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Imported timbers pose potential problems for the dendrochronologist. The problem is general and any particular dendrochronologist may run into difficulty when he attempts to correlate an exotic ring pattern against an indigenous chronology. Sufficient evidence exists to suspect that high quality oak boards and planks were extensively imported into England in medieval times. However, chronologies constructed from just such boards, namely the art-historical chronologies, have been treated as indigenous without being proven to be so. Almost identical comments can be made with respect to art-historical chronologies constructed by German workers using supposedly indigenous Flemish oak panels. This article explores how failure to allow for importation may well call into question the dating of these art-historical chronologies and in addition demonstrates how an art-historical dating system has been created wherein erroneous placement of the chronologies could escape detection (this latter aspect may well make the argument of general interest to scientists).  相似文献   

苟胜东 《旅游纵览》2010,(12):98-99
<正>目前,全国旅游业有一些新的发展趋势,其中,积极和消极并存。下面,简单地提出一些,并作适当的分析和思考,以期引起大家对于目前旅游业的关注和重视。  相似文献   

Australian local government was the subject of a great deal of debate in the 1970s as attention focused on geographical boundaries, legal and constitutional jurisdiction, and financial imbalance. Little came of moves to reform boundaries or to alter the scope of activities. More success was achieved in applying the principle of fiscal equalisation to local government's parlous financial situation. Stability and resistance to change are however the overwhelming characteristics of Australian local government. The paper surveys the scope and function of local government in the 1970s. The recently developed radical critique of the local state is found to have little relevance to Australian local government because of the small and fragmented scale of local government social policy.  相似文献   

申茂盛 《文博》2010,(4):36-38
本文通过对二号俑坑建筑形制的分析,认为:二号俑坑的门道有11条,但作用各不相同,其中6、7号门道使用时间较短,这可能与俑坑内东西向的格局有关。开间分为放置有俑的廊道和不放置俑马,仅起通道作用,用完后用夯土填实二种。第4过洞的形制与其周围的过洞形制不同,其埋藏的内涵可能也不同。第9过洞与第10、第11过洞用纵木隔开,互不相通。把它们作为一个军事单元的推断仍需要推敲。二号俑坑的互不相通的格局与其焚毁情况较轻的状况也应该有很大的联系。  相似文献   

In the author's view the contemporary detente and the spirit of Helsinki may spread historical optimism like that established after the end of World War I. The likeness of mentality leads to a retreat in fashion everywhere, and archaeology will hardly be an exception. Like some others the author also predicts an archaeological structuralism and considers its possible realization with respect to the ‘damned question’ of archaeology ‐ the change of cultures. There has here been sounded an unexpected call to dig less, and one more expected ‐ to theorize more.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代美国的西藏政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国最新解密文件显示,20世纪70年代美国西藏政策发生了新变化:美国中央情报局虽然继续对西藏分裂势力进行援助,但是削减了援助资金的数额,尼克松政府对待达赖"访美"的立场经历了从拒绝到有条件支持的转变;福特政府时期,随着中美高层互访和交流的深入,西藏问题首次公开进入双边会谈议事议程,并就此拉开中美关于西藏问题对话的序幕。与此同时,美国国会也卷入西藏事务,其对西藏事务的干涉主要包括为达赖集团提供经济援助和政治支持,为日后国会以立法的形式干涉西藏事务埋下了伏笔。  相似文献   


This paper tries to demonstrate that some of the historiographical insights on the transformation of the international system in the 1970s can be particularly useful for our understanding of the efforts to craft a global nuclear regime during that decade. It first discusses some of the key results of this historiography and then it looks at some of their possible implications for the more specific field of research of nuclear history.  相似文献   


An increase in the level of concern with geography graduate careers is needed. Geographers in higher education should undertake fuller and more detailed analysis of career patterns so that they can give careers advice and provide courses that give students some marketable skills. A brief survey of information currently available on geography graduate careers is followed by an analysis of the career patterns of geography graduates from the universities and a polytechnic. Suggestions are made for data improvement and for immediate action.  相似文献   

论20世纪七八十年代日本的石油危机对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李凡 《世界历史》2003,5(1):40-48
面对突如其来的石油危机 ,日本首先在对外政策上采取稳住石油供应对策 ,放弃对阿以冲突的“中立”政策 ,采取支持阿拉伯国家的“亲阿拉伯”政策 ,加强同中东产油国关系。随着石油危机的缓解 ,日本又积极开展国际合作 ,与西方石油消费大国共同合作避免石油危机再度袭来。与此同时 ,日本在对内政策上大力开展调整主要产业结构对策 ,放弃以重化学工业为主的产业结构 ,发展低能耗、高科技产业 ,力争从根本上摆脱石油危机的困扰。  相似文献   

上海博物馆藏"小子(臣臣子)簋"(<集成>3904)系真器伪铭.本文通过对其铭文字形、辞例的分析,认为该伪铭并非臆造,当有所本,且仿制较精,与真铭的距离不会太大.由于真铭所在的器物未见著录,我们仍可将"小子(臣臣子)簋"铭作为一篇早期记事金文来使用."小子(臣臣子)簋"铭的时代当定在"商代晚期或西周早期".  相似文献   

20世纪70年代尼克松政府的环保政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金海 《世界历史》2006,(3):21-30
20世纪60年代末70年代初,美国环保运动的发展进入了一个新的阶段。环境保护不再是作为经济发展的附属物出现,而是作为一个独立的领域,有了自己的理论和目标。在迅速发展的环保运动推动下,尼克松政府采取了一系列影响巨大的环保措施,确立了日后美国环保运动的发展方向。但是,由于政治、经济、哲学等多方面原因,1970年之后,尼克松政府在环保政策上有所后退。本文力图通过对尼克松政府环保政策兴衰的探讨,揭示当时美国环保运动发展的某些特点及其与政府政策之间的关系。  相似文献   

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