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本文运用统计学方法,分析了马衡先生的藏书结构、特点及其学术研究的主攻方向。以对一个藏书家的视角,分析了马衡的生平志趣、访书、鉴藏、抄校、考订、以书会友、学术交游等活动。  相似文献   

清末以来,金石学家皆兼治甲骨,马衡先生也不例外。他不仅购藏甲骨,亲自拓印装册,赠送相关单位和个人,为其提供研究便利,还撰写甲骨学讲义,在北京大学开设专题课,去外单位举办专题讲座,对早期甲骨学的宣传与普及,起到重要促进作用。同时,马衡先生还培养了一批甲骨学人才,开创了甲骨文篆刻新风。  相似文献   

2005年是马衡先生逝世50周年。他从1925年故宫博物院成立直至1952年调离,在故宫服务了27年,任院长19年。本文按照时间线索,追溯了其在各个历史时期的贡献。博物院创建之初,马衡与同仁为捍卫和保存最初的博物院进行了不懈的努力,在任古物馆负责人期间取得了令人瞩目的成就;担任故宫博物院院长之后,他着重抓了文物的清点,八年抗战中又组织南迁文物的西迁疏散,保护文物安全,立下了不朽业绩,其间还多次举办国内外展览;抗日战争胜利后,他领导了故宫博物院的复原工作,接收散失文物,并顺应历史潮流,使南京政府空运北平本院文物珍品去台湾的妄想落空。马衡先生又是一位治学严谨的学者,金石学大师,是中国近代考古学和博物馆事业的开拓者。  相似文献   

余正,1942年生,祖籍鄞县,世居杭州。1963年起从韩登安先生习书法篆刻。1979年调入西泠印社。现为中国篆刻艺术院研究员,西泠印社理事、篆刻创作研究室主任,浙江省文史研究馆馆员,浙江省书协顾问。作品多次入选国内外重要展览及专集,有《浙派篆刻》、《西泠印社志稿注释本》等多种著作出版。  相似文献   

故宫博物院前院长马衡教授(1881——1955年)毕生致力于我国金石学的研究,且数十年一直从事历史文物的搜集、整理、保管、研究、展览,以及文物图录的刊印等事业,为我国文物考古事业的发展作出了杰出的贡献。一九六五年我整理了马先生的文集——《凡将斋金石丛稿》 (1977年由中华书局出版),郭沫若同志在《序》文中说:“马衡先生是中国近代考古学的前驱。他继承了清代乾嘉学派的朴学传统,而又锐意采用科学的方法,使中国金  相似文献   

韩晓露 《古今谈》2010,(2):68-69
季关泉,浙江义乌人。现为西泠印社社员、中国书法家协会会员。自其孩提之年,即喜弄笔作印、涂鸦刻画,孜孜不倦,恒心常人所不及。艺事由桐乡袁道厚先生启蒙,后得西泠名家陈仲芳先生亲授,并问道于西泠印社副社长刘江先生,还广受钱君勾、陈左夫、俞建华、余正等诸名家悉心点拨。作品入展或入选“全国篆刻艺术展”、“西泠印社国际书法篆刻大展”、“全浙书法大展”等国内外展览;  相似文献   

马衡搜集石刻拓本9000余件,其中以清代与民国年间出土和发现的墓志、碑版、造像和汉、魏石经为主。这些拓本后归故宫博物院为碑帖库的建立奠定了基础。当考古学传入之时,他积极参与考古调查与发掘,他的《中国金石学概论》体现了革新思想。  相似文献   

中国文化遗产研究院是国家文物局直属的文物保护科研机构。其前身为1935年成立的“旧都文物整理委员会”,隶属于国民政府行政院驻平政务整理委员会,胡适、马衡、朱启钤、梁思成、何思源等都曾经参与这一时期工作。  相似文献   

