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Inventing the barbarian. Greek self‐definition through tragedy, Edith HALL, Oxford, 1989, paperback 1991, 277 + xvi pages ISBN 0–19–314895‐X

Mithra et le mithriacisme, Robert TURCAN, Paris, Les Belles Lettres Histoire, 1993, 100 FF.

Les Exempla médiévaux. Introduction à la recherche suivie des tables critiques de l'Index exemplorum de Frederic C. Tubach, Jacques BERUOZ et Marie Anne POLO DE BEAUUEU éds, Carcassonne, 1993. Avant‐propos de Claude BREMOND, Jacques LE COFF. et Jean‐Claude SCHMITT

La Royauté sacrée dans le monde chrétien, Alain BOUREAU et Claudio Sergio INCERFLOM éds, Paris (Editions de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), 1992, 165 pages avec illustrations, 230 FF (collection “L'Histoire et ses représentations”, 3) ISBN 2–7132–0973–0

Court and Culture. Dutch Literature 1350–1450, Frits Pieter VAN'OOSTROM, University of California Press, Berkeley and Oxford, 1992, ISBN 0–520–06777–0

Het hof van Gelre. Cultuur ten tijde van de hertogen uit het Gulikse en Egmondse huis (1371–1473), Gerard NIJSTEN, Kok Agora, Kampen 1992. 503 p., ill, Zusammenfassung, ISBN 90–391–00578. fl.89,‐

Richelieu and his Age, Joseph BERG1N et Laurence BROCKUSS éds, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992, xvii + 288 p.

Recent verleden. De geschiedenis van Nederland in de twintigste eeuw, J.J. WOLTJER, Amsterdam, Balans. 1992, 568 pp., fl. 59,50. ISBN 90–5018–152‐X.

Past and Present—Special ‘Europe’ Edition, No. 137. November 1992, edited by Joanna INNES and Paul SLACK.  相似文献   

Peter CRAMER, Baptism and Change in the Early Middle Ages, c.200—c.1150, Cambridge, 1993, xx + 356 p., ISBN 0–521–35163–4.

Olivier GUYOTJEANNIN, Jacques PYCKE et Benoît‐Michel TOCK, Diplomatique médiévale, 442 p. ; Jacques BERLIOZ et collaborateurs, Identifier sources et citations, 336 p., (volumes 1 et 2 de la collection “L'atelier du médiéviste"), Turnhout, Brepols, 1993 et 1994.

Jean‐Claude SCHMITT, Les revenants. Les vivants et les morts dans la société médiévale, Paris, Gallimard, 1994, 306 p.

Guy LOBRICHON, La religion des laïcs en Occident (XIe‐XVe siècles), Paris, Hachette, collection “La vie quotidienne/Civilisation et société”, 1994, 242 p.

Emilio OLMOS HERGUEDAS, La Comunidad de Villa y Tierra de Cuellar a partir de las ordenanzas de 1546, suivi de Apuntes para la historia local de Lastras de Cuellar, Diputacion Provincial de Segovia, Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Segovia, Ayuntamiento de Lastras de Cuellar, Valladolid, 1994.

Claudine FABRE‐VASSAS, La bête singulière. Les juifs, les chrétiens et le cochon, Paris, Gallimard (Bibliothèque des Histoires), 1994, 423 p., ISBN 2–07–073448‐X, 165 FF.

Christine LANGE, La inmigracion francesa en Aragon (siglos XVI y primera mitad del XVII), Saragosse, Institucion Fernando el Catolico, 1993, 189 p.

Francesco MAIELLO, Storia del calendario. La misurazione del tempo, 1450–1800, Turin, Einaudi, Biblioteca di cultura storica 203, 1994, VIII‐235 p., 8 illustrations hors texte. ISBN 88–06–13228–8. 55 000 L.

Exposition L'âme au corpsArts et sciences, 1793–1993, Paris, Grand Palais, automne 1993.

Olga Semyonova TIAN‐SHANSKAIA, Village Life in Late Tsarist Russia, ed. by David L. RANSEL, translated by David L. Ransel with Michael Levine. Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1993, xxx + 175 p.

Alain CORBIN, Les cloches de la terre. Paysage sonore et culture sensible dans les campagnes au XIXe siècle, Paris, Albin Michel, 1994, ISBN 2–226–06752–3, 150 FF.

Feminisms of The Belle Epoque: A Historical and Literary Anthology, edited by Jennifer WAELTI‐WALTERS and Steven C. HAUSE, translated by Jette Kjaer, Lydia Willis, and Jennifer Waelti‐Walters, Lincoln‐London, University of Nebraska Press, 1994, x + 337pp., Pb $ 16.95.

Colloque international “Il regime fascista italiano. Bilancio e prospettive di studio” (Bologna, 24–26 novembre 1993).

Hugh MIALL, Shaping the New Europe, Londres, Pinter Publishers, 1993, 118 p., ISBN 1–85567–119–0, £ 9.95.

Christopher HARVIE, The Rise of Regional Europe, Londres et New York, Routledge, 1994, 92 p., ISBN (M15–09523–9, £ 6.99.

Fragments d'Europe, sous la direction de Michel FOUCHER, Paris, Fayard, 1993.

Pierre CABANES, L'Albanie, le pays des aigles, Aix‐en‐Provence, Edisud, 1994, 160 FF. (Photographies de Paul Lutz).

