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The wave-wave interaction theory has been used successfully in describing one class of weakly non-linear wave phenomena. The application of this theory to the atmosphere shows the possibilities of energy and momentum transfer among three interacting gravity waves, as well as from the gravity wave to the other modes of motion. It has been found that the non-resonant interaction of a gravity wave with two vortical modes can proceed at a reasonably rapid rate. With the gravity wave viewed as the primary wave and the two vortical modes as the secondary waves, the interaction equation can be linearized and solved. The resulting analytic formula gives the growth rate of the interaction. In the absence of the Earth's rotation, the growth is limited to a threshold effect. The theory shows that whenever the horizontal air parcel velocity of a gravity wave exceeds a factor of √2 times the horizontal trace velocity of the wave, energy and momentum transfer from the gravity wave to the vortical modes can proceed. The rotation of the Earth will blur this threshold effect by making the interaction more likely to occur. Thus, through this mechanism, a gravity wave can transfer its energy and momentum to the horizontal velocity field in the vortical mode. In this sense, the small scale vortical motions would serve as the sink of both energy and momentum of a propagating gravity wave. When scales of vortical modes reach sufficiently small values, dissipation through viscosity becomes important. At this scale and smaller, the vortical modes are damped out quickly and its energy spectrum must exhibit a sharp decay.  相似文献   

Waves are an important process responsible for the initiation and subsequent development of intertidal shore platforms. However, few field studies to date have described wave processes on shore platforms. A field experiment was conducted using an across‐shore array of wave gauges, including a directional sensor, on a near‐horizontal platform at Mahia Peninsula, North Island, New Zealand. Results show that the platform is very efficient in filtering wave energy at gravity wave frequencies (>0.05 Hz), with 40–80% reduction in wave height measured across the 140 m wide platform. By contrast, infragravity waves are present on the platform and increase in magnitude towards the cliff toe. Directional wave analysis indicates that wave reflection is mainly restricted to infragravity wave frequencies, demonstrating the differences in gravity and infragravity wave behaviour on the platform studied. Results indicate that, under fair weather conditions, the role of waves as an agent of cliff toe erosion is likely to be limited at present, although they are probably important for removing sediments accumulated at the cliff toe. The observed increase in infragravity wave energy towards the cliff toe implies that these long‐period waves may be important geomorphic agents on shore platforms.  相似文献   

Measurements of the surf zone wave field and morphology were obtained from a multi‐barred beach in a fetch‐limited, strong‐wind bay (Seaford, southeastern Australia) during both low‐ and high‐energy conditions. Analysis of the infragravity energy present during high‐energy events (onshore winds >7 ms?1) revealed that it was broad‐banded, consisting of a mixture of standing and progressive motions and displaying daily variations in standing wave length scales. Infragravity standing waves were therefore not considered significant to the formation and migration of bars at Seaford during this study, with bar behaviour during high energy events potentially attributable to either breaking wave‐bed return flow and/or self‐organisational mechanisms.  相似文献   

An approximate formula is obtained for ordinary mode refractive index for the case of almost perpendicular propagation in a hot anisotropic plasma with a loss cone. It is pointed out that the influence of electron finite temperature on wave propagation is stronger when the wave frequency is close to the first two harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency. Ordinary mode energy focusing in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field can occur only in those regions of the magnetosphere, where the electron gyrofrequency is close to the electron plasma frequency. Ordinary mode waves are usually trapped in the vicinity of the magnetospheric equator and so their energy can be concentrated in this region.  相似文献   

The role of gravity waves for the momentum and heat budget of the atmosphere between approximately 70 and 110 km height is considered. Parameterization schemes for vertical gravity wave diffusivity, generalized Rayleigh friction, viscous force, heat conduction and kinetic energy dissipation are reviewed. Eddy diffusion parameterization and its relation to the gravity wave approach is also discussed and it is shown that principal similarities exist in both concepts, especially when irregular (stochastic) contributions to the perturbations are modeled. Special attention is paid to the dissipation of perturbation kinetic energy and its contribution to the heat budget of the mesopause region. It is concluded that the amount of energy which can be attributed to the part of the gravity wave spectrum contributing to generalized Rayleigh friction above the mesopause is of the order of 10% of the total perturbation energy.  相似文献   

