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曾莉  吕光耀  安宁 《人文地理》2022,37(4):53-64
乡村景观研究多注重物质层面的讨论,与之相关的社会文化及其权力关系分析却不常见。本研究以全面生产理论为基础构筑了以“景观”为研究对象的理论分析框架,解读了艺术介入下白族村落双廊的乡村景观再生产过程。研究发现,双廊景观再生产过程是乡村发展趋于艺术化、现代化与旅游化的过程。艺术家以催化、牵引、调节等柔性作用方式介入其中,推动景观形态的重构;介入过程作用于景观的不同结构,在经济、政治、文化等不同层面均有反馈;其实践涉及政府、居民、游客以及艺术家自身的愿景表达,促成了景观理想的主体间性。双廊的艺术乡建旅游发展之路,对我国乡村振兴战略的实施具有参考作用。  相似文献   

This article critically examines the Struga Poetry Festival established in 1961 when it placed Macedonian poets and writers on the wider map of world poetry, international literature and language. With this the festival carried a subversive and an emancipatory task that not only promoted Macedonia's national poetry but also pushed the nation itself onto the world stage. Although highly politicized (and deeply political), the festival emerged as a seemingly apolitical event that celebrated the “universal language of poetry”. Yet, with its aesthetic form of an open event devoted to poetry, this festival (in a very Bakhtinian manner) pinpoints the obvious carnivalesque element in manoeuvring and subverting established social and political hierarchies. Initially, it allowed Macedonian language and poets to join established national states that have “undisputed” (or less disputed) literary traditions. The subversive nature of this festival after the 2001 military conflict in Macedonia changed the direction and intensity of the Albanian struggle for improving their status into the Macedonian society. This event has effectively allowed a minority group to initiate social movement and engage in serious identity politics related to territorial self-governance, language and cultural representation.  相似文献   

An increasingly consolidated anthropological scholarship has moved from a legal notion of sovereignty towards an analysis of its violent enactment. Yet, it has paid insufficient attention to the ways in which the idea of sovereignty forms and operates in localized political struggles. Taking seriously Bonilla’s (2017) call for the “unsettling” of sovereignty, this article scrutinizes how ideas of legitimate rule have formed around myths of violence in the capital of the Ethiopian Somali region. It uses ethnographic material to examine the politics of history around material constructions through which myths of violence are entangled with the city's landscape of memory. It reveals sovereignty in the process of formation, becoming culturally and materially grounded in the myths of violence of an emerging Somali nation within the ethnic federal Ethiopian state. This article argues that past claims to sovereignty continue to affect the politics of history, with profound consequences for ongoing nation-state building projects and the corresponding territorial imaginations. It thus highlights the inherently fragile nature of ideas of state sovereignty in the frontier metropolis. On this basis, it contributes to a geographically differentiated anthropology of sovereignty and to an understanding of its co-constitution through violence in the frontier and myths in the metropolis.  相似文献   

Aesthetic responses to landscape may be emotional, sensory, or experiential, or a combination; it is a difficult value to identify and assess. This paper considers changing perceptions of the aesthetic values of the Yarra Valley landscape using a heritage methodology that involves examining artistic, creative, and published sources accounting for a lengthy period of changing land use. Scenic quality mapping, where available, is used as a support, and extensive reference is made to Australian impressionist art. Artworks for Yarra Valley landscapes may be considered as being among the cultural heritage indicators of significance and there is a new aesthetic of land art in private venues for the visiting public. The paper also illustrates how aesthetic values have been more broadly recognised in the post‐World War II era and become the domain of planning authorities as well as artists. It is for regional planners to be aware of and maintain these aesthetic values in the landscape.  相似文献   

桂林旅游景区书法景观符号效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
书法景观是具有中国特色的特殊文化景观和文化符号,广泛应用于旅游景区而成为旅游景观的一种重要类型.本文以桂林旅游景区的书法景观为案例进行研究,结果表明,书法景观作为旅游景区的重要人文景观,旅游者总体上对其具有较高的认知和鉴赏兴趣;书法景观对旅游者产生了一定程度的符号效应,具体表现在书法鉴赏、文化象征、审美引导3个方面,对应于外在行为、文化环境知觉、景观审美活动3个层次的行为效应.书法景观的符号效应在书法鉴赏方面存在显著差异,而在文化象征和审美引导方面无显著差异.书法景观符号效应研究对于揭示人们的地方感和环境行为与书法景观之间的关系、旅游景区书法景观的设计和景区文化氛围的营造等具有指导意义.  相似文献   

