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谭维宁 《人文地理》1996,11(2):20-23
环境保护和城市规划结合的意义和必要性已为人们所认识,并成为城市科学和环境科学交叉的研究领域。在我国城市环境问题日益复杂的今天,环境影响评估这一传统的结合手段已经暴露出越来越多的局限性。笔者通过分析城市环境问题产生根源,提出资源的合理分配是两者结合的新部位,进而探讨了资源分配合理性界定的准则、操作手段,以及界定的技术路线,最后介绍香港城市规划各个层面的环境保护的意识和措施为借鉴。  相似文献   

旅游规划的文化生态理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了克服物质性旅游规划的弊端,规划中越来越多的考虑了"历史传统、伦理道德、价值观、社会公正"等文化因素,这些零散的"旅游与文化"融合研究还没有形成系统的旅游规划理论。本文根据新文化地理学的文化生态思想和工具理性与价值理性相统一的原理,以人类精神文化需要和旅游规划实践为现实需求,结合旅游规划的主要内容,应用系统分析的方法,将文化生态系统与旅游规划系统进行耦合,实现旅游规划中"工具要素之形"与"文化生态要素之神"的统一,构建旅游规划的文化生态理论。  相似文献   

Elective Affinities: Musical Essays on the History of Aesthetic Theory collects a selection of Lydia Goehr's recent essays. In them she traces "a history of attraction and reaction … of music to philosophy, drama, birdsong, crime, film, and nationhood" (ix). Goehr examines the ways that philosophers, the ideas that they present, and works of art display "elective affinities". Her procedure is like that of an art historian who presents parallel slides to reveal visual affinities, even between artists who themselves were unaware of each other. Her analyses are erudite, lucid, and always suggestive, but what I found most admirable in Elective Affinities is Goehr's extraordinarily brave experimentation with a novel form of philosophy-writing, the adumbration of which is the focus of this review. Her book is strange enough to be genuinely magnificent and lastingly influential.  相似文献   

城市规划的基础理论研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从哲学、方法论的角度对城市规划的基础理论问题进行了探讨,提出了城市规划理论的两个来源:实践与假说。对规划理论的作用进行了评价,设想了规划的理论体系。  相似文献   

This article considers Quentin Skinner's critique and methodology in his seminal essay “Meaning and Understanding in the History of Ideas” vis-à-vis the current methodological debates in Chinese and comparative philosophy. It surveys the different ways in which philosophers who work with ancient Chinese texts in those related fields deal with the tension between textual contexts and autonomy and how some of the errors criticized by Skinner under the mythology of coherence, mythology of doctrines, mythology of parochialism, and mythology of prolepsis might apply to those fields. It argues that Skinner's insistence that understanding a text requires recovering its author's intended meaning by studying its linguistic context has limited application to Chinese and comparative philosophy because those fields’ most important texts are not best understood as means of communication by specific historical authors with intended messages to convey to readers. These texts are instead the means by which Chinese traditions perpetuate their respective beliefs and practices. Instead of being circumscribed by authorial intent, the meanings of traditional texts are dynamic and co-created in the process of producing, reproducing, and consuming texts as well as in the evolution of practices that also constitute each tradition. The meanings received by the audience are never exactly what authors or transmitters intended but have been transformed by each audience's own concerns and interests, even if the audience attempts to grasp what the former intended. Using the Five Classics and the Analects as examples, this article illustrates how such texts’ purposes to teach and perpetuate the practices that constitute a way of life determine their meanings. Understanding is not merely cognitive but practical as well. The meanings of such texts are not static but dynamic as traditions evolve. The debates about methods of reading and interpreting ancient Chinese texts are also debates about the nature of Chinese traditions and struggles over their futures.  相似文献   

Gorman proposes to investigate historical practice under the rubric of a philosophy of disciplines. Such philosophy must first “recover historically” the self‐constitution of the discipline in order then to appraise its procedures for warranting claims. Gorman's concept of discipline would have profited from consulting the substantial body of empirical research and theory regarding disciplinarity, and his “historical recovery” of the discipline of history leaves a lot to be desired. These insufficiencies vitiate the interesting arguments he has to offer concerning the question of the truth‐claims of whole historical accounts. A better reconstruction of disciplinarity might also have provided him with stronger rejoinders to the postmodern challenge to historical practice that he sees himself called to rebut.  相似文献   