Weathering forms were encountered during field work in a formerly glaciated shield area in Canada that lies within the Labrador‐Ungava sector of the former Laurentide Ice Sheet. The granite and gneissic granite in the study area display features of surface weathering, such as weathering pits, and of deep weathering, such as an exposed weathering front with associated gravelly saprolite and core stones. Most observations were made along the shoreline of the Caniapiscau reservoir, where wave abrasion since the construction of a hydropower dam has lead to recent exposure of bedrock over extensive areas. The saprolite remnants emphasise the importance of weathering processes in shaping of bedrock relief in the area and together with the other weathering forms indicate restricted glacial erosion. The weathering forms are discussed in the context of glacial erosion and preservation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Microseismic (MS) technology has been widely adopted for monitoring coal and rock dynamic disasters. Insights into MS wave characteristics contribute to the accurate prediction of these disasters. In this study, MS wave characteristics were analysed from three aspects: the signal spectra, wavelet packet energy and fractal features. It is shown that prior to the rock burst, the MS wave main frequency decreased following a power law, the amplitude linearly increased, the wavelet packet energy tended to become concentrated on the low frequency bands, and the correlation dimension decreased. When the rock burst occurred, the MS wave main frequency, wavelet packet energy and correlation dimension declined to their lowest levels. Meanwhile, the amplitude rose to a maximum. Therefore, the MS wave characteristics in this study were found to effectively identify and extract precursor information of value for predicting rock dynamic disasters.  相似文献   

We present the results of high-resolution observations of the vertical velocity field obtained with the EISCAT and SOUSY VHF radars near the high-latitude summer mesopause during the MAC/SINE campaign in northern Norway in 1987. The data reveal an energetic motion field with maximum amplitudes of ~ 10 m/s and characteristic periods of ~5–30 min. Motions exhibit a high degree of vertical coherence and a quasi-periodic structure, with typical durations of 5–10 cycles. Estimates of the mean vertical velocity are downward at lower levels and are near zero or positive at greater heights. The mean vertical velocity variance is found to be ~5 m2/s2, consistent with other high-latitude measurements. Frequency spectra computed for each radar are found to exhibit considerable variability, while vertical wavenumber spectra are seen to be somewhat variable in amplitude and to have slopes approaching −3 at lower wavenumbers. These results are suggestive of an energetic spectrum of gravity wave motions near the mesopause that has a large vertical flux of wave energy, that may have observed wave frequencies differing significantly from intrinsic frequencies due to Doppler shifting by large horizontal winds, and that is consistent with the separability of the frequency and wavenumber dependence of the motion spectrum and with gravity wave saturation at sufficiently small vertical scales.  相似文献   

An approximate formula is obtained for the extraordinary mode refractive index for the case of almost perpendicular propagation in a hot anisotropic plasma with a loss cone. It is pointed out that the influence of finite electron temperature on perpendicular wave propagation is most significant when the wave frequency is close to the upper hybrid frequency and the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency. For oblique propagation this influence is significant when the wave frequency is close to the upper hybrid frequency and the first two harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency.Extraordinary mode energy focusing in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field is considered for different plasma parameters. In particular, it is stressed that at frequencies close to the first harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency, this focusing occurs even for low temperature plasma, although this result does not originate from cold plasma theory.Extraordinary mode energy trapping in the vicinity of the equatorial plane of the magnetosphere is considered with a simple model plasma distribution function. It is emphasised that this kind of trapping provides a convincing explanation for Auroral Kilometric Radiation (AKR) observations at frequencies close to the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency.  相似文献   

High power radio waves can modify the ionospheric electron density distribution to produce field aligned plasma irregularities which give rise to the anomalous absorption of HF radio waves. The coefficient of anomalous absorption of a vertically propagated radio wave due to scattering from field aligned irregularities has been calculated, taking into account the effects of the geomagnetic field on electron motions. These results are compared with those of other theoretical models. Furthermore, the scale lengths of field aligned irregularities produced by a high power radio wave during recent high latitude modification experiments have been determined from measurements of the anomalous absorption by means of this theory.  相似文献   

Freshwater resources in past diets can lead to inaccuracies when attempts are made to ascertain their radiocarbon ages or those of the consumers. Radiocarbon reservoir effects may lead to significant age offsets when the bones or other tissues of these consumers are radiocarbon dated. A number of recent studies have investigated freshwater reservoir offsets. However no study thus far has satisfactorily obtained a ubiquitous freshwater reservoir correction due to variability in the ecosystems analysed. This study tests the possibility of predicting freshwater reservoir effects from the carbonate alkalinity of the water with measurements on modern fish bone and water samples. A predictive capability would be especially valuable in the absence of well-preserved archaeological fish bone. We surveyed samples from lakes and rivers in varying geological settings in Britain and Ireland. Modern fish bone and water samples were analysed to investigate modern radiocarbon offsets from the atmosphere. Archaeological fish bone was also analysed to examine past reservoir offsets at selected sites. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values were measured to aid in interpretation of any variability in the offsets. Large freshwater reservoir offsets were measured in some modern and archaeological samples (maximum offset = 1638 14C years). The freshwater reservoir offsets in the fish bone were highly correlated with alkalinity of water in modern lake sites analysed. However, a high amount of variation within and between fish species was also evident in the results, precluding the possibility of providing regional corrections for freshwater reservoir offsets from alkalinity although this still may provide a general guideline. The variability is thought to be due to differences in the diet of individual fish.  相似文献   

