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马萍 《东南文化》2023,(6):162-168
近年来,随着深度老龄社会的来临,我国博物馆开始将观众研究对象聚焦于老年人这一特殊群体。然而,无论是博物馆业界还是学界,已有研究普遍缺乏对于老年观众这一群体需求特质的准确把握和理解。“博物馆老年观众服务需求-供给层次”理论模型,不仅可对老年观众不同层次的需求内涵进行阐释,而且可以对博物馆服务供给结构中与不同需求层次相契合的服务对象、内容和目标的具体含义予以界定。我国博物馆高质量老年观众服务体系的建设,需要构建以老年观众社会/文化参与为目标的三层次服务内容体系,在赋权增能中惠及全体老年人,培育老年观众的主体性,形成“自助-互助”式服务形式,并且加强机构间协同合作,实现组织模式创新。  相似文献   

蔡琴 《东南文化》2011,(3):80-87
为了贴近观众的多元需求,改善博物馆的服务质量和服务水平,浙江省博物馆在武林馆区通过为期一个月的问卷调查来收集观众的反馈意见。问卷设计有两种:其一是《浙江省博物馆武林馆区和浙江革命历史纪念馆观众问卷调查》,侧重调研观众的身份、信息来源、参观需求;另一种是《"越地长歌——浙江历史文化陈列"问卷调查》,侧重调研博物馆陈列展览的品质和观众参观时的状况。这次问卷调查获取的信息比较准确、科学,有助于博物馆工作者从中找出博物馆工作改进完善的目标,更加密切博物馆与公众的关系。  相似文献   

随着科技的进步和人民群众对审美需求的提高,博物馆在坚持传统发展模式的基础上,进行数字化提升,有利于更好地展示博物馆的魅力,进一步拉近与观众的距离,让观众获得更佳的参观感受。文章结合阿克苏地区文博院(博物馆)数字化提升实例,阐述数字化博物馆建设的内容、意义和社会效果。  相似文献   

与传统博物馆不同,现代博物馆更注重观众体验、知识获取、文化宣传,如何让展馆里的文物“活化”,如何让观众更好地了解文物故事,是当代博物馆的重要职能。智慧导览器是引导观众参观博物馆的重要设备,如何设计智慧导览器才能够更加满足观众需求,是文章的研究目的。  相似文献   

从收藏文物的仓库到公共文化机构,博物馆经历的是职能的优化;从部分准入到面向全体,博物馆人被赋予了新的时代任务。2008年博物馆免费开放以后,学者们更加重视对观众是否去博物馆参观这一问题的探讨。文章主要分为两个部分:第一个部分是对“免费开放的博物馆从参观大潮到门庭冷落”这一说法进行求证,得出了免费开放下的博物馆热潮并非所有博物馆都有,而是聚焦于国家和省级名馆;参观门票上的免费也并未对全国博物馆参观数据产生显著影响,从而引出文化对于博物馆参观的无形影响。第二个部分是根据文化对博物馆的无形影响,从观众、馆方两个层面进行思考,分析当前影响观众进入博物馆参观的原因。  相似文献   

王菊 《丝绸之路》2011,(22):112-113
博物馆免费开放以来,部分馆的参观量并没有稳步上升,一些缺乏特色的地县博物馆参观量甚至出现下降趋势。近年来,甘肃省博物馆的观众量却持续上升,观众素质也有明显提高。本文主要对博物馆如何吸引观众、提高观众素质作了探讨。  相似文献   

河南博物院观众满意度调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以河南博物院为研究对象而进行的观众调查,目的是了解观众的自然特征和参观态度,以及对博物馆配套设施的评价.调查数据的分析利用,对了解观众需求,改进博物馆展览水平,以及更好地实现"以人为本"的服务宗旨是不无裨益的.  相似文献   

博物馆是公众文化、休闲、教育服务的平台,随着社会经济的发展,人们的文化需求日益高涨,调查研究表明,截至2019年,我国登记备案的博物馆共有5535家,同时博物馆的免费开放政策也带来了大量的参观人群,博物馆应该紧抓这一次的机遇,利用智慧化、信息化、技术化的新型技术手段,以观众的需求和体验为中心,建立观众服务平台,引导观众主动参与,提高博物馆整体服务质量。  相似文献   

博物馆观众行为,主要是指观众在博物馆环境中带有目的性的行动的连续集合。观众行为的跟踪调查和定点观察,是博物馆观众研究的重要手段。湖北省博物馆"曾侯乙墓展览"的观众行为、参观时间、展品参观率、博物馆标识利用率等的调查研究和统计分析,折射出博物馆在展线安排、服务设施等对外服务方面的大致情况,可以为我国博物馆开展观众服务提供可资借鉴的参考数据和建议。  相似文献   