David LE BRETON, La chair à vif. Usages médicaux et mondains du corps humain, Paris, Métailié, 1993, 336 p.

Peter DINZELB ACHER, ed., Europäische Mentalitätsgeschichte. Hauptthemen in Einzeldarstellungen, Stuttgart, Alfred Kröner Verlag, 1993, xxxvii + 663 p., ISBN 3–520–46901–4, DM 48.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Jan Bank. Katholieken en de Indonesisohe Bevolutie. 576 pp. + 7 pp. English Summary. Baarn: Amboboeken, C19833. CPublikaties van het Katholiek Documeiitatie Centrum, 11.) Guilders 37.50.

Francois Raillon. Les étudiants indonésiens et l'Ordre Nouveau; pplitique et idéologie du Mahasiswa Indonesia (1966–1974). 351 pp. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1984. (Études Insulindiennes/Archipel, 6.)

Victor T. King. The Maloh of West Kalimantan: an ethnographic study of social inequality and social change among an Indonesian Borneo people. viii, 252pp, 13 plates. Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1985. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal‐, Land‐ en Volken‐kunde, 108.)

S. A. Niessen. Motifs of life in Toba Batak texts and textiles, viii, 249pp. Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 1985. (Verhandelingen van het Koninklik Instituut voor Taal‐, Land‐ en Volkenkunde, 110.)  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Ralph Pettman (ed.), Moral Claims in World Affairs. Croom Helm, London, 1979, pp. 199. £8.50.

Michael B. Yahuda, China's Role in World Affairs. Croom Helm, London, 1978, pp.300. $29.95.

Rodger Swearingen, The Soviet Union and Postwar Japan: Escalating Challenge and Response. Hoover Institution Press, 1978, pp.340. US$14.95.

Taketsugu Tsurutani, Political Change in Japan: Response to Post‐industrial Challenge. David McKay, New York, 1977, pp. xii+275. US$12.50 (cloth), $6.95 (paper).

D. M. Fenbury, Practice Without Policy: Genesis of Local Government in Papua New Guinea. Development Studies Centre Monograph No. 13, Australian National University, Canberra, 1978, pp. xvi + 318. $9.00.

Ian Hogbin, The Leaders and the Led: Social Control in Wogeo, New Guinea. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1978. pp. xi + 195.

Clive Kessler, Islam and Politics in a Malay State: Kelantan 1838–1969. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1978, pp. 274. US $15.00.

Rony Gabbay, Communism and Agrarian Reform in Iraq. Croom Helm, London, 1978, pp. 240. £8.50.

John Dunn (ed), West African States: Failure and Promise. Cambridge University Press, London, 1978, pp. 259. £12.50.

Zdenek Cervenka and Barbara Rogers, The Nuclear Axis: Secret Collaboration between West Germany and South Africa. Julian Friedmann Books, London, 1978, pp. 464. £7.95.

Roger Hill, Political Consultation in Nato. Wellesley Papers 6/1978, Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Toronto, 1978, pp. 143. £3.75.

Lawrence Freedman, Arms Production in the United Kingdom: Problems and Prospects. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, London, 1978, pp. 50. £6.95.

William H. Blanchard, Aggression American Style. Goodyear Publishing Company, Santa Monica, California, 1978 pp.314.

Paul Hasluck, Mucking About: An Autobiography. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1977, pp. 287. $10.99.

J. R. V. Prescott, ed., Australia's Continental Shelf. Nelson for Australian Institute of International Affairs, Melbourne, 1979, pp. 198, $15.00.

P. Hastings and A. Farran, Australia's Resources Future, Thomas Nelson in association with The Australian Institute of International Affairs 1978, pp. 288 + xvi, $14.95.  相似文献   

B. CUNLIFFE, ed., The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994, 532 p., 46 colour plates, numerous line drawings and black & white plates, ISBN 0–19–814385–0.

Carlin A. BARTON, The Sorrows of the Ancient Romans: the Gladiator and the Monster, Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ, 1993, 210 p., ISBN 0–691–45696‐X.

Dominique BARTHELEMY, La société dans le comté de Vendôme de l'an mil au XIVe siècle, Fayard, Paris, 1993, 1118 p.

Colloque international, Les métiers au Moyen Age. Aspects économiques et sociaux, Louvain‐La‐Neuve, 7–9 octobre 1993.

Yuri L. BESSMERTNY, Life and death in the Middle Ages. Essays in the demographic history of France (in Russian), Nauka, Moscow, 1991, 240 p., ISBN 5–020–09052–2.

Ulrich IM HOF, Les Lumières en Europe (traduction de Jeanne Etoré et Bernard Lorthol‐ary), Le Seuil (collection “Faire l'Europe"), Paris, 1993, 316 p.

Antoine DE BAECQUE, Le corps de l'histoire. Métaphores et politique (1770–1800), Calmann‐Lévy, Paris, 1993, 435 p.

Christopher R. BROWNING, Ordinary MenReserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 1992, ISBN 0–060–99506–8.

Traduction française par Elie Barnavi: Des hommes ordinaires. Le 101e bataillon de réserve de la police allemande et la solution finale en Pologne, avec une préface de Pierre Vidal‐Naquet, Les Belles Lettres (Collection “Histoire"), Paris, 1994, ISBN 2–251–38025–6.

