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This paper discusses the annual Elvis Revival Festival in the small town of Parkes, 350 km to the west of Sydney, in rural Australia. It explores the way in which a remote place with few economic prospects has created a tourism product, and subsequently captured national publicity, through a festival based around commemoration of the birthday of Elvis Presley, a performer who had never visited Australia, and certainly not Parkes. The Festival began in the early 1990s, when a keen Elvis fan rallied promoters (and other fans) around the idea of bringing Elvis impersonators to the town for an annual celebration. Since then, the Festival has grown in size, with notable economic impact. The town now partly trades on its association with Elvis, constituting an ‘invented’ tradition and place identity. Yet the festival is not without tensions. The images of Elvis and the traditions generated by the festival challenge those who wish to promote Parkes through more austere, staid notions of place and identity. For some, Elvis is a means for the town to generate income and national notoriety, while others prefer less ‘kitsch’ tourism attractions such as a nearby (and nationally famous) radio telescope. Results from interviews with key players and surveys of visitors demonstrate how ‘tradition’ is constructed in places (rather than being innate), and how small places, even in remote areas, can develop economic activities through festivals, and create new identities – albeit contested ones.  相似文献   

The town of Labuan Bajo in Western Flores, Eastern Indonesia has experienced rapid changes in the past decade, primarily associated with the development of tourism. This paper engages with the ideas of Jacques Derrida on hospitality and sovereignty, to explore the shifting landscapes of hospitality in this Manggaraian town. His musings on ‘the question of the foreigner’, the ‘conditions’ of hospitality, and the idea of the threshold are used to capture the way that hospitality is experienced as a struggle, as a contradiction, as an ‘aporia’.  相似文献   


The Malopolska region of Poland is highly representative of the current state of agritourism in Poland. The level of agritourism services in this region is very high relative to the national average, the result of environmental and cultural values being incorporated into social and economic development practices. Based on evidence from 1259 agritourism-oriented farms collected from municipal and regional government bureaus, web-published data, and survey data from 575 farm owners in the Malopolska, this paper analyzes the spatial distribution of such farms and the relationship between agritourism and ‘regular’ rural tourism. The Malopolska Voivodeship is strongly diversified in terms of agritourism development. The largest number of agritourism farms is in mountain, piedmont, and upland areas. Research has shown that agritourism is pursued by farmers who own small farms and produce food only for their own use. However, 60% of agritourism farms were found not to engage in any agricultural production. The research also identified basic tendencies of agritourism development in the region. The following basic trends were observed – a shift from agritourism to rural tourism, an increase in the number of agritourist farms offering 10 or more beds, and an expanded service offering – yielding a targeted offering for a specific customer and an increase in the quality of services. This indicates that agritourism owners engaging in this form of business are investing to create more usable space for tourists. The authors’ findings and conclusions also cover the concept of a functional model of agritourism in the Malopolska region. This model shows the relationship between environmental value and the nature of agricultural production and type of tourism in rural areas as well as the diversity of tourist offerings. The model also shows the transition from agriculture and its close relative, agritourism, to regular tourism in rural areas.  相似文献   

Like many other forms of scholarship in geography, tourism geography has evolved as a distinct subfield of inquiry within the discipline, although the contributions of tourism geographers are perhaps more readily acknowledged in the multidisciplinary realm of tourism studies. I trace the evolving relationship of tourism geography to both the discipline of geography and to the field of tourism studies. In doing so, I reflect on such influences as the role of institutions, paradigm shifts, technology, and other factors that affect the creation and management of geographic knowledge in the twenty‐first century. The intent of this article is two‐fold: first, to appeal to geographers for greater recognition of the importance of tourism as a quintessential component of geographic study that in today's world warrants integration into core aspects of geographic enquiry; second, to use current debates within both tourism studies and geography to reflect on issues of disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, and even postdisciplinarity.  相似文献   

