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正贾玉英教授著《唐宋时期地方政治制度变迁史》2016年由人民出版社出版。该著是其《唐宋时期中央政治制度变迁史》(人民出版社,2012年)一书的姊妹篇,除绪论等内容外,正文凡八章,各章自成专题,又相互联系。全书以体制变革为门径,以制度变迁为主线,依次对唐宋时期京畿管理体制变迁、"道""路"制度演变、地方政区"府"制和三大京府的管理制度及其演变、地方州军监管理制度演变、县级管理制度及其演变、乡村基层管理体制及其变迁、地方使职差遣及添差官制度演  相似文献   

历代王朝对云南少数民族地区的统治,大致可以分为两个时期:自汉代始中央王朝就对该地区采取了一整套特殊的羁縻统治措施,历经魏晋南北朝以及唐宋时期;元实行的是羁縻之治下的土司制度,经明清两朝而不衰,一直延续到民国时期.云南土司制度的嬗递变化,既表现为在元明清时期国家在追求利益最大化和产出最大化目标下,通过实施政策法令的强制性变迁,也表现为民国时期制度不均衡时追求潜在获利机会的渐进的诱致性变迁.  相似文献   

清代云南"八景"与生态环境变迁初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中央王朝的经营及汉文化的影响下,云南各地在明清时期涌现了大量以生态景观为主的"八景",形成了内涵丰富的"八景文化".清代是云南"八景文化"的发展及繁荣时期,"八景"及其相关记载不仅从一个侧面反映了清代云南生态环境的状况,其发展变迁也反映了生态环境的变迁状况,对清代云南环境史研究有重要意义.  相似文献   

国司是日本古代,尤其律令时期的重要官职.国司制度也是律令官僚制度的重要组成部分,是律令地方政治的主体,在古代历史发展中发挥了极其重要的作用.国司职能的演变反映了律令时期天皇制的变迁以及中央权势与地方势力、先进的国司制与传统的国造制之间力量博弈的过程,进而反映了从中国引入的先进的律令制度与日本固有的传统旧制度之间相互制约的过程.  相似文献   

在中国,宣传画用它特有的艺术语言见证了不同历史时期的沧桑变迁。然而,作为一门重要的艺术形式,"文化大革命"时期的宣传画却没能保持艺术创作的原则要求,其在创作理念、形式内容等多个方面都明确显示出极端政治化的倾向。这一特殊时期,那些已经沦为政治符号的宣传画是对宣传艺术的极端异化。  相似文献   

太平天国时期,曾出现过女营、女馆制度,随着太平天国历史的发展,这种制度也经历了从女营到女馆制度的变迁。从制度经济学的角度对历史上的这一制度进行分析,分析其变迁的原因,说明制度创新与存在必须与非正式制度和特定的历史环境相容。  相似文献   

西汉淮阳国封域变迁分为三个时期.高帝至景帝时为第一个时期,淮阳在郡、国之间转换频繁,封域有增有减;景帝三年至宣帝元康三年时为第二个时期,淮阳郡东界、北界不断拓展,先后得到楚国、梁国一些区域.第三个时期为宣帝重置淮阳国直到新莽时国除,此时淮阳国的封域大为削减.淮阳国所处的"中间地带"是决定其封域变迁的地理基础,而汉廷对诸...  相似文献   

现阶段旅游制度相关研究成果一方面很难辨析旅游制度变迁理论及其个案论争,另一方面由于无法深入研究旅游制度变迁背后的运行机制及其规律性,从而无法形成理论研究体系与范式。有鉴于此,本文以系统科学、博弈论思想为指导,在明晰旅游制度及变迁涵义的基础上,尝试探究旅游制度变迁理论体系构建问题,其内容包括:①概念界定:将旅游制度界定为一个制度主体之间关系耦合的复杂系统;②研究范式:提出旅游制度变迁研究需摒弃新古典经济学所秉持的"完全理性、均衡、静态制度观",转向一种"有限理性、动态、演化的制度观";③理论研究体系:分析旅游制度变迁动力、变迁机制与规律,构建旅游制度变迁理论研究体系。  相似文献   

制度变迁下的中国区域旅游发展与差异研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
处于经济体制转轨期及对宏观环境敏感的中国旅游业,受制度结构与产业政策影响很大,完善的制度是保证旅游业持续发展的关键。本文分析了制度变迁下中国区域旅游发展与区域差异:我国旅游管理体制的变革是伴随着制度环境变迁而逐步演变,制度变迁是推动我国旅游业快速发展的重要因素;同时,在路径依赖规律的作用下,制度变迁是区域旅游差异产生并扩大的重要原因,但可以通过制度创新,促进区域旅游发展,缩小区域旅游差距。借助相关数据研究显示,制度变迁程度与我国旅游总收入以及与区域旅游外汇收入之间,有较显著的正相关性。  相似文献   

国民党政府时期农村合作社组织变迁的制度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梅德平 《民国档案》2004,8(2):84-87
本的主要目的在于考察国民党政府时期合作社组织变迁的历史过程,重点分析组织变迁的绩效及其存在的主要制度缺陷。  相似文献   

What is the relationship between changes in interest group resources and the proposal and adoption of state policy? Using a dataset of proposed and enacted teacher policies across five legislative cycles in all 50 states and measures of interest group relative and absolute resource strength, I estimate a series of within-state fixed effects models that gain identification from changes in interest group resources and teacher policy over time. I find that legislatures propose more unfavorable and fewer favorable policies toward teachers' unions in states where teachers' union opposition interest groups are expending more election (but not lobbying) resources over time. Further, I find that more unfavorable and fewer favorable policies are adopted in states where teachers' union opposition groups are growing in election resource strength. Expanding on prior empirical work, this study suggests that interest group resources matter for policy change and highlights the importance of capturing interest group resource dynamics over time.  相似文献   

