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Many of the structural engineers in Pakistan refer to the UBC code for the design of aseismic structures. On the seismic zones of international cities, the UBC code 1997 has placed Peshawar in the most severe earthquake Zone 4 similar to the high earthquake prone cities of California, Alaska, Japan, Chile, Taiwan or Turkey. These places have suffered some of the most destructive earthquakes of the past. The earthquake history of Peshawar, however, does not inform us about moderate devastation. Moreover work done on the seismic zoning of Pakistan by different national and international agencies and independent researchers present widely conflicting pictures of the seismic hazard of Peshawar. This paper critically reviews almost all of the published work done on seismic zoning, in the light of the locally available data, geology, tectonics and earthquake history of Peshawar.  相似文献   

A seismic hazard analysis of Florence city was performed in the frame of a project concerning the dynamic behaviour of cable-stayed bridges. Both a probabilistic approach and a methodology based on the use of a local macroseismic catalogue were applied. A local catalogue was expressly compiled for this purpose, to collect the macroseismic intensities actually observed at the site as a result of past earthquakes. This sort of catalogue is an independent tool to verify the assumptions of the probabilistic approach (seismic zoning, earthquake recurrence relation, attenuation model), though it can supply results in terms of macroseismic intensity only and reflects the effective seismic history at the site, without taking into account any variability. The Cornell' methodology was used to assess probabilistic hazard in terms of macroseismic intensity, peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and pseudovelocity uniform response spectra. The local catalogue points out level VII of the Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg scale (MCS) as the maximum intensity historically observed in Florence. The probabilistic approach leads to the consideration of intensity VIII MCS as the maximum credible for the city. The probabilistic analysis in terms of ground motion was performed using attenuation relations estimated for alluvium sites, since the geology of Florence area is represented by fluvial and lacustrine deposits of various thickness. Peak ground acceleration values with 90% non exceedence probability in 50 and 500 years are respectively 145 and 219 cm/s's for a shallow alluvium site, and 95 and 157 cm/s's for a deep alluvium site; the corresponding peak ground velocity values for sites located on alluvium are 6.41 and 11.76 cm/s. Uniform response spectra are provided for shallow and deep alluvium sites, according to frequency-dependent attenuation relations estimated from strong Italian earthquakes.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of different parameters used in probabilistic seismic hazard calculation is investigated by different logic tree runs with alternative magnitude sets, source zone models and attenuation relations, and with different sets of values for the seismicity parameters and the <r-value. Also the influence from the different parameters on the hazard uncertainty, represented by fractiles, is investigated. The calculations are made for peak ground acceleration at a site near Aachen in the Lower Rhine Embayment. The model where the site is located in a larger source zone gives lower hazard values. This is typical for the case where the seismicity near the site is high relative to its surrounding. The hazard curves for the different attenuation functions are similar, an effect of the similarity of the functions themselves. However, a large sensitivity of this parameter is indicated for small mean return periods. An increased α-value implies a moderate increase of the hazard at long mean return periods. The hazard is increasing for decreased focal depth, decreased β-value and increased maximum expected magnitude, respectively. However, the effects are noteworthy only at low hazard levels for variations in the focal depth and to some extent in the maximum expected magnitude. Finally, decreasing the minimum magnitude thought to be of engineering relevance causes a drastic increase of the hazard at small mean return periods.  相似文献   

