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赵启斌 《收藏家》2006,(1):3-10
2005年9月7日至10月23日,广东省美术馆与南京博物院联合举办了“南京博物院藏明清人物肖像画精品展”,在广东美术馆展出南京博物院珍藏的80件明清肖像画精品。南京博物院在院外展出院藏明清肖像作品尚属首次,参与展出的明清肖像画作品均为南京博物院珍藏肖像画的精华部分,代表了明清以来我国肖像画的发展面貌。一、历代肖像画的收藏和研究1.我国古代肖像画的展示和收藏肖像画在我国有特定的称谓:写照、传神、写真、写貌、写像、影像、追影、写生、容像、象人、祖先影像、禅宗祖师像、顶相、仪像、传神、寿影、喜神、揭帛、代图、接白、帝王…  相似文献   

福建黄檗宗禅师隐元隆琦东渡日本传法时,随身携带的黄檗宗肖像画和黄檗宗画家所绘制的“隐元骑狮像”,对长崎乃至日本的画坛产生了重要影响。首先,“隐元骑狮像”来自“文殊骑狮像”,体现了隐元禅师在传法时所展示的宗教形象,也是黄檗宗顶相中的独特形象。其次,“隐元骑狮像”为多幅连续创作的肖像画,同时也是道释画和顶相画的结合,具有多主题综合的特点。第三,日本画家继承“波臣派”画风后,继续创作“隐元骑狮像”等,但趣味和画风逐渐偏向本土化。  相似文献   

我国传统肖像绘画艺术历来主张“以形写神”、“形神兼备”,故又有“传神”、“写真”之称。这里介绍的六幅故宫博物院藏清代画家肖像画,既如实描绘了这些著名画家的外貌特征,又生动地刻划出了他们鲜明的个性。这些画幅,反映了清代肖像画的多种风格面貌,也是我们进一步认识这些画家的重要资料。  相似文献   

尽管肖像画在明代没有像汉、唐那样得到充分发展,但由于社会实际生活的需要,无论在宫廷还是在民间,都始终保持着一支肖像画创作队伍。宫廷中的肖像画家是从民间选拔出来的,陈遇、陈远、沈希远、陈(扌为)等,曾为皇帝写御容;谢环、吕文英、吴正等,曾为在朝官员的诗酒文会活动创作集体群像。活跃  相似文献   

中国古代人物肖像画,渊源流长,早在先商时期就已初见端倪,汉魏以降,逐步得到发展,肖像画至元代逐渐形成独立画科.并出现了擅长写真的名家。如著名肖像画家王绎,不仅画像技术精湛,且撰著《写像秘决》,颇受时人推崇。到明代,随着人物画的衰退和文人画家与职业画家分道扬  相似文献   

通过对蒙古族画家莽鹄立作品的分析,可以知道18世纪“西画东渐”在某些肖像画领域中的影响,并大致考定了北京故宫博物院藏《允礼小像》轴绘制的时间。  相似文献   

1987年6月,笔者在参加由日本国际交流美术史研究会主办的“肖像画专题”国际学术讨论会上,曾谈及肖像画具有客观性、真实性、生动性、专一性等四个基本属性,亦是肖像画的共性。然而,由于描绘对象、  相似文献   

宋辽文献中,有关双方御容往来的记载十分丰富,在当时引发了朝野的相关讨论与争辩。本文从美术史视角探讨其中的御容像、画家、御容样式以及窃写、相术等理论与创作的问题,昭示其对后世人物肖像画艺术发展的影响。  相似文献   

肖像画作为人物画中的一个门类或分科,既与人物画有很多共性,也具备独特的个性。探讨肖像画的自身特点、特殊属性或独具特质,即“肖像画的性质”,将有助于明确肖像画的含义和范围。本文拟根据中国古代肖像画的创作情况,结合古今有关论述,就此问题谈谈个人一管之见。  相似文献   

在贵州省文化系统老年书画协会“纪念建党80周年书画展览”的上百幅作品中,我久立在毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民的肖像画前,品味着伟人的神态,毛泽东的伟岸大度、邓小平的沉着干炼、江泽民的潇洒自若,引来观众的一派赞语:“太像了”!“笔恭线谨,栩栩如生!”这三幅特别吸引眼球的国画下面落款同一个作者名字——杨近文。  相似文献   

After the Second World War and simultaneously with the independence movement in India many other movements for national independence and removal of colonial rule erupted in other Asian and African countries where news from India was of great importance and interest. This paper will focus on the coverage of India's independence movement by Iranian newspapers which were the main source of such news for the Iranians. The paper will examine a variety of Iranian newspapers across the political spectrum for the accuracy of their reports and the quality of their analysis of the developments in India. In spite of their technical shortcomings and their limited knowledge of India, the articles carried by the Iranian newspapers demonstrate the Iranian public's interest in India's movement for freedom from colonial rule, which they regarded as a source of hope and a model to be followed by other Asian countries suffering from foreign domination.  相似文献   

