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城乡一体化是伴随着工业社会、城市化时代的一种特有的社会经济现象,是人类社会生产力高度发达的一个重要标志,尤其在经济发达地区这种现象更加明显。中德两国有着不同的城市化发展过程和不同的时代背景,在工业化与经济发达区域内,城市化道路及其带来的城乡一体化类型、特征、模式与前景是有一定差异的。本文着重探索中国的长江三角洲与德国的莱茵-鲁尔地区的城乡一体化模式,从不同的视角、层面进行比较研究,试图从两国不同的地区比较得到有益的启示。  相似文献   

The assessment of different urban planning scenarios by stakeholders can yield important insights which, in turn, inform sustainable urban transition. Yet to gain in-depth insight, this assessment needs to be multi-faceted and should go beyond a unidimensional “most/least desired” approach. Accordingly, we use indicators that distinguish between desirability, utility and probability assessments. We compare these assessments within and between various stakeholder groups based on a set of literature-based hypotheses. We constructed six planning scenarios, systematically varied with respect to sustainability for the case study, “Erlenmatt”, a major urban redevelopment area in Switzerland. Three stakeholder groups (housing suppliers, the non-profit & public sector and housing target groups, n?=?80) were investigated. The results of the statistical analyses suggest that more sustainable scenarios are preferred with respect to both their desirability and utility and that their probability is not lower than that of the other scenarios. The non-profit & public sector is the most pessimistic about the probability of a sustainable district while housing suppliers desire it less. We conclude that such detailed subjective scenario assessments can provide informative and detailed guidance for sustainable urban transition.  相似文献   

编制城市生态功能区划的相关思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李永洁 《人文地理》2003,18(4):84-88
本文从生态功能区划的意义出发,对城市生态功能区划编制的工作方法及可应用的理论进行了介绍,并从(1)对城市生态系统的正确认识(2)注意建立可能的生态资源资料库(3)注意寻求城市生态系统可持续发展理想化模型(4)进行科学的生态功能区划(5)制定城市生态功能区建设导则等五方面提出如下观点:城市生态系统是以人的行为为主导,自然环境为依托,资源流动为命脉,社会体制为经络的社会-经济-自然复合生态系统;建立生态环境要素资料库及建立生态因素单因子图层库,是客观、科学编制生态区划的基础;以维持城市可持续发展要求为前提,研究自然生态系统的理想化平台模式和社会经济发展的理想化模型的最佳结合,才能构筑城市生态系统可持续发展理想化模型;以环境问题为导向,以环境安全为原则,以环境合理功能为目标,才能制定科学的生态功能区划;为确保城市生态环境质量的建设要求,保障生态功能区划实施的有效性,制定刚性与弹性相结合的城市生态功能区建设导则是必要的。  相似文献   

Most research on the security implications of environmental and demographic change does not explicitly distinguish between urban and rural areas. While statistical conflict analyses are increasingly sophisticated with respect to spatial and substantive disaggregation they largely ignore the possibility that urban and rural areas may be affected differently. In Africa, a continent assumed to be particularly vulnerable to the social and economic externalities of environmental and demographic change, less than one percent of the land mass is defined as ‘urban’. Yet, the population that lives in African cities is expected to increase by more than 150% between 2020 and 2050 according to UN population forecasts, massively outpacing rural population growth estimated at 35%. Given the vast social transformation associated with this process of rapid urbanization, understanding the dynamics and consequences of urban population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, and its possible relationship with environmental factors is key to reducing vulnerabilities and facilitating sustainable urban growth on the continent. In this article we argue that high urban population growth may strain the provision of public services in urban areas, heighten competition over scarce urban land, and increase the chances of urban social unrest. We expect population pressure to have the most profound effects on social unrest in peri-urban areas, meaning the urban outskirts. We further investigate whether environmental push factors, operationalized as droughts happening in rural areas proximate to the urban centers, could be driving any effect of urban population growth on social disorder, possibly supporting concerns over climate change-induced social unrest. We test our expectations on a sample of similarly sized urban and peri-urban ‘grid cells’ covering the whole of the African continent for the 1997–2010 period, using geo-coded social unrest data. Our analysis shows that urban population growth is associated with increased unrest in the peri-urban areas only. We find no evidence, however, that this relationship is driven by environmental push factors in the form of nearby droughts. The study contributes insights relevant to the broader debates about possible security implications of hyper-urbanization and climate change.  相似文献   

