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The international negotiations on climate change in November 2000 in The Hague collapsed amid broad media coverage. Getting the talks rapidly back on track failed and they will now resume in Bonn in July 2001. In the meantime, however, the political landscape has changed: there is a new US administration, and new scientific conclusions from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have been released. The introduction and overview to this issue of International Affairs introduces five articles, all of which agree that the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on climate change can be saved. The rescue can be made either through fundamental changes to the Protocol itself or by learning the lessons of the failed round of negotiations in The Hague. On the basis of an assessment of the five articles, the author proposes his own solution-to un-bundle the issues that had accumulated in the three years since Kyoto. The author believes that some of the key developing-country Articles, dealing with issues such as adaptation, capacity-building, and financial and technology transfer, can be dealt with outside the pressure of the targets and timetables. Decisions on Kyoto's emission targets, mechanisms and some aspects of 'sinks' would be made easier without the 'inter- connectedness' with the 'developing-country issues'. It might even be possible, he suggests, to negotiate some deals on targets within smaller groups of countries such as the EU, or those countries that have targets, the Annex B countries.  相似文献   

In her introduction to the themed articles in this special Europe issue of International Affairs , Julie Smith discusses the changing nature, identity, and institutional framework of post-Cold War Europe. Focusing on the dual problem of NATO and EU enlargement and conflicting perceptions of borders and geopolitical realities, she warns of the danger of an exclusive European club at the expense of those left out.  相似文献   

In her introduction to the themed articles in this special biodiversity issue of International Affairs, Halina Ward highlights the relevance of the Convention on Biological Diversity and of a rapidly evolving 'corporate citizenship' agenda to an understanding of the relationship between business and biodiversity. She asks whether a distinctive 'pro-biodiversity' business agenda has already emerged and highlights the relevance of the issues at stake to governments.  相似文献   

截至2013年7月,世界遗产委员会共计在160个国家命名了981处世界遗产,其中文化遗产759处,自然遗产193处,自然与文化双遗产29处。从地理分布来看,欧洲、亚洲以古迹遗址、  相似文献   

王建华 《中原文物》2007,2(1):13-19
“社会考古学”一词早在1921年就已出现,但直到20世纪四五十年代,以柴尔德为首的考古学家才真正开始社会考古学研究。至今,社会考古学大致经历了三个发展阶段。其研究对象为社会;其内容则包括社会组织、社会规模、社会结构以及社会之间的关系等;其研究方法主要有聚落分析法、墓葬分析法、民族历史学分析法和人类分析法四种。而中国的社会考古学研究还处于起步阶段,在许多方面还有待改进。  相似文献   

赵辉兵 《史学集刊》2006,6(1):88-96
从研究方法的角度看,国外主要是美国学界关于进步运动的研究大体可分为专题研究、综合研究与比较研究。特别是在20世纪70年代以来,进步运动研究超越民族国家范畴,在跨国比较研究方面取得了重大进展。从构成进步运动的主体看,19世纪末20世纪初的美国进步运动是由复杂多样的改革运动组成的,得到不同的变革力量的倡导与支持。作为改革的进步派不能简单地以阶级或阶层划线,他们因不同的问题忽而协同作战,转而又互为敌寇或各自为战。尽管进步运动具有多样性,但并不排斥其一致性或共性的存在。从进步运动的目标与内容看,它是一场新的历史条件下重建民主与资本主义的社会政治运动,而作为支持进步运动的意识形态,即进步主义,究其实质,是属于自由主义范畴的。作为全国范围内的首次变革运动,进步运动奠定了现代美国政治、经济与文化的基础。  相似文献   

河北农业合作化运动述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分两个阶段考察了河北农业合作化运动的发展过程 ,论述了各阶段的特点及其原因 ,在指出工作中存在的缺点和错误的同时 ,充分肯定了河北省农业合作化运动的成就。文中还对河北省一批受到毛泽东赞扬的闻名全国的办社典型作了分析 ,指出它们不仅对河北省而且对全国的农业合作化运动都产生了重大的积极影响。  相似文献   

This contribution collates information about wrecked slaving vessels discovered or sought by maritime archaeologists since 1972. To date, only a handful of firmly identified, active slave ships have been subject to excavation, but additional work has been carried out on wrecks of former slaver ships and possible slavers. The impending 200th anniversaries of the abolition of the British and US slave trades (2007 and 2008, respectively) appear to have stimulated a new wave of interest in slaver wrecks, and these new initiatives are also discussed.  相似文献   

<正>"山不在高,有仙则名。"牛首山,位于南京市城南中华门外10公里处,北连翠屏山,南接祖堂山,地跨雨花台和江宁两区,属于宁镇丘陵西段南支的低山丘陵,主峰海拔242.9米,山虽不高,却闻名遐迩。牛首山,以山顶有南北两峰对峙,状如牛头双犄而得名,当地老百姓称其为牛头山,又因"牛头"不雅,改称牛首山。《金陵览古》和《方舆纪要》均对其名由来有  相似文献   

当代中国口述史学透视   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
1948年哥伦比亚大学口述历史研究室的建立 ,正式标志着现代口述史学的诞生。经过 50多年的发展 ,口述史学成为历史学中一支举足轻重的分支学科。但是 ,到底中国有没有口述史学 ?这个问题很少被人问及 ,也很少有人做出明确的回答。口述史学在中国的发展和普遍流行将是一个必然的趋势 ,甚至在随后的几年内会有一个发展高潮。那么未来中国口述史学将如何发展 ,以一个怎样的高度作为起点呢 ?要解决这个问题 ,笔者觉得应该了解中国口述史学的渊源和现状。本文集中探讨当代中国口述史学的发展状况。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the material boat culture of Vietnam both in its current context and more specifically through an assessment of how the boats of Vietnam have been studied in the past. It presents a comprehensive summary of past publications describing the construction, use and variety of boats in the region, from the earliest volumes to modern research projects, including the work of the US military. It highlights the rich diversity of construction approaches and boat‐types that are still built and used, and demonstrates the need for further field research to record the fast‐disappearing traditional boats of Vietnam. © 2010 The Authors  相似文献   

唐代是中国宫廷绘画发展的第一个高峰期。其间名家辈出,名作累累。以往美术史界对其制度与机构的研究甚少。本文首次对唐代宫廷绘画的制度与机构作了较全面的介绍与分析。  相似文献   

This article summarizes its author's response over more than 30 years to the various arguments advanced against the possibility of the appropriation of Christianity by indigenous peoples. It sets out the intellectual and evidential reasons for rejecting these arguments. However, it admits that while indigenous appropriation of Christianity is always possible, under some circumstances it has been improbable. Many indigenous peoples have made use of Christianity but in the past there has been comparatively little appropriation by Native Americans or Australian Aborigines. This article explores the reasons for this. When the factors that have accounted for resistance and rejection rather than adaption no longer exist, it may be expected that Aborigines will indeed appropriate Christianity. The article concludes with a brief examination of academic work on African appropriations and suggests that new developments in Aboriginal Christianity will reveal how far comparisons can be made.  相似文献   

酥碱病害是壁画最为严重的病害之一,被称为壁画的“癌症”。因其受诸多因素的影响,使得病害产生机理复杂、修复材料匮乏和修复方法难度大等问题,严重制约着酥碱病害的修复与防治。本文系统梳理酥碱病害的成因、病害机理、加固材料、地仗修补材料,以及针对不同盐霜的保护修复方法的研究成果,客观评价酥碱壁画修复过程中的经验和教训,为古代壁画酥碱病害的防治与修复提供系统的技术参考和实践借鉴。  相似文献   

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