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祁美琴 《清史研究》2002,2(4):104-111
清代的税关 ,史称为榷关或“关榷”① ,其税收即为关税或“榷税”② 。而这些税收因为其来源不同 ,又可分为内地关税和国境关税 ③ 两种。清代的国境关税是指以贸易行为为目的而进出中国国境的商品所征收的关税 ,也就是通常所说的海关税 ;内地关税是指以贸易行为为目的而进出国内各关卡的商品所征收的关税 ,也就是通常所说的常关税。近代海关出现之前 ,榷关税收业务包括海关税与常关税两部分④ ;近代海关建立以后 ,榷关出现分化 ,原来的海关税业务被近代海关接管 ,并在此基础上建立起近代的海关制度 ;原来的常关税业务及其管理制度仍然保持…  相似文献   

关税会议期间北方的民众动员是国民党民众动员的重要组成部分。国民党明确主张废除不平等条约,召开国民会议,并以此为号召,一方面发表宣言通电派出外交代表团进行宣传鼓动,另一方面进行党团运作,领导民众团体发起集会游行,取得了很好的动员效果。由此,国民党将国民革命运动推向北方尤其是军阀统治的中心北京。  相似文献   

Genetic techniques have become increasingly prevalent in livestock breeding, associated with new types of knowledge-practice and changes in the institutional and geographical relationships related to animal husbandry. This paper examines the value of Foucault's concept of 'biopower' to theorising livestock breeding and the implications of the rise of genetic knowledge-practices in agriculture, developing the concept to apply to nonhuman animals and to situations where humans and nonhuman animals are co-constituted through particular knowledge-practices and corporeal meetings. It focuses on the idea of 'population' as a central component of biopower, and relates this to conceptualisations of biosocial collectivity. Reacting to the inherent humanism of Foucault's outlining of biopower, the paper argues for its relevance in relation to nonhuman populations, and for heterogeneous conceptualisations of biosocial collectivity. Drawing on research with UK beef cattle and sheep breed societies, the paper explores how, in practice, populations are constructed in relation to the production of particular sorts of truths concerning, and particular modes of intervention in, the lives of nonhuman animals. It explores how heterogeneous biosocial collectivities are constituted around these interventions. The emergence of genetic techniques is shown to transform the processes constituting populations and heterogeneous biosocial collectivities, and this is discussed in terms of a new inflection of agricultural biopower associated with novel interventions in the lives of livestock animals.  相似文献   

This article examines wartime efforts by the Russian civil and military authorities to shape public opinion, both at home and abroad, through investigating and publicizing enemy atrocities committed against Russians. An extraordinary investigative commission established in 1915, along the lines of Britain’s Bryce Commission, looked into alleged atrocities against soldiers and civilians as well as crimes against property; chronicled its findings; and publicized them on a wide scale. The ample funding and breadth of this undertaking challenges perceptions of the Tsarist authorities as unable to appreciate the importance of public opinion, even if the results were not always as intended.  相似文献   


This article deals with the early colonization of the Russian Barents Sea Coast (the so-called Murman Coast) in the middle of the 19th and early 20th century. It focuses mainly on the household economy and economic adaptation in the area by groups of Finnish, Russian, Karelian, Norwegian and Sami colonists. The opening up of the new territory by the colonists resulted partly in the employment of traditional methods of using natural resources and partly in the culture of these groups being transformed. Based on this, two different patterns of using natural resources were singled out within the ethnic groups that settled on the Murman Coast (western and eastern). These patterns were more suited to the new living conditions in each of the respective areas, and became the basis for different trends in the economic development of the Murman Coast.  相似文献   

San Jacinto 1 represents a special-purpose settlement that was used by late Archaic foraging groups who logistically moved from base camps to special-purpose camps in order to collect and process subsistence resources at the onset of the dry season in the Caribbean savannas of northern Colombia. Situated in an optimal location for permanent water and seasonal concentrations of dry season subsistence items, the site’s location was part of a logistic strategy in which specific task groups were moved to resources during a short season of availability. Preserved vertebrate and invertebrate faunas at San Jacinto conform to expectations about assemblage ubiquity, richness, and evenness or equitability within the early occupational strata at the site. Specific animals including turtles and fish were pursued, and may have been processed with C3 plants and grasses in ubiquitous earth ovens. Certain local aquatic invertebrates were also procured along with the collection of specific extra-local gastropods.  相似文献   

徐吉军 《民俗研究》2002,(2):137-146
在宋代,人们外出远行是十分常见的事,如商人出外经商、文人举子出外游学、官员外出当官、将士到边关镇戍、僧道外出巡礼等。  相似文献   

This study analyzes medical practitioners’ adaptation to a dynamic cultural and political scene and examines the impact of medical refugees on a local community. In the early 1920s, there was an influential Russian medical community in Harbin that established medical societies and medical schools. The organization of medical societies was a part of the active formation of a professional community and represented a thoughtful measure for countering the control of Chinese officials. The high degree of cooperation between Russian and Chinese medical personnel in the medical-sanitary department of the Chinese Eastern Railway and in Harbin municipal medical facilities was a part of Harbin physicians’ activities.  相似文献   