This paper presents the seismic hazard assessment and seismic zoning of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and its surroundings based on the probabilistic approach. The area that has been studied lies between 50°E-60°E and 20°N-30°N and spans several Gulf countries. First, the tectonics of the area and its surroundings is reviewed. An updated catalogue, containing both historical and instrumental events is used. Seismic source regions are modelled and relationships between earthquake magnitude and earthquake frequency is established. A modified attenuation relation for Zagros region is adopted. Seismic hazard assessment is then carried out for 20 km interval grid points. Seismic hazard maps of the studied area based on probable Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) for 10% probability of exceedance for time-spans of 50, 100 and 200 years are shown. A seismic zone map is also shown for a 475-year return period. Although the results of the seismic hazard assessment indicated that UAE has moderate to low seismic hazard levels, nevertheless high seismic activities in the northern part of UAE warrant attention. The northern Emirates region is the most seismically active part of UAE. The PGA on bedrock in this region ranges between 0.22 g for a return period of 475 years to 0.38 g for a return period of 1900 years. This magnitude of PGA, together with amplification from local site effect, can cause structural damage to key structures and lifeline systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of Tehran, the capital of Iran. Two maps have been prepared to indicate the earthquake hazard of Tehran and its vicinity in the form of iso-acceleration contour lines. They display the probabilistic estimate of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) over bedrock for the return periods of 475 and 950 years. Tehran is a densely populated metropolitan in which more than 10 million people live. Many destructive earthquakes happened in Iran in the last centuries. It comes from historical references that at least 6 times, Tehran has been destroyed by catastrophic earthquakes. The oldest one happened in the 4th century BC. A collected catalogue, containing both historical and instrumental events and covering the period from the 4th century BC to 1999 is then used. Seismic sources are modelled and recurrence relationship is established. For this purpose the method proposed by Kijko [2000] was employed considering uncertainty in magnitude and incomplete earthquake catalogue. The calculations were performed using the logic tree method and three weighted attenuation relationships; Ramazi [1999], 0.4, Ambraseys and Bommer [1991], 0.35, and Sarma and Srbulov [1996], 0.25. Seismic hazard assessment is then carried out for 12×11 grid points using SEISRISK III. Finally, two seismic hazard maps of the studied area based on Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) over bedrock for 10% probability of exceedance in two life cycles of 50 and 100 years are presented. The results showed that the PGA ranges from 0.27(g) to 0.46(g) for a return period of 475 years and from 0.33(g) to 0.55(g) for a return period of 950 years. Since population is very dense in Tehran and vulnerability of buildings is high, the risk of future earthquakes will be very significant.  相似文献   

A study aimed at evaluating earthquake damage scenarios and seismic hazard of Messina using historical data, is presented. The analysis of coeval reports allowed us to reconstruct the seismic history of the city and to obtain a homogeneous earthquake site catalogue based on intensity assessed by the European Macroseismic Scale 1998. In the last 1200 years Messina was destroyed once (1908, intensity X-XI EMS) and suffered effects estimated between intensities VII and IX EMS many times (e.g. 853, 1169, 1494, 1509, 1599, 1693, 1783, 1894, 1909). Destruction or severe damage which affected the city are mainly related to earthquakes occurring in the Messina Straits and Southern Calabria, while slighter, moderate effects are usually due to shocks taking place in the seismogenic sources of SE Sicily, Gulf of Patti and Northern Calabria. The damage scenarios of the most relevant events, delineated using coeval urban plans of the city, showed that damage distribution is strongly conditioned by the different soil response. A probabilistic seismic hazard assessment was obtained by using site observed intensities: The expected intensity in a time span of 50 years (i.e. maximum intensity characterised by at least 10% exceedance probability in 50 years) is DC EMS; the expected intensity in a time span of 300 years (10% exceedance probability in 300 years) is X EMS.  相似文献   

