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Results of instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) of Middle and Late Woodland pottery (n = 313) and clay (n = 22) samples from northeastern Florida and southeastern Georgia are presented. Assemblages in this region include Swift Creek Complicated Stamped pottery that preserves unique evidence of social interactions through the inimitable qualities of designs stamped into vessel surfaces. Archaeologists have proffered various hypotheses to explain movement of ceramic vessels or the carved wooden paddles used in the manufacture of these vessels. This study tests these hypotheses and indicates that nonlocal vessels, particularly complicated stamped ones, were deposited almost exclusively in mortuary contexts, a pattern that requires new explanations for the role of pottery in social interactions. These data are being integrated with a larger project that aims to reveal the social processes that were tied to the manufacture, use, and distribution of pottery.  相似文献   

Archaeological studies of plantations need to consider the scale of the historical circumstances which shape locally circumscribed Creole processes. These circumstances range from broad generalizations down to factors operating only at the local level of the individual estate. Recent excavations at Estate Lower Bethlehem, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, have recovered an artifact assemblage from a laborer village dating from the mid-eighteenth century to the first quarter of the nineteenth century, which was situated adjacent to a previously unrecorded cemetery and a large tamarind tree. This assemblage illustrates the importance of a multiscalar approach to Creolization in two ways: an analysis of the distribution of vessel forms of European pottery and “Afro-Cruzan” earthenwares; and the identification of fragments of lead-glazed slip-decorated redware pottery produced by Moravians.  相似文献   

古代保留下来的遗存中陶器最为丰富,承载着我国先民们生产、生活的各类丰富信息本工作是在以往中科院上海硅酸盐研究所和景德镇陶瓷学院等单位对我国早期陶器相关科技研究的基础上,在国家自然科学基金的支持下,结合近年来相关考古机构对我国南方广西桂林甑皮岩、江西万年仙人洞、浙江浦江上山等若干典型遗址出土早期陶器的科技研究积累,对各遗址制陶原料的选取和加工、陶器成型及烧成方法等一系列我国早期陶器制作的工艺特,点、技术内涵等进行了比较分析,以期对我国南方不同文化区系早期陶器的演变和发展有更加深入、全面和客观的认识。  相似文献   

The function and chronology of soapstone vessels in the Eastern Woodlands has been a contentious issue that deserves discussion at a more regional and subregional scale. We provide an overview of the Apple Barn site (40BT90) soapstone vessel assemblage, one of the largest Late Archaic/ Early Woodland collections in the southern Appalachians. Results from residue analysis of pollen, starch, and phytoliths on four vessel fragments reveal the processing of various plants, correlating well with the macrobotanical results from the site. The AMS dates derived from seven sooted samples span ca. 1700 cal. B.C. to ca. 800 cal. B.C., suggesting mundane soapstone vessel use persists later in the southern Appalachians relative to other areas of the Southeast. When soapstone is no longer used at the Apple Barn site, post–750 cal. B.C., there is a significant shift in feature volume and organization, suggesting a change from seasonal group aggregations to semisedentary family tended garden plots. This shift denotes a significant change in foodways where the social and functional ties to soapstone were no longer relevant.  相似文献   

双墩遗址黑陶渗炭工艺初探   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
双墩遗址是淮河流域新石器时代中期的一个重要遗址。该遗址出土了相当数量的黑陶,黑陶的制作工艺有多种,为探明双墩遗址黑陶的制作工艺,采用了XRD、喇曼光谱、重烧试验、显微、岩相、SEM和EDS探针等技术,对双墩遗址出土黑陶和局部发黑陶器进行了综合的测试分析。结果指出,陶器整个表层的黑色物质是炭黑。碳元素沿剖面的分布为:内外表层高而中间低,而内外表层0.6mm范围内炭含量的分布不甚均匀,存在明显的高低起伏,表明双墩遗址主要采用渗炭工艺制作黑陶。  相似文献   

