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此文是本刊的特约稿。作者是河北师范大学教授 ,中国诗经学会会长 ,香港大学广大学院讲座教授 ,日本宫城女子大学特聘研究员。  相似文献   

This article explores the intellectual and methodological values of cross-cultural and institutional engagements in community-based heritage initiatives, specifically a cultural exchange and university training program. The initiatives were situated in the Belizean villages of Crooked Tree and Biscayne. The cultural exchange took place between people of African Kriol and Mopan Maya descent who shared histories of engagements with archaeologists and community efforts to manage local environmental and cultural heritage resources. The university training example highlights engagements in an international community-based public history field experience. By discussing these case-studies and situating them in relevant disciplinary literatures, I demonstrate how interactions between groups embedded in community-based heritage initiatives provide valuable learning opportunities for a range of stakeholders and contribute to heritage scholarship. I discuss considerations in implementing cultural exchanges, share details about the process and results of community, academic, and institutional engagements in heritage projects in Belize, and conclude with some learned lessons about community-based heritage scholarship.  相似文献   

The discipline of political science has remained male dominated in most parts of the world. Women have organised within political science associations both to raise the status of women in the profession and to try to transform the discipline. This article is a personal account of the 25‐year history of the Women's Caucus of the Australasian Political Studies Association and its successes and failures. While the status of women in the profession has improved and the journal has become more gender inclusive, the impact of feminist scholarship on political science curriculum remains patchy. Space has been made for gender scholarship and a chapter added to textbooks and disciplinary histories, but the approach is additive rather than transformative. One contributing factor may be increased fragmentation of the discipline.  相似文献   

Addressing three well-known textual issues in Epode 1 (in this order: perdam/ perdat 34, the punctuation of 7–14, superne/superni 29), the author advocates some principles for editors concerning the large legacy of conjectures to Horace: An editor should divide these into four categories according to merit: (I) those adopted in the text itself, with information in the Apparatus criticus, (II) those in the Apparatus criticus only, (III) those in the Appendix critica – the majority, and (IV), if feasible, those found only in a separate repertory/data bank. Whereas the Apparatus criticus should be slim and highly selective, the Appendix critica can be all the more generous. – Strictly philological commentaries accompanying such an edition are seen as a great desideratum in today's classical scholarship.  相似文献   

Gesar is a great heroic epiccreated collectively byTibetans.For thousands ofyears,it has been circulatingfar and wide within Tibetanareas and has been loved byTibetans.Gesar represents anhistorical pinnacle of ancient Ti-betan culture.As not only a crys-tallization of Tibetan's intelligence,but also a cultural treasure house,Gesar is of high academic and aestheticvalue.  相似文献   

Historians of historiography have recently adopted the language of ‘epistemic virtues’ to refer to character traits believed to be conducive to good historical scholarship. While ‘epistemic virtues’ is a modern philosophical concept, virtues such as ‘objectivity’, ‘meticulousness’ and ‘carefulness’ historically also served as actors' categories. Especially in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, historians frequently used virtue language to describe what it took to be a ‘good’, ‘reliable’ or ‘professional’ scholar. Based on three European case studies—the German historian Georg Waitz (1813–86), his French pupil Gabriel Monod (1844–1912) and the Belgian historian Henri Pirenne (1862–1935)—this article argues that such virtues cannot neatly be classified as ‘epistemic’ ones. For what is characteristic about virtue language in historical scholarship around 1900 is an overlap or entanglement of epistemic, moral and political connotations. The virtues embodied by, or attributed to, Waitz, Monod and Pirenne were almost invariably aimed at epistemic, moral and political goods at once, though not always to the same degrees. Consequently, if ‘epistemic virtues’ is going to be a helpful category, it must not be interpreted in a strong sense (‘only epistemic’), but in a weak one (‘epistemic’ as one layer of meaning among others).  相似文献   

林辰先生是一位从事鲁迅著作出版的编辑,也是鲁迅研究界的老前辈。还是中学生的时候,他就开始阅读鲁迅的著作,几十年来,他撰写了不少有价值的学术论文,早在四十年代就已经出版的专著《鲁迅事迹考》,一直受到国内外同行的重视和好评,成为从事鲁迅研究不可缺少的参考书。此外,从1951年至1958年,1977年至1981年,2000年至今,他曾先后三次参加了  相似文献   

Irony and contingency are central to Charles E. Rosenberg's scholarship and theoretical stance. Irony is a a way to speak through history both to power and to those who would contest power. The question becomes, What kind of politics is it? The limitations of Rosenberg's ironic trope and its world weariness that can provide critique but no way to change is analyzed.  相似文献   

《史籍考》编纂始末辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为中国古代传统学术的总结期,清乾嘉道时期诸儒对经史、小学的缜密考辨和编纂,孕育出《皇清经解》、《史籍考》、《小学考》等颇具宏观性的集大成巨作。与《皇清经解》、《小学考》流传至今而大显于世的命运不同,《史籍考》则因遭兵火之厄而消失于天壤间,隐而不彰。然而,毕沅、谢启昆、潘锡恩之主持经营,章学诚、胡虔、许瀚诸人之汲汲编纂,无不彰显出学人及地方大吏对史学的关注和倡导。因此,梳理和考辨《史籍考》的编纂经过,以及其取向、构架和成就,于深入考察乾嘉道时期的史学趋向不无裨益。  相似文献   

翁振 《中国地方志》2011,(11):40-43
市、县(区)志书要强化志书美术编辑作用的意识,把美术编辑纳入志书的总体规划组织实施,通过广泛征集照片、认真筛选照片、科学制作图照、做好图照编辑、规范封面设计、把好印刷关等办法,提高志书质量。  相似文献   

署有“纳兰成德校伊”的《通志堂经解》问世以后,在编辑权上存有异议。笔者查考了纳兰成德、徐乾学、朱彝尊等人的著述,认为纳兰成德是辑编《通志堂经解》的倡始者、资助者、参与者,担任着该书主编的角色。署“纳兰成德校订”未尝不可。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to contribute a greater understanding of the processes by which nationalism passes by unnoticed in research and distorts knowledge about the past. It identifies four narrative practices typical of methodologically nationalist history‐writing and explains why they should be rejected as dubious scholarship. These are: concept overstretch; selection bias; the misrepresentation of governing bodies; and the conflation of culture with identity. It is argued that each functions as a hidden authentication route, entrenching nation‐centric understandings of the past as valid perspectives in scholarly discourses under the legitimating cover of scientific protocol. By increasing awareness around methodological nationalism in history‐writing, this article serves at least two normative purposes. First, it emphasises the reflectiveness required for analysts to avoid co‐option by ideology. Second, it functions as a critical vantage point for dispelling misunderstandings that fuel interstate disputes, interethnic tensions, and the oppression of minorities among populations understanding themselves as heirs to timelessly national property.  相似文献   

《沙州都督府图经》撰修年代新探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本依据最新公布的考古材料,首先对《沙州都督府图经》撰写时间的研究成果做了简要评析;其次,判定《沙洲都督府图经》撰成于武周长寿元年(692),在武周证圣元年(695)和开元初年(约719)两次少有补续;并进一步推断692年撰成时当为“沙州都督府图经卷第一”、695年补修后为“卷第二”。  相似文献   

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