We approach from a new standpoint the problem of estimating seismic hazard for some towns and villages located in Val d'Agri area (Southern Italy) that in the past have been affected by several seismic events. The estimates are carried out using a method that is based on the analysis of site seismic history extracted from macroseismic catalogues. To study the influence of site effects two different procedures have been performed: in the first, seismic hazard estimates have been deduced from epicentral data only, in the second, intensity data actually observed at the site are also considered. The difference between the two estimates can be correlated with local variations of seismic response due to local geological features which are responsible for possible cases of amplification. In order to validate the presence of such correlation, seismic hazard estimates have been compared to site amplification measurements obtained by using the HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio) technique. Our findings reveal a good correlation between seismic hazard enhancements and the presence of site amplification effects. The application of this kind of analysis to the Val d'Agri area has pointed out that the joint estimates of site seismic hazard enhancement and HVSR measurements could be a helpful tool to identify problems related to seismic microzonation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare the site effect section of building codes (EC8 and UBC97) with the set of data provided by the Kyoshin network. In order to obtain a set of site coefficients and spectral shapes, we have first deduced an attenuation law for both horizontal and vertical motion. Site conditions are represented by the shear velocity averaged over the upper 30 m (V s 30). Our site classification (4 categories similar to those proposed in the new ECS and the UBC97) is based on borehole investigations at every station. This classification has permitted to distinguish clearly four response spectra which demonstrates the efficiency of V s 30 as characterising site conditions. Our law is then used to test site coefficients and spectral shapes of building codes ECS and UBC97. Concerning spectral shapes and site coefficients, our results are found to be in good agreement with EC8 and UBC97 only if category B (400<V s 30<800 m/s) is taken as reference. We also conclude that a site which is characterised as “rock” on geological criteria can not generally be classified in category A (V s 30>800 m/s). This suggests that classification in category A should be based only on field measurements. Concerning vertical motion, our analysis of the K-NET data shows that the ratio av/ah (vertical peak ground acceleration over horizontal peak ground acceleration) is between 0.50 and 0.68.  相似文献   

The available Greek strong ground motion records to date are used in order to study the duration of strong-motion in Greece, covering magnitudes between 4.5 and 6.9 and distances from 1 km to 128 km. An attenuation relation of strong-motion duration is calculated and compared to earlier existing similar relations proposed for Greece and Japan. Furthermore, the seismic hazard for the area of Greece is assessed, using the strong-motion parameters of duration and peak ground acceleration. The results are presented in the form of a map according to which Greece is classified in four different categories of equal seismic hazard.  相似文献   

Cable-stayed bridges exhibit unique responses under a strong motion. It is partly due to the complexity in their damping mechanism. Recently, the benchmark problem of a cable-stayed bridge was developed to clarify the effectiveness of various seismic control strategies. Due to the new development of magnetorheological dampers, the application of variable dampers in bridges becomes possible. In this study, the effectiveness of the nonlinear viscous damping force scheme and the two-step friction damping force scheme are investigated. It is found that the nonlinear viscous damping force scheme is effective to control the response of the cable-stayed bridge with less demand for the damping force capacity of a damper. In addition, the two-step friction damping force scheme shows the improvement over conventional friction damping because the energy dissipation of a damper can be increased.  相似文献   

On September 7, 1999 an earthquake with magnitude M W =5.9 occurred close to the city of Athens in Greece. More than 80 buildings collapsed, about 150 deaths and hundreds of injuries were reported. Soon after the event a damage investigation was carried out by two of the authors in the most heavily struck areas. The most serious damages were observed in the northern suburbs of Athens, where reinforced concrete frames and masonry buildings represent the prevalent construction systems. The hysteretic energy demands imposed on RC buildings should have been rather severe considering the structural systems characteristics and the inadequate construction details. However, over-strengths, redundancy and especially the presence of infill walls, provided a significant increase of the seismic capacity and contributed to the survival of many buildings.