张俊立 《民俗研究》2000,(3):171-172
在甘肃临潭农村,盖房一般分为踩地、动土、锯木、立房四道程序。因其耗资很大,又费时力,因此,属于家庭或个人的重大活动。因而,也为家庭、个人和邻居十分看重。特别是立房,亲邻友好都会自愿前往帮忙,并兴高彩烈地向主人祝贺恭喜。其场面热闹隆重。长期以来,人们围绕立房,形成了许多习俗规程。  相似文献   

黄永林 《民俗研究》2011,(1):203-217
受当时楚国文化传统、政治制度、审美心理等多种因素的制约,《楚辞》中恋爱习俗描写打上了楚文化鲜明的时代印记。本文在研究《楚辞》中恋爱习俗主要表现形态的基础上,深入探讨了其存在与发展的独特文化渊源、内涵和时代精神。  相似文献   

Two geographers analyze the spatial dimension of results of the historic Russian referendum of April 25, 1993, which produced dramatic regional differences in the degree of support for President Boris Yel'tsin and his economic reform policies. The paper correlates the outcome of the referendum with demographic and economic performance variables for the political-administrative units of Russia. It thus assesses the extent to which approval of Yel'tsin was associated with such variables as urbanization, education, white collar work force, percentage of workers in agriculture, and age of the population. 5 figures, 5 tables, 23 references.  相似文献   

唐代不论从官方还是民间来说,对天象与人事的关联都深信无疑。唐玄宗就说过:“朕以不德……天久不雨……岂名山大川、修祭名祀尚不及与?”而自居易也大力提倡古人“暴身致雨”的精神。在这种舆论背景下,唐代普遍存在着祈雨习俗。  相似文献   

The sources of high quality volcanic glass (obsidian) for archaeological complexes in the Amur River basin of the Russian Far East have been established, based on geochemical analyses by neutron activation and X-ray fluorescence of both ‘geological’ (primary sources) and ‘archaeological’ (artifacts from the Neolithic and Early Iron Age cultural complexes) specimens. A major obsidian source identified as the Obluchie Plateau, located in the middle course of the Amur River, was found to be responsible for supplying the entire middle and lower parts of the Amur River basin during prehistory. The source has been carefully studied and sampled for the first time. Minor use of three other sources was established for the lower part of the Amur River basin. Obsidian from the Basaltic Plateau source, located in the neighboring Primorye (Maritime) Province, was found at two sites of the Initial Neolithic (dated to ca. 11,000–12,500 BP). At two other sites from the same time period, obsidian from a still unknown source called “Samarga” was established. At the Suchu Island site of the Early Neolithic (dated to ca. 7200–8600 BP), obsidian from the ‘remote’ source of Shirataki (Shirataki-A sub-source) on Hokkaido Island (Japan) was identified. The range of obsidian transport in the Amur River basin was from 50 to 750 km within the basin, and from 550 to 850 km in relation to the ‘remote’ sources at the Basaltic Plateau and Shirataki-A located outside the Amur River valley. The long-distance transport/exchange of obsidian in the Amur River basin in prehistory has now been securely established.  相似文献   

We examined by Rietveld refinement of X-ray Diffraction patterns a series of 61 human and animal fossil bones in an age range from present time to Middle Triassic (around 245 Ma). This approach, supplemented by elemental analysis according to X-ray Fluorescence, has permitted to obtain a quantitative evaluation of the mineralogical phases in the specimens, thus allowing to reconstruct the mineralization process involved. Concerning the apatite phase, after adopting a monoclinic geometry for the unit cell, the method permits to determine with fair degree of precision the unit cell volume, which is found to decrease in relatively short geological times as a function of the fluorine substitution process for the hydroxyl group –OH. After excluding the role of a high-temperature fire treatment to the bones, it is found that a certain linear correlation may exist over the geological time scale involved between the age of the specimen and the average crystallite size. This observation permits to use the XRD pattern as an evaluation of the age of the fossil, although the stratigraphic observations, where available, remain as the main reliable source for dating such biomaterials. The uncertainty related to this age estimation may be hardly better than 15–20% in absolute, because of various assumptions involved in the XRD methodology used and in the variability of the burial environment that may be subjected to discontinuous changes over the very long time of deposition.  相似文献   

Geochemical studies of volcanic glasses (obsidians and perlites) from geological outcrops (N = 80) and archaeological collections (N = 110) were performed in order to determine source provenance in Primorye (Russian Far East), using neutron activation analysis and X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry. Three major sources of archaeological volcanic glass were identified, two relatively local and one more remote. Several minor sources detected in the archaeological assemblage have not been located. This study suggests that long‐distance obsidian exchange between Primorye and adjacent North‐East Asia has existed since c. 10 000 bp .  相似文献   

This article is dedicated to one of the outstanding scientists of the nineteenth century: Ivane Tarkhnishvili (Tarchanoff), a Russian physiologist of Georgian origin who graduated from the St. Petersburg Medico-Surgical Academy and worked under the supervision of the founder of Russian physiology, Ivan Sechenov. Among his numerous contributions was the discovery of the skin galvanic reflex; however, Tarkhnishvili's most significant contribution was the discovery of the influence of X-rays on the central nervous system, animal behavior, the heart and circulation, and embryonic development. Indeed, these works have given rise to a new field in science (radiobiology).  相似文献   

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