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秦始皇赢政把春秋战国时代封邦分立局面,统一起来,使廣大人民脫離了戰爭的苦難,減輕了由列國紛戰所引起的繁重負担。而且隨着社會經济的發展,把佃耕制度鞏固下來,使農民得以發揮生産積極性,在一定程度上提高了農業生產量,發展了農業生産力。更確立郡縣制度,以適應於商人地主階級的統治權袊饨ㄉ鐣拇颂と肓艘粋€新的階段。我們看自春秋戰國以來,山於社會生産力的發展,灌漑事業已成當時農業生産的重要動力綎|諸國,各造隄防,爭奪水利。壅水放水,已成為農業生長的威脅。如‘東週想種稻,西周不放水’。黄河不泛濫齊地,趙魏必發生水災蚨M聵I能够統一管理,要求有一個突破現狀適應農業生產的統一國家瑫r封建統治階級爲了爭奪剥削地盤,發生無數次的戰爭,勞動人民,不僅肩負着繁重的貢赋徭役、戰爭損耗,以及各國君主貴族的奢侈浪費,而且生命也無保障;特別是小國的人民,難以生活下去。因而無不迫切要求和平統一,企圖得到休養喘息,企圖得到活命。所謂一冀得安其性命,莫不虛心而仰上’,就是顯明的例證。再看從農業基礎上發展起來的工商業,當時也成爲一股白漸壯大的社會經濟力量,各國手工業生產品的交換,雖已衝破了國境的限制,但仍未能攞脫各封建領主的約束。新興的商人地主,為着經商便利,要求打破封邦分立的小國界限,建立統一國家與制度,以便於商品交換。而且隨着都市經濟的發展,商人地主佔有土地日益增多  相似文献   

傳世文獻描述的唐代京畿地狹人稠,賦役繁重。本文借助介紹北方農業生產的《四時纂要》,輔以敦煌吐魯番社會經濟文書,構建起一户標準的小農家庭模型,設想在京畿區域内此家庭所能擁有的財產狀況,並討論五口之家的營生與生計,采用量化手段,對京畿的户均耕地占有量與畝產量進行估算,回應史書中對本區域"狹鄉"的定位。在此基礎上,對元和年間兩税法施行過程中本區小農户的年收入、支出進行微觀考察。定量研究發現,唐中後期京畿鄉村農民家庭的生活粗可自給,尚有盈餘;而與其他區域相比,近畿農户多適應城市需要,開展多種經營,與市場的關係密切,納税與市易中使用錢的比例較高。  相似文献   

中國共産党第八次全國代表大会,是一个具有極其偉大歷史意义的大会。刘少奇同志在政治報告中首先指出:“從我們黨的第七次代表大會以來,十—年已經过去了。我們的祖國在这十一年內經歷了兩次有世界意义的偉大歷史事变。在一九四九年,我們党領導人民推翻了帝國主义、封建主义、官僚資本主义的反動统治,建立了中華人民共和國谌ツ晗掳肽旰徒衲晟习肽?我们党又領導人民取得了農業、手工業、资本主义工商業的社会主义改造的全面的决定性的勝利捎谡鈨纱蝿倮?我们國家的内外關系發生了一系列的根本变化。”所以这个大会不僅是我國數千年歷史發展的總結,而且是我國偉大社会主义事業的里程碑。在这个大会上,毛浑东同志的開幕詞,刘少奇同志代表中央委員会所作的政治報告,周恩來同志關于發展國民經濟第二个五年计划的建議的報告,鄧小平同志關於修改中國共産党党章的報告和中國共産党第八次全國代表大会關于政治報告的决議,对于党的活勤,社会主义建設的實践,國际共産主义运動和工人运動,争取世界和平的斗争等問题,都作了精  相似文献   

斯大林同志的卓越的新著作‘蘇聯社會主義經濟問題一,是蘇聯社會主義建設三十五年全部歷程的概括總結,是現代國際工人運動與世界上兩大壁壘間鬥爭經驗的總結,是對於馬克思列寧主義寶庫的偉大的傑出的貢獻。在這一經典著作裹,斯大林同志通過科學地分析,揭示了社會主義基本經濟法則的主要特點和要求,為瞭解與解釋社會主義經濟制度的一切法則提供了基本依據,規定了社會主義經濟發展的科學原則,進一步正確指出了從社會主義逐漸渡到共産主義的道路,從而也就大大地向推進了馬克思列寧主義的政治經濟學。在這一經典著作裏,斯大林同志也揭示了現代資本主義的基本經濟法則,無情地揭露了資本主義的騖人矛盾和掠奪的本質,說明資本主義總危機的加深,資本主義社會一切矛盾的成熟,資本主義急遽地走向是後崩潰,社會主義在全世界範圍內的勝利,這些都是歷史發展的必然。斯大林同志這一偉大著作,不僅給社會主義政治經濟學奠定了强固的  相似文献   