博物馆展览形式与观众认知是相互联动、互为因果的关系,观众需求是博物馆展览形式设计的重要原则之一。民族博物馆因其自身的"民族性"特征,在展览形式与观众认知关系方面有一些需要特别关注的因素。在形式设计方面应考虑观众的感觉与认知系统,观众的自然特征差异、参观心理与行为特征会影响展览形式与内容设计,观众构成、参观目的与时代变化也会促使展览形式产生新变。本文以裕固族博物馆的布展为例,就此问题做一些探讨。  相似文献   


The Tian Tan Buddha is the core of a tourism site on Lantau Island, Hong Kong, around which a cable car ride, the Po-Lin monastery and its museum, and the village of Ngong Ping have come to comprise an eclectic set of tourism nuclei that ‘accidentally’ became the ‘Buddhist theme park’ of Hong Kong due to the spatial juxtaposition in an isolated site of these disconnected and even dissonant components built at different times by different jurisdictions. The first objective of this article is to explore the developmental process of a religious site into a theme park of sort through a lengthy process filled with contestation and manipulations. The history-dependent and erratic nature of this process validates the notion of ‘accidental’ theme park used here. It is shown that over time, the Big Buddha went from being a Buddhism-themed leisure site to being generally perceived and promoted as essentially a theme park through a process of partial Disneyization. The second objective is to examine how the ‘theme park’ is perceived by its visitors, more precisely how they see it after their visit and what first-time visitors expect from it beforehand. The first enquiry, performed through the analysis of TripAdvisor reviews, indicates that ex-post, the visitors typically describe having experienced a visit to a theme park. The second enquiry, performed by interviewing first-time visitors about to access the site, suggests that while many first-time visitors expect to visit a theme park as well, others, mainly Western tourists, are expecting a more cultural experience. The findings of the two inquiries are compared to each other and to the image of the site promoted by the local tourism authorities. The subdued political message of the Big Buddha and the degree to which it is discerned by visitors are also discussed.  相似文献   


Web 2.0 — the perceived second generation of the World Wide Web that aims to improve collaboration, sharing of information and interoperability — enables increasing access to digital collections of museums. The expectation is that more and more people will spend time preparing their visit before actually visiting the museum and look for related information reflecting on what they have seen or missed after visiting the museum. It can also be expected that museum curators want to enhance visitors' museum experiences in the more personalized, intensive and engaging way promised by an improved Web. In other words, to keep their visitors, they should adopt an immersive museum environment that combines the museum Web site (online) with the physical museum space (on-site). In this context, the CHIP (Cultural Heritage Information Presentation) project offers tools to the users to be their own curators, e.g. browsing the online collections, planning a personalized museum tour suiting their art interests, getting some recommendations about interesting artworks to see, and quickly finding their ways in the museum. In this paper, we present the new additions to the CHIP tools, which target such functionality: a Web-based museum Tour Wizard based on the user's interests and the Mobile Guide that converts the tours to a mobile device (PDA) used in the physical museum space. To connect the user's various interactions with these tools online and on-site, we built a dynamic user model. Online, the user model stores the user's personal background, ratings of artworks and art concepts, recommended or created museum tours. On-site, it is a conversion of the online user model stored in RDF into XML format which the mobile guide can parse. When the user rates artworks inside the physical museum, the on-site user model is updated and when the tour is finished, it is synchronized with the online user model. In such a way, we support a 'virtuous circle' of the museum visit, which links the personalized museum experiences both online and on-site.  相似文献   


Participation – where visitors are invited to leave a comment, co-create, or contribute to exhibitions – has been hailed as an opportunity to democratise the museum experience. New qualitative data from on-site and follow up interviews with museum visitors and practitioners at the experimental exhibition Power of 1 at the Museum of Australian Democracy has been used as a case study to determine if the rhetoric of the highly interactive, audience-centred approach of the participatory museum is meeting its aims. This paper argues that participation has the potential to democratise the museum experience for visitors, particularly when a more expansive definition is applied which acknowledges the benefits of participation beyond simply leaving a comment. Participation can provoke conversations and forge connections with real and imagined communities within the museum and beyond; however this potential is hampered by the often unacknowledged undemocratic practices within institutions by professionals who devalue visitor participation and power-sharing in order to uphold traditional museum practices.  相似文献   