Stefan BREUER, Anatomie der konservativen Revolution, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1993, 232 p., ISBN 3–534–11802–2.

Congrès international, Vers une identité et une conscience européennes au XXe siècle, Paris, 1993.

Frédéric DELOUCHE, ed., Histoire de l'Europe, Hachette, Paris, 1992, 380 p., ISBN 2–010–19254–0.

Michel MOLLAT DU JOURDIN, Europa und das Meer, traduction de Ursula Scholz, C.H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Collection “Europa bauen"), Munich, 1993, 320 p., ISBN 3–406–36726–7.

Henry KOZICKI, ed., Western and Russian Historiography. Recent Views, Macmillan Press, Houndmills, 1993, 218 p., ISBN 0–333–57829–5.

Josep FONTANA LAZARO, La Historia despues del fin de la Historia. Reflexiones acerca de la situación actual de la ciencia historica, Critica, Serie general, no. 255, Barcelone, 1992, 153 p.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Women in the Muslim World. Edited by Lois Beck and Nikki Keddie. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1978. 698 pp. $30.00.

Iran: Monarchy, Bureaucracy and Reform under the Qajars: 1858–1896. By Shaul Bakhash. London: Ithaca Press (St. Anthony's Middle East Monographs, No. 8), 1978. £7.50.

Iran: The Illusion of power. By Robert Graham. London: Croom Helm, 1978. 228 pp. £7.95.

An Anthology of Modern Persian Poetry. Selected and translated with an introduction by Ahmad Karimi‐Hakkak. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1978 (Bibliotheca Persica: Modern Persian Literature Series, Number 1), xvii + 203 pp. $15.

Entrepreneurs of Iran. By Mohammad Reza Vaghefi. Palo Alto, Calif.: The Altoan Press, 1976. 196pp.  相似文献   

Populism and Feminism in Iran: Women's Struggle in a Male‐Defined Revolutionary Movement ,Haideh Moghissi, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994, 217 pp., $59.95.

La Beauté menacée: anthropologie des maladies de la peau en Iran , Niloufar Jozani, Tehran: Institut Français de Recherche en Iran, 1994, 317 pp., illustrations, tables, Bibliography, Index.

Iranian Cities: Formation and Development ,Masoud Kheirabadi, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1991, xiv + 132 pp., illustrations, glossary, and appendixes.

Faith and Freedom ,ed. Mahnaz Afkhami, Syracuse: Syracuse Univ. Press, 1995.

Mongolia: The Legacy of Chinggis Khan ,Patricia Berger and Terese Tse Bartholomew, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995, 340 pp., 310 illustrations, 237 in color, $60.00.

Mongol Jewelry ,Martha Boyer, Carlsberg Foundation's Nomad Research Project, New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995, 278 pp., 200 illustrations, 90 in color, $50.00.

Frühe iranische Moscheen vom Beginn des Islam bis zur Zeit sal?ūqischer Herrschaft ,Barbara Finster [Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Tehran: Archäologische Mitteliungen aus Iran, Erganzungsband 19] Berlin: Dietrich Riemer, 1994, 319 pp., 1 map, 149 figures, 48 plates, Bibliography, Index.

Khomeini's Forgotten Sons: The Story of Iran's Boy Soldiers ,Ian Brown, London: Grey Seal Books, 1990, viii + 190 pp.

Dancing Barefoot on Broken Glass ,Leonardo Alishan, New York: Ashod Press, 1991, xvi + 77 pp., $7.50.

Persico‐Kurdica: Études d'ethnomusicologie, de dialectologie, d'histoire et de religion (parues dans les années 1964–1978), Mohammad Mokri, Louvain: Peeters, 1995, lv + 505 pp.

Padyavand ,ed. Amnon Netzer, Judeo‐Iranian and Jewish Studies Series, vol. 1, Costa Mesa, Calif.: Mazda Publishers, 1996, xxvi + 143 English + 367 Persian.

The Throne Carrier of God: The Life and Thought of ‘Ala'; ad‐Dawla as‐Simnani ,Jamal J. Elias, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995, xvi + 255 pp., $ 16.95.

The History of al‐Tabari ,vol. XXXIII: Storm and Stress along the Northern Frontiers of the cAbbasid Caliphate ,trans, and annot. C. E. Bosworth, SUNY Series in Near Eastern Studies and Bibliotheca Persica, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991.

The Hidden Hand: Middle East Fears of Conspiracy ,Daniel Pipes, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996, xii + 404 pp.

The History of al‐Tabari , vol. XII: The Battle of al‐Qadisiyyah and the Conquest of Syria and Palestine , trans. Yohanan Friedmann, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1992, xxii + 237 pp.

La Region d'Arak et de Hamadan: cartes et documents ethnographiques , Hélène Desmet‐Gregoire and Patrice Fontaine, with the collaboration of Mohammad cAli Ahmadian and Abolqasem Taheri, Studia Iranica, Cahier 6, association pour l'avancement des études iraniennes, Leuven: Teeters, 1988.

Myth and Mobilization in Revolutionary Iran: The Use of the Friday Congregational Sermon , Haggay Ram, Washington, D.C.: The American University Press, 1994, xiii + 250 pp., $59.00 cloth.  相似文献   

The Art of Persian Music, Jean During, Zia Mirabdolbaghi, and Dariush Safvat, Washington, D.C.: Mage Publishers, 1991, 280 pp. + Compact Disc entitled Anthology of Persian Music: 1930–1990, $100.

