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关于<庄子·天下篇>的作者问题,学术界多有讨论,形成截然不同的观点:庄子自著说和非庄子自著说.本文从庄子与公孙龙生平、<天下篇>的思想倾向及其行文特色三方面展开论证,说明<天下篇>非庄子自著,而是其后学所作.  相似文献   

核心价值概述 嵩山位于河南省郑州市所辖登封地区内,登封“天地之中”历史建筑群遗产区面积825公顷,缓冲区面积14940公顷,历经汉、魏、唐、宋、元、明、清,绵延不绝,“天地之中”历史建筑群构成了一部中国中原地区上下2000年形象直观的建筑史,是中国先民独特宇宙观和审美观的真实体现.该组建筑群包括周公测景台和观星台、嵩岳寺塔、太室阙和中岳庙、少室阙、启母阙、嵩阳书院、会善寺、少林寺建筑群(常住院、塔林和初祖庵)等8处11项历史建筑.  相似文献   

Communion seasons were a distinctive and important part of nineteenth–century Presbyterian culture. This paper examines such occasions in the Presbyterian–dominated colony of Otago, New Zealand. Communion was a significant social event, and its preparatory fast days were holidays for the whole community. As a spiritual event, the communion season induced an experiential and emotive piety, belying common modern perceptions of nineteenth–century Presbyterianism as an ascetic and intellectualised faith. Over the period from the founding of the colony (1848) to the turn of the century, certain rituals of the communion season altered significantly. Some changes occurred in response to new ideologies such as temperance; others reflected a softening of traditional Calvinist theology in favour of a more inclusive religion, Presbyterians being invited to communion rather than having to prove themselves fit to attend. Such changes were not unique to Otago, and practice in the colony reveals a strong continuity with events in Scotland: the Presbyterian communion season proved a remarkably successful import to colonial Otago.  相似文献   

在中国古代礼制中,十分看重祭礼,而祭天,则是祭礼中最重要的一种,只有天子才有资格祭天。祭天礼中包含有丰富的文化含义,其中之一就是报本思  相似文献   

段怀清 《清史研究》2006,(3):107-111
一《北华捷报》(The North China Herald)是由英国人奚安门(Henry Shearman)等人于1850年8月创办的一份英文报纸,也是上海开埠以来出版最早的英文报纸。在1850年8月3日创刊号上的《发刊词》(Address to thePublic)中,编辑者是这样阐明这份报纸的创办旨意的:我们最真实的目的,在于真实地对待我们自己,同时也真实地对待这个口岸的最佳利益;这样说,意味着我们需要用一种富有良知的、谨慎的和无畏的观点来评价人与事,只要他们影响到这个社会的福利安宁;同时,我们还将积极努力致力于唤醒一种在家的感觉,以有益于一种扩大的商业,一种与这个古…  相似文献   

有关创教和起会的历史神话是我国民间教派和帮会共同的现象。合理解读这些神话,既是民间教派和帮会研究的任务,也是进一步探明民间教派和帮会历史的一把钥匙。本文抓住“戏剧化”这一关键环节,对明清民间教派和帮会创教、起会历史神话中的“昏(君)奸(臣)与功(臣)”故事结构模式进行探讨,进而用天地会的历史解析其起会历史神话“西鲁故事”的形成过程,力求廓清笼罩在天地会起源问题上的迷雾。  相似文献   

南方民间的土地神信仰极为普遍,并由此产生了一系列的民俗民风,文章就此作了系统的概括和初步的讨论。  相似文献   

“近代中国社会生活与观念变迁”学术研讨会综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近日,“近代中国社会生活与观念变迁”学术研讨会在北京举行。这次会议由中国社会科学院近代史研究所化史研究室主办,来自清华大学、北京师范大学、中国人民大学、《历史研究》杂志社及中国社会科学院近代史研究所、历史研究所、学研究所等单位的近30位学与会。  相似文献   

The Church Act (1836) was arguably the most significant ecclesiastical legislation in Australia's history, as it profoundly impacted on the nation's social and political development in its formative years. The Act was instigated by Governor Richard Bourke and was welcomed by the people as establishing “religious equality on a just and firm basis.” However, historically it is often categorised as being part of Bourke's liberal reform agenda where the legislation's attributes of religious toleration have been magnified and its function to expand Christianity minimised. The fact that Bourke was a devout Christian is something that none of his biographers have disputed, but this belief is rarely portrayed as fundamental to his motives. This article explores the nature of Bourke's Christianity and discusses how that influenced his public policy in relation to religion and education. It reveals a complex man who had sincere orthodox Anglican faith, but recognised the part played by other denominations in the Christian mission. This examination will demonstrate the difficulty in differentiating between secular and spiritual motives and intentions in this period.  相似文献   

