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四世班禅精通佛学和传统文化知识,他担任扎什伦布寺住持,使该寺成为班禅活佛系统执掌的主寺;同时,他对四世达赖倾囊相授,担任拉萨祈愿大法会首座,维修大昭寺和甘丹寺灵塔殿金顶,成为格鲁派的领袖人物。此外,他还是五世达赖的上师,协助五世达赖的政教事业,并首倡与关外的清政权建立联系,参与觉囊派改宗等事。四世班禅为格鲁派的发展做出了重大贡献,由此确立了班禅活佛系统在格鲁派中的崇高地位。  相似文献   

Whilethe14thDalaiLamaclaimstobeseekinginternationalaidinorganizingpeacetalkswiththeChineseGovernment,theTibetanyouthcongressisinsertingeffortstowinindependenceintoitsresolutionsandissuingstatementsclaimingthatthecongressisamassorganizationindependentoftheDalaiLama'sgovernmentinexile.ThecongressisseekingindependenceandopposinganyeffortsforautonomywithinChina.Inthefaceofthissituation,the14thDalaiLamaexpressedregretatthemovesbythecongressandhasclaimedheisunabletopersuadethecongressional…  相似文献   

清朝末期达赖、班禅关系与治藏政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清朝末期,由于多种因素的影响,达赖喇嘛与班禅额尔德尼互为师徒、相互礼让的和好关系开始发生变化,两大活佛系统的矛盾日益加剧.清朝中央政府和驻藏大臣也介入其中,从对达赖、班禅都有所猜忌到明确支持班禅系统、压制达赖系统,使两大系统的矛盾不断激化,达赖方面与清政府、驻藏官员的矛盾也不断加深.这些矛盾在清朝崩溃前夕全面爆发,并对以后40多年的西藏治理产生了消极影响.  相似文献   

Policy on Dalai Lama Remains UnchangedPolicyonDalaiLamaRemainsUnchangedMay23marksthe43rdanniversaryofthepeacefulliberationofT...  相似文献   

AfriendwhohasbeenstudyingintheUnitedStatesforyearsrecentlytoldmethatthe14thDalaiLamahasbecomea"world-famousper-son"whobehavesandspeakslikea"polihcian."ItoldhimIhavebeenwodenghardtofindsignsthatwouldshowthatthe14thDalaiLamaisadiscipleofSakyamuni,founderofBuddhism.IamsonythatIhavefailed.Indeed,thel4thDalaiLamahasincreasinglybecomeapoliticianobsessedwiththegoaloftearingTibetawayfromthemotheriandand,formispurPose,opposingtheCentralGovernment.HistoricallytheDaIaiLamawasthelargestfeudalserfo…  相似文献   

AIthoughthe14thDalaicliquehasbeenmakingabigfanfareaboutthesocalledTibetanissue,thecliqueisbeingtornLapartbyinfightingHEROSBECOMEENEMY.Thefourriversandsixmountainrangesreferstoareactionaryrebelorganizationfirstfoundedbysomeheadmen,religiousfiguresandbanditsinearly1956intheTibetanareasinSichuanandYunnan.In1958,asegmentmovedintoTibet,totheappreciationandsupportofthe14thDalaiLamaandTibetanseparatistforces.Thereligionprotectionarmyofthefourriversandsixmountainrangeswasformedtoresis…  相似文献   

The14thDalaiLamaDaizinGyaco,overjoyedatreceivinghisNobelPrizeinNorway,cuppedhishandsinfrontwithmixedfeelingastowhomheshouldthank-BuddhaortheWest.Thathappenedinthelate1980s,atimefi11edwithsurprisingchangesintheworld:theonceformidablesuperpowepetheUSSRedisi…  相似文献   

The Dalai Lama ruled Tibet for prolonged period of time, but this was not the situation in the beginning when the title was created. The religious leader first received the honorific title in the second half of the 16th century, some 100 years later after the death of Gendain Zhuba (later confirmed posthumously as the 1 st Dalai  相似文献   

