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首先,本文通过对广西平乐银山岭墓地出土"孱陵"铜矛和"江""鱼"铜戈形制特征的分析,判定两者均属战国晚期秦兵器。其次,在铭文内容释读、刻铭时间以及它们出现在岭南的缘故等问题,提出了与蒋廷瑜先生不同的看法。  相似文献   

1991年5月,内蒙古自治区文物考古研究所抢救发掘了刘家大院墓地,共清理墓葬11座。墓葬形制有竖穴土坑墓、土洞墓、石室墓、石室木椁墓、土坑木椁墓、土坑木棺墓六种形制。随葬品不多,有瓷器、陶器、骨器、铁器等,其中黄釉鸡冠壶上饰迦陵频伽图案,图案精美,是辽代釉陶精品。墓地延续时间较长,从辽代早期到辽代晚期。  相似文献   

2011年9月,为配合随州城市建设工程,湖北省文物考古研究所对随州义地岗墓地进行了一次抢救性发掘。清理出墓葬4座,其中M6发现有铜器、陶器、玉器等共计94件(套),在铜鼎、铜簠、铜甗、铜壶、铜斗、铜缶上发现有"曾公子去疾"的铭文,据此判断墓主人为曾公子去疾。根据墓葬形制、随葬品形制以及铜器纹饰、铭文综合判断,M6的年代约在春秋晚期。曾公子去疾墓的发掘为研究汉水流域春秋时期曾国墓地的重要标准性器物群、墓葬年代、文化属性及墓主身份等判定有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

论文对资兴西汉墓的越文化因素进行识别,讨论了资兴西汉墓越文化因素的源流。在此基础上,将资兴西汉墓与平乐银山岭汉墓、广州汉墓进行比较,初步分析了湖南越族与两广越族的关系。  相似文献   

王永强  田小红 《考古》2012,(9):17-29,113,102,105
2010年,新疆文物考古研究所发掘了塔城白杨河墓地的51座墓葬。墓葬的形制分为竖穴土坑墓、竖穴偏室墓、竖穴石棺墓等。多不见随葬品或仅有铁刀和羊骨,个别出土陶器、铜镜、木器等。年代大约相当于战国到汉代。其文化内涵与阿尔泰山南麓的同类墓葬有关,同天山东部和天山北麓乃至伊犁河谷的文化也有联系。  相似文献   

薛萍 《南方文物》2022,(5):170-179
春秋中期,青铜器风格发生了一次较大的转变。本文将这一阶段的代表性铜器墓——上马墓地M13独立讨论,通过分析墓中出土34件青铜礼乐器的形制、纹饰及组合特征,结合相关资料,进一步细致明确地论证该墓年代在春秋中晚期。在此基础上观察到春秋中期的铜器在器类、形制、纹饰、工艺、区域特征这些方面都发生了改变,也有助于理解从春秋早期统一风格到晚期列国风格的转变。  相似文献   

2008年,在抚顺市刘尔屯墓地抢救性发掘了21座墓葬,包括砖椁墓、砖室墓、瓦棺墓、瓮棺墓等不同形制。随葬品以陶器为主,还有少量筒瓦、铜钱等。墓葬的年代属于西汉中晚期至东汉早期和东汉末至曹魏两个时间段。此次发掘为研究本地区中下层居民墓葬的发展和演变,及其与中原地区文化的联系提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

2002年,山东省文物考古研究所发掘了山东省日照市海曲墓地的三个墩式封土墓。其中的2号封土呈圆形,封土为堆筑而成,其内共有38座墓葬,有木椁墓和砖室墓。随葬品有陶器、铜器、铁器和漆器等。根据地层关系、墓葬形制、随葬品的组合与特征等推断墓葬的时代为西汉中期至魏晋时期。  相似文献   

荆门麻城镇斗笠岗墓地发掘了七座南朝砖墓,均早期遭破坏,但墓葬形制仍较清晰,具有较强的地方特征。特别值得一提的是此批墓葬的墓砖种类繁多,纹饰丰富。这批墓葬的发掘,丰富了该地区的文化面貌。  相似文献   

黑庙墓地位于河南省平顶山市郏县白庙乡黑庙村西北部。2010年,河南省文物考古研究院等单位联合对其进行了考古发掘,清理两汉墓葬近250座,本次报告其中的53座西汉墓。墓葬形制可分为竖穴土坑墓、竖井墓道土洞墓、空心砖墓,出土器物有陶器、铁器、铜器等。据墓葬形制和随葬器物等推断,应为一处平民墓地。出土的陶缶演变序列完整,为研究陶缶本身的文化功用提供了新资料,对于研究平顶山地区汉墓的发展序列及西汉社会的发展进程有重要意义。  相似文献   

