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《Acta Archaeologica》2012,83(1):295-295

潘玲 《考古学报》2008,(3):311-336
鹿石是大部分表面雕刻有以鹿为主的动物形象和武器工具形象的拟人化石柱,因雕刻的动物形象大多数是有固定造型特征的鹿(俄罗斯学者称之为风格化的鹿),因此把这类石柱统称为鹿石。鹿石主要分布于蒙古共和国,其中西部省份分布最密集。与蒙古接壤的俄罗斯外贝加尔地区以及图瓦和阿尔泰地区、中国的新疆地区有少量分布,哈萨克斯坦共和国东部、俄罗斯东欧部分以及西到德国易北河流域也零星分布极少量与鹿石类似的石雕像。鹿石常竖立  相似文献   

王辉 《中国钱币》2003,(2):18-20
齐国古刀币面文有“齐△邦(立长)(长)夻(大)(?)(刀)”一种,见于《古钱大辞典》838、840、845、848、851-853、857、863、867等,通称“六字刀”。△字,黄锡全先生《先秦货币通论》①第五章“刀币”据张颔《古币文编》所收39个字形,将其分为7种:  相似文献   

基于高速公路货流数据的重庆市区县关联网络格局研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流空间背景下的城市与区域网络研究是当前国内外城市地理学的研究前沿与热点领域。国外研究多采用信息流、航空流作为研究城市与区域网络的主要手段。探索符合我国经济社会发展阶段的城市与区域关联网络研究具有重要理论价值和现实意义。本文采用高速公路货流数据拟合重庆区县关联网络,运用社会网络分析软件(Ucinet)分析关联网络结构。研究表明:①传统的"一圈两翼"结构逐渐向"双核"结构演化,空间结构面临重组;②主城区的主要经济联系方向为渝西方向;③横向水平联系的分布具有指向性。  相似文献   

Summary.   In this paper we discuss 26 new Neolithic AMS dates obtained from human and animal bone from four previously undated funerary monuments in the Cotswold-Severn region. By strategically targeting particular portions of these skeletal assemblages, a number of valuable inferences are made concerning the extent of variation in apparently co-existing burial practices both within and between monuments. Of particular interest is the observation that variations in the extent to which interments have become disarticulated cannot necessarily be equated with chronological relationships regarding their deposition. This project has also obtained dates from cremated bone, which establish that the range of funerary treatments in practice during the earlier Neolithic also included cremation. Additionally it is observed that whilst some, apparently primary, deposits may in fact be later insertions, other material in apparently secondary contexts may actually return earlier Neolithic dates.  相似文献   

一前言《陶记》是中国第一部有关陶瓷生产技术、管理及其行销等方面的论著,对其进行深入的理解和断代有益于中国陶瓷史、科技史的研究,故我国老一辈陶瓷研究学者傅振伦、陈万里、冯先铭等先生都对《陶记》给以关注,傅振伦先生在耋耄之年(1979年)还对《陶记》进行了译注。约与《陶记》同时期,伊朗人阿布尔·卡西姆于1301年著有《阿布尔·卡西姆有关陶瓷的论  相似文献   

Summary. Fifteen Celtic coins found during Sir Mortimer Wheeler's excavations have never been dated with precision. A hoard of similar coins, found in the vicinity of Badbury Rings hillfort gives us a yardstick for their chronology.  相似文献   

Summary. The opinions of Blegen on the date of the destruction of the 'Palace of Nestor' at Epano Englianos and on the slightness of Iron Age occupation on the site are questioned. It is suggested that the palace may have been destroyed very early in Late Helladic IIIB if some vases of IIIC or early Iron Age were mistakenly ascribed to the destruction instead of to subsequent occupation of the site which, in Geometric times at least, appears to have been considerably greater than Blegen admitted.  相似文献   

The glazes and bodies of fifteen Persian ceramic objects datable to c. A.D. 1300 were analysed by X-ray fluorescent and optical emission spectroscopyin order to test the veracity of parts of Abū'l-Qāsim's treatise on pottery manufacture. The results showed that the bodies of these pots were closely akin to so-called Egyptian faience, and it is suggested on the basis of textual evidence that this body was used in Persia before the Seljuq period to imitate Chinese pottery, and may have been developed either from beads or glass.  相似文献   

Jing 《世界》2011,(10):16-19
穿过随意门,转起竹蜻蜒,在多啦A梦之父藤子不二雄的故乡日本川崎,与机器猫相约回到童年。  相似文献   

A new calibrated method based on erosion phenomena is presented for the dating of petroglyphs (rock carvings and engravings) and geomorphic surfaces. In contrast to previous methods of petroglyph dating, which sought to determine the age of various mineral and organic deposits coating the art, microerosion analysis attempts to ascertain the time of mark production itself, by creating a geomorphologically based time frame. The method involves the establishment of calibration curves for the crucial variables to be considered. These are the rock type and climate of a particular region, microerosional indices and age. The theory, practical application, and prerequisites of the method are considered, and the paper concludes by defining the disadvantages and advantages of the method.  相似文献   

Torres et al. (2010 ) published a series of radiocarbon, AAR, ESR and OSL dates from the site of El Sidrón, northern Spain, which is notable for the discovery of the partial remains of 12 Neanderthals. Whilst the non‐radiocarbon methods suggested an age beyond 32 600–46 300 years, direct radiocarbon dates on the human fossils were inconsistent, ranging between 10 000 and 50 000 bp . This study uses the ultrafiltration pre‐treatment protocol to obtain a date of 48 400 ± 3200 bp (OxA‐21 776) on a bone fragment and confirm the antiquity of the Neanderthal assemblage. Moreover, it demonstrates the comparability of the ultrafiltration and ninhydrin bone radiocarbon pre‐treatment protocols, and highlights the need for appropriate screening methods where valuable collections with poor biomolecular preservation are sampled for collagen extraction.  相似文献   

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