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This paper explores approaches to managing environmental change in urban regions, particularly with respect to land use and property development. Specifically, it examines the role and forms of development plans, as frameworks within regulatory regimes for managing development. It emphasizes the importance of the ideology and discourses underlying conceptions of plan content and function, and of the power relations of executive action. It draws on British experience and past traditions of development plan‐making, to argue that there are three possibilities for the future evolution of a regulatory form for the planning system: neo‐liberal forms of management by performance criteria and output targets; élite‐pluralist forms of management by partnership; and participatory forms of management by argumentation. The paper concludes that the contemporary challenge for the regulatory form of land use planning systems is between forms of technicist management and forms of pluralist democratic management.  相似文献   

An increasing number of subnational government bodies mandate municipalities to establish a vision for their future development with a local plan. Outside the U.S., few studies have assessed whether these mandates succeed at increasing formal quality, policy focus and implementation of local plans. In addition, the reasons that prompt governments to impose mandates remain unclear. To tackle these issues, we used a multi-method approach combining interviews, plan content analysis and questionnaires to compare mandated and voluntary planning in Switzerland. Our analysis reveals that mandates only have limited impact on local plans. In particular, they do not produce higher quality plans than voluntary planning and do not improve implementation of policies. Our results may imply that (a) planning mandates from subnational governments are ineffective in general or (b) Swiss mandates in particular entail too few requirements and enforcement mechanisms to show a clear effect. Further studies could explore this issue empirically by comparing the characteristics of different planning mandates and assessing their effect on the quality and implementation of local plans. Alternatively, future research efforts could also examine how to find a compromise between mandated and voluntary planning in order to increase local commitment towards plan making.  相似文献   

Improved decision support is deemed essential for the planning and implementation of sustainable transport solutions, but limited evidence exists that decision-relevant information is effectively used for these purposes. This paper applies a framework inspired by research in “knowledge utilization” to examine to what extent various kinds of decision support are used and have become influential in three different planning situations—a local cycle plan in Copenhagen, the Stockholm congestion charging trial and the UK national transport strategy. The results reveal the extensive use of decision support but also the difficulty of unpicking its exact role in each case. Stockholm presented the most successful case, with a mix of academic and experience-based knowledge inputs facilitating understanding and acceptance. The cycle plan example revealed very limited influence of cycling design guidance. The UK national transport strategy fell somewhere in between with evidence of assessment and monitoring of the plans being well bedded in the culture of the organizations involved, but less supportive of sustainability objectives. While decision support and monitoring are clearly relevant, they provide no guarantee for the implementation of sustainable transport solutions.  相似文献   

The post‐Suharto ‘Reform Era’ has witnessed explosive revitalization movements among Indonesia's indigenous minorities or ‘customary’(adat) communities attempting to redress the disempowerment they suffered under the former regime. This study considers the current resurgence of customary claims to land and resources in Bali, where the state‐sponsored investment boom of the 1990s had severe social and environmental impacts. It focuses on recent experiments with participatory community mapping, aimed at reframing the relationship between state and local institutions in planning and decision‐making processes. Closely tied to the mapping and planning strategy have been efforts to strengthen local institutions and to confront the problems of land alienation and community control of resources. The diversity of responses to this new intervention reflects both the vitality and limitations of local adat communities, as well as the contributions and constraints of non‐governmental organizations that increasingly mediate their relationships to state and global arenas. This ethnographic study explores participants’ experiences of the community mapping programme and suggests its potential for developing ‘critical localism’ through long‐term, process‐oriented engagements between communities, governments, NGOs, and academic researchers.  相似文献   

The 'Law of Anticipated Reactions' and its two extensions are applied to the Portuguese planning context in the decision-making process of choosing where to locate a major airport. My argument contends the fact that uncertainty, associated with indecision, in locating major infrastructure hubs constrains individual actions according to governments' perceived powers (uncertainty of preferences and uncertainty of sanctions). The relevance of knowing how to cope with these indecision factors in the location of major transportation hubs is important to establish ' a priori ' actions that can forecast urban problems and timely implement appropriate planning strategies. The two Portuguese municipalities most often mentioned as the most probable locations for the airport are used as case studies to analyse and discuss how indecision factors have been affecting land use change. The data sources used for the two municipalities are land use change, census information and number of development requirements. The data is contrasted with urban and regional plans to verify if indeed indecision associated with the location of this major airport was an important factor in speeding up land consumption in both areas.  相似文献   