Les Kurdes et le Kurdestan, Bibliographie critique 1977–1986

Abstracta Iranica (volume 5), ed. Joyce Blau, Tehran and Paris: Institut Français de Recherche en Iran, 1989, xvi + 146 pp.

La Révolution française, la Turquie et l'Iran, special issue of the Cahier d'études sur la Méditerraée orientale et le monde turco‐iranien, no. 12 (Juin‐Décembre 1991), 161 pp., with additional articles and book reviews 264 pp.

The History of al‐Tabari, Volume 3: The Children of Israel, trans, and annot. William M. Brinner, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991, xii + 194 pp.

Majestic Failure: The Fall of the Shah, Marvin Zonis, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1991, x + 350 pp.

Sufi Women, Javad Nurbakhsh, trans. Leonard Lewisohn, rev. ed., London: Khanigah‐i Ni'matullahi, 1990, xv + 263 pp., bibliography and index.

Die persische Gesellschaft unter Nasiru'd‐Din ?ah (1848–1896), Heinz‐Georg Migeod, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1990, 430 pp.

States and Urban‐Based Revolutions: Iran and Nicaragua, Farideh Farhi, Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1990, x + 147 pp., including notes, bibliography, and index, cloth $ 29.95.

Women's Autobiographies in Contemporary Iran, Afsaneh Najmabadi (ed.), Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990, Harvard Middle Eastern Monographs 25, 78 pp., $9.95.

A Shi'ite Pilgrimage to Mecca, 1885–1886: The Safarnameh of Mirza Mohammad Hosayn Farahani, ed., trans., and annot. Hafez Farmayan and Elton L. Daniel, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1990, xxxii + 380 pp.; cloth $40, paperback $17.95.  相似文献   

Noel MALCOLM, Bosnia. A Short History, Macmillan, London, 1994.

Robert J. DONIA & John V.A. FINE jr, Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Tradition Betrayed, London, 1994.

H.T. NORRIS, Islam in the Balkans. Religion and Society between Europe and the Arab World, C. Hurst & Co., London, 1993.

Branka MAGAS, The Destruction of Yugoslavia. Tracking the Break‐up 1980–92, Verso, London, 1993.

Brian HALL, The Impossible Country. A Journey Through the Last Days of Yugoslavia, Seeker & Warburg, London, 1994.

Paul GARDE, Vie et mort de la Yougoslavie, Fayard, Paris, 1992.

Joseph KRULIC, Histoire de la Yougoslavie de 1945 à nos jours, Complexe, Bruxelles, 1993.

Peuples méditerranéens, 61 (octobre‐décembre 1992).

Mirko GRMEK, Marc GJIDARA et Neven SIMAC, Le nettoyage ethnique. Documents historiques sur une idéologie serbe, Fayard, Paris, 1993.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
A.J.R. Groom and C.R. Mitchell (eds.), International Relations Theory: A Bibliography. Frances Pinter Ltd., London, 1978, pp. 222.

Terence Garvey, Bones of Contention‐ An Enquiry into East‐West Relations. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1977, pp 203. £6.50.

Dan Nabudere, The Political Economy of Imperialism. Zed Press, London, 197.7, pp ix, 301. £3.95.

V. G. Kiernan, America: The New Imperialism; From White Settlement to World Hegemony. Zed Press, London, 1978.

Malcolm Caldwell, The Wealth of Some Nations. Zed Press, London, 1977.

Geoffrey Hawker, R.F.I. Smith and Patrick Weller, Politics and Policy in Australia. University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1979, pp. 313. $24.95 cloth, $9.95 paper.

Martin Painter and Bernard Carey, Politics Between Departments. University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1979, pp. 132. $17.95 cloth, $8.95 paper.

J. F. Lovering and J. R. V. Prescott, Last of Lands . . . Antarctica. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1979, pp.212. $9.80.

Micahel Leifer, Malacca, Singapore, and Indonesia. Sijthoff and Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn, 1978, pp. 217. US$35.

David Aaron Rosenberg (ed.), Marcos and Martial Law in the Philippines. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1979, pp. 315. US$17.50.

Contemporary Southeast Asia, vol. 1, No. 1, May 1979. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore. US$12.00 per annum, four issues.

Milton Osborne, Southeast Asia: An Introductory History. George Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1979. 205pp. $A5.95.

D. B. Miller (ed.), Peasants and Politics: Grass Roots Reaction to Change in Asia. Edward Arnold (Australia) Pty Ltd, Melbourne, 1978, pp.218. $11.50.

K. R. Singh, The Indian Ocean: Big Power Presence and Local Response. Manohar, New Delhi, 1977. pp. x + 336. Rs 60.

Kim C. Beazley and Ian Clark, Politics of Intrusion: The Super Powers and the Indian Ocean. Alternative Publishing Cooperative Ltd., Sydney, 1979. $11.95.

Colin Legum et al, Africa in the 1980s: A Continent in Crisis. McGraw‐Hill, New York, 1979, pp. 232. S6.95.

Elaine Windrich, Britain and the Politics of Rhodesian Independence. Croom Helm, London, 1978, pp. 283. £10.95.