西部贫困地区可持续发展的模式初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
曹明明 《人文地理》2002,17(4):92-95
贫困地区较之一般地域面临更为严峻的发展与生态环境保护冲突,此类地区可持续发展对更大范围的发展状态与进程具有更大影响。本着空间协调性、时序协调性、要素协调性等原则,本文提出西部贫困地区实现可持续发展的模式有:资源开发模式、生态优化模式、城市先导模式、高新技术产业化驱动模式、旅游先导模式等。对这些模式的空间选择给出了建设性的意见和建议。  相似文献   

创造阶层与城市可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着知识经济的发展和经济全球化,人才资源(人力资本)成为第一资源,以人为本,重视人力资本特别是创造型人才并发挥其创新作用,是城市可持续发展及竞争力的根源和保证。创造阶层理论为城市可持续发展发现了新道路。创造阶层的兴起将深刻地影响城市的可持续发展,中国城市应当采取措施兴起创造阶层。城市可以通过规划建设提高人居环境质量、增加城市便利性,通过制度创新扩展人的自由、提供创新的制度环境,而积累人力资本特别是兴起创造阶层,从根本上增强城市可持续发展能力。  相似文献   

南京城市扩展与其空间增长管理的研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
城市的空间扩展是城市化发展的直接体现,透过对城市扩展的分析研究,可以加深对城市化本质的理解,并可为城市可持续发展提供有效的空间决策资讯。本文选取南京城市扩展作为分析的具体案例,在充分认识和剖析自然景观、区域经济及城市用地结构特征等条件基础上,揭示了南京城市扩展的空间动态过程及其诱导性因子。基于对城市总体规划的概念性理解,论文概括了南京城市空间增长的基本管理措施:即,外围总体控制--框定主城区;主城内部空间的分片管理-结构优化;区域层面的都市发展区空间组织-外围空间引导。  相似文献   

In recent years, the challenges of urban regeneration and sustainability have been brought together in discourses concerning the re-shaping of inner-city districts of large cities. Currently, sustainable development in regeneration policies is mostly dominated by the environmental dimension and qualities of the built environment, with some focus on the more easily quantifiable aspects of social and economic dimensions. There is, however, limited discussion about integrating socio-economic aspects of sustainable regeneration in the literature. This paper presents a critical exploration of the role of the existing small business base in facilitating more sustainable urban re-development from a socio-economic standpoint. Indigenous food outlets in Birmingham's Eastside district—a re-development initiative branded as exemplar of sustainable urban development—are used to illustrate the role of small businesses in the day-to-day life of districts undergoing regeneration. The paper reflects on challenges and benefits from retaining and supporting established businesses throughout the re-development process and concludes with some reflections on lessons learnt from the case study. It argues that planners, policy-makers and developers should accord greater attention to the role of established businesses to foster urban districts that strive towards integrating aspects of socio-economic sustainability.  相似文献   

城市社区型营业性场所的人本主义布局模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国市场经济的深入发展和社区理念的引入,当前社区各类场所的规划都越来越受到重视。本文以人本主义的方法论入手,结合城市社会生活空间结构原理,还深入到存在主义"引力区"构成、商娱空间行为场所认知构成、社区资源可接近性-可获性构成及社区阶层化构成,总结出城市社区型营业性场所的四种布局规律。  相似文献   

城镇体系可持续规划初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国持续发展战略的出台,作为城市区域系统之纲的城镇体系也只有顺应这一形势,进行可持续规划。本文初步探讨了城镇体系可持续规划的理论、方法、内容、目标以及工作步骤。并认为城镇体系可持续规划不同于传统规划,一方面理论上注重持续发展思想为指导,另一方面方法上应以先进的信息系统技术为支撑工具;同时,其内容上应把传统规划建立在城镇体系规划信息系统基础之上,并进行环境生态规划。  相似文献   