村镇规划与土地规划的比较及协调研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
村镇规划和土地规划是中国农村经济和社会发展规划的两种极为重要的类型。两者既密切联系,同时又存在着一定的区别,特别是在当前我国农村现代化建设中,集中表现为村镇建设与耕地保护的突出矛盾,迫切需要加以统一和协调。本文在对这两种规划的异同点、现实矛盾作出比较与分析的基础上,提出了其合理协调的主要途径。  相似文献   

布尔迪厄的文化资本理论在旅游规划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴启焰  王兆杰 《人文地理》2011,26(1):113-117
伴随着后现代主义的到来,以符号和影像为主的消费文化成为了社会消费的主导。因此,旅游业的发展与规划既需要满足消费需求,又要尊重消费文化。本文中我们试图从布迪厄的文化资本理论的三个方面:文化能力、文化产品、文化制度的角度分析旅游文化资本,希望以此推动旅游文化资本在旅游规划中的运用。  相似文献   

中国城市地理学近期进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
沈道齐  崔功豪 《人文地理》1996,11(Z1):49-61
中国城市地理的兴盛时期始于70年代中期,至80年代进入历史以来最旺盛的发展时期。城市地理学主要研究城市体系、城市化、城市地域结构以及各期城市的发展规律和发展政策。其重要的应用领域则主要通过城市规划和区域规划、国土规划。特别是70年代中期借助于我国城市规划工作的复兴,为城市地理学的发展提供了广阔的实践基础。  相似文献   

Population geographers are urged to get involved in the program of socio-economic planning that is expected to supplement the present economic planning process in the Soviet Union. So far socio-economic plans have been drawn up only for a few large cities like Moscow, Leningrad and Sverdlovsk. In general, there is a need for integrating the social planning process with purely economic planning, and to supplement the present sectoral planning system with an integrated system of spatial planning entities. At the present time, city and regional plans are derived by simply collating sectoral data at the city and regional level rather than by a separate integrated spatial planning procedure. A system of intra-oblast regions, or okrugs, numbering perhaps 500 or more, is recommended as a new level suitable both for government administration and for socio-economic planning.  相似文献   

论城市旅游规划与城市规划的相互协调   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
本文通过分析城市旅游规划与城市规划的特点指出城市旅游规划的局限性与城市规划的权威性,城市旅游规划应依赖城市规划来弥补其局限性,但同时城市旅游规划对城市规划也具有一定的影响作用,城市规划应根据城市旅游发展的要求进行适应性调整。  相似文献   

O ne of the distinctive features of geographic research is the spatial perspective which is manifested in the geographic literature through the use of a wide variety of spatial concepts. Until the recent work of phenomenological geographers, the variety of concepts used by geographers conformed to the ideals of a scientific geography in that they referred to measurable relations between phenomena. The relations may be directly measurable, such as the highway distance between Los Angeles and San Diego, or they may be indirectly measurable, such as an individual's perception of the distance between the same two cities. This interest in both objective as well as perceived spatial relationships illustrates the expanded scope of geography's spatial perspective, which has resulted in an increase in the number of spatial concepts of significance to geographers and a proliferation of the meanings given to the traditional spatial concepts of geography.  相似文献   

“Theory” is all the rage among religious studies scholars generally. But with the tiniest number of exceptions, this is not true in American religious history. American history in general has not proven receptive to theoretically oriented scholarship, and American religious history may epitomize this aversion; most histories of religion in America follow the classic forms of narrative history. yet the study of religion in modern urban America illustrates the desirability and perhaps even the inevitability of rethinking both religion and modernity. Without rethinking modernity, especially the assumption of its secularity, our histories cannot explain or even adequately describe the remarkable resilience of religion in so seemingly secular a place as Manhattan. And without rethinking religion we may not be able to comprehend its ability to thrive and to embrace uncertainty and spiritual pluralism alike.  相似文献   

PHILIP COOKE† 《对极》1987,19(1):69-70

In the confines of the study of politics, public policy analysis involves a shift from pure to applied research, a shift which intensifies the problem of the fact-value split inherited from positivist behavioralism. While early public policy literature concentrated on empirical policy-making processes bypassing moral criteria, some recent writings have elaborated on policymaking and policy evaluation as a type of normative inquiry; significant steps in this direction have been undertaken by Duncan MacRae and especially by Jurgen Habermas in the context of “critical theory.” According to Habermas, policy evaluation requires a critically reflective “practical discourse” open not only to experts or policy analysts but to the public at large. The paper argues that such discourse is a valuable remedy against the technical-instrumental bent of applied science, but that recovery of a fully non-instrumental “practical” judgement presupposes an evaluation not only of concrete policies but of the status of “policy” itself.  相似文献   

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