Belinda Probert, Beyond Orange and Green: The Political Economy of the Northern Ireland Crisis. Zed Press, London, 1978, pp.174. £2.95.

Edward Crankshaw, The Shadow of the Winter Palace: The Drift to Revolution 1825–1917, Penguin. .1978, pp.509. $3.50.

Uranium: Energy Source of the Future? The Case For —.E.W. Titterton. The Case Against — F.B. Robotham. Thomas Nelson Australia in association with The Australian Institute of International Affairs, Melbourne, 1979, pp.202 — $4.95.

Uranium: Energy source of the future?. The Case For — E.W. Titterton, The Case Against — F.P. Robotham. Thomas Nelson Australia in association with the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Melbourne, 1979, pp.202. $4.95  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Heinz W. Arndt, The Rise and Fall of Economic Growth: A Study in Contemporary Thought. Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, 1978, pp. 161. $6.95.

Coral Bell (Ed.), Agenda for The Eighties. ANU Press, Canberra, 1980, pp.256. $12.95 (paper).

Mohammed Ayoob (ed.), Conflict and Intevention in the Third World. Croom Helm, London, and ANU Press, Canberra, 1980, pp. 261. $37.50.

Anthony Reid, The Blood of the People Revolution and the End of Traditional Rule in Northern Sumatra. Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur. 1979, pp. 288. $43.20.

Leslie H. Gelb with Richard K. Betts, The Irony of Vietnam: The System Worked. The Brookings Institution, Washington, 1979, pp. 387. £12.50 hardcover, £4.95 paper.

B. N. Pandey (ed.), Leadership in South Asia. New Delhi, Vikas Publishing House, 1977, pp.xxiv+731.

S.A.A. Rizvi, Iran: Royalty, Religion and Revolution. Ma'rifat Publishing House, Canberra, 1980, pp. 392. $30.00.

Amin Saikal, The Rise and Fall of the Shah, Princeton University Press and Angus and Robertson (Australia), 1980, pp. 279. US$14.50.

Hanna Batatu, The Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1978. pp.1283. $94.00.

Uri Davis, Israel: Utopia Incorporated. Zed Press Ltd., London, 1977, pp.182. £5.00 (Paperback: £2.95).

Rosemary Sayigh, Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries. Zed Press Ltd., London, 1979, pp.206. £8.95 (Paperback: £2.95).

Selwyn Lloyd, Suez 1956: A Personal Account. Jonathon Cape, London, 1978, pp. 282. £6.50.

John Kane‐Berman, South Africa: The Method in the Madness. Pluto Press. London. 1979, pp. 265. £2.95.

Rene Lemarchand (ed.), American Policy in Southern Africa: The Stakes and the Stance. University Press of America, Washington, D.C., 1978, pp. 450.

Richard E. Bissell, Southern Africa in the World: Autonomy or Interdependence? Foreign Policv Research Institute. Philadelphia, 1978, pp. 67. US $4.00.

Claude Ake, Revolutionary Pressures in Africa. Zed Press Ltd., London, 1978, pp. 109. £6.50.

Robin Palmer and Neil Parsons (eds.), The Roots of Rural Poverty in Central and Southern Africa. Heinemann, London, 1977, pp.xviii + 430. £2.90.

Karl Kaiser and Hans‐Peter Schwarz (eds.), America and Western Europe: Problems and Prospects. Lexington Books, D. C. Heath and Company, Lexington, Mass., 1978, pp. 448.

Walter F. Hahn and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr. (eds.), Atlantic Community in Crisis: A Redefinition of the Transatlantic Relationship. Pergamon, New York. 1979. pp. 386.

Annette Baker Fox, The Politics of Attraction: Four Middle Powers and the United States. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 371. $US21.90.

Nikolai Sivachev and Nikolai Yakovlev, Russia and the United States. University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, 1979, pp.301. $12.95.

L. F. Fitzhardinge, The Little Digger 1914–1952: William Morris Hughes, A Political Biography, Volume II. Angus & Robertson, Sydney, 1979, pp.xx + 703. $40.

Australia and the Indonesian Revolution: by Margaret George. (M.U.P. in association with the Australian Institute of International Affairs).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Karl Kaiser, Winston Lord, Thierry de Montbrial, David Watt, Western Security: What Has Changed? What Should be Done? Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. (New York) and Royal Institute of International Affairs (London), 1981, pp. 48. No price given.

Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman, The Political Economy of Human Rights. Two volumes, Black Rose Books, Montreal, 1979. Volume I, The Washington Connection and Third World Facism, pp. xvii + 441; Volume II, After the Cataclysm: Postwar Indochina and the Reconstruction of Imperial Hegemony, pp. xx + 392.

Vanuatu. Institute of Pacific Studies, The University of the South Pacific and The South Pacific Social Sciences Association, 1980, pp. 291. $Fiji4.50

Walter Lini, Beyond Pandemonium. From the New Hebrides to Vanuatu. Asia Pacific Books, Wellington in association with the Institute of Pacific Studies of the University of the South Pacific, 1980, pp. 64. $NZ6.95 (cloth), $NZ4.50 (paper).

Jeremy MacClancy, To Kill a Bird with Two Stones. A Short History of Vanuatu. Vanuatu Cultural Centre Publications No. 1, 1980, pp. 158. 300 Vatu (plus postage).