堆子岭化以湖南湘潭县堆子岭遗址为代表,是湘江流域新石器化谱系一个重要的组成部分。堆子岭化以红陶系为主要特征,纹饰复杂,器形以三足器为主,另有圜底器与圈足器。该化可分四期,各期有相应的承袭关系及自身特点。从其特征及源流分析,堆子岭化的来源既有本土因素,也有外来因素。洞庭湖区及汉东皖西南地区的史前化均对其有一定程度的影响。堆子岭化的消失与整个长江中游的史前化变迁有关。  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(3):207-218

Smith and Levy (2008) have published an assemblage of pottery from the copper production centre of Khirbet en-Nahas in Jordan. Based on their interpretation of the 14C dates from the site and contra the accumulated knowledge on the ceramic typology of the Levant they argue that this pottery dates to the Iron I and Iron IIA, and that there was no later activity at the site. We show that much of the Khirbet en-Nahas pottery dates to the Iron IIB–C. We argue that the charcoal samples sent for radiocarbon dating originated from the waste of industrial activity at the site in the Iron I and Iron IIA, while the pottery came from a post-production activity in the Iron IIB–C — an activity that included the construction of a fort on the surface of the site. We propose that the fort was built along the Assyrian Arabian trade route, at the foot of the ascent from the Arabah to the Assyrian headquarters of Buseirah.  相似文献   


The Cadotte site, excavated in 1961, is often cited in archaeological and ethnohistorical literature as an example of a short term, mid-seventeenth century refugee encampment of the Huron and/or Odawa circa 1660–1670. A closer examination of the site assemblage has resulted in a reassessment of the general assumptions regarding the site and its use by Huron and Odawa during the mid-seventeenth century. The ceramic assemblage indicates that the site was occupied much earlier and for a longer period than previously understood, circa 1620–1670. This is supported by the European trade goods assemblage. It is also argued that the site served a specialized function, as a place of seasonal rendezvous for the Ontario Odawa and their central Algonquin trading partners. Further, the character of the pottery suggests that a portion of the sample may reflect Algonquin mimicry of Ontario Wendat traditions. The revised understanding of the time depth and function of the site, as well as the character of its associated ceramic assemblage, has also prompted the reconsideration of the identity of the Algonquin groups who visited the island, and the antiquity of the Ojibwe presence at this locale.  相似文献   

Archaeologists have recovered pottery trowels in excavations at numerous historic and pre-Columbian archaeological sites in North America since the late nineteenth century. Despite these facts, pottery trowels have not been the subject of thorough scientific analysis or interpretation. In this study, I define and implement a new method of analysis for pottery trowels, using a sample of 188 pottery trowels from the Mississippian site of Angel Mounds (12VG1). After describing the quantitative and qualitative attributes of pottery trowels, I define categories of frequently occurring pottery trowel bell and handle types. The extensive variability of pottery trowel shapes and sizes discovered at Angel Mounds is then discussed with regard to alternative or multiple uses for the tools and the spatial and temporal distributions of pottery trowel types. As an artifact type that provides opportunities to analyze technology, craft production and specialization, and daily practices in past societies, I argue pottery trowels may hold important future insights into a number of topics of interest to archaeologists.  相似文献   

An assemblage of pottery and bricks recovered during two seasons of diving has been sorted by fabric and vessel type, quantified and analysed. A substantial quantity of Italian maiolica, including examples in the grotesque style, and others from Montelupo and other Italian manufactories, has been considered from an art historical perspective, while a range of more utilitarian earthenwares, including olive jars and micaceous redwares, are also present. The chronology of this assemblage is discussed, together with the functions of particular types and an interpretation of the origin of the ship on which they were carried.
© 2004 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

Summary.   The analysis of charred plant material from Castelo Velho (north-eastern Portugal) yields information about the environmental background of a long-term architectural project. Work focuses on the physical characteristics of this sui generis site and on the interrelationships between human communities and their vegetal environment. Important vegetation changes are recorded despite the fact that site 'occupation' is considered to be sporadic and therefore causing only minor anthropogenic impact. Evergreen oaks (Quercus, evergreen) dominate during the first two stratigraphic layers but are replaced by the tree-strawberry (Arbutus unedo) during a third layer. This change may result from a premeditated woodland management, ensuring that the site remained visible in the distance. Special attention is given to the plant assemblage and broken pottery found in a sealed structure (layer 3) and thought to have served a 'ritual' purpose. Seeds of Triticum aestivum/compactum are largely predominant.  相似文献   

