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颜鉴之 《文献》2005,(1):270-272
中华书局标点本《续资治通鉴长编》(以下简称《长编》)卷十六,开宝八年(975)九月有这样一条材料: 丁酉,以相州录事参军河南钱文敏为右赞善大夫、权知泸州.先是,藩镇多以笔牍私取官库钱,韩重赟领昭德时,颇仍旧弊,文敏不与.重赟怒,召文敏廷责之,文敏词不屈.重赟既死,上始闻其事,嘉文敏有守,故擢用焉,……①  相似文献   

在首届新方志和续修方志中,有许多设了群众团体志(编、篇),还有的将党派群团或党政群团写在一起,称党派群团志(编、篇)或党政群团志(编、篇)。少数则设社会团体志(编、篇),或合设党派社团志(编、篇)。究竟应叫“群团”,还是称作“社团”呢?对此,我们首先要弄清群团和社团的概念。  相似文献   

中日两国文化源远流长,在文化融合交汇的过程中,产生许多同形词.在这些同形词中必然存在异义词.本文所讨论的"绿"字,在中日两国语言中同时存在,其基本义相近,引申又有所不同.本文将从"绿"的基本义和引申义的解释和分析出发,试比较"绿"在现代中日两国语言中异同.  相似文献   

"丘"非"乡"而为"里"辨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
吴海燕 《史学月刊》2003,(6):123-124
~~ 名称 ?笔者认为 ,此处“丘亭”与“乡亭”的说法有类似之处。“乡亭”之名屡见于《汉书》 ,“乡”为地方行政组织的名称 ,则“丘亭”之“丘”是不是也可以作同类解释 ?故顾炎武《日知录》在此条下云 :“又必有人民 ,如今之镇集。”即顾氏以“镇集”释“丘”。再以息夫躬的情况而言 ,他为食邑千户之宜陵侯 ,虽被哀帝遣就国 ,怎能住到一个“空亭”、“野亭”之中 ?因此此“丘亭”之“丘”应为当时一级地方行政组织之名称。另外 ,还有一条史料也可以为此提供佐证 ,《史记·高祖本纪》云 :“汉王……引水灌废丘 ,废丘降 ,章邯自杀。更名…  相似文献   

吕小满 《民俗研究》2007,(1):145-163
上个世纪40年代,闻一多先生《说鱼》1一文在考释"鱼"字的隐义时附带谈及"鹭",将鱼、鹭两者释为男女关系的两方,这应该是"鹭"与其他象征之错综复杂关系的一个方面.本文认为"鹭"的杂多象征关系中还有一个被以往学者已注意到但尚未展开的方面,即鹭与舞、鹭与鼓的关系.  相似文献   

公元1415年4月18日,也就是明永乐十三年三月丁未。贵州建省的第三个年头,历史上由中央政府任命的贵州首位行政长官,贵州布政司右布政使蒋廷瓒对一干人等说:去年皇上北征,得胜回朝,消息传到贵州,贵州思南府务川县的大岩山中听到连呼三声“万  相似文献   

本文主要对"葬"释源,并兼谈与"葬"有密切关系的"埋"字,同时附带介绍一些与丧葬有关的历史文化知识."葬"是起源很早的字,很有可能在商周时代产生,"埋"是"薶"的俗字,"埋"的出现理应晚于"薶"字."埋(薶)"起先都是指埋物、埋牲,后来才有埋人之义.本文粗略地说明了"葬""埋"的起源、意义,同时附带介绍一些与丧葬有关的历史文化知识.  相似文献   

题目上的这两个成语,都没给贵州人增光,倒让贵州人很气短的。然而不知自何时起,除了“自大”一词仍不能让人安逸外,“夜郎”竞越来越成为抢手货了。先是本省的几个地方争得不可开交,“内战”未息,据说邻省某县就已挂出“夜郎县”的招牌来了。何以然?旅游之故也!人  相似文献   

大足石刻造像数量众多,内容丰富,遐迩闻名,尤其是“宝顶山”,堪称我国名石窟胜地。本对此作了介绍和考述,认为“宝顶”就是“金刚顶”之意。  相似文献   

The European witch-trials became numerous in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A large number of witches were imprisoned and many of them were executed at the stake. The ubiquitous social strain brought on the witch-hunt, and the witch became the scapegoat. Study on the witch-hunt provides a special perspective on the transition of Western Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.  相似文献   

16~17世纪巫术案件在西欧大量出现,期间大量的巫师被投进监狱,其中很多人被烧死在火刑柱上。16~17世纪时的西欧进入了转型时期,当时的西欧社会正处于极度的无序之中,而对"猎巫"的研究可以加深我们对西欧社会转型问题的理解。  相似文献   

Mombasa’s strategic position on the Swahili Coast and fine harbours were key factors in its emergence as a prosperous city state during the early second millennium AD. These same attributes drew the attention of rival powers in the struggle to control the lucrative Indian Ocean trade network, particularly during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Drawing from a rich legacy of cartographic and documentary sources created in the course of Mombasa’s turbulent history, this paper presents the results of a coastal archaeological survey undertaken in 2001 as part of a wider collaborative maritime project.  相似文献   

