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陶釜,最大的形态特征就是圜底,用做炊器的陶釜为夹砂陶质,出土时器物的外壁常常附着有烟炱痕。作为日用炊器,陶釜是春秋战国时期四川盆地蜀文化遗存和关中地区秦文化遗存的常见器物之一。本文所论蜀釜是指出土于四川盆地西部传统意义上蜀文化分布集中地区的陶釜,而秦釜则是指发现于关中平原传统意义上秦文化分布地区的陶釜。  相似文献   

巴蜀文化陶釜略论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
巴蜀文化陶釜略论●李明斌在巴蜀文化数量众多、特征明显、发展演变规律清晰的陶器中,陶釜这类炊器占有相当的份量和地位。它不但出现时间早,流行时期长,而且还影响及非巴蜀文化地缘的北方关中地区和川西高原地区。尤其在晚期巴蜀文化①中其出土更丰,特征更明显,堪称...  相似文献   

圜底器和圈足器陶器群是昙石山文化的典型特征。在以釜为代表的圜底器系统下,昙石山遗址墓葬中出土了五件陶鼎。本文通过归纳昙石山遗址陶釜和陶鼎数量的悬殊对比,结合陶鼎对陶釜器形的模仿等因素,认定三足器的造型来自外来文化因素的影响。通过对比昙石山文化与牛鼻山文化器形相似的陶器群,昙石山文化三足器的文化因素可能来自牛鼻山文化。陶鼎的文化因素体现了昙石山文化与同时期其他文化的交流。  相似文献   

珠江流域自距今一万年起出现陶器,至秦以前,主要的炊器圜底釜,与中原地区的主要炊器鬲有很大区别,在这段时间的考古文化主要是陶釜(炊具)与石斧(工具),圜底陶釜流行了整个先秦时期(出现陶器起),至汉代才演变为圜平底、平底。圜底釜一度成为先秦越人的标志,如太湖、钱塘江水系的越人炊器也以釜为特点,这与岭南越人的传统是一致的,宁镇地区的吴文化在春秋早期突然以釜取代了鬲,被认为是越人进入并使之越化的结果。在这里,我们看到了百越族最具传统的文化特征一釜文化,这是与黄河流域、长江流域中上游地区“鬲文化”最主要的区别。  相似文献   

重庆忠县出土刘宋钱币考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
1998年12月北京大学考古系三峡考古队,在三峡水库淹没区重庆市忠县井沟遗址群崖脚墓地的考古发掘中,发现一座南朝刘宋时期砖室墓(编号:98ZGYDM2)。该墓平面呈刀把形,子母口砖砌券顶,保存完好。出土青瓷器20多件,另有铜釜、陶釜以及银钗、银戒指...  相似文献   

《释名·释宫室》称:“灶,造也,创造食物也。”考古学家对人类用火加工食物的方法。器具及设施的研究一向都很重视,对史前居住遗址里发现的用火痕迹,大都称之为灶址。但这种灶址多是指在居室内地面上固定位置多次用火的痕迹,燃烧火焰都是敞开式的,与之相应的炊器多为带支架的容器如鼎、鬲、钵等。夏、商和西周时人们住房内所见的灶址与史前时期无太大差别。约在春秋战国时期,尤其战国晚期以后,随着陶质无足炊器釜在人们生活中的大量使用,表明取代以前用三足支架陶釜的炊火设施已经出现,这就是有封闭燃烧室和固定烟道的灶。古人在…  相似文献   

环渤海地区主要包括山东半岛北部、华北平原、燕山山脉、辽西丘陵、东北平原南部及辽东半岛地区,包含了黄河、海河、滦河、大凌河及辽河五大水系。这一地区特殊的地理位置和诸时期颇具特色的考古学文化遗存,愈来愈受到学术界的重视,使环渤海地区考古研究成为中国区域考古的一个重要课题。本文研究的红陶釜是存在于环渤海地区东周至两汉时期一种文化特征鲜明的器物。这种陶釜的颜色通常为红或红褐色,极个别为灰褐色,部分器身饰绳纹或弦纹。  相似文献   