The Dalai Lama ruled Tibet forprolonged period of time,but thiswas not the situation in the begin-ning when the title Was created.The religious leader first received thehonorific title in the second half of the16th century,some 100 years later after  相似文献   

The thirteenth Dalai Lama Ngawang LozangThubten Gyatso was a very spectacular and complexcharacter on the political stage of Tibet in moderntimes.His experience of a lifetime of frustrations re-flected the then tempestuous and changeable situation.Any evaluation of a Tibetan political and religiousleader has always been a contentious problem in aca-demic circles,because it involves the explanation andexposition of relations between the Tibetan local gov-ernment and the Central Government after the Revo-lution in 1911. For a long time I have had a keen inter-est in the“the Great Thirteenth,”as he has been called.After a long period of study I have formed my view-point on this historical figure, and I present it here to  相似文献   

This article originated in a brief but inspiring analysis by Margaret Nowak. Nowak used Sherry Ortner's concept of ‘summarising symbol’ to imply that, much the same way as the American flag was the epitome of the United States to each and every American, the Dalai Lama encompasses everything Tibetan to the Tibetan people. What does this comparison say about the Dalai Lama? I examine the relationship between symbol, power and charisma with Tenzin Gyatso, the current Dalai Lama, as a case in point. With exile, there has been a shift in the symbolic importance of the Dalai Lama, both as a man and as an institution, from a symbol of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism to a symbol of the Tibetan cause and, more generally, to a symbol of Buddhism in the world. These changes have given Tenzin Gyatso a new authority in the Tibetan community: he is now the unique and unquestioned leader of the Tibetan cause in the world. I discuss the problems that occur when a symbol is also a man and a leader, as well as the solutions proposed, at a moment when the Tibetan community in exile is experiencing democratisation.  相似文献   

July 23,2008,Wash.D.C. Dear Editors: Attached please find my article My Views on the Way out for the Dalai Lama.If anything has to be improved,please do so.I had previous two articles published in China's Tibet (2/1998 and 1/2000). Please let me know when you publish! Best regards, ps.If anything you want to discuss with me for this acticle,please let me know at your convenience.  相似文献   

July 23,2008,Wash.D.C. Dear Editors: Attached please find my article My Views on the Way out for the Dalai Lama.If anything has to be improved,please do so.I had previous two articles published in China's Tibet (2/1998 and 1/2000). Please let me know when you publish! Best regards, ps.If anything you want to discuss with me for this acticle,please let me know at your convenience.  相似文献   

SHAZHAGANDAINBANJIUnesummerdayin1939(theTibetanYearofEarthRabbit),ToinbaGyizongQambaKezhol(amonkoficialinchargeofsacrificia...  相似文献   

OnNegotiationsBetweentheCentralGovernmentandthe14thDalaiLamaHUAZIWhenPresidentJiangZemingavealectureinHarvardUniversitylastNo...  相似文献   

西藏和平解放后,1956年4月成立了西藏自治区筹备委员会,着手进行民主改革。西藏上层分裂分子大为恐惧,在西康地区发动武装叛乱。1956年11月,印度邀请十四世达赖喇嘛参加释迦牟尼涅槃2500周年大会。国外敌对势力和流亡的西藏上层分裂分子包围达赖,鼓动"西藏独立",策反随行官员,致使达赖和随行官员思想混乱并滞留印度。1956年底,周恩来在访问印度期间与达赖进行了三次谈话,阐明了党的方针政策,教育随行官员和达赖的家人,争取印度总理尼赫鲁的支持,为达赖最终安全返回西藏起到了关键作用。  相似文献   

KMTEnvoyHuangMusongSenttoMournthe13thDalaiLamainLhasaSEXINLOBSANGTOINZHUBThe13thDalaiLamapasedawayonthe30thdayofthe12thTibeta...  相似文献   

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