Society has to be understood as a process of fast changes (revolutions) and slow transformations (reformism). This is what has been happening in Central Europe, where the big changes of 1989–1990 were preceded by several small social, political and ideological transformations. When analysing Central European societies, one should also remember that there is an ‘official’ society and a ‘hidden’ society.In addition, the relation of state and civil society is deformed since in most cases the civil sphere is repressed and undeveloped due to the predominance of the ‘official state’. In such societies, you cannot find real hegemony but only dominance, which is practiced by the state not only in the sphere of economy, society and culture, but also in and through ideology.The essence of modern totalitarian society cannot be understood without addressing the permanent existence of unofficial, ‘civil’ ideologies penetrating the ‘hidden’ society at the same time as the ‘official’ ideology. Apart from the slow transformation of ideologies and the crisis of ‘official’ ideology, the strengthening of ‘hidden’ ideology is also required for revolutionary changes. This is how a historically new situation with new ideologies can come into being, in clear contrast to the renewal of old ideologles, which generates a mixture of the old and the new. A look at what happened in Central Europe, but particularly Hungary, should clarify the point.  相似文献   

在明代及清初 ,鄂西南土家族地区民族分布存在土蛮集中分布的土司区和汉蛮杂居区两大区域 ;土司区内民族构成中土蛮占绝大多数 ,汉蛮杂居区内汉人、土蛮间比例几乎相等。清代改土归流后 ,由于大量流民的涌入 ,形成土蛮大分散小聚居分布 ,汉、苗等兄弟民族插花般镶嵌分布的格局 ;民族构成转变为以汉族人居多、以土蛮为少数民族主体的构成格局。明清时期导致该地区民族分布与构成及其变化的因素有自然和人文两方面 ,自然因素提供变化的可能 ,人为因素决定变化的方向。当前该地区的发展还得多从人文方面着手。  相似文献   

1.There can be no modernization in Tibet withoutmodern science and technology,and the dissemina-tion of modern science and technology needs languageas an intermediary.As the main common language ofthe Tibetan people,the Tibetan spoken and writtenlanguage has played a very important role in the exist-ence and development of the Tibetan people.It hashelped to promote and maintain material and ethicalprogress,and to maintain the integrity of the nation,and so has left a brilliant page in the cultural store-house of the motherland.Now,as society witnessesprogress in science and technolog,and confronts the  相似文献   

邓慧君 《丝绸之路》2009,(22):30-33
在农业占绝对优势的传统社会,商业处于辅助地位,商人社会地位低、社会影响小。近代以来,随着西方资本主义机器工业的侵入,商人力量渐兴,社会影响力增大,逐渐成为有影响的社会阶层,也成为构成近代城镇市民的重要力量。本文以甘肃近代商人的兴起为线索,研讨甘肃近代商业和商人的特点以及他们对近代社会的影响,从中透射出近代社会变革的脉络和痕迹,为认识今天的社会变革提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

贵族的饮食礼制深刻地影响着商周时期的社会生活。饮食和制不仅与权力、等级有着密切的联系,而且随着时代的发展,进一步与古老的阴阳思想相结合,在现念意识领域中占据了重要的地位。  相似文献   

20世纪早中期甘肃石窟的考察与研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃石窟的发现与考察始于1900年敦煌藏经洞的发现,之后不久甘肃其它重要的石窟,如名的麦积山、炳灵寺、南北石窟寺以及河西中小型石窟等众多石窟也先后被发现,并且由于其价值的重要性,引起了学界的高度重视。本即对甘肃省境内除敦煌石窟以外的其它石窟在20世纪早中期的考察与研究做一简要的总结,因为这一时期的工作很多都具有开拓性的意义,许多新材料不断被公布,成为我们现在及将来研究的十分重要的参考资料。  相似文献   

明代中后期心学在徽州的传播和影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
明代中后期,与朱子学“别立宗旨”的心学在徽州得到广泛传播,并在徽州士人中产生了巨大的影响。传入徽州的心学主要有二支,一是湛若水之学,一是王守仁之学。湛、王心学对徽州学术的发展带来了深刻的影响,它既使南宋以来朱子学在徽州一统天下的格局被打破,同时也导致了新安理学学派中形成了二个不同的学术阵营。这种状况一方面反映了明代中后期心学兴起以后,朱子学在全国范围内影响力的削弱.另一方面也体现了徽州学术思想的丰富性和复杂性。  相似文献   

Korea has experienced marital transition since the 1920s, but recent data reveal rapid changes in marital behaviour and norms. Analysts usually relate these to the second fertility transition, fast growing gender equality, economic developments, and ideational changes, pointing to the necessity of understanding the process of change in marital behaviour in the context of societal transformation as well as demographic transition. With this background in mind, this paper constructs refined measures, such as age-specific first marriage rates and total first marriage rates, for different time periods and for different cohorts to present a clearer picture of marriage trends. The results are then examined in relation to various social and demographic factors, a procedure which provides an indirect check on the validity and usefulness of the method.  相似文献   

Freedom of Information laws (FOI) throughout Australia have been routinely studied by law and media scholars. These authors have revealed widespread challenges to functioning FOI regimens, which range from government hostility to public sector restructuring to globalisation. Nevertheless, analysts have only begun to fully appreciate and explore the symbolism of FOI. Access laws are situated at the very heart of state and citizen relations, and they are especially sensitive to broader assumptions about citizenship and democracy. This paper aims to explore this sensitivity through a contextual examination that is as much about democratic theory as it is about access law. Many of the deficiencies outlined by various studies, it is argued, can be best viewed as a cluster of concerns that relate to one major problem – a lack of popular sovereignty. Australian and global democracy must be viewed and conducted in a more generally robust manner in order to strengthen FOI.  相似文献   

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