Place branding in heritage tourism development is presented as a strategy that opens up new possibilities for attracting investors and visitors by distilling, capturing and shaping what is distinctive about a place. This representational fix is an efficient marketing device in the sense that it represents places through widely intelligible symbols. Branding is also a limiting activity that locks places in time and class relations. While place branding has always had this dual effect, we argue that it has particularly insidious and limiting consequences for local development under current conditions of roll‐out neoliberalism. Beginning in the 1960s, several prominent residents and outsiders initiated efforts to transform the Town of Cobalt, Ontario, into a mining heritage tourism destination. In 2001, the town entered and won a contest to be named Ontario's Most Historic Town. The following year it persuaded Parks Canada to designate it as a national historic site. These two events provided renewed external validation for the efforts to brand Cobalt as a heritage site and began a new cycle of mining heritage tourism development. However, instead of breaking the dependency relationships that characterize resource regions, the current round of place branding has acted to circumscribe the range of possible economic development options.  相似文献   

The expression of place and cultural identity through tourism practices is the focus of this paper. Extending recent work which has maintained that contemporary tourist landscapes must be seen as more than superficial responses to economic restructuring and deindustrialisation, it argues that these practices are in no way simple, uncontested constructions of identity and culture. Rather, cultural and heritage tourism practices may be sites where a fundamental symbolic struggle is waged over that identity and culture: over the meaning and representation of place and of ‘home’. L'article suivant traite de l'expression touristique d'endroit et de l'identité culturelle. Je propose que les paysages touristiques contemporains sont plus que des réponses superficielles à la restructuration économique et à la désindustrialisation. Ces pratiques touristiques liées à la culture et à l'héritage sont plutôt les sites d'une lutte symbolique entre la signification et la représentation du lieu, de la mémoire et de l'identité.  相似文献   

陶玉霞 《人文地理》2015,30(5):117-125
论文从历史演进和意识建构角度阐释了现代异化背景下游客对乡村旅游的根性诉求,构建了乡村旅游中乡村意涵与文化价值的实现过程解析框架,然后通过实证研究,分析了乡村旅游根性诉求异化机理。结论认为,深刻的人地关系意识和哲学认同养成的亲土心理结构与田园精神是乡村旅游的根本动力源,基于城市化与现代化进程的人性异化与身份认同危机的后现代反叛是乡村旅游的现代引擎,乡村旅游的本质是乡土-人性结构的回归与重建。而多媒体"伪乡村"的旅游形象建构又导致了乡村从生产性到消费性的转换、乡村旅游需求的异化与"伪乡村旅游"意识形态的形成。乡村旅游急需深刻的反思与革命,扭转发展的方向与目标,并在乡村与旅游传统的回归中逐步实现乡村与人性的文化救赎。  相似文献   

中国乡村旅游发展产业升级问题   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
吴必虎  伍佳 《旅游科学》2007,21(3):11-13
近年来游客对乡村旅游的需求渐热,我国乡村旅游的发展在经历了一轮较快的原始积累阶段之后,遇到了一定的瓶颈.本文通过对国内外乡村旅游发展情况的综述和总结,在分析国内乡村旅游发展形式和国外部分发达地区经验的基础上,从产品、营销和市场拓展三方面提出针对我国目前乡村旅游产业的升级建议和设想.  相似文献   

外国乡村旅游发展经验及对中国的借鉴   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
乡村旅游是我国新时期旅游产业发展和社会主义新农村建设的重要组成部分。本文首先系统的介绍了欧美乡村旅游的发展和主要成功经验,包括正确的定位,合理的形式选择,政府和社区的协调参与以及法律法规和专门的管理机构。在这一基础上,结合我国乡村旅游发展的现状和可持续发展的概念,提出了外国乡村旅游发展在几个方面对我国乡村旅游发展的借鉴。  相似文献   

乡村旅游与农村经济互动持续发展模式与对策探析   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
乡村旅游是新世纪我国农村发展和旅游产业发展的重要组成部分,是推动农村经济发展的重要动力。本文分析了乡村旅游发展对我国农村经济发展的意义和乡村旅游与农村经济互动持续发展的基本条件。在此基础上,作者提出了促进两者互动持续发展的模式,并提出不同类型的乡村旅游的发展模式及其与农村经济互动持续发展相应的主要对策。  相似文献   