新發現的西夏文賣畜契集中反映了西夏牲畜買賣的具體情況,內容豐富,對研究西夏的商業、農牧業經濟和社會生活具有重要價值。本文將基本完整的二十件西夏文草書賣畜契和雇畜契譯成漢文,進行考釋和研究,展示這些契約的形式和內容,進一步探討西夏大牲畜的價格,並對黑水城和武威使用糧食和錢幣買牲畜不同特點進行分析,認爲武威地區的貨幣經濟比較發達。西夏末年的賣畜契中牲畜價錢暴漲,反映出當時蒙古入侵,西夏社會動蕩、通貨膨脹的情景。又探討了部分牲畜買賣是貧苦農民在缺糧時爲换取糧食的無奈之舉。並指出黑水城普渡寺在農民乏糧時低價購買大牲畜,轉手高價租雇給缺乏畜力的農民,往返盤剝,使農民逐漸走上赤貧的道路。  相似文献   

毛澤東同志在講到中國封建社會長期性問題時,作了如下的科學論斷: “中國雖然是一個偉大的民族國家,雖然是一個地廣人衆,歷史悠久而又富於革命傳統和優秀遺產的國家;可是,中國自從脫離奴隸制度進到封建制度以後,其經濟、政治、文化的發展,就長期地陷在發展避(?)綏的狀態中。這個封建制度,自週秦以來一直廷續了三千年左右。”(“中國革命與中國共產黨”,見“毛澤東選集”第二卷,五九三頁——五九四頁》毛澤東同志接着就把中國封建社會的經濟制度和政治制度的主要特點作了馬克思列寧主義的科學分析,並指:“中國歷代的農民,就在這種  相似文献   

盂蘭盆節作爲中古時期的重要節日,從名稱上看,其淵源可能與印度傳統祭祀有關,具備一定的父系色彩。然而在後續的歷史中,盂蘭盆節的發展與目連救母故事産生了緊密勾聯。這既與目連本身特質有關,又受到當時社會經濟的深刻影響。在中印文化的共同作用下,盂蘭盆節的主題出現了由父向母的轉化。  相似文献   

晚清民國時期蒙陝邊界帶的"賠教地"問題,始於光緒二十六年(1900)鄂托克旗爲償付聖母聖心會(Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary)賠款而劃出"賠教地",终於民國三十五年(1946),陝甘寧邊區政府將該區域收歸國有,前後歷經近半個世紀。在此期間,聖母聖心會招納民衆,興修八里河水利,從事農牧業生産,改善區域自然條件,形成畸形發展的區域經濟社會。同时,由於聖母聖心會傳教士的强勢介入,打破了蒙陝邊界帶原有的地方政府、蒙旗貴族、地方士紳和基層蒙漢民衆的四元社會結構,導致區域内社會權力結構進行重組,各階層在地方事務的話語權伴隨着土地權屬的更迭、政治局勢的变革而發生改變。  相似文献   

周到  青雲 《文物》1953,(12)
在國家大规模的經濟建設時期中,文物工作人員當前的基本任務,是配合國家基本建設作好文物保護工作。但隨着國家經濟的發展,廣大的農村中也開展着互助合作、愛國增產等運動,修築房屋、挖土積肥、修溝濬河、掘井、挖渠、挖蓄水庫等小工程在農村中將普遍地進行,珍貴的文物、古墓葬、古文化遺址等將會因此而大量地發現,例如,河南省安陽專署鄴縣七區晁家村羣衆,一九五三年春季在政府號召搞好春耕生產的熱潮下挖土積肥打坯時,就發现了殷代遺址,發現的文物有陶鬲、陶甗、陶罐、卜骨、石器等,又如該縣六區永和集在抗旱防旱運動中掘井,發現了古墓葬;同時,因為在這些修建中需要材料,往往有拆毁古建築物等的破壞事件發生,所以,作好農村中的文物保護工作,也是我們重要任務之一。由於以上的原因,我們感到不但應該重視在農村中保護文物的工作,而且應該保證作好這一工作。現在將我們在農村中初步進行文物保護工作的一些意見寫在下面,以供參考: 一、結合農村中每一個時期的中心工作把國家保護文物的政策法令貫徹到羣衆中去根據我們瞭解,河南省等地區,對政府頒佈的保護文物的法令僅僅達到縣就停止了,沒有再向下面傳達、佈置,因此一般縣、區、鄉、村的幹部和大部分羣衆都不知道政府保護文物的政策法令,甚至連什麼是文物?有啥用?都不知道;所以大力進行宣傳貫徹保護文物的政策法令,在目前是做好文物保護工作  相似文献   