姚亦锋 《人文地理》2015,30(4):108-115
乡村审美空间蕴含着内在和深刻的人地关系理念内容,比经济效应有更深的自然情怀,是可持续发展的思想感情基础,也是现代景观规划的重要研究课题。城市化发展过程中自然地理脉络破坏对于乡村景观是致命的。探讨以多尺度层面的地理景观建构乡村审美空间:在区域大尺度范围内设计地理视域观赏空间;在镇域中尺度范围内将生态文明和社会经济发展要求安排在景观空间格局配置中;在乡村小尺度范围内造就素雅含蓄的村落景观。江苏省乡村具有四千年的历史,留下珍贵的人地关系文化遗产和审美烙印。从地理景观形态结构、格局演化进程与机理响应对照乡村审美空间景观,建构和谐安宁的画面境界;最终造就广阔地域的"美丽乡村"。  相似文献   

Port Adelaide, South Australia has been stigmatised as ‘Port Misery’ for over one hundred and fifty years. The origins of this stigmatised discourse can be traced prior to actual colonisation, having their genesis in wide political debates. This reflects the complex and contested nature of landscape, revealing that ‘Port Misery’ constitutes a powerful meta‐narrative that has been projected onto Port Adelaide by powerful and often external actors. This stigmatising discourse may lie dormant for prolonged periods of time, only to be remobilised to serve specific political, social and economic objectives. Recently, the ‘Port Misery’ discourse has been remobilised to justify the redevelopment of Port Adelaide from an industrial to a post‐industrial landscape.  相似文献   

The cinematic landscape provides a rich opportunity to explore cultural representations of place, space and nature. This essay focuses on the depiction of landscape in Michelangelo Antonioni's Red Desert (1964 ). Previous approaches to the critical interpretation of landscape in the cinema of Antonioni have been characterized by three principal weaknesses: a narrow emphasis on formalist and auterist lines of influence between different branches of the visual arts; an attachment to exceptionalist characterizations of the Italian cinematic landscape; and a transhistorical interpretation of existential themes such as alienation. In this essay we shall consider two neglected themes: the significance of the technological sublime for the aesthetic experience of industrial landscapes; and the impact of abstract expressionism on Antonioni's cinematic vision. We will counter simplistic categorizations of Antonioni's work by considering the complexity of the relationship between the cinematic landscape and wider developments in twentieth-century modernism. The essay concludes by locating Red Desert at a unique juncture in the development of modernist conceptions of nature and landscape.  相似文献   

As its economic power, military strength and cultural influence expands, India draws ever closer to becoming a leading player in world politics. Yet relatively little is known about what Indians take to be the nature of international politics and, correspondingly, how their power and influence should be used. A survey of Indian political thought reveals sharp disagreements. Moralists wish for India to serve as an exemplar of principled action. Hindu nationalists want Indians to act as muscular defenders of Hindu civilization; strategists advocate cultivating state power by developing strategic capabilities; and liberals seek prosperity and peace by increasing trade and interdependence. This article argues that current trends indicate that India will increasingly prioritize its quest for prosperity and peace. But if this quest is thwarted by external threats, then calls to enhance India's military power will most probably grow louder, and be heeded more closely.  相似文献   

美国乡土景观研究理论与实践——《发现乡土景观》导读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈义勇  俞孔坚 《人文地理》2013,28(1):155-160
《发现乡土景观》①一书是美国"乡土景观之父"杰克逊关于文化景观研究的力作。杰克逊建立了美国乡土景观研究的理论框架:两种理想景观--政治景观和栖居景观,以及三种景观原型--景观一、景观二、景观三。在此框架下,探讨当代美国乡土景观的典型要素:平面空间、乡村小镇、乡土建筑、可移动房屋、石材与木材、科技风格、新型公园、新田园。该书提出的乡土景观研究方法论、乡土景观内涵的理解等,对当代中国景观研究和景观设计具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