旅游循环经济的发展理念与运行体系研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
发展旅游循环经济是旅游业中实现经济、社会、环境"三赢"的旅游发展模式。发展旅游循环经济可实现资源的持续利用,提升旅游产业效益,实现旅游可持续发展。发展旅游循环经济应树立系统观、新经济观、新价值观、新生产观和新消费观,构建起发展旅游循环经济的动力系统、支持保障系统、参与层面系统等,促进旅游循环经济的模式系统良性发展,达到旅游循环经济的目标系统。  相似文献   

可持续发展——中国理智的选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对可持续发展战略的由来及含义做了详尽的说明,并结合中国的实际,探讨了在中国实行可持续发展战略的必要性及实现途径。提出在中国实现可持续发展是一项长期的、艰苦的任务,首先应转变经济发展模式,确立以保护环境和合理利用资源为核心的经济发展战略;利用市场机制和经济手段,促进市场经济与环境保护的协调配合;同时要采取有效的人口政策,控制人口增长;并通过建设生态农业和完善城市建设,加强农村与城市的环境综合整治。  相似文献   

研究旨在对宁夏县域经济类型进行划分,揭示不同县域经济演变与转型过程中的城乡耦合协调发展的特征与规律。①宁夏县域经济演变与转型呈现出工业主导型与商贸与综合发展型两种类型;②工业主导型的城镇化发展指数和乡村发展指数都比商贸与综合发展型县域高,但差距在缩小;③除2000、2005年外,工业主导型县域均处于城乡发展较不协调状态,而商业与综合发展型县域则处于较协调状况。宁夏县域经济发展应该更关注三次产业的融合、鼓励劳动密集性产业的发展,增强县城公共服务能力,提升人口集聚与就业转移的能力。  相似文献   

This article reviews some issues reflected in the 1996 UN Habitat II agenda and recent research on urbanization. The themes of the 1996 Habitat conference were urban development, urban poverty, and governance, civil society, and social capital. It is expected that over 50% of total world population will live in cities in the year 2000. Cities are viewed both as engines of economic growth and centers of severe economic, environmental, and social problems. There is some disagreement about whether cities are rational economic structures or what the World Bank's urban agenda is and its relationship with macroeconomic policy. Discussions of global urban issues are criticized for their neglect of issues of equity and poverty, cultural diversity, and identity and representation. Habitat II also stressed urban sustainability. There is growing recognition that urban management involves more than the "Brown Agenda" of environmental and physical aspects of urban growth. Recent studies identify how politics and power affect people's access to basic urban services. Urban economic activity can also contribute to environmental problems. Urban growth affects the provision of health services. Although there is not a consensus on the role of cities in expanding economic and social development and the best management practices, there is sufficient evidence to indicate that urban processes are varied throughout the developing world. The links between urban and rural areas differentiate cities and expose the need to understand the role of intermediate urban areas surrounding and between larger cities. Poverty has become increasingly urbanized, but the extent of poverty is unknown. Habitat II was an unprecedented effort to engage nongovernment groups, local government staff, trade unions, and the private sector and to emphasize community participation. Networks of trust and reciprocity are key to solving poverty, inequality, and disempowerment problems.  相似文献   

Rates of car ownership in Australia are among the highest in the world. Private cars have shaped the urban form of Australian cities and the daily routines of their residents, making it possible to fulfil geographically stretched responsibilities for work, family, and social lives. But the dominance of the private car in Australian lives and landscapes should not be confused with universality. Aggregate, population‐wide statistics of car ownership and use mask the fact that not all Australians are equally car dependent. In this paper, we report on the results of a household sustainability survey conducted in metropolitan Sydney and Wollongong. Overseas‐born persons, migrants, and (some) ethnic minority groups were found to own fewer cars – and to use them less – than their Anglo‐Australian and Australian‐born counterparts. These differences were not attributable to socio‐economic or demographic factors. Our findings, which point towards the existence of diverse cultures of transport within the Australian population, are significant for transport planning and policymaking. Given profound concerns about the environmental implications of car use, the environmentally (more) sustainable transport behaviours of ethnic minorities and migrants should be supported. A shift in research focus away from the most car‐dependent groups in Australian society may also be more widely instructive. The transport practices, experiences, and strategies of those who own and drive cars at below‐average rates may indeed contribute practical lessons to inform planning for more environmentally sustainable transport futures.  相似文献   