本文在旅順博物館藏新疆出土漢文文獻中比定出了二十二片《老子道德經》相關的寫本,加上之前所知的十九片,吐魯番出土的《老子道德經》相關寫本總共四十一片,分屬十四個不同的唐代抄本。這些抄本多是官方寫經,很可能同出一地,從中可以推知此類道經在唐代西州曾經十分流行,這豐富了我們對於西州道教的認識。  相似文献   

明清山东省棉花种植业的发展与主要产区的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分阶段论述了明清山东省种植业的发展与分布特征,并考证了清末山东棉花亩产、总产及其商品率。基本结论如下:一、在政府扶持下,明初期棉花引种山东省并得以迅速推广;分布上的广泛均衡性是自给自足自然经济的体现。二、明中叶以后,山东省棉花种植在北方率先走向专业商品化,逐渐形成了鲁西北与鲁西南两大商品棉产区;后来由于供销地理的变化,鲁西南产区衰落下去,而鲁北平原却发展成为重要的棉产区。三、清末山东引种推广了美国长绒棉,全省植棉260万亩,平均亩产籽棉65斤,总产籽棉169万斤,其中长距离贩售率为40%。  相似文献   

A typology of industrial nodes based on such economic factors as the use of local or long-haul raw materials, the importance of the national market for each node's finished products, the level of industrial employment, electrification of production processes, output per unit of capital investment, and labor productivity.  相似文献   

Spencer Hall 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):265-267
Excavations took place in 1969, in advance of housing development, on the site of a fourth-century Roman pottery workshop, two adjacent kilns, a well, a large pit and two burials. The workshop contained internal features linked with pottery production, including possible emplacements for potters' wheels. Two kilns, each constructed differently, were producing grey and colour-coated wares. A large pit was used for rubbish. A well, square in plan, was associated with the workshop and must have provided water for the potters. Of particular interest was a complete millstone, which appears to have been used as a flywheel fixed to a potter's wheel. Pottery production at the site may have continued into the early part of the fifth century and as such is one of the last known production centres of the Roman Nene valley pottery industry. The site is significant in that it probably represents a near complete and typical industrial pottery production unit within a major pottery production area of the province and represents an important aspect of the late Roman economy.  相似文献   

This research critically analyses the decentralisation of the BBC’s Department of Religion and Ethics, from its base in London to the office of BBC Manchester in 1994. It examines the rationale behind the BBC’s decision to move this production unit, and analyses the long-term impact of this policy on both the logistics and programme-making culture of the unit. Using interviews with staff working within the department at the time of the move, this research demonstrates how policy decisions such as this are negotiated by professionals within the Corporation and the conflicts which arise around efficiency and equality. The case of the Department of Religion and Ethics also provides important lessons for the future decentralisation of BBC departments to Salford Quays which is due to be implemented in 2011.  相似文献   

The state aided commercialization of the small farm is the focus of this paper. In theory, subsidies and price support policies are intended to give small farms access to capital inputs to encourage cash crop production. However, only larger holdings can afford to take advantage of state interventionist policies and profit thereby. State subsidies have now become an integral part of the production process. The unit of analysis is the household, viewed in the context of the village and the wider economy. The focus is on family labour relations and the process by which agricultural commercialization transforms the internal relations of the household. Commercialization accompanied by mechanization tends to intensify the work undertaken by women. Since the process of commoditization ties once subsistence farms to market forces, production relations cannot avoid being influenced by the wider economy. Only with a combination of macro and micro data, with focus on both internal and external household relations, can the position of women in rural areas realistically be conceptualized.  相似文献   