One of the basic challenges facing archaeology is translating surface evidence into population estimates with sufficient chronological resolution for demographic analysis. The problem is especially acute when one is working with sites inhabited across multiple chronological periods and the production curves for pottery types are unknown. In this paper, I present a Bayesian statistical method which I call uniform probability density analysis that is tailored to this situation. This method combines uniform distributions derived from the local pottery chronology with pottery assemblage data to reconstruct the population history of individual settlements. I also illustrate applications of this method at the site and regional level using data from Cuyamungue and the surrounding Tewa Basin/VEP II New Mexico project area. The results allow one to identify a period of significant population movement corresponding to the period of Tewa ethnogenesis in the thirteenth century CE.  相似文献   

该遗址位于广西贵港市上江口村郁江边。1996年发掘,堆积共3层,可分两期,约为新石器时代中期、晚期。发掘证明了一期遗存早于二期遗存。前者出细长、厚体的石器,陶片以夹粗砂的红褐陶、红陶为主,胎较厚,饰绳纹,可见罐、釜类;后者出宽短、薄体的石器,陶片以夹砂红褐陶为主,新出胎薄的夹细砂黑陶和泥质红褐陶,除素面外,见拍印曲折纹等,有鼎、甑等。二期新出双肩石器和南传的陶鼎,文化面貌有了变化。  相似文献   

In this article, we present the results of application of petrographic and neutron activation analyses to a group of pottery fragments dating to the 12th century BCE deriving from ancient Eleon (Boeotia, Greece) as a means of investigating regional and interregional networks in which the site participated. Production centres in Boeotia and central Euboea provided, as could be expected, the majority of sampled pottery across various shapes. A number of more distant areas, however, such as eastern Attica, the Cyclades, Macedonia, and western Crete, are also documented in the present study, suggesting their products were available to local consumers at ancient Eleon. These results are discussed with reference to consumer preferences and exchange networks operating at that time. Finally, some of the identified petrographic and chemical groups can be securely identified at the macroscopic level, allowing us to arrive at conclusions pertinent to a substantial part of the entire pottery assemblage.  相似文献   


Archaeological excavation in 2007 on the site of a late 18th-century brewery and associated pump-house at Royal Clarence Yard, Gosport uncovered an assemblage of pottery within the backfill of the latter structure. This was one of a small number of Admiralty victualling yards responsible for the provisioning of ships and shore establishments of the Royal Navy at home and overseas. Analysis of the pottery and other finds, supplemented by documentary research, has provided an opportunity to study items distributed by the yard to the messes of ships of the Royal Navy in the early 20th century.  相似文献   

Perhaps nowhere in European prehistory does the idea of clearly-defined cultural boundaries remain more current than in the initial Neolithic, where the southeast–northwest trend of the spread of farming crosses what is perceived as a sharp divide between the Balkans and central Europe. This corresponds to a distinction between the Vin?a culture package, named for a classic site in Serbia, with its characteristic pottery assemblage and absence of longhouses, and the Linearbandkeramik (LBK), with equally diagnostic but different pottery, and its apparently culturally-diagnostic longhouses, extending in a more northerly belt through central Europe westward to the Dutch coast. In this paper we question the concept of such a clear division through a presentation of new data from the site of Szederkény-Kukorica-d?l?. A large settlement in southeast Transdanubia, Hungary, excavated in advance of road construction, Szederkény is notable for its combination of pottery styles, variously including Vin?a A, Ra?i?te and LBK, and longhouses of a kind otherwise familiar from the LBK world. Formal modelling of its date establishes that the site probably began in the later 54th century cal BC, lasting until the first decades of the 52nd century cal BC. Occupation, featuring longhouses, pits and graves, probably began at the same time in the eastern and western parts of the settlement, starting a decade or two later in the central part; the western part was probably the last to be abandoned. Vin?a pottery is predominantly associated with the eastern and central parts of the site, and Ra?i?te pottery with the west. Formal modelling of the early history of longhouses in the LBK world suggests their emergence in the Formative LBK of Transdanubia c. 5500 cal BC followed by rapid dispersal in the middle of the 54th century cal BC, associated with the ‘earliest’ (älteste) LBK. The adoption of longhouses at Szederkény thus appears to come a few generations after the start of this ‘diaspora’. Rather than explaining the mixture of things, practices and perhaps people at Szederkény with reference to problematic notions such as hybridity, we propose instead a more fluid and varied vocabulary, encompassing combination and amalgamation, relationships and performance in the flow of social life, and networks; this makes greater allowance for diversity and interleaving in a context of rapid change.  相似文献   