Richard Shears, The Coconut War. The Crisis on Espiritu Santo. Cassell Australia, North Ryde, pp. 210. $6.95.

G. J. Crough, Foreign Investment and Transnational Corporations in Australia: An Annotated Bibliography. Alternative Publishing Co‐operative, Sydney, 1977, pp. xiii + 200. $14.95.

Michael T. Skully (ed.), A Multinational Look at the Transnational Corporation: An International Collection of Academic and Corporate Views on the Future of Transnational Enterprise. Dryden Press Australia, Sydney, 1978, pp. iv + 278. $24.95.

Francien van Anrooij et al., Between People and Statistics: Essays on Modern Indonesian History. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1979, pp. 315. D.fl.39.50

Michael Brecher, with Benjamin Geist, Decisions in Crisis. Israel. 1967 and 1973. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1980, pp. xvii + 479. $34.95.

Desmond Ball, A Suitable Piece of Real Estate: American Installations in Australia. Hale and Iremonger, Sydney, 1980, pp. 180. $19.95 (cloth), $10.95 (paper).

W. J. Hudson, Billy Hughes in Paris. The Birth of Australian Diplomacy. Nelson in association with the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Melbourne, 1978, pp. 147. $8.95.

Charles R. Beitz, Political Theory and International Relations. Princeton University Press, 1979, pp. 199. $US21.00 (cloth), $US5.00 (paper).

J. H. Leurdijk (ed.), The Foreign Policy of the Netherlands, Sijthoff and Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn, 1978, pp. ix + 356. D.Fl.85.00.

Shashikant Nair, Rural‐born Fijians and Indo‐Fijians in Suva: A Study of Movements and Linkages. Development Studies Centre, Monograph No. 24, The Australian National University, Canberra, 1980, pp. 97. $8.00.

Goran Hyden. Beyond Ujamaa in Tanzania: Underdevelopment and an Uncaptured Peasantry Heineman Education Books, London, 1980, pp. 270. £3.50.

Elizabeth Vallance, Women in the House: A Study of Women Members of Parliament, Athlone Press, London, 1979, pp. 212. $9.70.

G. H. Jansen, Militant Islam, Pan Books Ltd, 1979, pp. 224. $4.25.

David Elliott, Thailand: Origins of Military Rule, Zed Press, London, 1978, pp. 190 £5.95 (cloth), £2.95 (paper).

Joseph A. Camilleri, Australian‐American Relations: The Web of Dependence, Macmillan, Melbourne, 1980, pp. 167, $29.95 (cloth), $9.95 (paper).

Ross Terrill, Mao: A Biography. Harper and Row, New York, 1980, pp. 481. $19.95  相似文献   

Niels Erik Rosenfeldt, Knowledge and Power. The Role of Stalin's Secret Chancellery in the Soviet System of Government, Copenhagen, Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1978, pp. 219.

Garry Wills, Inventing America, Doubleday, $14.

Bruce Stinebrickner (ed). Readings in American Government 78/79, Duskin, 1978.

Allan Patience & Brian Head, From Whitlam to Fraser: Reform and Reaction in Australian Politics (Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1979). 320 pp. $7.95.

Geoffrey Hawker, R.F.I. Smith, Patrick Weller: Politics and Policy in Australia. Univ. of Queensland Press 1979, pp. 313.

Martin Painter, Bernard Carey: Politics Between Departments. Univ. of Queensland Press 1979. Cloth $17.95. Paperback $8.95.

W.J.M. Mackenzie, Biological Ideas in Politics: An Essay on Political Adaptivity. Penguin, 1978. $2.50.

Benn, Stanley, et al., Political Participation: A discussion of political rationality, pp xv + 88, Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1978, $4.95 paperback.

Ross Fitzgerald (ed.), Human Needs and Politics (Sydney: Pergamon Press, 1977)

Ross Fitzgerald (ed.), What it Means to be Human (Sydney: Pergamon Press, 1978)

Jean Martin, The Migrant Presence, George Allen & Unwin Australia, Sydney, 1978, pp. 261.

Rachel Unikoski, Communal Endeavours: Migrant Organisations in Melbourne. ANU Press, Canberra, 1978, pp. 333 + xiii. $14.50.

M.J. Salter, Studies in the Immigration of the Highly Skilled, ANU Press, Canberra, 1978, pp. 208 + xiv. $9.95.

John Nightingale, Migrant Household Economic Behaviour, ANU Press, Canberra, 1978, pp. 339 + xix + Index. $7.50.

Peter Hay, Ian Ward and John Warhurst (eds.), Anatomy of an Election, Melbourne, Hall of Content, 1979, pp. vii + 268. Paper.

John Higley, Desley Deacon, Don Smart, Elites in Australia, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1979, pp. xiii + 317.

P.J. Taylor and R.J. Johnston, Geography of Elections, Penquin Education, 1979, pp. 528. $9.50 (recommended).

Stuart A. Bremer, Simulated Worlds: A Computer Model of National Decision‐Making, Princeton University Press 1977, pp. 249.

Michael Clarke, Simulations in the Study of International Relations, G.W. & A. Hesketh 1978, pp. 225.

Colin Campbell and George J. Szablowski, The Super‐bureaucrats: Structure and Behaviour in Central Agencies, Macmillan of Canada, Toronto. x + 286.

