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There is a river flowing in front of Bainam Village in Deqeng Town of Darze County. Because schools, infirmaries, supply and marketing cooperatives and most of the farmland are all on the other side of the river, anyone who wanted access had to undertake an inconvenient 12-kin detour. Matters became even worse in the rainy season, when the water level rose.  相似文献   

康熙皇帝在中国历代君主中出类拔萃。他学识渊博、才华横溢、稳健卓识。这与他自幼勤学不辍密不可分。康熙除了具有雄厚中国传统化知识外,对“西学”也很有掌握和了解,诸如天、数学、地理、几何等都有一定成就,这是因为在他身边始终有一个称之为“外籍教师团”的西方传教士当他的教师。这些传教士想得到康熙对传教的支持,因而殷勤地向康熙传授“西学”,康熙从他们那里学习接受了西方科技化,对他勤政治国,了解西方起到了一定作用。  相似文献   

日本教习与京师警务学堂   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
肖朗  施峥 《近代史研究》2004,2(5):31-71
1901年创立的京师警务学堂是中国第一所近代警察教育机构,也是清末最大的警察教育基地。虽然京师警务学堂聘用了一批日本教习承担大部分的教学和教育行政管理工作,并由川岛浪速担任监督(校长),但其主权仍掌握在清政府手中。作为中国最早的近代警察教育机构,京师警务学堂为清末各地警察学校的创办提供了可资借鉴的模式,对中国近代警察教育和警政建设产生了较大的影响。  相似文献   


This paper introduces the theme of 'teaching geography to non-geographers'. It is set against the context of learning and teaching with the 'Other' in geography. At the outset a working definition of a 'non-geographer' is provided. The resource and pedagogical implications arising from teaching geography to non-geographers are then outlined. Finally, the contributions to this broader debate from the five case studies that comprise this JGHE symposium are summarised.  相似文献   

张琪 《风景名胜》2009,(4):58-59
康有为称翁同赫为“中国维新第一人”,有人用七件事概括翁氏一生:一是极力支持慈禧太后两次垂帘听政;二是亲授光绪帝读书;三是参与收回伊犁交涉:四是在左宗棠平定阿古柏入侵,收复新疆后,为巩固西北边防筹措军饷;五是在中法战争中,奋力抗争,坚决主战;六是在中日甲午战争中,力主加强战备对日抵抗,积极参与并促成对日作战的决策;七是推荐康有为,极力支持戊戌维新蛮法。  相似文献   

商丽浩 《近代史研究》2007,1(2):137-141
学术界对于中国传统绅士收入、晚清外国教习待遇和五四时期中国文化人的经济生活多有探讨,但对于晚清中国教习在新式高等教育机构内的薪酬状况尚无深入研究。中国新式高等教育在内忧外患中以洋务运动为契机而产生,1862年清政府设立京师同文馆培养洋务人才,1898年成立京师大学堂。至宣统年间,京师与各省专门以上学堂共有教习千余名。晚清高等教育机构的中国教习,处于传统绅士向现代知识分子嬗变之中,其薪酬受国际化进程和中国传统的双重影响。从中国教习薪酬的高低和变化可以透视新旧文化资本在社会转型时期经济价值的变迁。中国人获得比中国…  相似文献   

张蔚星 《收藏家》2010,(1):21-28
曾昭燏是一位勤于书翰的人,无论是在建国之前,还是在建国后。她每天都要处理各方面来函,也写了大量的书信给各方面人士。可惜的是因为十年动乱等原因,她写给各方面的书信要收集起来,也不是件易事。幸好南京博物院图书馆,珍藏了一批曾昭烯师友们写给她的书信,这些信对研究她的生平思想是颇有帮助的。这里刊发一部分,略做考订。  相似文献   

刘飞 《丝绸之路》2010,(18):124-125
随着现代教育技术在教学中的广泛应用,教学结构发生了变革,教学过程中教师的角色也发生了转变。所以,教师要积极转变观念,不断更新知识,掌握现代教育技术,认识到传统教育和现代教育技术条件下教师角色的偏差,尽快完成从传统角色向新角色的转变,成为学习促进者、课程设计者、教学指导者。  相似文献   

The geography curriculum of universities is analyzed in terms of the total number of class-hours allocated to various groups of subjects: systematic geography, regional geography, specialization courses, courses in physics, chemistry and mathematics, and education courses. It is suggested that systematic courses could be strengthened by introduction of more courses on theoretical subjects, such as the fundamentals of landscape science and the theory of economic geography. Regional courses suffer from excessive factual material and not enough discussion of general patterns and concepts. Courses that shape the specialization of geographers should be more flexible in order to reflect continuing changes in emphasis in geographic research (for example, by introduction of a course in remote-sensing techniques). A background in the exact sciences is thought to be essential for the modern geographer.  相似文献   

Building on the classical tradition, which was strongly emulated in the Second Sophistic, Lucian used the katabasis motif (as we know it from, e.g., the Odyssey’s book 11) and staged various meetings in Hades. These Lucianic encounters were later rewritten by Byzantine authors who adapted them in order to express comical, critical, or subversive approaches towards power structures. In the present article, special focus will be placed on twelfth-century Byzantium and the anonymous dialogue Timarion. It is argued that the author of the Timarion used the Second Sophistic tradition of Lucian in order to discuss contemporary questions of the Greek literary and rhetorical heritage. He created a fictional space that displayed ancient learning and allowed discussions of contemporary culture in a textual parody with satirical functions.  相似文献   

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