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男王后的故事源于《陈书.韩子高传》,随着时代的变迁,韩子高从历史走进了文学,他的姓氏、身份及人生际遇亦随之改变,一个青年骁将在文人的想象中逐步蜕变为王世贞《艳异编》中的帝王男宠,最后又被王骥德定格为以色事君的男王后。男王后故事的演变不仅形象体现了历史叙事与文学叙事之间的巨大差别,更折射出晚明男风盛行的社会状况以及男尊女卑性别霸权在男人内部的戏拟与复制。  相似文献   

Printy  Michael O. 《German history》2005,23(2):172-201
The subject of this essay is the historical vision of the GermanCatholic Enlightenment as seen in the work of Michael IgnazSchmidt, a Catholic priest and author of the eleven-volume Historyof the Germans (1778–1793). A proper acknowledgement ofSchmidt's career helps us revise the standard account of Germanhistoricism and historical practice in the eighteenth century,and also sheds light on the place of religion in the GermanEnlightenment. Schmidt wrote a thoroughly modern ‘historyof manners’ that was indebted both to Voltaire and toRobertson. Yet his work passed into obscurity largely becausehe focused on the Holy Roman Empire and the Imperial Church—thetwo great casualties of the Napoleonic passage. Schmidt's viewof the Reformation, and, more importantly, of the history ofthe pre-Reformation German national Church, stands out in theprominence it assigns the Church as part of the history of thedevelopment of German manners. Schmidt's account throws intoquestion the common view in the history of the German ‘nation’that Germany could not be accorded the normal attributes ofa state and existed only as a ‘cultural nation’.The essay addresses the German problem of bi-confessionalism,and Schmidt's awareness of developments in Protestant theologyin the eighteenth century. While this paper does not try todeal comprehensively with all these issues, the essay showshow the agenda of reformist religion, national history, andthe Enlightened vision of Europe's Christian past coalescedin this unjustly forgotten work.  相似文献   

论文在实地调研的基础上,从北美华人移民来源地、移民数量、唐人街形态变化,特别是唐人街之间的城际长途巴士的发展等方面,揭示了北美华人经济的新动向,并从经济学角度进行阐释。认为近二十年来,新移民的持续增长为北美华人社会注入源头活水;唐人街的发展瓶颈被突破,出现了新的族群经济形态,如复合商城华埠(Mall Chinatown)等在各地涌现;华人利用族群特色寻求经营创新,华人大巴在短短十余年间开创了新的城际交通服务体系,改变了原有的行业格局,进而从边缘走向主流并影响主流。此外,北美华人科技产业利用大洋两岸各自的比较优势在跨国经营中逐渐兴起。新移民与中国因素、族群特色与经营创新,成为北美华人经济的活力之源。  相似文献   

This article examines the life stories of Jewish women who emigrated from Central Europe to Palestine in the 1930s, on the basis of memoirs written, or transmitted orally, many years later. Although the experience of migration could have caused a crisis in self-perception, their memoirs show that they managed to construct their lives (and identities) anew in a coherent way by means of two main narrative axes – continuity and meaning. The axis of continuity served to establish a bridge between the women's lives, before and after emigration, while the axis of meaning, focusing on the Zionist meta-narrative, provided justification for the choices they made. This discussion illuminates how Central European Jewish women coped with the challenges of immigration to Palestine, both those that were unique to the experience of aliyah to Eretz Yisrael and those that were similar to the challenges faced by immigrants in other times and places.  相似文献   

This paper examines an international oral history collaborationinvolving the "translation" of the American book, Atomic Fragments:A Daughter's Questions, by Mary Palevsky, into the Japanesedocumentary film, Memories of the Trinity Bomb, directed byYoshihiko Muraki. The author utilized oral history and personalnarrative to chronicle her inquiry into the legacy of the atomicbomb in the lives of its creators. Japanese scholar, KayokoYoshida, translated Palevsky's summary of Atomic Fragments intoJapanese for Muraki, working with the filmmaker throughout theprocess. For the film, the author conducted interviews withManhattan Project scientists and was interviewed in sites ofpersonal and historical significance. This paper explores themethodological challenges underlying three essential featuresof this transnational project: the transformation of audience,from American to Japanese; the transformation of medium, frombook to film; the transformation of identity,from researcherand author of a book to subject of a film.  相似文献   