Roger Scott (ed.), Interest Groups and Public Policy: Case Studies from the Australian States. Macmillan, Melbourne, 1980.

Michael L. Mezey. Comparative Legislatures. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1979, pp. 317. $17.95.  相似文献   

A Persian Requiem , Simin Daneshvar, trans. Roxane Zand, New York: George Brazillier, Inc., 1992, 279 pp., $12.50.

Epic and Sedition: The Case of Ferdowsi's Shahnameh , Dick Davis, Fayetteville, the University of Arkansas Press, 1992, 222 pp., $30.00.

Modern Capitalism and Islamic Ideology in Iran , Cyrus Bina and Hamid Zangeneh, eds., New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992, 301 pp., incl. bibliography, index, $45.00 (cloth).

Waqf in Central Asia: Four Hundred Years in the History of a Muslim Shrine, 1480–1889 , R. D. McChesney, Princeton University Press, 1991, 319 pp. + Glossary, Bibliography, and Index, $49.50.

Eternal Garden: Mysticism, History, and Politics at a South Asian Sufi Center , Carl W. Ernst, New York: State University of New York Press, 1992, xxxi + 381 pp.

The Warriors of Islam: Iran's Revolutionary Guard , Kenneth Katz‐man, Boulder, San Francisco and London: Westview Press, 1993, 180 pp., Bibliography to page 185, Index to page 192, $42.50.

The Legacy of Medieval Persian Sufism , Leonard Lewisohn, ed., London, New York: Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications, 1992, 434 pp.

Les otages américains à Téhéran , Nouchine Yavari‐d'Hellencourt, Paris: La Documentation Francaise, 1992, 128 pp., FF 95.

Entre l'Iran et l'occident: adaptation et assimilation des idées et techniques occidentales en Iran , Yann Richard, ed., Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1989, 242 pp.

Zerfall der Staatsmacht Persiens unter Nasir ad‐Din Schah Qa?ar (1848–1896): Einblicke in die Machtsverhältnisse am Teheraner Hof nach den Tagebüchern I'timad as‐Saltanas , Mostafa Edjtehadi, Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1992, Islamkundliche Untersuchungen Bd. 161, 184 pp.

Irangeles: Iranians in Los Angeles , Ron Kelley, Jonathan Friedlander and Anita Colby, eds., with photography by Ron Kelley, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993, 381 pp., incl. index, $35.00 (paper).

Sociology in Iran , Ali Akbar Mahdi and Abdolali Lahsaeizadeh, Bethesda, Md.: Jahan Book Company, Middle Eastern Series N 27, 1992, 141 pp., $8.00.

Education and the Making of Modern Iran , David Menashri, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1992, xvii + 328 pp., bibliography (p. 342), index (p. 352).

The Theology of .al‐'Allama al‐Hilli (d. 726/1325) , Sabine Schmidtke, Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, Band 152 (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1991), 260 pp. + bibliography, indices.

Ay kūtah astinan , ’Ali Akbar Sa'idi Sirjani, Costa Mesa, Calif. and Bethesda, Md.: Mazda Publishers (in association with Iranbooks, Inc.), 1991, 263 pp., no price listed.

From Palace to Prison: Inside the Iranian Revolution , Ehsan Naraghi, trans. from the French by Nilou Mobasser, Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1994, ix + 283 pp.

Whirling Dervishes , Shems Friedlander, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991, 160 pp., hard cover $30.50 paperback $12.95.

The History of al‐Tabari (Ta'rikh al‐rusul wa'l‐muluk), vol. XV: The Crisis of the Early Caliphate: The Reign of ‘Uthman, A.D. 644–656/A.H. 24–35, Muhammad b. Jarir al‐Tabari, trans. and annot. R. Stephen Humphreys, Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1990.cover $39.50, paperback $12.95.

An Ocean Without Shore: Ibn Arabi, the Book, and the Law , Michel Chodkiewicz, Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press, 1993, 184 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Johan Galtung, The True Worlds: A Transnational Perspective. The Free Press, New York, 1980, pp. 469. No price given.

Robert C. Johansen, The National Interest and the Human Interest: An Analysis of U.S. Foreign Policy. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N. J., 1980, pp. 517. $US41.00 (cloth),’$US8.75 (paper).

Sir John Crawford and Saburo Okita (eds.), Raw Materials and Pacific Economic Integration. Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1978, pp. 343. $A25.50

Peter MacCawley Department of Economics Australian National University John W. Holmes, The Shaping of Peace: Canada and the Search for World Order. Volume I. 1943–1957. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1979, pp. xviii + 349. $Can 25.00.

Joe Garner, The Commonwealth Office 1925–68. Heinemann, London, 1978, pp. 474. No price given.

Lev Kopelev, No Jail for Thought. Translated and edited by Anthony Austin. Foreword by Heinrich Boll. Afterword by Robert G. Kaiser. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1979, pp. 320. $4.95.

Azeem Amarshi, Kenneth Good and Rex Mortimer, Development and Dependency: the Political Economy of Papua New Guinea. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1979, pp. xvii + 287. $17.50 (cloth), $8.95 (paper).

Paul Harrison, Inside the Third World: The Anatomy of Poverty: Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1979, pp. 480. $7.95. (Revised and updated edition to be published in 1981).