何树 《史学月刊》2002,(2):79-83
16、17世纪,在不列颠和爱尔兰群岛这个大的历史语境中,爱尔兰形成了三种不同的民族认同:天主教盖尔民族认同、新教英爱民族认同和长老会一苏格兰民族认同。在后来的历史中,这三种民族认同一直用不同的甚至是对立的政治权力观念和财产神话表现出来,成为爱尔兰内乱和分裂的主要原因。正确认识爱尔兰多元民族认同的影响,对于彻底解决爱尔兰问题有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

It has been amply demonstrated that individuals' reproductive capability is the key explanatory phenomenon for understanding onomastic disappearance during the early modern period. This article analyzes the evolution and consequences of surname extinction in a specific population: Catalonia in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In this article two aspects are examined. First, the observed disappearance of surnames is estimated through historical data collected in the Llibres d'Esposalles (Marriage Books) from 1481 to 1600 at Barcelona Cathedral. Second, the estimated natural extinction of those surnames registered in 1481 is forecast by applying a statistical branching process.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):242-267

Freshwater mussel shell was used as a temper in the manufacture of ceramic vessels by potters in the Caddo area of the southeastern United States after ca. A.D. 1300. This was at least one or two centuries after it became the dominant temper used by aboriginal groups in much of the Eastern Woodlands but generally contemporaneous with shelltempered usage in parts of the Southern Plains. The introduction of shell temper was variable across the Caddo area, and in certain regions its use was negligible in ceramic vessel assemblages until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries but then was rapidly adopted as the dominant temper employed in vessel manufacture, particularly for utility wares. In the traditional territory of the historic Hasinai Caddo in East Texas, shell temper did not appear in vessels until the early eighteenth century, and then only in minor amounts on presumed trade vessels.  相似文献   


The use of metaphors and analogies was widespread in English political literature during the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, and for contemporary readers they were more than merely rhetorical artifices – they were used to illustrate and, in some cases, even to provide evidence. In this regard, none was more apt than the most prominent of these analogies: that between the human body and the state. The political thought of the time established an unshakeable connection between the two, building an argument for how their structures and ways of functioning mirrored each other. This paper examines one of the most extensive and thorough examples of corporal analogies in early modern English political literature – that of Edward Forset’s A Comparative Discourse of the Bodies Natural and Politique (1606) – and shows how such corporal analogies were used to construct an absolutist political model wherein the king was depicted as the soul, the head and the heart of the body politic. The paper integrates Forset’s A Comparative Discourse within the context of the ideological struggles from the end of the sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth, while its place within the larger picture of the medieval and early modern metaphor of the body politic is also examined, in order to assess the lineage and originality of Forset’s ideas and point out how the same kind of analogies could be used to provide significantly different political interpretations.  相似文献   

J. Hewitt 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):351-358
Twenty years after the R.C.H.M. volume Shielings and Bastles drew attention to the survival of many bastles, thick-walled defensible upper-floor houses of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, characteristic of the Anglo-Scottish Border. Recent fieldwork in Northumberland has shown that bastles (the earliest vernacular house type to survive in any numbers within the county) also exist in considerable numbers in some areas slightly further afield, and notably in Allendale, to the south of the Tyne. Seven Allendale bastles or bastle-derivative houses are described in detail, and another twenty-seven listed in a gazetteer. The origins of bastles are discussed, and some possible medieval antecedents suggested; the fabric and morphology of the buildings are then considered, and various groupings—such as ‘extended bastles’ and groups around a common yard—examined. The continuance of the bastle tradition is seen in bastle-derivative houses of the later seventeenth century; the date at which conventional ground-floor houses were re-established varies from valley to valley.  相似文献   

The discourse surrounding Luke 15:11–32 — commonly titled “the parable of the prodigal son” — in early modern England is a major site of convergence for Aristotelian and Christian ethics. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the perceived role of “prodigality” (in the sense of excessive expenditure) in the parable of the prodigal son became deeply bound up with Aristotelian ethics; the parable's evolving title and its increasingly prominent role in casus summarii both contributed to and were affected by these changes. Despite the importance of both Aristotelian ethics and the parable of the prodigal son to early modern culture, scant research exists on the vital intersection between the two. By tracing the evolution of biblical paratexts, this article explicates how the parable gained its title. It then explores how the shared use of ?σωτ?α (prodigality) in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics and Luke 15:13 affected the interpretation of Luke 15:11–32 in early modern England, and the repercussions this had for early modern philosophy and theology. It concludes that Aristotelian ethics were hugely influential in both the early modern interpretation of Luke 15:11–32 and the concept of “prodigality” that the parable was so often used to explore.  相似文献   

近代欧洲早期农业革命考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘景华 《史学集刊》2006,3(2):60-66
在17、18世纪之际的“农业革命”发生之前,欧洲农业生产就已出现了许多关键性的技术进步,可把16、17世纪的这种进步称为“早期农业革命”,而14、15世纪则可视为早期农业革命的准备阶段。通过对中世纪欧洲农业的低技术起点,14、15世纪的农业技术进步,16、17世纪的早期农业革命等三方面的考察,我们发现欧洲农业技术进步中的连续性特点远超过其突变性。  相似文献   

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