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In 1907 Andrew Fisher was evaluated as a ‘stronger man … and more virile character’ and therefore a better Australian Labor Party leader than Chris Watson. A key aspect of this assessment was his embodiment of respectable working-class manliness. One particularly overlooked aspect in the process of making men visible as men in Australian political history has been the male bodies of political leaders. This article offers the first systematic examination of the bodily practices and strategies of Alfred Deakin, George Reid and Andrew Fisher, three key players in the early formation of a two-party system in the decade following Federation. I seek to alter our understanding of political authority in the early federal period by examining how political contests played out using manhood – specifically, embodied manhood – as a key marker of political legitimacy.  相似文献   

This article assesses co-chairs’ roles in affecting the outcomes of Asia-Pacific defence diplomacy, which have been under-examined. Attempting to mend this intellectual gap, our study examines: ‘What shapes specific agreement details?’ We contend that co-chairs’ effectiveness is not borne out of resource possession but in fact derived from their ability to manage the resources. In order to be effective, co-chairpersons must convert the available resources at hands into bargaining leverage. To validate our argument, empirical analysis of military medicine (MM) collaboration under the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus) framework was conducted. We demonstrate how the Thai and Russian co-chairs altered the bargaining dynamics to shape the outcomes regarding the ASEAN Center of Military Medicine (ACMM). Insights from our analysis not only extends the existing academic literature on Asia-Pacific defence diplomacy and international negotiation, but also provides practitioners with lessons useful for conducting defence diplomacy and enhancing security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific and beyond.  相似文献   

Contrary to expectations based on 1980s west-European research, women's representation in Australian cabinets over the last quarter century has exceeded their proportional strength in parliaments. The paper examines this and canvasses explanations. Consistent with west-European findings, Australian women ministers are overrepresented in social portfolio areas and underrepresented in defining and physical resource mobilisation areas. The paper considers implications and explanations of women's work in cabinet. 'There are only two ways of getting into the Cabinet. One way is to crawl up the staircase of preferment on your belly; the other way is to kick them in the teeth.' Aneurin Bevan quoted in Hennessy (1986, 94)  相似文献   

Nyingchi,locatedinsoutheastTibet,isonthemiddleandlowerreachesoftheYarlungZangboRiver.ItneighborsQamdoineast,Shannaninwest,Nagquinnorth,andIndiainsouth.Itisblessedwithaweathercombinationofchillycoldandhumidwarmth.Extending646.7kmeastwestand353.2kmnorthsout…  相似文献   

It is a core element in Richard Florida’s popular theory on growth to be able to attract the creative class to a geographical area. But Florida is not very specific on which kind of amenities are important for attracting and keeping the creative class. The purpose of this paper is to analyse which kind of cultural activities the creative class is actually using. Which kind of cultural activities does the creative class use more intensively than other groups in society? This paper presents new empirical results on preferences for leisure and culture. Richard Florida’s theory can be, and has been, criticised – especially on the issue of causality. The analyses presented in this paper show that being part of the creative class has an independent and significant role in explaining preferences for leisure and culture.  相似文献   

On December 18, 2000, the TibetAutonomous Region held its economic work meeting in Lhasa.China's Tibet gets the followinginformation at the meeting.GDP: The GDP for the year 2000 was estimated at 11 .65 billion Yuan, an increase of 9.3percent from the previous year.Industrial Production: The industrial output value was estimated at 1 .792 billion Yuan,an increase of 8.2 percent from the previousyear. Output of major manufactured productsregistered big increase. Shareholding systempresse…  相似文献   

金帆蓝海北京起航 日前北京俱乐部融合会所、酒店、码头、游艇、培训、航海的一体化经营模式,开创了国内游艇俱乐部的先河。在世界众多游艇消费市场中,各大知名游艇制造商均看好金帆游艇会在中国市场的发展潜力,在他们的鼎力支持下,金帆游艇会落户北京赛特大厦。  相似文献   

倘或要给点心寻求一抹底色,那么非甜莫属。人们根骨里对糖的嗜爱,让无数人甘做甜点的“俘虏”。然而,甜品却也带来了几分副作用,令人爱恨交加。史载,中国最早的点心便是甜点,产生于先秦楚国图为苏北、山东、河南等地的特色甜点,名为羊角蜜,因弯曲如羊角、内有蜜糖而得名。羊角蜜外売经油炸之后口感酥脆,晈开后内里的糖稀香甜可口,既满足了人们对甜食糖分的口腹之欲,又提供了足够多的热量需求。  相似文献   

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