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The year marks the 20th anniversary of the Central Government decision to run Tibet middle schools in the hinterland. At present, there are such schools or Tibetan classes in 26 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government. They work to train technical personnel and teachers for Tibet. Launched in 1987, the Beijing Tibet Middle School has since trained more than 2,800 middle and high school students for Tibet. Many of them returned to Tibet for construction.  相似文献   

鹓鶵发于南海而飞于北海,非梧桐不栖,非练实不食,非醴泉不饮。——《庄子·秋水》藏雪鸡是昆仑山中最美丽的物种,它们常年生活在冰清玉洁的雪线附近。雪鸡全身披着雅素的棕绿色羽毛,又以红、黄、白、青诸色饰其羽缘、尾尖和头面。这些反差很大的色彩,被搭配得恰到好处,使雪鸡显  相似文献   

Tibetan Buddhism ismodernizing,andmonasteries in Tibetare now engaged inbusiness as well asspiritual matters.Minzhuling Monastery inShannan has set up a storewith an investment of 10,000Yuan."Our net profits reachmore than 1,600 Yuan a day,"  相似文献   

<正>当西伯利亚冷空气从万里之遥癫狂而来,当日本海暖湿气流从千里之外痴情而至,牡丹江的天空顿时被炙热的爱点燃。整整半年痛彻心扉的相思,如何能不激动?于是所有的感念和激动化作一只只多情的白蝴蝶,日日凌风起舞。雪花飞扬,编织着动人心弦的浪漫。因为承载了太多的缱绻缠绵,这里的雪比任何地方都湿润粘稠,容易附着于物类,从而塑成千姿  相似文献   

The 5th Beijing International Tibetan Studies Seminar held in Beijing from August 2-4, 2012, was convened by the China Tibetology Research Center (CTRC), the China Association for Protection and Development of Tibetan Culture, and the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences (TASS), TAR.  相似文献   

BeijingTibetanMedicineHospitalbyWangHongBeijing,thecapitalofthePeople′sRepublicofChina,hassince1992seentheflourishingoftheBei...  相似文献   

Damxung, located at the meeting point of southern and northern Tibet, is 160 km from Lhasa. Tibetans regard it as the northern gate to the regional capital city.In Tibetan, Damxung means "the selected choice place". It is the best grassland in Changtang and is the only county under Lhasa devoted to animal husbandry.Sitting at an elevation of 4,300 meters, it is intersected by the Nyainqentanglha Mountains, and has a total area of 12,000 square km.The county exercises jurisdiction over six townships and two towns, respectively Wuma Township, Lungren Town-  相似文献   

TheChinaNationalCenterforTibetanStudiesandtheTibetanAcademvofSocialScienceshaveheldthreeseminarsonTibetanstudies,oneinl986,oneinl99landoneonAugust20-23,1997.The1997seminardrewmorethan130scholarsfromChina,Russia,Britain,theUnitedStates,India,Switzerland,Au…  相似文献   

The 6th Beijing International Seminar on Tibetan Studies held in Beijing from August 2nd-4th,2016,was convened by the China Association for Protection and Development of Tibetan Culture,the China Tibetology Research Center (CTRC),and the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences (TASS),TAR.In total,325 scholars attended the seminar,among whom 216 were Chinese and 109 were from abroad.The seminar received 416 papers and selected 308.  相似文献   

I have been to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau four times.After the first visit, I became determined to visit all nature reserves in China; during the second visit, I came to understand where the real zoo for wildlife in the world is located.After the second visit, I also saw how the longest river in China was fed with drops of water from the Gyian-gudiru Glacier at its source.After the third visit, I still recall what 1 saw there: a halo around the sun over the Potala Palace and snow-covered mountains with an elevation of over  相似文献   

On October 19th, 1950, the 52nd contingent of No. 18th Corps of the PLA, with the support of other forces, liberated Chamdo, which actually led to the peaceful liberation of Tibet.  相似文献   

2008 Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies was held from Oct.14-16,2008,which was sponsored by China Tibetology Research Center,China Association for Preservation and Development of Ti-  相似文献   

The 8th Cooperative Work Forum on Ancient Ti-betan Documents was held by the offices for the col-lation of the ancient Tibetan documents in the TibetAutonomous Region,Qinghai Province,GansuProvince,Sichuan Province,Yunnan Province andBeijing from the 22nd to the 25th of October,2002.The forum was hosted by China's Tibetology ResearchCenter.During the forum,the Center also held anexhibition of the achievements of ancient Tibetandocuments made by the above-mentioned six offices.The ancient documents and classics of the differ-  相似文献   

2008 Beijing Seminar on Tibetan Studies was held from Oct.14-16,2008,which was sponsored by China Tibetology Research Center,China Association for Preservation and Development of Ti-  相似文献   

From September 18th to 24th,2007,the 10th National Cooperation.Conference for the Tibetan media (which was organized by.the Journal Office of China‘s Tibet) was held in Beijing.Participants from 30 Tibetan language newspapers, journals,Internet websites,administrative organizations and research institutions all took part in the conference.While  相似文献   

杨彪 《清史研究》2012,(2):55-62
在日本历史教科书的记述中,涉及日清关系演变过程中多个重要主题,在这些史实中着重叙述日本通过自身不断努力求得发展的过程和中国不断衰落的轨迹,以及由此引发中日关系在近代的转变。日本中学历史教科书中的叙述是将中国近代史作为理解日本近代史的背景来进行的,这样处理日清关系历史,就其实质而言,是其中国观的反映。  相似文献   

From September 18th to 24th,2007,the 10th National Cooperation.Conference for the Tibetan media (which was organized by.the Journal Office of China's Tibet) was held in Beijing.Participants from 30 Tibetan language newspapers, journals,Internet websites,administrative organizations and research institutions all took part in the conference.While  相似文献   

段京利 《神州》2013,(6):170-170
教师话语是教师在课堂中使用的一种特殊语言。然而,很多年来,教师话语没有得到足够的重视,甚至已经被忽略很长时间了。尤其是在英语作为第二语言的环境下,教师话语并没有起到很好的作用。教师可以通过使用教师话语来使学生获得知识和使用目标语言。  相似文献   

冬 雪之诱惑     
ATIN  张琪 《风景名胜》2011,(1):54-57
又到了滑雪的季节。蛰伏了大半年的冰雪达人们又开始蠢蠢欲动了,纷纷背上滑雪板,相约远离喧嚣的都市,纵情于湛蓝天空下的银色世界,追风逐雪。从高高的雪道上呼啸而下,在高速滑行中聆听着风声,放纵着内心的狂野,体味着山野的纯美与壮观,享受着血脉贲张的刺激感觉。  相似文献   

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