韩登安(1905-1976)原名竞,字仲净,别署耿斋,印农本翁等。祖籍浙江萧山,久居杭州。西泠印社早期社员,现代著名书法篆刻家。师承王福庵。曾任西泠印社总干事。1956年被聘为浙江省文史研究馆馆员。  相似文献   

与古为徒——吴昌硕逝世八十周年书画篆刻特展在澳门展出为弘扬中华文化艺术,在晚清艺坛巨擘吴昌硕逝世八十周年之际,澳门艺术馆联同浙江省博物馆、西泠印社等机构合办吴昌硕作品展,藉此体现一代宗师的艺术发展历程。浙江省博物馆、西泠印社庋藏丰富的中国古代书画文物,尤以收藏吴昌硕作品富甲一方,为此两机构特借出吴昌硕精品送澳门展出,供澳门市民众观赏,其中部分作品从未展出或出版过,极具欣赏价值。  相似文献   

世界近代史断限问题新探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
许永璋  于兆兴 《史学月刊》2003,1(1):55-60,72
历史时期的划分不同于社会形态的演变。世界近代史不能同资本主义史画等号。划分历史时期,应以社会经济发展为主要依据.同时也要考虑到政治和思想文化方面的情况。世界近代史是人类进入工业社会和工业社会发展的历史。它的上限可以定在18世纪60年代.下限可以定在20世纪40年代。  相似文献   

把当代社会史提上研究日程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放新时期以来,史学研究繁荣和发展的标志之一是社会史研究的复兴和高潮迭起。然而,迄今为止,全国还没有一部权威性的当代社会史或包括当代社会史在内的中国社会通史问世。无论从中国通史的一个断代史(中华人民共和国史)的角度审视,还是从中国正在经历并将长期经历的一个社会形态史(社会主义史)的角度审视,当代社会史都是一个亟待填补的空白。中华人民共和国史研究者要以学习和贯彻中共十六届六中全会精神为契机,加大力度研究与中国特色社会主义事业四位一体总体布局中社会建设相对应的当代社会史,把当代社会史提上研究日程,为构建社会主义和谐社会提供历史依据和理论支撑。  相似文献   

国史研究在构建社会主义和谐社会中的功能体现在总结正反经验、阐述已创造的条件和提供历史借鉴与理论支持;构建社会主义和谐社会是根据现实发展提出的重要战略构想,从国史研究的角度观照和谐社会不应忽视其产生的时代背景和历史方位,不必要也不应该生搬硬套现在的标准反观历史;构建社会主义和谐社会中如何正确运用辩证唯物主义的矛盾学说仍是国史研究的重要方法之一;另外,本质论和本质属性的关系,和谐社会与科学发展观的关系,坚持社会主义核心价值体系与尊重差异、包容多样的关系等理论问题也是国史研究应该关注的.  相似文献   

本文从人类学、历史学的研究角度,就汉族封建社会中的少数民族社会形态进行论述。主要通过对四川凉山和贵州毕节两个彝族聚居区的历史社会形态进行比较,进一步论述我国历史发展具有不平衡性的特点。而这一特点又是由于多民族国家、多层次的生态环境、“土流并治”的政治实践所造成的。它贯穿中国社会形态始终,对中国政治、经济、文化的形成起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

This essay sketches an expanded theoretical conception of the roles of nature and technology in history, one that is based on a social ontology that does not separate nature and society. History has long been viewed as the realm of past human action. On this conception, nature is treated largely as an Other of history, and technology is construed chiefly as a means for human fulfillment. There is no history of nature, and the history of technology becomes the history of useful products. The essay discusses the changes wrought in these understandings by a social ontology that depicts social existence as inherently transpiring in nexuses of practices and material arrangements. The first implication is that the domain of history should be expanded from the realm and course of past human activity to the realm and course of past practice‐arrangement nexuses. In turn, this wider conception transforms the significance of nature and technology in history. Until recently, most accounts of the relationship between society/history and nature have presumed that society and history are separate from nature. On my account, by contrast, nature is part of society: a component of the practice—arrangement nexuses through which social life progresses. Human history, consequently, is a social—natural history that encompasses the varying presence and roles of nature in human coexistence. Technology, meanwhile, is not just useful products, and not just a mediator of society/history and nature. It also is (1) something through which humans manage social life and the nature that is part of it, largely by drawing nature into this site and thereby conjointly transforming society, technology, and nature in history; and (2) something that, over time, plays an increasingly central role in the nexuses where social life transpires. Through technology, in short, social—natural history takes form and advances.  相似文献   