One of the main issues in the literature on the economics of books is whether or not a fixed‐price system is better than a free‐price system in providing a wide variety of cheap books. Although numerous studies have been carried out, this issue remains unresolved. Since 1962 Norway has had a fixed‐price system, regulated by a book trade agreement between the publishers’ and booksellers’ associations. On 1 May 2005, Bokavtalen, a new book trade agreement was introduced, representing a new step in a long‐term trend towards a less regulated book trade, and the price system is now actually a hybrid of fixed and free prices. The evaluation is mainly based on extensive use of multivariate regression analyses. Some of the results suggest that the hybrid price system is superior to the old one with regard to each of price, sales, reading and number of titles.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of trade liberalization on the level and structure of government expenditures across countries, with particular emphasis on low income countries. It develops the argument that the policies employed during trade liberalization have resulted in a fiscal squeeze as a result of declining tax revenues and rising interest expenditures. To surmount this fiscal hurdle, expenditures on physical capital, which have negligible political ramifications, have been reduced. Other more politically sensitive expenditures, such as spending on social capital, have been financed by incurring additional debt. However, additional debt has exerted upward pressure on interest payments, further exacerbating the fiscal situation. The statistical analysis carried out to examine the evidence uses panel data for eighty developing and industrialized countries over the period 1970–98 and employs a fixed–effects regression framework to account for country–specific characteristics. The results indicate that trade liberalization has indeed resulted in declining revenues and higher interest expenditures and that these factors have contributed to the observed decline in infrastructure spending.  相似文献   

一战期间列强忙于欧战,加之纱贵花贱,天津棉纺织业获得快速发展,1920年代初天津华商六大纱厂相继建成,然而纱业萧条却接踵而至,各纱厂虽然调整振作试图走出困境,但是却越陷越深,延至1930年代均归于失败。通过梳理裕元纱厂负债经营的过程,不难得知其得利先分,举债扩张,运营中流动资金不足,动辄则仰给于借款,为企业发展埋下病根;公积金、折旧提取不足,造成固定设备不能及时更新,产品结构老化,以至于产品积压,资金周转过慢,债息愈来愈重,企业不堪重负最终解散。这一时期天津其他华商纱厂情况大体类似。以往对于纱业经营危机的研究,多强调企业经营内外环境的恶化,尤其日方纱商的挤压是造成经营衰败的原因。实际上,天津棉纺织业自身经营的内在缺陷即资产负债率过高是导致其衰败的主要原因。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We propose a mixed fixed and random coefficients framework for regional modeling. The framework allows the presence of both the region-specific effects and commonality of responses across regions. Bayes solutions for estimating parameters of interest and for generating predictions are derived. Within a Bayesian framework a predictive density approach to evaluate the impact of changes is suggested. We apply the methodology to evaluate the impact of new rate structures on Ontario regional demand for electricity.  相似文献   

The Influenza Pandemic of 1918–20 in medical debate. The history of the so called Spanish Influenza 1918–1920 is summarized especially in regard to the developments in medical debate. In Germany, Richard Pfeiffer, who had discovered Haemophilus influenzae after the previous pandemic 1890 / 91, managed it to defend his thesis that his “bacillus” was the causative agent of the flu, by modifying his theory moderately. The Early Virology of influenza in postwar times was still fixed to bacteriology and did not yet have the force of school‐building. Aggressive therapy, e.g. with derivatives of chinine, were used in a concept of polypragmasy. The connection between influenza in animals and influenza in mankind was unknown or of no major interest till the rise of virology as an academic discipline in the 1950s. Since the outbreak of avian influenza in Asia 1997 virological archaeology is challenged to fill the historical part in the attempt to fight the threat of the highly pathogenic bird flu. In the beginning of the “short 20. century” politicians and doctors had no interest to build a “monument” of influenza. Today, virological reductionism does not have the power to (re‐)construct such a monument.  相似文献   

李霞 《攀登》2007,26(1):122-124
善意取得制度,是近代以来大陆法系与英美法系民法的一项重要法律制度,其内容涉及民法财产所有权静的安全与动的财产交易安全保护问题。传统民法理论认为该制度的适用范围仅以动产为限,本文对此持不同观点,认为不动产也可适用善意取得制度。  相似文献   

明清"滥设官吏"罪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柏桦  高进 《史学集刊》2007,(2):27-35
"滥设官吏"罪是明代确立的罪名,清朝因之."滥设"是与"额设"相对的,"额设"是制度上允许的额定员额,由朝廷人事主管部门按缺铨选委署,是职官管理制度的重要构成."滥设"则是制度上不允许的,是所谓定编之外的官吏,不经朝廷人事部门或主管部门按缺铨选委署,则属于犯罪.理清"额设"与"滥设"的关系,分析各种各样"滥设官吏"罪的案情及千变万化的情节,则是本文的重点内容.  相似文献   

《Political Geography》1999,18(1):33-38
In this commentary I argue that the case study of the Hanford Reservation illustrates that local interests are not coterminous with the scale of local government. Hanford is an example of a decentralized land-use decision-making process, whereby multiple government jurisdictions and diverse interest groups are involved in the negotiations. While the governments are fixed by scale, the other actors are not, and their interests are fluid across scales. Interest groups are most concerned with land-use outcomes, whereas Morrill presents local governments as most interested in their authority over land use. Analysis of land-use conflicts, therefore, must involve examination of both scale-bounded government autonomy as well as the power struggles and cross-scale alliances of the multiple interests and social identities expressing concern about the outcome.  相似文献   

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