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年龄是人口的一个基本的自然属性。人口的年龄构成不仅反映人口的再生产状况,而且也反映社会的发展、变动情况。这一点在史前时代表现的尤为突出。鉴于此,本文在系统梳理甘青地区史前人骨资料的基础上,通过全面细致的统计,对这一地区史前人口年龄构成的基本情况以及人口年龄构成与社会复杂化进程的关系进行了较为深入的研究。  相似文献   

对于历史时期老年人口进行研究,有助于更深刻地了解当时社会特征和发展状况。出土文献显示,武后至唐代宗大历年间,沙州的老年人口约占当地总人口的9%-20%,有老人户约占44%-72%,二者所占比例均呈递增趋势;老年负担系数约为15%-30%,社会负担系数约为52%-56%;老年人口中女性丧偶率高于男性;老年人生活的家庭类型因时而变。唐代沙州老年人口的这种状况既和全国人口总体发展趋势相联系又与其地处西部边陲,有时处于局势动荡状态是密切相关。  相似文献   

传统人口的性别与年龄结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统人口的性别与年龄结构姜涛性别与年龄结构,属于最基本的结构——人口的自然结构系统。因为两者的划分,一是基于男女两性在生理上的区别,一是基于人自出生成长直到衰老死亡的自然过程。它们都是人口自然属性的表征。然而,无论是性别结构还是年龄结构,又都是作为群...  相似文献   

西方国家城市人口迁居研究进展综述   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
西方国家城市人口迁居研究可以分为三个阶段。60年代中以前,从人类生态的角度出发,研究人的社会地位、家庭状况、经济收入对人口迁居的影响。60年代中至70年代中,从数量分析、行为分析的角度出发,研究迁居的空间特征、数量模式、迁居行为、住房链。70年代中至现在,从社会结构深层角度来研究迁居,并对绅士化现象作了全面研究。  相似文献   

性别作为人口自然结构的重要组成部分,与社会发展直接相关.黄河流域史前人口存在“高性比”的现象,这在一定程度上影响了史前人口的婚姻形态构成.黄河流域史前时代不同性别人口的死亡率、健康状况,在不同时代存在明显差异,这些与社会复杂化进程存在直接的关系.  相似文献   

论法国人口思想及流派王家宝“人口是不断发展变化着的流,既有自然属性又有社会属性。”①而“人口学”则“是人类自然和社会的历史”。②法国人口思想源远流长,至19世纪诞生了(新)马尔萨斯主义、人口增殖主义。两种主义在人口多寡、增减问题上争论不休,孰是孰非,...  相似文献   

严维青 《攀登》2011,30(1):73-76
"人口均衡型社会"的提出并非空穴来风,而是理论研究和政策发展的必然选择。本文从理论层面分析了"人口均衡型社会"提出的理论依据,阐明了"人口均衡型社会"的基本内涵,指出"人口均衡型社会"是对我国长期人口调控理论思考与政策实践的精准概括,是我国解决人口问题的最终理想目标。  相似文献   

从走马楼吴简看孙吴时期长沙郡的人口性比例问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高凯 《史学月刊》2003,(8):25-29
关于三国孙吴长沙郡的人口性比例问题,史家极少论及,以至其形成特点、类型和对长沙郡人口繁衍所产生的影响,几乎不为人知。根据张家山汉简,尤其是走马楼吴简所提供的材料,揭示:孙吴初期长沙郡存在着女多男少的人口性比例问题,随着时间的推移和军役、徭役负担的日趋加重,这种女多男少的现象也日趋严重,从而对人口繁衍产生了抑制作用。  相似文献   

朱旭红 《古今谈》2009,(3):21-25
一、人口老龄化的常用指标及含义 相对于人类个体的老龄化现象,人口老龄化(Ageing of Population)是一个群体性的概念。从人口学的角度而言,人口老龄化是一个社会人口年龄结构变化过程中所产生的一种人口现象。  相似文献   

从卖身契中,可以看出明清时期的徽州存在着不少的人口买卖行为,这与当时徽州存在着为数众多的贱民阶层是相一致的,卖身在承担服役义务的同时也被给予了婚配的预期,这亲就有了婚配的可能。通过多种多样的灵活性的两性结合,被卖获得了婚配,这种卖身和婚配反映了明清时期的徽州社会存在着生存压力以及因性别失衡和婚龄女性缺乏所引起的性别紧张。通过这种卖身和婚配,在一定程度上缓解了生存压力和性别紧张。  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to demonstrate the basic weakness of gender as a theoretical concept when studying prehistoric embodiment. ‘Gender ‘is theoretically linked to ‘sex’, known as the ‘sex–gender system’. The study of past genders, in the sense of prehistoric normative roles and symbols, has decreased in interest among archaeologists, in favor of studying sex, i.e., sexual practice and orientation. This switch to sex is part of archaeologists’ endeavors to understand prehistoric bodily subjects. I will here recapitulate on the concept of gender and its serious limitations. I will furthermore try to shed light on how the turn to sex involves an encounter with almost exactly the same fallacies as did the focus on gender. As an alternative for the future, I suggest social identity and embodiment be studied under the theoretical label of ‘sexe’.  相似文献   

