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新城开善寺大雄宝殿修缮原则及工程做法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
河北新城开善寺为第四批全国重点文物保护单位,其主体建筑大雄宝殿为辽代建筑,2001~2004年,河北省古代建筑保护研究所经国家文物局批准,对大雄宝殿实施了整体修缮工程。本文介绍了工程的修缮原则及具体做法,并就古建筑保护修缮工程的一些问题进行了阐述。  相似文献   

In 1206, Genghis Khan unified all sects and established the Mongol Kharnate. This unification ended the existence of a separate regimeand the battles that had long occurred between different regional forces in Tibet, forcing them to sit down and discuss ways to cope with the new situation. Finally, Disi Jorgar, the local delegate from Yarlung in Qingyi of Shannan, and Gunggar Dorje, the delegate from the Chaba Gagyu Sect, were dispatched to  相似文献   

Southchurch Hall     

In 1437 Sherborne Abbey church was deliberately set on fire as the result of a quarrel between certain parishioners and the monks. The tower and chancel of the church were being rebuilt at the time. This paper records the results of a detailed study of the masonry which had been discoloured by scorching, and the conclusions deduced therefrom. These include: some modifications of the story of the fire as interpreted by Professor R. Willis in 1865, and deductions on the course and extent of the fire, the stage that the rebuilding had reached and its sequence of construction. The survey also proves that the fan vaults and clerestory windows of the east end were completed after the fire to their original design. The paper ends with some discussion about the possible architect, and an assessment of the design and influence of the fan vaults.  相似文献   


An architectural survey of the surviving remains of Haselden Hall was undertaken by the Wakefield Archaeological Research Group in August 1967, a few months prior to the demolition of the building. An excavation to examine the medieval remains on the Hall site was then undertaken and this will be the subject of a separate report to be published elsewhere.  相似文献   

In February 1980 the Winchester City Archaeology Office undertook the excavation of a burial discovered by workmen in the south aisle of Winchester Cathedral. A partly decomposed skeleton and the remains of woollen clothing and leather shoes were found contained in a stone coffin. Analysis of the skeletal material, textile and leather combined with the evidence of its location suggest the burial of a man of high status in medieval society. On the basis of the clothes and in the absence of any ecclesiastical parallels he seems likely to have been a layperson rather than a cleric. The style of shoes and coffin make a date of burial before the mid-thirteenth century likely.  相似文献   

李旭  张锦能  朱林 《华夏地理》2002,(8):110-121
德格印经院是一个神圣而又朴素的地方.冬日的阳光从湛蓝的天空中倾撒下来,透过印经院的天井和一扇扇敞开的窗子,一声不响地照在已存在几百年的木刻经版上,它们成排成排肃穆地卧着,如一级级泛着灵光的阶梯,引领着人的灵魂开始了一种飞翔,飞升上蓝天,与那些经版上经文的创造者们晤面,与那些经文里诵念的神灵交流.于是,一切豁然开朗,心灵和眼睛看到的一切,都溢满了阳光.  相似文献   

Langmar Hall is a "Tibetan KTV". As in other cities like Lhasa, it is a very crowded place and also a big draw card for tourists. Different from KTVs in the mainland, Langmar Hall does not charge admission. It makes money from beer consumption, so the waitresses are happy to open beers for customers. They often stand beside you, raise your glass and propose a toast to you. Friends from the mainland are not aware of this trick, and believe it is required etiquette, so they are happy to drink as much as they can. People in Lhasa make fun of this and say that the  相似文献   

韦荃 《四川文物》2002,(2):77-79
本介绍了利用高分子材料具有的化学、物理特性,对峨眉山市飞来殿、香殿古建筑糟朽木结构进行加固保护的方法,以及施工工艺。  相似文献   

This paper discusses possible functions for an Early Roman Age hall (c. ad 1–200) at Missingen, Østfold, south-east Norway. The hall represents one of the earliest known halls in Scandinavia. Its existence corresponds with the introduction of the Roman Age warrior-aristocracy. No status goods were recorded from the hall or the site. The assemblage of artefacts, plant macrofossils, together with the site's layout, points to Missingen as a farm with traditional farm functions. However, the farm's great size and well-considered location in combination with the presence of the hall has led to the conclusion that Missingen represents a chieftain's farm. It is argued that the farm could have served as a resort or camp for a group of warriors, led by a chieftain or a military leader belonging to a warrior-aristocracy. The existence of a Roman Age aristocracy in Østfold, hitherto represented by graves with weapons and rich imported goods, is for the first time evidenced by a hall and a chieftain's farm.  相似文献   

康熙时期的养心殿   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
养心殿作为宫内的一处重要建筑,在康熙时期的情况一直不甚清楚。本文通过零星的记载,尤其是当时西方传教士的著作,对康熙时期养心殿的建筑格局、内部陈设、使用情况等进行了考证,认为与雍正以后的状况有很大差异,其功用是多方面的,从而对养心殿历史沿革的认识更为全面。  相似文献   

朱文晶 《收藏家》2013,(8):81-87
一.历史沿革 黄山八面厅原名振声堂,此处“黄山”并非安徽著名旅游胜地,义乌所独有的黄山八面厅位于上溪镇黄山五村,距义乌市中心约25公里。前临凰溪,后靠纱帽尖山的谷底,地势高俊,海拔高度200米。  相似文献   

Spurgeon has provided the academic world with a superb exampleof how oral history has the power not only to supplement thehistorical and academic record but also to enlarge our understandingof a topic. These days, few know of the esoteric folklore genre,the play party, and those who do might well assume that it hasbeen defunct for several decades. Even nineteenth- to earlytwentieth-century folklorists wrote about it as an old and dyingform of childhood recreation. Vance Randolph wrote some  相似文献   

Beautiful clouds enveloping the top of the Lotus Flower Mountain in a golden autumn reacted positively to the surging human crowd at the Tar Monastery. The monastery's Greater and Lesser Gold-Tile Halls have been repaired and a celebratory ceremony was held to mark the success.A Holy LandThe Great Gold-Tile Hall was built at a place where Tsongkapa, founder of the  相似文献   

Herdt, Gilbert H. Ritualized Homosexuality in Melanesia. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. xviii + 409 pp. including maps, bibliography, and index. $24.95 cloth.  相似文献   

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