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岜沙人,一个无法逃脱关注的民族,一个从远古轻轻走来的部落,随着时代的流逝,从容地退却包裹数千年的神秘面纱,将娇容展现在世人面前……  相似文献   

<正>"古树高低屋,斜阳远近山,林梢烟似带,村外水如环"那怀旧般的诗意。那里,但见蓝天、青山、碧水,小桥、流水、人家,粉墙、青砖、黛瓦,相映成趣。它,就像是无数文人笔下的诗,小桥流水、山明水秀、恬淡宜人。有水的地方就有村子,有村子的地方就可以看见溪流。乡村小道两边飞檐翘角,灰瓦白墙的徽州民居,错落有致地镶嵌在修竹掩映的林间。  相似文献   

This article explores the various problems associated with dating brickwork. It does so by combining information gathered from measuring surviving buildings with a survey of recent literature on the subject. Focusing on the seventeenth century, it seeks to show how the various techniques used in making and laying bricks might have changed in the period and to what extent these can be used to provide a tentative dating of surviving fabric. It also outlines the limitations of any such analysis, calling into question various existing recording methods.  相似文献   

Moses, I.G. The Indian Man: A Biography of James Mooney. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1984. xvii + 293 pp. including photographs, references, and index. $24.95 cloth.

DeMallie, Raymond J., ed. The Sixth Grandfather: Black Elk's Teachings Given to John G. Neihardt. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984. xxix + 452 pp. including photographs, appendix, references, and index. $19.95 cloth.

Din, Gilbert C, and Abraham P. Nasatir. The Imperial Osages: Spanish‐Indian Diplomacy in the Mississippi Valley. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, xv + 432 pp. including maps, illustrations, references, and index. $39.95 cloth.  相似文献   

Fraser Hunter 《考古杂志》2013,170(2):231-335
Excavations at the findspot of the Deskford carnyx, a major piece of Iron Age decorated metalwork found in a bog in the early nineteenth century, revealed a special location with a long history. Early Neolithic activity on the adjacent ridge consisted of massive postholes and pits, suggesting a ceremonial site. An Early Bronze Age cremation became the focus for a feasting event in the Middle Bronze Age. Around this time, peat began to form in the valley, with vessels of pot and wood smashed and deposited there; these activities on ridge and bog may be connected. Activity in the bog intensified in the later Iron Age, when offerings included quartz pebbles, the dismantled carnyx head, and two unusual animal bone deposits. The ridge was cut off at this period by a complex enclosure system. This Iron Age activity is interpreted as communal rituals at a time of increasing social tension. The site’s significance in this period may stem from its unusual landscape character, with flowing water to one side and a bog to the other. The area saw occasional activity in the Early Medieval period, but its significance had waned.  相似文献   


The site lies to the south of the High Street in Guildford’s town centre, SU 9980 4944. The pit yielded a large assemblage of artefacts. The significance of the assemblage lies in its size and its coherence as a single, chronologically uncontaminated and sealed deposit. The finds form a discrete group of ceramics, glass, clay pipes and organic remains dating from c.1650-1714, and deposited c.1702-14. Many of the vessels after reconstruction proved to be complete, or almost so. Because of the location of the site in Tunsgate, the artefacts must either have come from the Tun Inn, which had a frontage on the High Street, or from a property nearby belonging to the owner of the Tun Inn. The end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century is a particularly interesting period for ceramic and glass studies and the finds from 16 Tunsgate reflect this. The assemblage contains previously unknown examples of the work of John Dwight and George Ravenscroft, a soda glass with a hitherto unknown type of seal, the largest group of mould-blown cristallo beakers so far found in the United Kingdom or North America and a unique group of animal remains that provide a snapshot of inn food in the early 18th century. The finds are on display in Guildford Museum.  相似文献   

harriet  hyman alonso 《外交史》2005,29(2):357-360
Book reviewed:
Dorothy V. Jones. Toward a Just World: The Critical Years in the Search for International Justice . Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2002. 285 pp. Notes, bibliographic note, index. $30.00 (cloth).  相似文献   

Martin Haug's Essays on the sacred language, writings and religion of the Parsis (Bombay, 1862) seems to be the monument that founds modern Zoroastrian studies, both because it is grounded in the discovery and the study of the Gathas and because it proposes an evolutionist view of the history of Zoroastrianism. If Haug's philological work is the consequence of his belonging to the German school of indo‐iranian and indo‐european studies (Benfey), his methodology was deeply influenced by Ewald, a well‐known historian of the Hebrews, while he retained the Hegelian notions of the acme and of internal evolution drawn from his contacts with the Tübingen school of historical theology.

Actually, this modern conceptual apparatus did not lead Haug to break with the conclusions of the 17th and 18th century scholars. Since he was faced with the demands of the Parsis, eager to disprove the accusations of dualism and polytheism, Haug continued to make use of the conceptions of Hyde (1700), Beausobre (1734) and Anquetil (1769): Zoroaster is the great prophet of ancient Iran, he is an author — and the Gathas are his work —, he preached a monotheism, while his dualism is philosophical in nature and the post‐zoroastrian polytheism is the product of decadence.

It is this mixture of the ancient and the modem, structured within the dialectic model of evolution that satisfied all at once both the Parsi Reformists and the tradition of Western Zoroastrian studies and that has inspired the most recent research (Gnoli, 1980).  相似文献   

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