书法景观作为重要的文化景观,为游客提供多重信息,对游客感知和行为产生重要影响。纵观书法景观和旅游意象研究,尚不存在书法景观应用性价值研究及景观元素对目的地旅游意象构建作用的实证研究。本文以西安碑林为例,通过对书法景观功能维度进行划分,构建结构方程模型,探讨书法景观在景区旅游意象构建中的作用,为未来旅游规划和发展提供建设性指导。研究表明书法景观在旅游意象构建中发挥了积极作用,且不同的书法景观功能维度(审美体验功能、地方认同功能、行为导向功能)对景区旅游意象构建中的作用方式及强度不同。  相似文献   

American public policy is and has always been profoundly racialized. Yet, the literature on policy feedback lacks cohesive theorization of how race matters for feedback processes. This article offers a conceptual road map for studying policy feedback in the context of racialized politics. Drawing together the substantial (but largely disconnected) work that already exists in the fields of public policy and racial politics, I develop the racialized feedback framework to provide theoretical guidance on (i) when race should be a core focus of policy feedback research and (ii) how race structures the relationship between policy and polity. I argue that both the scope of the questions that scholars ask and the nature of the answers they find are altered when race is afforded an appropriately central role in research on policy feedback.  相似文献   

Harold A Perkins 《对极》2006,38(1):128-149
Much emphasis within Marxist political ecology has focused on the social production of nature. Less attention, however, has been paid to the ways in which an emergent, material nature is an actor in the dialectic of its own appropriation. This paper examines the attempt to capitalize, under simultaneous processes of production and consumption, two proximate yet different Minnesota lakes. Lakes Elysian and Frances represent biophysical nature as process. Yet, their contrasting apparent states of permanence emerge from their dynamic relationships with agriculture, further affecting residential construction on their shores and lake association politics. Information collected from lakes surveys conducted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and personal interviews with lakes association members provide insight into relational processes that influence the appearance of these lakes. Using this investigation, efforts can be made to resist discourses and practices that reify the existence of “green” lakes as inevitable. It is suggested, then, that a new politics of lakes management should be mediated that is less dependent upon their capitalization.  相似文献   


This paper brings together geographic literature on homelessness and theories of aesthetics to analyse how city beautification projects in contemporary American cities promote the displacement of homelessness. Based on research conducted in Fresno, California, I argue that the seemingly innocuous realm of aesthetics often undergirds anti-homeless politics. In Fresno, officials sought to create a visual landscape that was conducive to middle-class consumption and leisure, such that the project of building a desirable city was deeply influenced by market pressures. In turn, homeless encampments were framed as unpleasant objects that must be removed to make way for economic opportunities. Efforts to reinforce this ‘live play work’ aesthetic resulted in a politics of displacement and criminalisation. Yet people who resided in encampments championed an alternative aesthetic practice grounded in reuse, survival and collective appropriation of urban space. Thus, the example of Fresno shows that aesthetic norms not only reinforce revanchist politics, but simultaneously present the possibility of resistance.  相似文献   

When Bro Hof Slott Golf Club – a high‐end, highprofile golf development in Upplands‐Bro, northwest of Stockholm – opened, the Brogård manor house became its clubhouse. Here a recent history of Bro Hof Slott as leisure space intermingles with a much longer history of Brogård as a landscape shaped through 400 years of nobility ownership. In place‐marketing and in short accounts, the estate's history is frequently reduced to merely a succession of names, sometimes combined with an appraisal of the scenic setting manorial ownership produced. The many hands, hooves and struggles historically shaping this landscape thus go missing, necessitating a more sustained focus on landscape morphology. How the estate landscape could be turned into an upmarket golf development is unintelligible without scrutinizing the nobility as a structuring force and the manorial landscape's current place in planning politics. Nobility power translated into extensive control of what could take place in the countryside. Brogård waschaped by crofters, tenant farmers and statare (labourers paid predominantly in kind) subordinate to the will of the estate owner, but also by all those processes resituating the nobility as class. Shaping the countryside, the nobility was in turn shaped by social movements, macro‐economic shifts and political decisions, together resulting in the particularities of the space now handled by municipal planning and appropriated to become Bro Hof Slott Golf Club. Through telling this story, I reconnect to a plea for acknowledging politics and political economy in analysing tourism and its spaces, while focus simultaneously lies on the dialectical entanglement of material landscape and its present‐day valuation.  相似文献   