江燕玲  潘卓  潘美含 《人文地理》2017,32(5):147-153
通过解构农用地多功能性与乡村旅游辩证关系,设计了"农用地多功能性-村域乡村旅运营模式"联动引导决策体系,并对重庆市九龙坡区25个行政村进行实证分析。结果显示:采用"农户自助式微型运营模式"的区域乡镇企业和产业集聚程度较高;采用"集体经济自营型运营模式"的区域农业生产条件较好、农地多功能性明显;采用"承包经营流转型运营模式"的区域农业产业化进程滞后;采用"多元股份合营型运营模式"的区域集体经济发达、农地多功能性显著。研究显示,通过农用地多功能性与主导功能评价对乡村旅运营模式引导决策,从一定程度上弥补了以往研究中决策过程缺乏定量数据支撑和量化方法画的缺陷。  相似文献   

本文选择"世界文化遗产"丽江(大研)古镇近旁的三元村作为乡村旅游研究对象,以其原生态民族文化为靓点,发展特色独具的乡村旅游,补偿"世界文化遗产"核心区丽江古镇纳西东巴文化受到过分商业化的冲击和原创文化不断流失的缺陷,搭建高端民族文化型乡村旅游平台,其主要目标是吸引中远程游客,满足其深入了解,亲身体验原创性民族文化的真谛之需,同时又推动民族地区乡村经济开放式健康发展,保障优秀民族文化得以传承。  相似文献   

农业旅游既是一种新兴的旅游方式,又是一种新型的农业生产经营形式。发展农业旅游可以调整农业经济结构,培育农村新的经济增长点,安置农村剩余劳动力,促进农民增收,改变农村整体面貌,从而缓解三农业问题。  相似文献   

Tourism destinations in peripheral areas are often large regions established by centralised government agencies to encourage collaboration between dispersed communities and foster innovation. Relatively little research attention has been paid to the impact that centrally defined destination boundaries have on whether and how small communities contribute to innovation at a regional level. This paper examines the case of Burra, a small town in rural South Australia. It analyses the networking, collaboration and knowledge exchange behaviour of tourism stakeholders in the context of the state-government-defined ‘Clare Valley’ tourism region. Data were drawn from a web-based social network analysis, in-depth interviews, historic document analysis and field observations. The study found that the local tourism system had limited aspirations and capabilities to collaborate with other towns in the region. Lack of regional engagement was only partially due to intra-regional competition and resistance to regional boundaries. More significant barriers included a local culture of operating in isolation, an embedded reliance on public sector leadership to manage systemic interactions, an aging system with limited ambition to change and an inability to harness in-migrants and externally based stakeholders to stimulate knowledge transfer. Changing the imposed destination boundaries would have limited impact on the operation of the local system. The paper concludes that effective regional destination development in peripheral areas needs to be better informed by more detailed understandings of local tourism systems and their capacities to engage.  相似文献   

Public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) increasingly are utilized in geographic research, yet researchers rarely are provided with guidance on how to implement PPGIS in an appropriate and effective manner. This article reports on the process of research that explores responses to current and future local tourism development offered by a sample of residents using a modified PPGIS approach called ‘community action geographic information system’ (CAGIS). The conceptual development of CAGIS is reported and the challenges encountered during its implementation in Churchill, Manitoba during 2005–2007 are reviewed. It is suggested that researchers wishing to conduct similar research should undertake thorough preliminary fieldwork to assess the likelihood of finding agreement on a common problem; acquiring adequate resources; establishing collective responsibility for the project's outcome; attaining stakeholder support; developing trust and meaningful relationships; and incorporating indigenous knowledge appropriately. Feedback of results to community members also should be an integral part of the research process. A number of feedback mechanisms are reported, including an interactive weblog, which helped facilitate communication between heterogeneous groups in Churchill. Although ambitions for a truly participatory GIS approach to this project have been set aside, it is held that PPGIS can yield positive outcomes for communities and academia. Sharing this research experience will be useful to others who venture into PPGIS research, especially in northern communities.  相似文献   