Both scholars and practitioners of environmental and land use planning in Western contexts have been slow to consider the links between planning and gender as they apply to land use reallocations in regions located beyond the city. The purpose of this paper is to spark discussion and inform future research efforts about the gendered implications of land use change. Drawing on research from environmental planning, gender/development planning, and rural resource communities, a conceptualization of feminist environmentalism is developed to interpret how environmental and land use planning represents women's lives and gives meaning to women's perspectives on economic transition in rural resource communities in Canada. Two planning documents are analyzed. First, a regional land use plan and transition strategy proposed by the Commission on Resources and Environment (core) for Vancouver Island in 1994 is examined. It is revealed that this plan contained a narrow interpretation of social sustainability, which resulted in the omission and /or marginalization of important elements of women's lives. Second, a subsequent post-hoc assessment of the impact of the Vancouver Island plan was reviewed. This report gave voice to women's material realities; however, a nuanced interpretation of the variation in the experiences of women remained elusive. Drawing on insights from both theory and practice, challenges for future research are presented. Les universitaires et les praticiens de I'aménagement du territoire et de I'environnement en contextes occiden-taux ont résistéà prendre en considération les liens entre la planification du territoire et le genre sexuel tels qu'ils s'appliquent aux re-allocations de l'utilisation du territoire, particulièrement en régions contiguës aux villes. Le but de cet article et de susciter la discussion et d'informer sur la direction des recherches en considération des implications du genre sexuel et des femmes par rapport a l'utilisation du territoire. À partir de recherches et de la littérature en planification environnementale, en déve-loppement, en féminisme et en ressources des commu-nautés rurales, une conceptualisation de I'environ-nementalisme sensible au genre sexuel est élaborée pour interpréter premièrement, les représentations de la vie des femmes en aménagement du territoire et de I'environnement. Deuxièmement, cet article aborde le sens que cet environnementalisme féministe offre aux perspectives des femmes en lumière des transitions économi-ques des communautés rurales. Deux documents tirés de la littérature en aménagement sont analysés. Premièrement, nous analysons un plan d'aménagement et de stratégic de transition proposé par la Commission sur les Ressources et I'Environnement (core: Commission on Resources and Environment) pour I'l?le de Vancouver, publié en 1994. Une lecture de ce document révèle que l'interprétation limitée de la durabilité sociale a pour résultat l'omission où la marginalisation d'éléments im-portants de la vie des femmes. Deuxièmement, nous analysons un rapport d'impacts du plan pour I'l?le de Vancouver. II appert que malgré une sensibilité aux réaltiés matérielles de la vie des femmes, l'interprétation des variations des expériences des femmes reste difficile. À partir d'aperçus et d'élements théoriques et pratiques, I'article termine par une discussion des défis pour les recherches á venir.  相似文献   

It has been argued that by‐pass roads lead to suburban growth and that the construction of such roads will prompt the planning of industrial and other commercial developments, on the part of the local municipal government. This case study of five by‐pass roads shows that a significant, but limited suburban growth takes place along these roads. Actors who promote development have a greater effect on the planning process than those who resist land development. One exception is the regional authorities who can object to a local plan. The study also shows that most of the local development plans are submitted for approval by the local authorities themselves, either independently or jointly with private developers.  相似文献   

This study proposes a theory‐based cellular automata (CA) in which CA rules are constructed on the basis of a theory of urban land‐use change and other local conditions. Rent gap theory that describes urban redevelopment and exogenous conditions that reflect urban development are embedded into a CA to simulate changes of land use. The theoretical framework provides a strong conceptual background for the CA simulation. A case study demonstrates the flexibility of the integrated framework for simulating land‐use changes in complex settings. This research aims to help decision‐makers formulate appropriate development plans.  相似文献   

Today's corporate strategy is resulting in the creation of a network enterprise. As geographic space is integrated in this strategy, it is not only the network enterprise that functions in a polycentric way, but also space. Therefore, a networked territory exists as another reality alongside the existing socio-political entities. In a global/local perspective, recent models of local economic development emphasize the role of the 'local' in local economic development. These theories stress the importance of socio-cultural environment, institutions and networking in local economic development. Without denying the importance of these characteristics, it is clear that even perfect 'local' conditions are not infallible localization forces. Just as globalization is not a kind of mystical force, neither are the forces of localization. To understand why there are winners and losers, localization forces must be regarded from the point of view of existing or absent common local interests and the local capacity to organize them. They are not mystical but they have very much to do with relationships of power not only within, but - resulting from the emergence of a networked territory - also outside the region. From this perspective the existence and the safeguarding of common local interests are not apparent. Local advocacy is therefore a necessity from the region's point of view.  相似文献   

The development of West Edmonton Mall is presented as a case study in the problem of coping with unexpected, large-scale departures from authorized plans - in this instance, the plan for the new suburban community of West Jasper Place. The main features of the plan are described and the practical consequences of permitting the mall to be built are assessed. It is concluded that Edmonton's conventional planning instruments were unable to respond effectively to the challenge posed by West Edmonton Mall, because the local planning system did not make adequate provision for the politics of plan implementation.  相似文献   

