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地理信息系统在考古研究中的应用类型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文简单介绍了地理信息系统的基本概念及GIS考古学的国内外研究状况,并结合国家自然科学基金项目“GIS支持的山东沭河上游聚落考古研究”课题和“基于GIS的黄河上游官亭盆地史前文化人地关系研究”课题所完成的工作,初步总结了地理信息系统在考古研究中的应用类型。  相似文献   

遥感考古在我国起步较晚,但在大遗址保护中发挥着越来越重要的作用。以遥感考古在河北的发展历程为例,讨论遥感技术在大遗址保护中实践与应用的问题,分析遥感考古技术具备的覆盖范围广、无损探测等综合优势在遗址保护中的作用,并提出在实际工作中存在的问题与不足。通过探讨这些问题的解决之道,为大遗址保护提供新的发展思路。  相似文献   

本文记述了1996年中国首次在洛阳地区开展航空摄影考古勘察的情况,发表了邙山古墓群、汉魏洛阳故城、偃师商城、二里头遗址等航片资料,并分析了遥感与航空摄影考古在中国面临的困难和广阔的前景。  相似文献   

北京城市考古走过了50多年的历程,给我们很多可供思考的空间,有必要总结它的经验和得失,为未来的城市考古提供借鉴。  相似文献   

了解地下遗迹,一定要动铲发掘吗?这种想法旱就过时了。中国国家博物馆考古部主任杨林和他的同事们,通过高空卫星收集数据,从距地面几百公里处“俯瞰”地表,便能以惊人的清晰度辨识地下景观。  相似文献   

Arc View地理信息系统在中原地区聚落考古研究中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张海 《华夏考古》2004,(1):98-106
文章以实例的形式详细介绍使用ArcView地理信息系统开展聚落考古研究的具体方法。通过对中原地区仰韶文化晚期以来聚落演变情况的观察 ,尤其是对王湾三期文化聚落形态的分析 ,认为王湾三期文化的聚落形态存在两种不同的基本模式 ,它们之间既构成一个整体又显示出自身由北向南的扩张过程。这些结论初步显示了地理信息系统在聚落考古研究中所能发挥的重要作用  相似文献   

城市是一个国家或地区的政治、文化中心和经济管理、军事指挥中心,是人类文明的集中体现,对古代城址进行发掘和研究历来是考古学的基本内容及重要任务之一。聚落一般指人们聚居的地方,是生产、生活等各种活动的空间及场所。广义的聚落包括城市,  相似文献   

雷生霖 《内蒙古文物考古》2012,(1):72-78,129,130
内蒙古自治区独特的地理环境和考古人员的积极参与使得内蒙古自治区的航空遥感考古工作一直走在全国的前列.1997年,中国历史博物馆遥感与航空摄影考古中心与内蒙古文物考古研究所和赤峰市文博单位合作,在内蒙古东部区开展了航空摄影考古工作,对辽上京、辽中京、祖陵、祖州城、庆陵、庆州城、元应昌路、元上都、金边堡及城址、陵墓和大型军事防御设施等古代遗存进行了大规模的航空勘察,采集了一批珍贵的影像资料,并出版了《内蒙古东部航空摄影报告集》,该书成为我国航空摄影考古和内蒙古航空遥感考古成熟的一个标志.2004年,内蒙古自治区在内蒙古文物考古研究所成立了内蒙古遥感考古工作站,之后与中国国家博物馆航空遥感考古中心在内蒙古西部地区进行了较多的工作,对西部地区的居延遗址、包头和清水河等地的一些古城、烽燧和边堡等大型遗址进行了一次航空摄影,为内蒙古地区的航空遥感考古奠定了坚实的基础.  相似文献   

“考古地理学”一词源于日本 ,近年被引入中国并在理论和方法上得以重建和实践。其要义是通过考古遗存来研究历史上的地理现象 ,揭示其演变规律。以三峡聚落为代表的人文景观 ,是自然动力和人为动力综合作用的结果。遗存的形态是考察之首 ,遗存的功能是研究之本。  相似文献   