Landscape beauty has long been a concern of geographers and other scholars, but relatively little work has been done on the aesthetic analysis of specific landscape features such as mountain peaks and waterfalls. In Australia, as in many other parts of the world, waterfalls are popular scenic attractions, and this paper attempts to explain the widespread appeal of these landforms by examining them in the light of theories of landscape aesthetics, from the Picturesque and Sublime to arousal and prospect‐refuge. While no single theory offers a complete explanation of our experience of waterfalls, this paper suggests that by using several theoretical approaches to the subject we are more likely to gain a full understanding of the way we respond to these landscape features.  相似文献   

随着无损和微损检测技术的发展,对档案所用纸张的微观分析得到了越来越多的运用。目前最常用于纸张纤维观察与检测的方法是光学显微镜染色观察法,但该方法存在对染色剂的质量有很大依赖性的局限,利用偏振光显微镜则可以在不使用染色剂的情况下,更好地从纤维形态特征的角度作出纤维种类的鉴别。通过对偏振光显微镜运用于纸张检测分析中的相关研究进行综述,发现目前该技术在纸张纤维观察方面的研究尚处于理论分析阶段,缺乏实际的应用研究。利用偏振光显微镜对一批木斯塘档案所用纸张的纤维形态和其他成分进行观察与分析,说明偏光显微法在对档案纸张纤维形态的观察与判断以及对造纸纤维与纸浆中的其他细胞、晶体等物质进行区分时的有效应用及其独特的优势。  相似文献   

A test statistic for the detection of spatial clusters is developed by generalizing the common chi-square goodness-of-fit test. The paper includes a discussion of the relationship between the statistic and other associated statistics, and provides an analysis of both its null distribution and power. The paper concludes with the development of a local version of the statistic and an application to leukemia clustering in central New York.  相似文献   

A test statistic for the detection of spatial clusters is developed by generalizing the common chi-square goodness-of-fit test. The paper includes a discussion of the relationship between the statistic and other associated statistics, and provides an analysis of both its null distribution and power. The paper concludes with the development of a local version of the statistic and an application to leukemia clustering in central New York.  相似文献   

Sai Englert 《对极》2020,52(6):1647-1666
This article offers a critique of the Wolfe-an model, which has become so dominant within contemporary Settler Colonial Studies (SCS). It focuses particularly on the central claim made by Patrick Wolfe, and others after him, that settler colonialism is categorically differentiated from other forms of colonialism by its drive to “eliminate the native”, instead of exploiting them. This paper builds on the literature that shows how settler colonies have used elimination as well as exploitation in their relations with indigenous peoples—even transitioning from one to the other. Instead, the paper argues that focusing on accumulation by dispossession allows for an analysis of the specificity of settler social relations to emerge. It highlights the specific ways in which settlers collectively expropriate indigenous peoples and struggle amongst different settler classes over the distribution of the colonial loot.  相似文献   

本文根据佛教典籍、历史文献、碑石、方志等相关资料,在孙昌武先生《唐长安佛寺考》一文的基础上,新增补唐长安及其近郊佛寺28所,并对某些佛寺的建置沿革问题进行了订正。  相似文献   

周言 《东南文化》2000,(1):65-68
本文在上一篇论文的基础上继续使用系连排谱的方法,对剩余的完整历日铜器所属的时代进行判定,进而排定十二位周王的在位年代;并确认西周王朝始于公元前1071年武王克商,终于公元前771年骊山之役。  相似文献   

新疆气候干燥,四季更替明显,有其独特的文物保存环境。为使馆藏纸质壁画摹本得到更安全有效的保护,本工作对新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆馆藏纸质壁画摹本的保存环境:温度、湿度、空气污染、灰尘、光线、昆虫及微生物等因素进行了调查,同时分析了目前这批纸质壁画摹本的保存现状,提出了改善纸质壁画摹本保存环境的保护方案。通过改善光照条件,控制展柜内光线的强度,减少了有害光对纸质壁画摹本的污染;通过采用空气洁净屏,选择使用无酸纸作为纸质藏品的包装材料等,有效控制了有害气体对摹本的损害,使这批文物藏品得到更安全有效的保护。  相似文献   

顾问 《江汉考古》2006,(2):47-51
该文以考古学材料为基础,参照相关古籍、金文等文献,认为三星堆金杖图案的内涵与射鱼之礼、尝礼有关,三星堆金杖为“祭杖”。  相似文献   

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