张凌云  杨晶晶 《人文地理》2012,27(2):140-144
旅游规划是一个地区对于未来旅游业发展的一种项目计划和制度安排,因此,在旅游规划编制以及落实过程中会涉及到各相关利益方的博弈。在我国一些少数民族地区,未被工业化的社会形态和结构成为一种稀缺的吸引物,旅游业成为当地具有较强比较优势的经济产业。但在旅游开发规划中,当地居民的利益诉求往往被忽视。新疆喀纳斯旅游规划应用了居民区与旅游区相隔离的战略,在达到了功能分区的目的的同时也引起了相关利益方之间的利益博弈,引发了我们对于编制旅游规划的程序和实体改革方向的思考。  相似文献   

吴必虎  张伟 《人文地理》2003,18(4):26-31
本文认为由WTO组织编制的《山东省旅游发展总体规划》优点突出,不足难免。其优点在于规划的框架体系与理念具有先进性,敢于对地方政府规划部门提出的不合理方案提出率直的批评,对传统生活方式作为旅游资源和当地居民的利益予以充分尊重,强调可持续发展;而其缺点在于对中国文化特别是儒家文化和国内客源市场特征难免理解不深,因而在全省旅游的总体定位、空间布局和市场预测等方面存在若干值得商榷的地方。  相似文献   

The post 1960 locational sequence of peri‐urban residential development in the Halifax city region is interpreted in terms of three sets of factors: magnets or attractors, constraints or inhibitors, and planning policies designed to direct or control development. Most peripheral housing has been suburban (i.e., on small, centrally‐serviced lots) rather than exurban (on large lots, serviced on‐site). Suburban development patterns have been strongly shaped by the 1963 Halifax Housing Survey and the 1975 Regional Development Plan, both of which promoted planned satellite communities on government land assemblies, in areas of cheap land and low development costs. After 1980 effective regional planning was phased out, which encouraged excessive large‐lot development in country districts beyond the service boundary. Magnets for country residential development operate at a variety of scales, and include highway access, elementary schools, localized site conditions, and appropriate zoning. The major regional constraint is road‐distance from the urban core, but socio‐cultural and cadastral constraints are locally important. The paper concludes with a survey of policy options to promote efficient patterns of suburban development and to curb exurban sprawl. Many of these options were recommended in earlier plans, but have lacked fiscal and political support in the last two decades. They must now be re‐assessed in a new regional plan. La séquence géographique post‐1960 du développement résidentiel péri‐urbain dans la région de Halifax est interprétée par l'entremise de trois ensembles des facteurs: les aimants ou les attracteurs, les contraintes ou les inhibiteurs, et les politiques de planification conçues pour diriger ou contrôler le développement. La plupart des logements périphériques ont été sub‐urbains (c'est‐à‐dire sur des petits lots dotés de services centraux) plutôt qu'exurbains (sur des grands lots, dotés sur place). Des configurations suburbaines de développement ont été fortement conditionnées par le Halifax Housing Survey (1963) et par le plan de développement régional (1975), tous deux ayant promu des communautés satellites prévues sur les terres de gouvernement, dans les zones de terrain bon marché avec des coûts de développement relativement bas. Après 1980, la planification régionale a étééliminée, ce qui a encouragé le développement excessif de lots de grandes dimensions dans des zones au‐delà de la limite des services. Les aimants pour le développement résidentiel exurbain fonctionnent à diverses échelles. Ils incluent notamment l'accès routier, les écoles primaires, l'état des sites locaux, et la répartition appropriée en zones. La contrainte régionale principale est la distance routière par rapport au noyau urbain, mais les contraintes socio‐culturelles et cadastrales sont localement importantes. En conclusion, l'article fournit un résumé des options politiques favorisant les configurations efficaces du développement suburbain et limitant le développement des grands lots exurbains. Plusieurs de ces options ont déjà fait l'objet de recommandations dans le cadre de plans passés, mais ont manqué de support fiscal et politique au cours des deux dernières décennies. Elles doivent maintenant être réévaluées dans un nouveau plan régional.  相似文献   

This paper reviews plans for a new building programme for Amsterdam, a growing city in the Netherlands. This plan ignores children's needs and 'devoires' responsibility to the boroughs. This is alarming as the boroughs are not addressing threats to the quality of children's neighbourhood lives. It is argued that this neglect will undermine Amsterdam's reputation as a child friendly city by design. There is an urgent need to make children's presence more visible, to set minimum space standards and to involve children in the planning process.  相似文献   