姚娅 《南方文物》2013,(3):125-128
运用GIS软件对良渚遗址群多源数据进行数字化处理,构建良渚遗址GIS应用模型,为进一步考古研究与文物保护提供更为科学的方法和便捷的管理手段。本文阐述良渚遗址群考古信息的空间数据库与属性信息库的建设,并简单介绍了数据采集与处理过程。  相似文献   

Urban heat island (UHI) effect is an important impact factor of the regional climate and ecological environment. How to observe and analyse the spatial distribution of UHI has become an important issue of urban environmental research. In this paper, the near‐surface air temperature of Beijing was derived based on the Landsat/TM satellite imagery on 26 July 2011 to study the near‐surface UHI. A statistical model at 195‐m window size was established to estimate the air temperature, using land surface temperature, normalized difference vegetation index, altitude, and surface albedo as independent variables. The mean absolute error (MAE) of the model was 0.87°C, and the R2 was 0.66, indicating that the method can be used to effectively estimate the air temperature. The air temperature distribution obtained from remote sensing revealed that the UHI effect in Beijing was very significant and showed a concentrated pattern. The heat island intensity was stronger in the southern part than in the northern part of the city. In addition, the relationship between the air temperature and impervious surfaces was analysed. The air temperature increased with increasing impervious surface coverage, and the rate of change depended on the impervious surface coverage. When the impervious surface coverage was below 40 per cent, the temperature increased rapidly with increasing impervious surface coverage, and when the impervious surface coverage was above 40 per cent, the temperature increased slowly. This study provides a new approach to monitor near‐surface UHI and reveals its relationship with impervious surface, providing a scientific reference for urban planning and environmental assessment.  相似文献   

The systematic exploration of large archaeological sites in the Mediterranean has evolved considerably since the “big dig” excavations. Pedestrian field surveying and remote sensing applications, including satellite and airborne image analysis, are now practical and relatively cost-efficient methods of characterizing large and diachronically diverse landscapes on regional scales. However, the use of geophysical techniques as a means for exploring manifold archaeological contexts is still in its infancy. In this paper, we highlight the advantages of archaeological geophysics to conduct regional surveys in the Mediterranean. Through a multi-site geophysical fieldwork campaign to investigate the patterns and dynamics of ancient cities in Greece, we show how geophysics offer new opportunities for characterizing the spatial attributes and regional dynamics of urban landscapes, and, in doing so, we make an argument for its wider adoption on regional survey projects.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanisation and industrialisation have resulted in sharp land cover changes. Urban change not only impacts on land cover but also on urban climate. Land surface and atmospheric modifications due to urbanisation generally lead to a modified thermal climate that is warmer than the surrounding, non-urbanised areas. In this research remote sensing technology was used to evaluate urban growth patterns and its thermal characteristics through mapping impervious surfaces and evaluating thermal infrared images. The case study was carried out in the northern part of Ho Chi Minh City, which has experienced accelerated urban development since the late 1980s. Landsat and Aster images were used to calculate variations in urban impervious surfaces from 1989 to 2006. Thermal bands were processed to obtain radiant surface temperatures for investigating the urban heat island effect associated with increasing impervious surfaces, both spatially and temporally. Impacts of urban development on surface temperature were shown by investigating the surface urban heat island effect intensity. The results show that the built-up area in the northern part of Ho Chi Minh City expanded by 6.5 times between 1989 and 2006. Urban development has altered the magnitude and pattern of the surface urban heat island, with the highest land surface temperature cores found in the industrial (greater than 45oC) and urban areas (within 36oC and 40oC). In suburban and rural areas, where agricultural land still remains with full vegetation cover, the land surface temperature is usually lower. Using remote sensing, the impervious surface was extracted with overall accuracy and a Kappa coefficient for all three years greater than 96%, and the retrieved land surface temperatures with variations from in-situ measurements of less than 2oC. The results presented here indicate that remote sensing can help to spatially monitor urban development and land surface temperature changes over the whole area and over a long period of time.  相似文献   

滕铭予 《内蒙古文物考古》2007,55(1):81-105,封3
西拉木伦河源于内蒙古赤峰地区克什克腾旗西南部,向东流过赤峰地区中部,由西南而来的老哈河在赤峰地区东端汇入西拉木伦河,继而向东流入通辽地区开鲁县后称西辽河。西拉木伦河将赤峰地区分为南北  相似文献   