胁迫视角下乡村旅游地文化影响研究进展与框架构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡村文化的保护和发展不仅是新时期我国乡村振兴的重要课题,也是乡村旅游可持续发展的关键所在。旅游开发在带来乡村经济振兴的同时,更多的是胁迫乡村文化生态系统发生变化、产生反应或功能失调,进而导致乡村文化的受损甚至消亡。通过国内外乡村旅游地文化影响相关文献的梳理归纳和研究评述,本文发现当前研究缺乏基于文化胁迫视角的理论框架、文化影响的系统性研究及量化表达薄弱。在系统回顾胁迫生态理论的科学内涵和发展趋势的基础上,指出其应用在乡村旅游人地关系研究中的重要意义,进而提出旅游开发对乡村文化的胁迫模型和胁迫视角下乡村旅游地文化影响研究亟需解决的核心问题。最后从时间-空间-社会维度出发,构建旅游开发对乡村文化胁迫研究的理论框架和内容体系,以期为快速城镇化和旅游发展背景下的乡村振兴、乡村文化保护和乡村旅游可持续发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

黎洁  党佩英  任林静 《人文地理》2020,35(6):122-131
在分析乡村旅游对农户多维贫困影响机理的基础上,利用陕西4市22个乡村旅游扶贫村农户调查数据,采用内生转换回归模型,定量分析了乡村旅游对贫困山区农户多维贫困的影响。研究发现:多维贫困程度越深,农户参与旅游比例越低,乡村旅游不具有天然益贫性;参与旅游能够显著减缓农户的多维贫困。从单维贫困看,乡村旅游对调查地农户的经济、教育、生活水平和权利维度具有显著的减贫效应,其中对生活水平的减贫效应最大,健康维度效应不显著;参与和未参与乡村旅游的农户在多维贫困以及经济、生活水平维度的减贫影响因素存在着显著差异,而在教育、健康、权利维度的减贫影响因素差异不大。据此,从乡村旅游经营、精准帮扶、权益保障等方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

郭连文  张妍  徐虹  张行发 《人文地理》2022,37(5):171-182
乡村振兴背景下,谋求适合乡村内生式发展的有效治理路径是实现可持续发展的关键。本文基于权威善治视角,探讨陕西省袁家村发展旅游以来治理结构演变过程与内在机理。研究发现:(1)地方权威主义治理主体扮演“决策者”“引领者”“代理人”等多重角色,并在旅游发展不同阶段发生角色变迁。(2)乡村旅游目的地治理结构从单一主体向“双轨”治理演化。其中,利益相关、产业规模扩张和制度安排为其演化提供了动力与保障。对现实的启发是,发挥好正式与非正式制度的协同互动作用,将有利于实现目的地乡村自治、德治、法治“三治融合”的现代化治理体系。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,旅游城市化成为汤口镇城市化发展的主要路径之一。基于社会学视野考察黄山市汤口镇旅游城市化发展特征并探讨其机制。发现伴随旅游业发展,汤口镇产业结构由第一产业为主向以旅游业占主导的第三产业为主的产业结构转变,居民收入主要来自于旅游业,居民就业主要向旅游业及其相关产业集中;居民的居住条件、生活习惯和邻里关系呈现城市社区特点,居民的经营理念、教育观念和生活态度等思想观念发生很大转变,显现出城市居民的特点;居民的社会角色向现代企业家转变;汤口镇城镇性质和职能也由农业社区向旅游社区演变。而优越的区位条件、良好的资源禀赋、政府的推动以及居民的积极参与等是汤口镇旅游城市化发展的主要因素。  相似文献   

乡村旅游是实现新时代乡村振兴的重要突破口,国内大循环经济格局的新背景为我国乡村旅游提出了新挑战。本文立足国内大循环经济格局新背景,分析了其与我国乡村旅游发展的有机联系;从内循环带来的新市场格局、新资源模式和新发展需求出发,阐明了乡村旅游适配的必要性,梳理了内循环格局下乡村旅游和乡村振兴的逻辑关系,阐释了国内经济大循环与乡村旅游的适配性内涵;提出了乡村旅游适配性的研究框架,重点阐释了四个层级的研究问题,指出了具有潜力的理论创新,包括国内大循环驱动的乡村旅游适配的理论基础分析、乡村旅游适配性要素及其组合路径探索、国内大循环背景下乡村旅游供需结构变动、适配层级分析,以及国内大循环驱动的乡村旅游适配路径与模型构建。最终,研究指出了乡村旅游适配大循环的新领域,包括文旅融合的数字化发展、自然与人文的生态可持续发展、城乡与主客的协同创新发展、基于资源挖掘与品牌创造的差异化发展。  相似文献   

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