清代咸丰朝以后 ,华北四省的人口数量一直呈增长趋势 ,这一地区出现了人满为患的局面。严重的人口压力和由此产生的谋求基本生存条件的迫切需要 ,造成了华北地区人口成百万地向东北和内蒙古地区迁移。在人口压力的驱动下 ,近代华北农村技术经济作物的扩大 ,亦农亦商的普遍趋向 ,以副补农的普遍存在等 ,都可以视为农业经济发展的表征。判断明清以来中国农业有无发展 ,并不能仅仅局限于单位工作日劳动生产率的狭窄范畴。衡量农业发展的标准 ,应当包括生产力和生产关系两个方面  相似文献   

The formation of reference groups comprises an important procedure in chemical provenance studies of archaeological pottery. Material from ancient kilns is thought to be especially suitable for reference groups, as it comprises a definite unit of past production. Pottery from the Late Minoan IA kiln excavated at Kommos, Crete was analysed in order to produce a reference group in this important area of Minoan ceramic production. The samples were characterized by a combination of techniques providing information on the chemistry, mineralogy and microstructure of the ceramic body. Initially, the study was unable to establish, in a straightforward manner, a chemical reference group. Different ceramic pastes and a range of selective alterations and contaminations, affected by variable firing temperatures and burial environment, were shown to be responsible for the compositional variability. Procedures are described to compensate for such alterations and the perturbations in the data that they produce.  相似文献   

Important characteristics of spatial agricultural production functions are derived by introducing a non‐negative curvilinear spatial demand function for production input intensities. Given the usual neoclassical rationale assumptions of spatial demand for capital and labor inputs under competitive environment of farming in developing agricultural economies, the optimal production levels are determined by optimizing spatial demand for production inputs. Decreasing price‐to‐transport costs ratio (that is, decrease in the prices of capital goods or increase in freight rates) and increasing wage‐to‐travel costs ratio (that is, increase in labor wages or decrease in the travel rate) expand the limits of the (spatial) optimal boundary of the demand for agricultural capital goods and labor input respectively. These effects occur on account of the operation of (positive) spatial price gradient and (negative) wage‐gradient in the market region. It may be noted that elasticities of demand for production factors are spatially variant and have significant effects on the alterations in the structure of agricultural production. However, the spatial optimal solution of production has a complicated relationship with them. The price elasticity has negative and wage elasticity has positive spatial gradients in the market region. Farmers located in the periphery of the market region are not much affected by the proportionate changes occurring in the prices of agricultural capital goods but are more sensitive to the proportional changes in labor wages. Because of a decreasing trend in capital input demand and increase in labor input with distance from the market, capital‐product diminishes with a decreasing rate and labor‐product increases with an increasing rate in the spatial structure of agricultural production. As a result, capital‐labor ratio falls toward zero, which raises profit rate per unit of capital investment especially in the outer part of the market region. The equilibria of optimal production with price elasticity as well as of capital intensity with labor employment (that is, capital‐labor ratio as unity) determine spatial limits of the optimal production zone which is shifted outward subject to the provision of cheap transportation, stabilizing market prices and/or increasing wage rate at the market center. It will help in extending outwardly the optimal spatial limits of capital investment and will mobilize capital resources of farmers in the periphery for efficient and competitive capital‐dominated farming.  相似文献   

长春市电力消费与经济发展关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙虎  韩良  佟连军 《人文地理》2006,21(3):99-103
利用柯布·道格拉斯函数的形式,把能源引入生产函数,从而可以探讨普遍意义上,能源和经济的关系,以及这种关系在发达地区和欠发达地区之间的区别。事实上从结论可以看出,不光劳动、资本以及科技进步能够促进经济增长,人们生产和生活用能的增加也能促进经济的增长。电力作为能源的一种重要形式,深刻地影响着现代人们的生产和生活,更是现代城市文明的一种深刻体现,上述能源和经济之间关系的探讨,为各种城市合理利用电力,促进经济增长提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

Consumer behavior and choice models have assumed a major role in historical archaeology. Recent interest in consumption is an honest attempt to move beyond an emphasis on production. Consumer models have clear material referents, making them useful in historical archaeology. These models, however, separate production from consumption, and privilege the autonomous individual as the preferred unit of analysis. They also reinforce and validate ideologies that obscure inequalities and power relations in modern society. For us the important issue is how people reproduce themselves as social beings. Focusing on social reproduction integrates both production and consumption.  相似文献   

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