Most previous studies of Early Woodland ritual and ceremonialism in the Ohio region have focused primarily on Adena mound and earthwork enclosures and their attendant mortuary facilities. Recent investigations of other constructions, such as circular post structures, have demonstrated the feasibility of expanding interpretations of Early Woodland ceremonialism to include nonmortuary contexts. In the southern drainages of Lake Erie, small hilltop enclosures are potentially fruitful localities for the study of (non-Adena) ritual and ceremonialism. Recent investigations at the Heckelman hilltop enclosure reveal nonmortuary-ceremonial activity during the Early Woodland period. Archaeological remains point to the construction of an oval ditch enclosing clusters of freestanding (ritual) poles and pits that exhibit evidence of having been used for preparing and serving ceremonial meals. It is proposed that the Heckelman ceremonial precinct was the site of ritually charged activities bearing important cosmological significance for its users.  相似文献   

This paper depicts connections and interactions between several apparently disparate themes of change observed in recent years at a village in the interior lowlands of Western Province, Papua New Guinea. Changes in patterns of association between men and women can be traced, in the first instance, to altered management practices necessitated by intensified pig production. That intensification, in turn, reflects the growing importance of money in the local economy, a shift which, through its predication on recognising the commensurability of differences, has ramifications far beyond the economics of pig production. An earlier emphasis on equivalence in exchanges has been replaced by a recognition of substitutability, with a consequent reification of categories at the expense of individuality. This trend has been reinforced by the influence of a new Christian cult that, in emphasising the distinction between men and women, has reified gender categories as a basis for structuring social action. The declining association between men and women which emerged as an adaptive response to changing economic realities has thus become incorporated as a structural transformation in Kubo social life.  相似文献   

于阗是著名的西域古国,汉唐时期佛教及其艺术在其地兴盛一时。本文主要围绕一百余年来在新疆和田地区发现的多件地神图像,结合文献,探讨了此类图像的外在形式、文献依据及其所反映的思想内涵。作者认为,于阗佛寺的地神图像是据《金光明经·坚牢地神品》绘制,它影响了龟兹和敦煌佛教绘画的王族供养人画像,反映了出身为世俗人的王族供养人试图藉此神化自我,宣扬王权天授的思想。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,福建诏安长林寺遗址、万五道宗遗迹以及被罗炤取名为"香花僧秘典"的手抄本的发现,曾在学术界引起不小的轰动。因"秘典"中抄录了一些与天地会有关的内容,罗炤先生又确认"香花僧秘典"的主要部分系出自万五道宗之手,故认为"秘典"乃研究天地会起源之珍贵史料,万五道宗乃天地会创始人。这一结论被一些学者认为是天地会起源研究的"重大突破"。2006年笔者在福建东山苦菜寺拜访了该寺住持白文太,见到该"秘典"的真本《正源》。两相对照,发现《正源》中并没有涉及天地会之内容,"秘典"中所载天地会之人物、诗句,乃抄录者所添加。"秘典"既有"同盟会"字样,说明绝非出自康熙年间万五道宗之手,故不能作为研究天地会起源的依据,有关结论也难以成立。但诏安长林寺遗址的发现,却有助于解读天地会《会簿》中西鲁故事。  相似文献   

Paschasius Radbertus's Epitaphium Arsenii is a lively and polemical dialogue that takes us straight into the controversies within the court‐connected and competitive elite of the 850s. The latter's membership, ecclesiastical as well as secular, measured each other against the yardstick of public service, and used failure to live up to this as a means of attack. On the one hand, the Epitaphium is a highly personal text, aimed at a restricted audience; on the other, it addresses the shared values of the Carolingian political leadership. This was not a world dominated by ‘the Church’, but one in which many ‘churches’ (monasteries) and their abbots actively participated in the political arena.  相似文献   

古代彝族的伦理思想是中国伦理思想的有机组成部分之一。古代彝族认为人的本质是劳动,把热爱劳动当成最高的道德准则,并从人类自身的历史发展和社会劳动生产实践中寻求道德的起源。古代彝族以家支为本位的伦理思想主要表现为重孝贵和。古代彝族伦理思想的基本特征是:伦理思想与原始宗教、风俗习惯融为一体;受汉族和其他少数民族化的影响,其伦理思想具有多层次民族化信息的内容;重视人伦日用和实际生活行为。  相似文献   

万玛多杰 《攀登》2010,29(6):97-100
本文在深入分析果洛基本州情及存在问题的基础上,结合贯彻落实中央支持藏区跨越发展以及青海省第十一次党代会及历次全委会精神,按照中共青海省委推动跨越发展、绿色发展、和谐发展和统筹发展的总体要求,提出了“十二五”期间果洛州经济社会发展的总体要求、奋斗目标以及推动果洛州实现跨越式发展和社会长治久安的基本思路、发展支撑和重要举措。  相似文献   

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