The article starts with a discussion of the relation between feminist archaeology and gender archaeology followed by a short account of how androcentrism may influence on archaeological research. By exploring two representative examples I will argue that androcentric archaeology mainly reproduces stereotype images of men and do not provide much new or real knowledge about prehistoric men or understandings of masculinity. Consequently, there is a need to study prehistoric men as gendered and I will argue that to include studies in men and masculinity into a gender archaeology based on feminist theory might challenge androcentric archaeological studies just as much as to study women in prehistory.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on plain, stylistically unvaried pottery from three Late Neolithic sites from the Mondego Plateau, Portugal, and investigates ceramic production and exchange among small‐scale prehistoric societies by means of thin‐section petrography and chemical analysis (INAA). The results show that the majority of the pottery was made with widely available, granite‐derived sedimentary clays, but petrographic differences between fabrics indicate collection at multiple locations within these deposits. Variation in chemical composition is consistent with site‐specific sourcing areas, while comparison with data from earlier sites in the Mondego and surrounding mountains suggests that such sources were geographically restricted within the plateau. In contrast, the small percentage of vessels produced with residual clays of metamorphic and intermediate igneous origin, which outcrop over 10 km and 30 km from the archaeological sites, demonstrates that plain pottery did circulate during the Neolithic beyond the funerary sphere. This is the product of the routines of mobility and social networks of Neolithic groups across the wider landscape, which involved the exchange of ‘mundane’ vessels. Finally, the study demonstrates that micro‐regional provenance studies can provide significant insights into prehistoric social landscapes if the data are interrogated beyond simplistic classifications of local and non‐local.  相似文献   

G. WROBEL 《Archaeometry》2007,49(4):699-711
Fluoride percentage of bone is often used to determine relative dates of burials in archaeological contexts. An analysis of prehistoric Maya burials at Chau Hiix, Belize, identifies taphonomic factors, including soil composition, grave depth, soil disturbance, age at death and cortical bone thickness, that cause variations in the rate of fluoride absorption by altering the access of water to bone. This example demonstrates that fluoride dating is unlikely to be useful at most prehistoric Maya sites because of the inconsistent taphonomy due to typically diverse mortuary practices, and it also serves as a cautionary tale for applications of this methodology in other contexts.  相似文献   

Farmers of southwest Ethiopia are currently transplanting yams (Dioscorea cayenensis) from wild contexts to home gardens. Ethnoarchaeological study of this practice can inform considerations of agricultural origins in prehistoric times by revealing motives and opportunities that shape decisions to adopt wild-growing plants. In one part of the study area, case studies demonstrate that decisions to manipulate yams may arise mainly among individuals of a particular gender or household composition. Comparisons across the study area illustrate the effects of slight variations in environment and human mobility upon adoption of wild-growing yams. The social and environmental factors that favor or impede manipulation of yams are highly specific and nuanced, and operate on both intra- and inter-community levels.  相似文献   

The Oaxaca Clay Survey was initiated to provide baseline data on clay composition within the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, to assist in provenance determination of prehistoric ceramics. Natural clays were sampled from 135 locations throughout the valley, and analysed using INAA in combination with ceramic petrography. Observed geographical trends in trace‐element and mineralogical composition confirm that while parent material (surficial geology) strongly affects clay composition, a continuum of variation exists within the valley. The study develops and tests a continuous spatial model of clay composition that provides greater resolution in ceramic sourcing than bedrock alone. By establishing a regional framework for Oaxaca Valley clays, the survey will support significant advances in our understanding of pottery production and exchange within the valley, and provide a more robust means for monitoring exchange between the valley and neighbouring regions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses raw materials used in ancient glasses. Following a consideration of some archaeological reasons for studying glass, the discussion concentrates on the evidence provided by chemical analysis of the glass, and focuses on glass from later prehistoric Western Europe. Consideration of the major, minor and trace components of the glass leads to a conclusion that prehistoric glass artisans were able closely to control the addition of small quantities of colorants, opacifiers and clarifiers to the glass melt. Some possible ways of introducing such small quantities of these substances are suggested. A related implication is that glass production in prehistoric Europe was a mainly specialist industry, being part of a 'high-status'socio-economic sphere. When interpreting technical analyses a full consideration of the socio-economic niche occupied by the glass industry is urged.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a metallographic examination of Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age axes from the Northalpine region of central Europe. During this period, different types of copper were in use: arsenical copper, Fahlerz copper and tin bronze. We examine if and to what extent the different properties of the metals used were known to prehistoric metalworkers and actively manipulated in the production of the axes. The development of methods of casting and smithing is discussed. Both aspects contribute to our understanding of the nature of prehistoric technological change. During the Early Bronze Age of the Northalpine region, different traditions of early metallurgy can be identified, which differ in their use of Fahlerz copper, their attitude towards tin alloying and the use made of tin bronze in the production of the axes. These traditions can only be adequately described by reference to both composition—that is, access to different types of copper as well as tin—and knowledge of the production techniques provided by metallographic data.  相似文献   

郑建明 《华夏考古》2011,(2):114-126,147
复杂化是社会在其生存基础、社会结构、意识形态等各个方面从简单到复杂,从平等社会向等级社会过渡的一种进程.这是史前社会一种全球性的趋势,造成这一趋势最基本的动力是人口压力,它迫使群体采取强化食物生产、从事战争或贸易等直接刺激复杂化出现的措施.复杂化的实现手段是对包括经济权力、军事权力、思想意识在内的几种主要的权力的控制来...  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper will explore the role of the Isle of Man in the prehistory of the Irish Sea area through an examination of its changing islandscape from the Neolithic through the Iron Age. It was far from insular during prehistory, but the social and economic interactions of prehistoric Manx people around the Irish Sea and beyond were heavily affected by their water-bound environment. The way that the prehistoric Manx perceived their boundaries and their coastal situation is reflected in their ritual and social landscape, their preferential use of coastal areas for monumental architecture, and in the choices they made with regard to the island landscape they inhabited. This culturally constructed sense of islandness allowed the prehistoric Manx people to maintain distinctive local cultures while still playing an active role in the larger Irish Sea region.  相似文献   

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