This article examines recent attempts to create a common European Union (EU) immigration policy. This "harmonized" policy has faced political blockages, despite being seen by most observers as necessary if the EU is to meet its goal of free movement of labor. Because of this resistance, immigration harmonization has lagged behind other EU policy areas. To explain national resistance to harmonizing immigration policy, our article develops a theoretical and conceptual model of how immigration policy is potentially harmonized at the EU level, but how this harmonization can be blocked or restricted. We explain these political blockages with a model of intergovernmental bargaining that focuses on political salience, political partisanship, and institutions that protect immigrant rights. We argue that these national-level factors have determined the success and the nature of various harmonization proposals, by determining the positions of member states when negotiating in the European Council. Our primary hypothesis is that when the political salience of a given immigration issue is high, any harmonization that results is more likely to be restrictive toward immigrant rights. We also hypothesize that the impact of institutions that protect immigrant rights, and of political partisanship, is variable depending on the issue area and the national context. We use literature on European integration, immigration politics, agenda-setting, venue-shopping, and two-level games to theorize, operationalize, and test these hypotheses. The article helps to advance scholarly work on immigration politics, but our model could also conceivably be applied to other high-salience policy areas in the EU.  相似文献   

本文将主客观评价法相结合,对北京市紫竹院公园视觉景观质量影响因素进行分析。课题组实地评价并拍摄照片,室内请评判者给照片打分评出美景度分值,请专家对主观性因子评价,与实地评价结果做一致性检验;对两种方式获取的数据进行方差分析、相关分析,并建立线型回归模型。结果表明:主观性因子的实地评价和室内问卷评价结果具有一致性;专业背景不同不影响评判者对景观美景度的评判结果;美景度与区内因子呈正相关,与区外因子呈负相关;区内的3个因子更能影响对景观的评判,其中,自然景观所占比例影响最为显著。  相似文献   

This paper considers the sonic geography of a region since the late nineteenth century, taking material from the Norfolk Broads, a wetland region in eastern England. This area has been defined through competing cultures of nature and leisure, with the presence, absence and nature of sound a key concern. The theme of sonic geography is set within debates concerning the nature of regional identity, moral geographies of conduct in landscape, and uses of the term ‘soundscape’. The paper draws on surveys of sound, travel guides, press reports, private journals and fictional accounts, showing how in the contested valuation of a regional landscape the aesthetic, ecological and social are enfolded through sonic geography.  相似文献   

This paper explores the politics of landscape and nature within the process of nation-building. In it I examine how landscapes can operate in multiple, intersecting ways in the service of an ideological discourse and how the politics of nature, specifically trees, can contribute to the shaping of a new national space and subjectivity. Focusing on the multiple renditions of Palestine promulgated by the Jewish National Fund (JNF) , I discuss how landscapes can entangle diaspora and homeland, aesthetics and embodiment, antiquity and modernity, with both conceptual and material consequences. Drawing on histories of the JNF and on a selection of historic newspaper articles and children's literature, I explore the circulation of aesthetic renderings of Palestine and the performance of embodied landscapes during the children's tree-planting holiday, Tu B'Shvat. I argue that the centrality of trees to the JNF, and the imagery of roots, renewal, family and innocence that they conjure, legitimised Zionist colonisation and naturalised the Israeli nation state and body politic. I also demonstrate how JNF landscapes and afforestation work assisted in the demarcation of Israeli nation-space and therefore in the material dispossession of the Palestinians.  相似文献   

In the contemporary environmental management landscape, legislation is a principal means through which sustainable outcomes are negotiated. Yet the relations between legislation (as a social practice), nature and justice have been subjected to limited scrutiny. This paper explores these relations through consideration of a system of biodiversity offsets currently being implemented in New South Wales, Australia, following the enactment of the Threatened Species Conservation Amendment (Biodiversity Banking) Act 2006 (NSW). In this paper we investigate the work this legislation does in enacting the materiality of nature in order to explore the interrelations of materiality, law and concerns for environmental and ecological justice. We argue that the act of ‘legislating nature’ is simultaneously a ‘mode of matter-ing’ (Law 2004) that in the case of biodiversity banking (BioBanking), resituates biodiversity within new meanings, spatialities, human–nature relations, and which accounts for biodiversity at a state, rather than local, scale. Utilising the work of Latour, we examine the processes of ‘translation’ required to generate abstracted ‘biodiversity values’ that can be traded and moved between locations. Examination of these processes leads to a consideration of the broad requirements of environmental and ecological justice as a theoretical and political response to BioBanking.  相似文献   

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