This article explores the coevolution of landscape approaches and geospatial tools in Middle Eastern archaeology. From the first aerial reconnaissance programs, archaeologists recognized the value of a view from above to address overarching human–environmental questions that underpin regional historical narratives. The diversity and density of visible remains in the landscape of the Middle East has required an integrative approach, encompassed in the perspective of landscape as a static artifact, landscape as built features, landscape as a system, and landscape as a dynamic construct, which cuts across modern political boundaries. Recent advances in geospatial tools and datasets have enabled archaeologists to make significant progress on four long-standing questions of how to (1) best document and manage rapidly disappearing ancient landscapes, (2) understand landscape formation processes, (3) identify and interpret economic, environmental, and social influences that result in long-term settlement and land use patterns, and (4) recognize and contextualize the interplay between environment and human agency in the evolution of ancient economies and transformations in socio-organizational complexity.  相似文献   

Historical archaeologists have advocated the need to explore the archaeology of the modern city using several different scales or frames of reference—the household and the district being the most common. In this paper, we discuss the value of comparisons at larger scales, for example between cities or countries, as a basis for understanding archaeology of the modern western city. We argue that patterns of similarity and dissimilarity detected at these larger scales can (and should) become part of our interpretive and explanatory armoury, when it comes to understanding patterns and processes at smaller scales. However, we also believe that these larger scale enquiries do not by any means exhaust (or diminish the importance of) the site- or household-specific questions that continue to demand adequate answers. By reporting some of the thinking behind the work that has been done in Melbourne, Sydney and shortly to begin in London, we seek to more clearly establish the value of this broader comparative agenda in urban historical archaeology.  相似文献   

For organisations committed to documenting human rights abuses in North Korea, gathering data is an ongoing challenge. Faced with the lack of access to the country, as well as the problems inherent in verifying testimonies from North Korean escapees, some organisations have turned to hybrid methodologies, including pairing remote sensing (RS) technologies with testimonial data to better understand the people, places and institutions associated with human rights violations. In the case of North Korea, to date, remote sensing has been used primarily to monitor nuclear weapons and missile development sites. This work has at times sparked controversy, given the scope for analytical error and the high stakes associated with flawed analysis. Against this backdrop, this article discusses the application of remote sensing to augment human rights abuse investigations and calls for greater attention to the potential of remote sensing data to both assist in eliciting information in research interviews, and to generate data that may be used to support the pursuit of accountability for alleged violations of international law. Specifically, it considers the work of an ongoing project developed in South Korea using satellite imagery and Geographic Information Systems technology together with witness testimonies to document sites of state-led killings and burials in North Korea. The paper cites advantages to be had from developing hybrid methods of data-gathering in this context and describes some of the key methodological considerations involved, as well as the possible applications of the data in seeking justice and remedy in the future.  相似文献   

From small bands of foragers, pastoralists, and village agriculturists, to states and civilizations water accessibility and management played a crucial role in sustenance and social life throughout the ancient world. Recent advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related remote sensing technologies offer powerful means of analyzing water flow that are well-suited to clarify design and operational requirements of different irrigation and water management systems. Ancient Southwest Arabian irrigation technologies developed over thousands of years culminating in some the ancient world's most advanced flashflood water systems. This paper describes satellite imagery Digital Elevation Model (DEM) extraction and GIS hydrological modeling procedures conducted for the Wadi Sana watershed of Hadramawt Governate, Yemen. Results help illustrate one of the local contexts in which small-scale irrigation originated in Southwest Arabia and additionally serve as an example for those interested in applying similar methods in other regions.  相似文献   

The author of a recently published paper on Finland's identity politics and national identity (Antonsich, 2005) responds to comments presented in the preceding paper in this issue of Eurasian Geography and Economics (Moisio and Harle, 2006). The rejoinder focuses on the nature of place knowledge acquired "in place" versus "at distance" as well as on more specific differences in perspective (e.g., use of sources, terminology, critical geopolitcs). Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O52, Z13, 14 references.  相似文献   

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