The objective of the present work is to reproduce and analyse the response of typical RC frames subjected to the 1999 Athens earthquake in areas where the observed damage was particularly severe but no recordings of the ground motion were available. After a general overview of the seismotectonic environment, seismological data, observed macro-seismic intensities, structural typologies and observed building behaviour, an attempt is made to identify representative excitations in the meizoseismal area. Specifically, the required accelerograms are obtained by modifying available records so as to reproduce a given global energy content and to be consistent with the observed damage. To study the seismic response of RC models, the obtained accelerograms are used to perform nonlinear dynamic analyses.  相似文献   

The evaluation of seismic risk of masonry monuments requires to study the combination of vulnerability and hazard. In the present work, the global seismic response of slender masonry towers has been studied by means of a specific 3-D fibre model. Accounting for the particular behaviour of such structures, the hazard should also be described by a suitable measure of intensity of the seismic action. A variety of different parameters relating with the ground acceleration recordings have been investigated for what regards their correlation with the damage indicators of the model. The combination of the peak ground velocity of the horizontal component and of the significant duration is an effective measure of intensity. This measure can be improved by considering the accord of the frequency content of the ground motion with the dynamical characteristics of the tower. Since in some cases the effect of the vertical component proved to be important, a further improvement can be obtained by taking into account also the vertical ground motion intensity.  相似文献   

Acceleration data from local and regional earthquakes is of prime importance in evaluating the seismic hazard. Consequently, strong motion accelerometers are currently installed at more than 60 locations in Israel. We have explored the possibility of site amplification effects at 10 sites where local earthquakes triggered strong motion accelerometers by integrating empirical and analytical estimations. Implementing H/V spectral ratio techniques using 15 accelerograms from nine earthquakes, 105 seismograms shear-wave records of 35 local and regional earthquakes and seismograms of microtremors were used in the empirical evaluations. The subsurface models were constructed by integrating available geological and geophysical information at the analysed site with empirically evaluated site response functions. Amplification effects of factor 3-6 are observed at various frequencies in the 0.8-6.0 Hz band. Through the analysis process it became evident that the instant availability of many useful time windows of microtremors provides systematic estimations of the fundamental resonance frequency of each site and their associated amplification levels, which are similar to those obtained from H/V spectral ratios of seismograms and accelerograms and to those inferred from the subsurface geology. Analytical transfer functions should be reviewed with respect to empirical site response evaluations. Estimations that are based on only one approach may be totally misleading.  相似文献   

Experimental and numerical simulations are performed to evaluate the modification of ground response resulting from either the presence of soft layers or occurrence of partial liquefaction. Results from two densely instrumented dynamic centrifuge tests are presented to show the ambiguous role played by the presence of a soft layer. It was found that the lateral extent of the soft layer has significant influence on the overall response of the layered strata and any structure founded on it. The experimental observations are supported by simplified numerical analysis. The amplification or deamplification of the input motion is found to be a function of the ratio of the width of soft layer to the wave length. Based on the numerical analysis, a general function describing the site amplification is presented which may be used as a guide in seismic design of foundations in such layered strata.  相似文献   

New aspects of the frequency-dependent attenuation of the seismic waves travelling from Vrancea subcrustal sources toward NW (Transylvanian Basin) and SE (Romanian Plain) are evidenced by the recent experimental data made available by the CALIXTO'99 tomography experiment. The observations validate the previous theoretical computations performed for the assessment, by means of a deterministic approach, of the seismic hazard in Romania. They reveal an essential aspect of the seismic ground motion attenuation that has important implications on the probabilistic assessment of seismic hazard from Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes. The attenuation toward NW is shown to be a much stronger frequency-dependent effect than the attenuation toward SE and the seismic hazard computed by the deterministic approach fits satisfactorily well the observed ground motion distribution in the low-frequency band (<1Hz). The apparent contradiction with the historically-based intensity maps arises mainly from a systematic difference in the eigenperiods (type and size) of the buildings in the intra- and extra-Carpathians regions, thus the existing macroseismic data, based on buildings of small dimensions, i.e. with high eigenfrequency (5–10 Hz), can hardly be representative of the real hazard for new and large dimension, tall buildings, with eigenfrequency above 1 Hz.  相似文献   