In the southeastern United States, operators of plantation museums have traditionally engaged in a selective and romanticised remembrance of the antebellum past that has regrettably silenced and marginalised the historical experiences and struggles of enslaved African people. More recently, some plantation managers have sought to engage in the ‘memory-work’ using artistic practices to reconstruct and interpret slavery heritage for visitors. Our study explores museum theatre as a form of memory-work and suggests that theatrical performances of the memories of enslavement are an increasingly important but not yet fully understood strategy for recovering, embodying, and representing a different and hopefully more just narrative about enslaved Africans. We visit three plantation museums where managers hosted a theatrical performance of enslaved oral histories and explore the motivations and experiences of managers and the director of the slave performance. Realising the power and efficacy of theatrical performance as memory-work practice requires understanding how the management of the interpretation process can be difficult. We delve into the emotion-laden challenges confronting slavery-related museum theatre development at the North Carolina plantations and discuss the creative response formulated at the sites to help visitors work through unexpected feelings and understandings about the past.  相似文献   

唐贞全 《东南文化》2012,(3):110-114
注意是人类进行信息加工的前提条件。博物馆观众的注意具有明显的选择性,大多数观众的参观是无意注意行为,博物馆应根据此特性进行管理,从展前的信息组织开始,合理规划展览的内容和形式;在展览预展期,应结合驻足人数、驻足时间以及参观效果访谈等因素进行观众注意力评量,并根据结果实时调整展览设计;开展后,应综合利用各种资源和手段,完善观众注意力引导,从而加强博物馆与观众之间的信息沟通与交流,实现博物馆的教育和传播功能。  相似文献   


Zoos are a form of museum.1 The main difference between zoos and other forms of museum is that zoos exhibit living objects. These objects are examples of natural heritage. Unlike other museums, the focus of much research in the past decade, zoos appear under‐researched. Zoos, however, are significant tourist attractions. There are over 10,000 zoos worldwide,2 many in major world cities and some attract millions of visitors annually. Zoos date back at least three thousand years, but their role has been changing in the past twenty‐five years from menageries to conservation centres. Concern recently has focused on animal welfare when wildlife is in captivity, and this has led to a re‐examination of the purpose of zoos. This article examines the aims of zoos, their nature as heritage‐tourism attractions and the profile of zoo visitors. In an attempt to establish a new research agenda, the article also examines issues about the future of zoos, including questions concerning potential and real conflict between their educational, scientific and entertainment roles.  相似文献   

This study seeks to explore the visitor experience at heritage sites pre, during and post visit. A conceptual model depicting the heritage visitor experience was proposed. A self-administered survey (n?=?195) was completed by visitors at six heritage sites across Northern Ireland. Visitor characteristics and pre-experience were analysed and results showed that heritage visitors are primarily motivated by recreation and base their visitation decision on advice from friends and family. Results from the exploratory factor analysis showed that audio and visual communication, atmospherics, on-site engagement, information and heritage preservation were the most influential factors during a visit. Post-experience results indicate that 54% of the sample was satisfied with their visit and 85% would revisit the heritage site. The final model suggests a range of factors which positively contribute to the visitor experience at heritage sites though this requires further testing.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(4):209-218

This paper examines the development of debates surrounding the nature of curatorial authority and of public education in archaeology museums, with particular reference to texts accompanying exhibitions of prehistoric material in England and Scotland. Traditionally, such texts have been conceived of as authoritative aids to museum education and communication. However, since the late 1980s, they have been criticised, particularly on the grounds of curatorial bias and inaccessibility. As a consequence, a new ‘cultural approach’ to museum texts was developed in the 1990s, based upon curatorial principles of critical awareness and public responsibility. The resultant texts have received mixed responses from museum archaeologists and visitors, whose perspectives reflect contemporary political tensions in Britain. They also highlight the fundamental question of the future status and role of text in museums. The answer proposed here is that texts, although not entirely popular with visitors, will remain key elements of archaeology museum displays, and that differences of curatorial approach and opinion, as expressed through texts, are beneficial to learning in archaeology museums.  相似文献   

This study investigates preferences of visitors to the Discovery Museum (in North East England) with respect to opportunities to develop social capital. The extent to which museums generate social capital is largely unknown, but museums have potential opportunities to develop this type of capital. This study uses a stated preference choice experiment (CE) technique to estimate museum visitor preferences towards social capital opportunities. The findings indicate that visitors have a preference for visiting a museum with another individual(s); and that the provision of participatory activities, extended opening hours and locally related displays would generate more social capital among visitors and in society.  相似文献   

博物馆数字展示基本特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
展示是博物馆与观众沟通的重要方式。由于对博物馆数字展示本质特征认识不足,博物馆工作者在将数字技术手段应用于展示过程时,极易陷入两大误区:一是忽略数字技术手段的作用,仅将数字化元素作为传统展示的局部点缀;二是过分夸大数字技术手段的作用,大量堆砌数字化元素,形成本末倒置的数字技术秀(show)。本文给出了博物馆数字展示的基本概念,并对博物馆数字展示区别于传统展示的非顺序性、多感性、互动性、虚拟性以及时空延展性等本质特征进行了剖析,以供博物馆数字展示设计与实现工作参考。  相似文献   

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