中国新石器时代可分为早、中、晚三大期。新石器时代早期是陶器的肇始阶段,也是陶炊器的产生阶段,这时的夹砂陶炊器均为厚胎直壁,圜底或平底。中期分为两个发展阶段,前一阶段的炊器为陶釜和支架,后一阶段为陶鼎、陶釜和支架继续使用。新石器时代晚期,袋足炊器(鬶、鬲、、甗)普遍出现,陶鼎继续使用。  相似文献   

东岗岭墓地M为东晋砖室墓,出土有罐、碗、陶釜、铜镜等,其组合形式和纹饰与长江以南晋墓基本相同。  相似文献   

骆驼墩遗址位于太湖西部山地向平原过渡地带,其早期文化遗存以平底陶釜为主要特征,代表了太湖西部地区马家浜文化时期的一个新的文化类型。发掘中发现了马家浜文化时期的大型聚落遗址,崧泽文化时期、良渚文化时期的墓葬、灰坑等,以及广富林文化时期的灰坑,共出土陶器、石器、骨器、玉器等约400件,以及各类动物骨骼标本约2000件。发掘者建议将以骆驼墩早期文化遗存为代表的、以平底釜为主要特征的考古学文化遗存,命名为骆驼墩文化。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the possible functions of ceramic vessels in the Neolithic Gulf, based on new data from the Ubaid-related settlement of Bahra 1 (Kuwait). Two pottery groups identified at the site—Ubaid Ware and Coarse Red Ware—are found in great numbers and variety of forms which provides grounds for a reconsideration of the role of pottery vessels in the societies of the Gulf. Analysis of this material reveals a more varied function of pottery vessels compared to that suggested in earlier studies. It was also possible to define the function of certain pottery vessels in more detail, both in their economic and social context.  相似文献   

本通过大量已发表的资料,运用考古类型学方法,对学界中存在争议的江陵地区东周墓葬出土的日用陶器进行了年代排序。由于该地区东周墓葬中铜礼器和仿铜陶礼器的年代序列较为清楚且多取得共识,章选取铜礼器、仿铜陶礼器和日用陶器共存的墓葬为典型墓例和讨论的基础。作为一项基础性工作,本的研究成果将有助于楚化的深入探索。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of petrographic analyses of 41 new pottery thin sections from San Lorenzo. The resulting compositional data provide an important new context for evaluating the disputed status of carved vessels previously identified as imports to the site. By comparing local and Oaxaca highlands pottery, the disputed vessels are shown to be (a) compositionally distinct from San Lorenzo pottery and (b) similar to highland pottery. San Lorenzo was not just an exporter but also an importer of pottery vessels, a finding relevant to consideration of San Lorenzo's role in the production and exchange of ceramics in Early Formative Mesoamerica.  相似文献   

宝塔河遗址出土的东周时期遗迹有灰坑、陶窑和墓葬,遗物仅见陶器与石器,器类包括鼎、釜、罐、鬲、盂、豆等。这些遗存分三期,时代跨度从春秋早期至战国早期。内涵分为两组,一组以鼎、釜、罐为核心,代表着峡江地区一支传统的鼎釜文化;一组以鬲、盂、豆为核心,为楚文化。春秋早期以传统鼎釜文化为主,春秋中期以后,楚文化逐渐介入,春秋晚期以后,楚文化在这一地区已成为主导文化。这一过程为我们研究峡江地区传统文化的发展脉络,楚文化的扩展趋势,提供了重要的实物证据。  相似文献   

This article deals with the myriad determinants involved in pottery distribution in northeast Ghana, considered from a theoretical perspective that integrates the materiality of vessels and the social, political and historical context where both communities and pottery operate in their daily practice. Hence, we develop a comprehensive research strategy that combines emic and etic views covering the multiple dimensions of pottery life history. In this sense, production units, technical traditions and the characteristics of the redistributive centres, as well as the strategies for pottery acquisition, are studied. Special attention is paid to quite varied aspects such as the physical properties of vessels and their performance characteristics, the reputation of both vessels and potters according to the consumers and the mobility and connectivity patterns found in the study area. On the other hand, interpretations regarding the historical and sociopolitical context of the region are emphasised, as well as the interethnic relationships amongst groups inhabiting the area.  相似文献   