20世纪上半叶,中外学者在呼伦贝尔大草原调查发现以细石器为代表的新石器时代文化遗存,迄今已达240多处,细石器遗存最早的时代可能已到中石器时代。中国社会科学院考古研究所中国细石器研究课题组于2003年8—9月对呼伦贝尔辉河水坝细石器遗址进行调查和发掘,出土大量文化遗物,发现细石器制作现场,清理居住、篝火、灰坑等遗迹;2004年又对该遗址进行补充发掘,清理墓葬一座。本文报告以上两年度发掘该遗址的主要收获。  相似文献   

Summary. This paper looks at how the process of acculturation can be detected in the archaeological record. It considers the specific case of acculturation in the Upper Rhine during the early Roman period and attempts to demonstrate how archaeological material can be used to evaluate social changes. Various aspects of the pottery assemblage, which relate to different aspects of pottery production and use, are considered such as production technology, style, and form. Many of the changes result from cultural changes which occurred as a result of interaction between the Roman and local peoples. Other works concerning acculturation are reviewed to determine what types of factors are involved in the process. These factors are considered, in relation to the Upper Rhine, in a discussion of the changes in the pottery and how they relate to social changes. Various explanatory models are proposed.  相似文献   

Neutron activation analysis of pottery was established at Bonn in 1983 and has since become one of the primary archaeometry‐based analytical techniques at the facility. A brief history of the laboratory and a discussion of the best relative fit procedure for pottery is provided. When comparing concentration data for pottery, a best relative fit should always be considered. This mathematical procedure generally results in ‘sharper’ concentration patterns and improves the separability of chemically not very different compositional groups. This is demonstrated for a set of 30 Late Cypriot (Myc. IIIC1) pottery samples from Sinda, Cyprus, which allow formation of a good reference pattern for this site. Applying factors in the range of 0.82–1.43, a number of samples from Egypt and Palestine can be assigned with high probability to a Cypriot origin.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(1):164-181

The Crystal River site (8CI1), located on Florida’s westcentral Gulf Coast, has long been counted among the most impressive yet inscrutable archaeological sites in the eastern United States. Excavations by C. B. Moore in the early twentieth century produced a number of artifacts with apparent Hopewellian affiliations, thus indicating an occupation during the Middle Woodland period. However, other features of the site—particularly the presence of flat-topped mounds and negative-painted pottery—suggested a later (Mississippian) date. This apparent conflict cast a cloud of confusion over the site, exacerbated by the later discovery of three purported limestone stelae. We present new insights into Crystal River based partly on new field work, including detailed topographic mapping, geophysical survey, and limited small-diameter coring. These field investigations, when combined with radiocarbon dates and the data gleaned from previous investigations, allow us to make new inferences regarding the chronology of settlement and mound construction at Crystal River. Specifically, we posit, based on these data, a greater degree of planning, structure, and complexity to the site from its founding, possibly as early as cal. 300 B.C. Further, these early practices impact the overarching historical trajectory of the site, guiding subsequent practices over a long time span, likely as late as cal A.D. 600.  相似文献   

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