精准识别城市功能区对于优化协调城市人地系统,完善城市规划及促进城市可持续发展具有重要意义。选取公众认知度和地物一般面积对行业POI数据核密度进行加权,构建城市功能区定量识别方法,以本溪为例,输出城市功能区分布图并开展分析。结果表明:①考虑公众认识度与一般面积的核密度加权方法具有更高的实际性和准确性;②本溪市中心城区受地块大小、交通等因素影响,形成“多中心”组团、“单一-混合”功能区协同发展的空间格局。应进一步完善本溪新城区公共服务体系、优化旅游业产业链条,推进资源型城市转型进程。  相似文献   

龚正 《旅游科学》2007,21(2):73-78
新颁布的《风景名胜区条例》实质价值表现为注重风景名胜资源永续利用的长远利益和景区内的和谐秩序,形式价值表现为立法的全面性和实际可操作性.《条例》颁布施行后的积极影响包括:进一步加强对风景名胜资源的保护,有助于制止景区破坏性建设和"商业化、人工化、城市化"的趋向,进一步完善风景名胜区管理机构的设置和明确其职责,促使风景名胜区法制建设的完善.本文结合普陀山国家级风景名胜区的现状,提出了几点应对措施.  相似文献   

马晓龙  李维维 《人文地理》2016,31(1):124-129
研究城市旅游综合体概念的基本理论问题是搭建该领域理论平台的基础。按照实证-规范-实证的逻辑思路,通过文献分析和过程还原对城市旅游综合体概念的形成和理论来源进行了研究。结果显示,城市旅游综合体研究尽管涵盖了地理空间、产业组织、服务经济和要素整合四个视角,但"空间"和"产业"两个属性才是其概念建构的基础,快速城市化背景下以追求资源集约化利用水平为目标的"经营城市"理念则是城市旅游综合体形成的理论源泉。文章认为,城市旅游综合体是一种特殊的旅游地域系统形态,从人地相互作用的角度对其进行理解是将后续研究引向深入的必然。  相似文献   

贵州省的城市生态环境问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈慧琳 《人文地理》2002,17(6):20-23
本文以贵阳等九座城市为例,从城市的自然环境和人类活动影响两方面,探讨贵州城市的生态,环境问题,以及协调人地矛盾的主要对策。全文分为以下三大部分:首先探讨城市的自然环境特征,说明贵州城市的形态结构,水土资源及城市扩展均受"喀斯特"环境的制约,其生态环境极为脆弱。表现在水土资源贫乏,平地少又很分散,地形封闭,旱涝和地貌灾害频繁等。第二论述城市的生态环境问题:以煤烟性空气污染,水体有机污染和交通噪声污染为主。SO2的污染极为严重,酸雨污染,城市河段及湖(库)污染普遍存在;4/5的城市交通噪声超过国家标准;1/2城市区域环境噪声污染严重。最后提出重建城市生态环境的主要对策。  相似文献   

美国城市蔓延之后的规划运动及其启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于文波  刘晓霞  王竹 《人文地理》2004,19(4):55-58,81
本文以对我国城市规划的借鉴和启示为目的,探索性的从社会历史视角分析了导致美国城市蔓延的原由,并述评了美国各界针对蔓延问题引发全面反思,和在规划界形成的目前具有广泛影响力的"聪明增长"、"新都市主义"和"可持续发展"等新规划思潮、主张及其反对者的批判观点。在此基础上,指出我国城市化过程中以"前车之鉴"谋求可持续发展,探索符合国情的城市空间模式的关键点:①警惕蔓延;②完善城市交通格局;③挖掘"单位制"的新生命力;④促进混合高强度土地利用和开发模式。  相似文献   

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