This is the first study on the differential distribution and concentrations of silver in ceramics recovered from archaeological excavations. The chemical compositions of 1174 pottery vessels from 38 Roman‐period sites in Israel have been determined. Unusually high and variable abundances of silver were discovered in pottery samples of all vessel types and chemical compositions from four distinct archaeological contexts dating to late first century bce to 70 ce Jerusalem. The large majority of the Jerusalem vessels could be distinguished by their silver abundances from all analysed pottery pieces recovered at rural sites outside Jerusalem, even when the pottery types and chemical compositions, except for silver, of pottery found within and outside Jerusalem were indistinguishable. The evidence is suggestive of a human origin for the high and variable silver abundances, and dispersion of the silver by aqueous transport. The differential silver concentrations found in excavated pottery from Jerusalem and other urban and rural sites suggest that attention to the distribution of silver in pottery from excavated contexts may be helpful for evaluating the nature and function of archaeological remains and patterns of urban contamination.  相似文献   

A multidimensional approach to functional analysis was employed to examine pottery use, cooking, and subsistence in pre-European North American contexts. A variety of analytic techniques were applied to ceramic assemblages from two sites on the south shore of Lake Superior: the Middle Woodland Naomikong Point site and the Late Woodland Sand Point site. The analyses of both technical attributes and use-alteration traces suggest that a majority of pottery vessels from these sites were used for cooking throughout the Woodland period. Lipid residue analysis corroborates traditional subsistence information but specifies which foods were cooked in pottery vessels. Vessel size varies according to context rather than by time or by function, with larger vessels associated with ritual areas and smaller vessels originating from domestic spheres, a trend potentially related to feasting behavior. Interior carbonization patterns change in frequency between the Middle and Late Woodland periods, suggesting a shift in cooking and possibly subsistence practices.  相似文献   

马家浜文化晚期陶鼎的兴起及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环太湖地区马家浜文化晚期,形态各异的陶鼎开始兴起。各个类型陶鼎在时空分布、创制机理和发展过程等方面都存在着明显的不同,与本地区固有的以釜为主的炊器传统有着亲疏程度上的显著差异。不同制鼎传统之间彼此影响,关系错综复杂,一度形成了多个本土和外来传统并立的局面。厘清这些陶鼎类型的源流谱系,对于明确其后续影响,乃至阐释整个环太湖地区史前陶鼎传统的形成问题,都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Results of instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) of Middle and Late Woodland pottery (n = 313) and clay (n = 22) samples from northeastern Florida and southeastern Georgia are presented. Assemblages in this region include Swift Creek Complicated Stamped pottery that preserves unique evidence of social interactions through the inimitable qualities of designs stamped into vessel surfaces. Archaeologists have proffered various hypotheses to explain movement of ceramic vessels or the carved wooden paddles used in the manufacture of these vessels. This study tests these hypotheses and indicates that nonlocal vessels, particularly complicated stamped ones, were deposited almost exclusively in mortuary contexts, a pattern that requires new explanations for the role of pottery in social interactions. These data are being integrated with a larger project that aims to reveal the social processes that were tied to the manufacture, use, and distribution of pottery.  相似文献   

Salt is an essential mineral in the human diet, and ancient peoples obtained salt either directly from rock salt, from salt lakes, or by concentrating saline waters from salt springs or seawater in pottery vessels. However, because sodium chloride, the major component of salt, is soluble in water, it has been thought unlikely that any trace of salt would remain in the pottery after a long period of time. A new methodology for retrieval of water-insoluble (retainable) chloride ion trapped within a pottery matrix is presented as a method for detecting previous use of the pottery for salt making. Simulated salt-making pottery was used to make salt by repeatedly boiling seawater over a fire. After chloride had been extracted with distilled water, to mimic the removal of chloride by natural waters such as rainwater and groundwater, an aqueous ammonium fluoride solution was shown to be capable of extracting chloride ions remaining in the pottery. A chloride-selective electrode was used to quantify the amount of extracted chloride in the presence of fluoride. This method was then successfully applied to excavated Japanese pottery vessels suspected of having been used for making salt. Identification of retainable chloride in pottery can offer insights into salt trading networks, which reflect the growth and affluence of an ancient society.  相似文献   

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