Current research is carried out with an intention to present an optimization approach for the urban land‐use allocation problem by generating Pareto optimum solutions considering two objectives—maximizing compatibility among adjacent space uses of a study area without compromising the area’s total land price and maximizing the price of plot of each individual owner. Considering the non‐linear characteristics of the objective functions, a multi‐objective evolutionary algorithm approach called Non‐Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm‐II (NSGA‐II) is applied to obtain Pareto optimal land‐use allocation subject to different set of constraints. The objective functions are tested over a case study area of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The resulting NSGA‐II model produces 24 Pareto optimal solutions of land‐use allocation, allowing tradeoff between maximizing compatibility and land price from one solution to other. This research also expresses the potential of the model to aid the policymakers and city planners of development authorities by providing alternative land‐use plans, and thereby predicting the consequences of any plan before practical application.  相似文献   

This article uses Manchester as a case study to explore post‐war relationships in Britain between local rail networks and urban form. During this period, Manchester's rail network has been severely rationalized with only limited investment in new infrastructure, although local services have been underpinned by public subsidy. During the 1950s and 1960s, there was little formal land use planning policy with regard to the rail network, but in the late 1970s strategic policies crystallized which sought to steer major activity generators to nodalities generally well‐served by public transport. However, these policies were undermined in the 1980s by Thatcherite deregulation. The early 1990s has seen more positive trends with the opening of Manchester's light rail line and the development nationally of policies aimed at creating more sustainable urban form through synergy between local rail networks and urban development. But there is evidence of counter‐trends and the whole future of the rail system has been thrown into doubt because of rail privatization. Conclusions are drawn that focus on the need for changes in the institutional arrangements for transport planning and strategic town planning through the creation of a strong regional tier of government, as found in other EU countries.  相似文献   

In the development process of housing at a local level, several actors are involved. As a result, there is a need for coordination between the actors. The market can take care of this coordination. However, housing is generally considered to be, at least partly, the responsibility of the public sector. Leaving the development entirely to market forces is not an option for several reasons. But the other extreme, in which the public sector is entirely responsible for housing development is not considered a feasible option either. This paper investigates, using four case studies of housing development processes in different countries, what the role of the public sector, represented by the local planning authority, in such processes is, and how this can be put into effect. To that aim, the notion of 'induced cooperation' is introduced, as an approach for the local planning authority to pursue its housing and land use policy aims in an environment of mutual dependency.  相似文献   

From around 1970 protests against many plans in Norway forced discussions about the role and results of planning. Protest came from people directly affected by plans and many others concerned about the environment. Planning was criticised for among other things, neglecting local interests and protection issues and for being authoritarian and directed from the top down. At the root of the criticism was a rejection of the prevailing politics and planning ideology. Demands for more democratic planning arose. Through experiments, partly initiated and encouraged by The Ministry of the Environment during the 1970s and 1980s, and extended process rules in the Planning and Building Act, the idea of public participation gradually emerged and became a commonly accepted part of plan preparation. The main picture is that planning in these years developed from an instrumental rationality into a more communicative approach, many plans were changed so that inhabitants could accept them, and public participation created innovative proposals. From the 1990s citizens' influence on planning became challenged by co-operation between developers and public agencies and by privately initiated local plans where great power lies in developers' hands. In this article the development of public participation in Norwegian physical planning is discussed. Some methods used and results achieved are analysed, illustrated with examples from practice. In the concluding part of the article some features of tomorrow's planning in Norway are discussed with regard to public participation and co-operation, and a proposal for stronger public control over the planning process is made.  相似文献   

Sustainable mobility has been an important concern in urban planning and development in Oslo Metropolitan Area since the 1990s. The period has been characterized by concentrated and compact urban development, especially within the municipality of Oslo. This has contributed to a reduction in growth in car traffic. Analyses of selected land use and transport plans and policy documents, professional journal articles and interviews with key actors show that there has been a high degree of consensus about this spatial development strategy. Considerable investments have been made in public transport as well as in road development; the former based on broad consensus. Road capacity increases have been contested among professionals but widely supported by politicians.  相似文献   

This study undertook a quantitative analysis of town master plans to define future urban growth. Spatial direction and intensity of urban expansion were analysed in relation to local contexts using land zoning and a comprehensive database of socio-economic indicators at the municipal scale in Catalonia, Spain. Our results illustrate a progressive shift towards discontinuous settlements consolidating urban centres in most accessible rural areas. Contrary to what was hypothesized (and partly observed) in recent decades, settlement expansion will modestly contribute to a balanced urban spatial structure. Future urban development in Catalonia will not follow a polycentric model, fuelling instead the growth of medium and small urban centres. This process may consolidate the incipient divide in rural areas with high accessibility and a dynamic economic base with remote inland areas experiencing land abandonment and depopulation. The use of indicators derived from town master plans in the assessment of (scattered or polycentric) future urbanization in Europe is finally discussed.  相似文献   

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