任琳 《东南文化》2021,(4):158-163
近年来,"了解故事"代替"欣赏珍宝"成为博物馆观众最主要的参观目的.当代博物馆展陈设计亦呈现四种叙事趋势:主题展代替珍品展、语境阐释逻辑代替符号分类逻辑、动态故事代替静态描述以及多元媒介组合代替单一媒介组合.推动展陈"走向"叙事的原因有西方博物馆展陈经验的影响、博物馆"泛艺术化"困境的阻挠和文物身份多元化发展的需要.当下,博物馆人应兼顾"具有中国风格的叙事结构""以人为焦点的叙事视角"和"规范化展览叙事机制",努力呈现具有科学阐释逻辑、较高传播效率和理想认知规模的展览.  相似文献   

Journal of Archaeological Research - A renewed adoption of relational perspectives by archaeologists working in eastern North America has created an opportunity to move beyond categorical...  相似文献   

The English philosopher Roger Scruton calls himself a functional anthropologist. That means he defends the lifeworld—the relational, moral world in which we all must live—against the educated derision of the monstrous entity often called the self-conscious intellectual or elitist cosmopolitan. My focus here is to examine Scruton's defense of the nation—as the civilized mean between xenophobia and oikophobia—and religion as indispensable forms of social belonging. I conclude by offering the beginnings of an American and Catholic correction to his British form of liberal conservatism.  相似文献   

This article explores a great contradiction in rural land debates in India: on the one hand, explosive political contestation that is often able to halt proposed land acquisition; on the other, an unprecedented urban‐industrial expansion that is appropriating rural land. The authors argue that land grabbing for mining proceeds in an incremental manner, yet its cumulative effect leads to territorial transformation. To investigate this incremental appropriation, a temporal study of the North Karanpura coal mining tract in eastern India was conducted, combining remote sensing, interviews and official land‐use data. The results reveal a cumulative land grab of thousands of hectares from the late 1980s to the present day as open‐cut coal mines swallow up vast swathes of agricultural fields and forests. The political economy mechanism behind this immense land grab, which to date has gone undetected, consists of three phases: the reservation of the land as a coalfield with multiple coal blocks; the division of the blocks into separate mines; and the flexible expansion of individual mines wherever reduced resistance to land acquisition is encountered. This research indicates that an aggregate analysis of land dynamics can more robustly place the dramatic rearrangements of the Indian countryside within the international land grabbing debate.  相似文献   


In this article, major focus is on creative production of knowledge needed to outsmart the monkfish at deep seafloor locations. This production is examined through narrative analysis. Narratives link individual human actions, events and experiences into interrelated aspects of an understandable composite. This is a cumulative process that shows some of the complexity and contextuality of everyday meaning-making. One recurrent question is, how do fish think? How fishermen construct narratives about the behavior of marine animals and their preferred underwater habitats is presented and analyzed. Some narratives are contested but all the same influence human–animal interaction. Narrative work further establishes and confirms common ideas, informed by marine biological science, fishermen's experiences, creative imagination and hopes. These narratives address topics also related to overfishing and resilience.  相似文献   

This article offers an overview of the method of narrative inquiry and explores competing trends in the use of the approach. It not only examines the theories relating to the method but also offers practical guidance on using narrative inquiry, including an exploration of what might count as a narrative and ways of analysing narrative data. The final section of the article presents two different examples of how narrative inquiry has been used. The first example is the use of narrative inquiry as a reflective learning process for students in an undergraduate curriculum. The second example is a narrative inquiry into staff experiences of role change in problem-based learning. Suggestions are also made as to how narrative inquiry might be adapted for use in geography in higher education.  相似文献   

黄雪寅 《收藏家》2008,(11):19-22
世界上许多民族都把金银器当作富贵和寓意天长地久的珍贵物品,从埃及法老到印度国王,从罗马教皇到中国皇帝,都在生前和死后大量使用、随葬金银器。内蒙古古代北方草原民族,也十分喜欢用金银器作为装饰品,比之其他民族有过之而无不及。  相似文献   

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