涉及的要素分内部和外部环境(包括生产性设施环境、生产性人口环境、生产性文化和制度环境、生产性污染和灾害环境、择业环境等)两个层面进行了多维度的分析,并指出城镇人居环境的持续发展必须加强对生产环境的研究。  相似文献   

英国工业革命时期的家庭生产   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
舒小昀 《史学月刊》2000,4(3):72-78
家庭史学是史学的一个新成员,现已成为新史学的研究热点之一。家庭生产包括物质生产和人口生产两个方面。英国工业革命时期,物质生产的发展改变了人类单一依靠土地的生产方式,增加了财富.使人口增长成为可能,人口增长又反过来成为英国工业革命的推进剂,当两发展不协调时可以通过生育控制等来达到平衡。在英国工业革命这一特定的历史时期,两种生产互为因果、互相制约,形成社会发展的良性机制。  相似文献   

雍正皇帝为稳定商品市场的银钱比价,对铜钱制度深刻反思后进行了全面改革,至乾隆时期,改革后的铸钱成本长期保持在铜钱千文含银一两以下, 成本较低。而同一时期商品货币流通领域铜钱对纹银的兑换却低于一两,钱价高昂,钱价与钱值相悖。形成这个问题的根本原因,在于清政府对铜斤实行垄断经营、压低价格。基于清政府对鼓铸用锎垄断价格而形成的铸钱成本,并不能真正体现钱文的价值含量。铸钱成本的高低应取决于商品市场铜铅价格的高低。乾隆时期钱价高昂,正是当时商品市场铜价昂贵的曲折反映。  相似文献   

国家银行业务在农村的延伸是新中国乡村借贷关系转型和现代化的标志之一。建国初期,为了活跃农村金融,促进农村经济的恢复与发展,国家大力举办了农贷。这一时期,国家农贷在规模上是逐年增加的,在发放对象上倾向照顾农村合作经济组织和广大贫困农民,在贷款利率上有逐年下降的趋势,在贷款用途上绝大部分是为了解决农民的生产困难。总体上看,国家农贷作为建国初期人民政府扶持和发展农村经济的重要措施之一,对当时农民的生产经营和农村经济的发展发挥了重要作用,但也存在一定的缺陷和不足。  相似文献   

The industrial district is one of the theoretical concepts by which Italian economic geography has redefined a large part of its scientific and methodological status. The successful of industrial district is linked to the explanation of the Italian model of light industrialization, that is to the role played by small firms in Italian manufacturing industry. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to know that industrial district was introduced as a theoretical paradigm to stress the territoriality of the production process and the gain of productiveness and innovativeness for the firm which sources from the embedding of economic activity within the local society where the production takes place. Support for this approach is found in the Marshallian external economies. This article addresses the importance of industrial district from the point of view of this neo-Marshallian reading of the organization of production. This framework of reference provides the basis for the formulation and implementation of local policies which recast traditional economic, social and infrastructural ones as specialist policies aimed at the creation of the institutional and environmental conditions for the competitiveness of places.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In a recent JRS article [Martinich and Hurter (1985)] we examined the production and spatial impact on a firm operating in an uncertain environment due to the imposition of a flat rate income tax. The impacts were shown to depend on the properties of the firm's production and preference functions. In this paper we develop further results for the case where the firm has a degree one homogeneous production function. It is shown that an income tax is technologically and spatially neutral for any risk-averse firm, without regard to any other properties of the preference function. Thus, we not only extend our earlier results for the degree one homogenous production function case but we also correct an error related to this case in the earlier paper.  相似文献   

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