Colin A; Ronan, The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China Vol 1. An abridgement of Joseph Needham's Original Text. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1978, pp. 326. $19.25.

Orikar Marwah and Jonathan D. Pollack (eds.). Military Power and Policy in Asian States: China, India, Japan, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1980. pp. xviii+ 180. $US 18.50.

W. B. Gallie, Philosphers of peace and war: Kant, Clawewitz, Marx, Engels and Tolstoy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1978, pp. 147. $10.25.

Alan Ned Sabrosky, Defense Manpower Policy: A Critical Reappraisal. Monograph 22. Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, 1978, pp. vii + 107. $US4.00.

Marshall E. Daniell Jr., Defence Transportation Organisation: Strategic Mobility in Changing Times. National Defence University, Washington, 1979, pp. 113. No price given.

Martin Middlebrook, The Kaiser's Battle. 21 March 1918: The First Day of the German Spring Offensive. Allen Lane, London, 1978, pp. 431. $14.95.

SIPRI, Armaments or Disarmament? Taylor and Francis, London, 1978, pp. 37.8 Sw. Cr.

P. G. Edwards (ed.), Australia through American Eyes 1935–1945. Observations by American Diplomats. University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1979, pp. xi, 104. $12.95.  相似文献   

State‐building—Formation de l'Etat

P. LE ROUX, Romains d'Espagne. Cités et politique dans les provinces, Paris, Armand Colin, 1995,182 p., cartes, chronologies, glossaire, bibliographie, index.

Janice E. THOMSON, Mercenaries, Pirates and Sovereigns. State‐building and extraterritorial violence in early modern Europe, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1994, xiii + 219 p., ISBN 0691086583.

Isser WOLOCH, The New Regime. Transformations of the French civic order, 1789–1820s, New York & London, W.W. Norton, 1994, 536 p. ISBN 0–393–03591–3.

Marie‐Anne MATARD‐BONUCCI, Histoire de la mafia, Bruxelles, Editions Complexe, 1994, 317 p. ISBN 2–87027–505–6.

Religious history—Histoire religieuse

C. Stephen JAEGER, The Envy of Angels: cathedral schools and social ideals in medieval Europe, 950–1200, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, xvi + 515 p., ISBN 0–8122–3246–1.

Bodo NISCHAN, Prince, People and Confession. The Second Reformation in Brandenburg, Philadephia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, 366 p., 21 black & white illustrations, ISBN 0–8122–3242–9.

Marriage and power—Manage et pouvoir

Martin AURELL, Les Noces du Comte. Mariage et pouvoir en Catalogne (785–1213), Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 1995, 623 p.

Carole LEVIN, The Heart and Stomach of a King. Elizabeth I and the politics of sex and power, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994, ISBN 0–8122–1533–8.

William G. WAGNER, Marriage, Property and Law in Late Imperial Russia, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1994, xiv + 413 p., ISBN 0198204477.

Northern Europe—Europe du Nord

T. KJAERGAARD, The Danish Revolution, 1500‐I800. An ecohistorical interpretation, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, xii + 314 p., ISBN 0521442672.

David KIRBY, The Baltic World 1772–1993: Europe's northern periphery in an age of change, London & New York, Longman, 1995, viii + 472 p., 4 maps, ISBN 0–582–00408‐X (hardback), 0–582–00409–8 (paperback).

Contemporary political history—Histoire politique de l'époque contemporaine

François DUCHENE, Jeen Monnet: the first statesman of interdependence, New York & London, W.W. Norton & Co., 1994, 478 p., ISBN 0393034976, 0393314901.

Romain YAKEMTCHOUK, L'adhésion de la Belgique à l'ONU 1944–1945. La contribution belge à la rédaction de la Charte de San Francisco, Bruxelles, Institut Royal des Relations Internationales, 1995, 207 p.

Kenneth MAXWELL, The Making of Portuguese Democracy, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995, 250 p., ISBN 0–521–46077–8.


Jean BOUTIER et Dominique JULIA (sous la dir. de), Passés recomposés. Champs et chantiers de l'histoire, Autrement, Série Mutations, no. 150–151, 349 p.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
M. P. Skirdo: The People, The Army, The Commander: A Soviet View. United States Air Force, Washington, 1978, pp.166. No price given.

Harold Crouch, The Army and Politics in Indonesia. Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1978.

Brian May, The Indonesian Tragedy. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, Henley and Boston, 1975.

Helge Hveem, The Political Economy of Third World Producer Associations. Monographs from the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo, 1977.

E. L. Wheelwright and Ken Buckley, eds., Essays in the Political Economy of Australian Capitalism. Sydney: Australia and New Zealand Book Company Pty Ltd, 1978. Volume 2: pp.206. Volume 3: pp.210. $6.95 each.

Jim Hyde, Australia: The Asia Connection. Kibble Books, Melbourne, 1978, pp.140. $4.50.

David Pettit and Anne Hall, eds., Selected Readings in Australian Foreign Policy. Third edition. Sorrett, Melbourne, 1978.

B. Chakravorty, Australia's Military Alliances. Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1977, pp.292.

Malcolm Booker, Last Quarter: The Next Twenty‐five Years in Asia and the Pacific. Melbourne University Press, 1978, pp.228. $14.80.

Martin Wight, Power Politics. Ed. Hedley Bull and Carsten Holbraad. Leicester University Press for Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1978.  相似文献   

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