Majority of contemporary Chinese historians have been employing a conceptual framework focusing on the difficulty of capitalistic development in China to analyze the historical trend and potentials of late imperial China. This approach based upon the presupposition of viewing the pattern of Chinese history as abnormal reflects with the remaining influence of the Western-centric methodology. Further, based upon a “normal” point of view, seven fundamental, irreversible, and systematical changes to the Ming society could be identified. By conclusion, China in the Ming period was transforming into an imperial agric-mercantile society. This process proves that late imperial China was not stagnate society without “history,” meanwhile, its pattern of development was clearly not identical to the Western style modernization progress.  相似文献   

Historical Science Studies Today. Thoughts about a History of the Knowledge Society. The article explores theoretical and historiographical approaches in the field of historical science studies, while focusing on the history of the knowledge society. It argues that a straightforward transfer of the concept of knowledge society into the past has to be pursued with care, favorably with an extraction of some analytical key concepts. This extraction is termed ‘decontextualization’ while a second approach, ‘contextualization’, is applied to the study of the knowledge society in its own time, namely the second half of the twentieth century. The latter approach needs to be combined with a history of science studies, especially a history of the concepts explaining and constituting the knowledge society itself. Furthermore, it is proposed to study the operative concepts of innovation and regulation in order to analyze the coupling processes of science, economy, technology, and government.  相似文献   

This article seeks to combine two lines of thought that have been little studied: a model history of early modern historiography, and a theory of the impact of historiography on a political society. Under the former heading, it traces the growth of a narrative of European history as a series of sequels to the Roman empire, and a history of historiography as passing from classical narrative to antiquarian study and Enlightened philosophy. Under the latter, it considers the effect on political life of being narrated in a plurality of contexts, and asks whether a modern society can survive if deprived of the capacity for debating its history.  相似文献   

1931年—1945年的中国通史撰述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战时期史学领域呈现出一种与以往不同的新的研究趋势 ,即对中国通史的研究与撰述的关注和重视 ,这一新的研究趋势是时代与社会的客观需求和史家的主体自觉共同促成的。这一时期的通史撰述对通史编撰理论作了深入探讨 ,在历史观、史书体裁等诸多方面可谓异彩纷呈 ,显示出史坛的勃勃生机  相似文献   


Since the early modern era, following the abolishment of the imperial civil service exam and the rise of modern schools, the subject of history was included in education at all levels, from primary to tertiary. However, in comparison with traditional society, the degree of attention devoted to historical knowledge has in fact declined rather than improved. In the 1920s, many contemporaries vocally criticized and pondered the low level of historical knowledge among primary and secondary school students, and occasionally voiced dissatisfaction with history education at the university level as well. Critics primarily focused their discussions on the insufficient attention for history classes, imperfect standards formulated for history classes, poor history teaching materials, and lack of qualified, specialized teachers, forming a universal consensus among contemporaries on the failure of history education. However, the widespread opprobrium attached to history education was closely tied to two facts: first, the historians of early modern China had as yet failed to compile a general history of China acceptable to the majority, greatly disappointing many educators; second, historical resources failed to exercise the mobilizing effect on early modern Chinese society that contemporaries had hoped for, and history thus often became the scapegoat paying the price for practical setbacks and failures in the political arena.  相似文献   

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