Seismic vulnerability of unreinforced masonry buildings is studied by means of simplified out-of-plane collapse mechanisms that take into account connections with transversal walls. According to experimental evidence, the analysis assumes that failure is reached with a rigid body motion of a part of the facade that falls down. Two classes of mechanism are examined: the overturning of the facade due either to a vertical crack at the connection or a diagonal crack on the transversal wall, both defined resorting to a simple model of masonry fabric, viewed as a regular assembly of rigid blocks and elastic plastic joints with friction but no cohesion. The use of simplified mechanisms give rise to an explicit evaluation of the seismic resistance to changes in the geometry and in the masonry fabrics, that could be used by practising engineers. This formulation is developed for both static horizontal actions and ground velocity peak, in the belief that the latter probably gives a better approximation of seismic action, while also providing, by comparison with the results of static forces, an estimate of the behaviour factor for unreinforced masonry. Eventually, the analytical forecasts are compared with numerical results obtained by means of the distinct element method.  相似文献   

Assessment of landfill seismic response necessitates the availability of reliable dynamic material properties. During the past decade, geophysical surveys and computational studies have been conducted to investigate the seismic response of the Operating Industries, Inc. (OII) landfill in Southern California. In this paper, a survey and summary of available research results is presented. In addition, a set of Oil input-output seismic records during six earthquakes is thoroughly analysed. Spectral analyses are conducted to shed light on the landfill dynamic response characteristics. A simple shear beam model is found to be useful in modelling the landfill resonant behaviour. System identification techniques are employed to estimate the landfill stiffness and damping properties. These properties are defined by minimising the difference between computed and recorded acceleration response spectra at the landfill top. The identified stiffness properties are found to be near the lower bound of those documented through geophysical measure-ments. Identified damping of about 5% (at resonance) is within the range of earlier investigations. Comparisons of the computed and recorded accelerations show: (I) effectiveness of a linear viscous shear beam model in simulating the landfill dynamic behaviour, for the recorded small to moderate levels of dynamic excitation (up to 0.26 g peak lateral acceleration), and (ii) potential of the employed system identification procedure for analysis of input-output seismic motions.  相似文献   

It is important to predict the behaviour of an aged concrete gravity dam during an earthquake and to assess its degraded capacity to withstand future earthquakes, so that remedial measures can be taken at the right time. The assessment of operating and ageing dams is more important, since the analyses procedures may become obsolete and state of the art may change since the time of construction. In this paper, an approach to include the time dependent degradation of concrete owing to environmental factors and mechanical loading in terms of isotropic damage index is presented. An effective numerical algorithm for seismic analysis of a concrete dam in the vicinity of an infinite reservoir with the application of damage mechanics considering fluid-structure interaction is presented. The performance of an aged dam with a known percentage of isotropic or orthotropic damage due to seismic excitation is studied.  相似文献   

Based on traditionally accepted hypothesis and verified by existing data, an expression is derived to calculate response spectrum at the ground surface if the response spectrum at the basement rock is known. The fundamental assumptions are with regards to the form of variation of the exceedance rates of spectral accelerations in the basement rock, and based also on the usual (lognormal) distribution forms of the uncertainties associated with the spectral amplification function. The resulting approach multiplies the mean of the amplification function in order to consider in a rigorous way its uncertainty.  相似文献   

Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GDOES) has been used for obtaining calibration curves for copper, tin, lead, silver, antimony, arsenic, zinc and iron from standards including copper-base alloys (Cu 61.33-99.95%) and from bronze Punic coins. The GDOES results were calibrated using atomic absorption spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma atomization (ICPAAS) to analyse the standards and coins. For all these materials, the results show that via GDOES it is possible to obtain reliable and reproducible calibration curves for copper, tin, lead, zinc and iron with a linear behaviour as a function of the content. The quantitative GDOES and ICPAAS data for the coins have been also compared with those obtained via X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and it is shown that GDOES, ICPAAS and XRF agree well with one another considering that the bronze coins are inhomogeneous to some degree. As an example of GDOES analytical features, a depth concentration profile through a thin bronze patina is shown and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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