To illustrate the basic features of magnetospheric topology, the development of a global model is traced from the superposition of dipole and uniform fields to the effects of adding, in turn, diffusion regions, surface currents and a magnetic field component normal to the magnetopause. The subsolar, antiparallel, tearing and patchy merging geometries proposed in the past all emerge under various conditions, but models that deduce merging geometry from global boundary conditions are lacking. An exception is a model in which the external field merges wherever it falls tangent to the magnetopause. The result is a subsolar merging line that has all the characteristics of early sketches based on local arguments. Magnetosheath plasma beta affects magnetospheric topology and, consequently, merging geometry. Low, high and variable beta favor subsolar, tearing and patchy merging, respectively. Proposed flux transfer event models of bursty reconnection from a single merging line, flux ropes from multiple merging lines and flux tube elbows from patches can also be categorized by plasma beta in the same respective order. The topological modeling reviewed here may prove to be most useful for interpreting merging results from MHD simulations.  相似文献   

By the full-wave algorithm with Fourier synthesis, 3-D propagation of a whistler beam incident on the pre-dawn lower ionosphere at very low latitude is numerically investigated. Processes of transmission, reflection, and coupling with the Earth-ionosphere waveguide are discussed via the wave energy and polarisation distributions and their dependence on the wave parameters and the ionospheric profile (such as the Es-layer). It is shown that the dominant wave above 90 km altitude has the propagation characteristics of the magneto-ionic whistler mode, and absorption, spreading, reflection and mode conversion mainly occur at, and are greatly affected by, the bottom of the ionosphere. It is found that the transmitted energy density along the Earth's surface is reduced by 20 dB or more. Beam transmission loss varies asymmetrically with the incident angle, but changes little with the frequency. In the region 150 km (for 5 kHz) away from the ‘exit area’ where whistlers emerge, the bearing measurements using ground-based VLF direction-finders may be in error because direction-finding algorithms assume plane wave propagation. Only a small portion (about −25 dB at 5 kHz) of the incident energy is reflected up to an altitude of 150 km, and major reflection takes place in a small range of altitude at the bottom of the ionosphere with little spreading and lateral shift with respect to the incident beam. Reflection is enhanced considerably at lower frequency. Our results also suggest that an Es-layer or an ionospheric gradient refracting waves to higher latitudes would be favorable factors for multi-hop echoes to be received on the ground.  相似文献   

The vertical structure of AGW (atmospheric gravity wave) associated fluctuations of ionospheric plasma parameters for the 100–240 km altitude range in the daytime of 7 September 1988 has been investigated by making use of the data provided by the Tromsø measurements in the EISCAT CP1 observation mode.The wave power profile vs height has been studied by integrating the power spectral density in each altitude. The essential feature of the power variation can be explained in terms of the energy conservation of AGWs propagating in a dissipative thermosphere. Intrinsic propagation parameters of the dominant AGW have been successfully estimated with a method based on the retrieval of the Doppler effect due to the horizontal prevailing wind. From the fluctuation structure analysis in a time-altitude frame, a downcoming AGW has been clearly identified. This downcoming wave might have been reflected from a wind shear at the altitude around 200 km, which is inferred from the meridional prevailing wind profile.  相似文献   

Features of mid-latitude ionospheric propagation of geomagnetic pulsations are studied. It is shown that the orientation of the horizontal component of the incident wave vector with reference to the geomagnetic meridian has a strong influence on the amplitude transformation and on the angle of rotation of the polarization plane. The effect of different conductivities of the Earth's crust and the contribution of Hall currents to the total pulsation field in the case of an inclined geomagnetic field are also considered.  相似文献   

The Eppalock Soil Conservation Project (ESCP) is a celebrated ‘whole-of-catchment’ management project implemented upstream of Lake Eppalock reservoir in Victoria, Australia. In 1959, a Victorian Parliamentary Public Works Committee (PPWC) found that the enlarged reservoir would be endangered by sedimentation as a result of severe erosion in the catchment. One of the main objectives of the ESCP was therefore to minimise the amount of sediment entering Lake Eppalock. The reservoir has not subsequently filled with sediment, and this fact has been used to suggest that the catchment scheme was successful in preventing reservoir sedimentation. It is argued here, however, that the estimate of sedimentation presented by the PPWC was inflated and that, even in the absence of a catchment management scheme, Lake Eppalock was not in danger of losing a significant proportion of its capacity to sedimentation. The proponents of the ESCP may have overstated the sedimentation threat to provide justification for what has become an outstanding catchment management project. Prior to the ESCP and despite overpowering evidence, successive governments had failed to respond to the threat of soil erosion. The immediate threat to a large public asset provided the politically powerful lever that was required to justify a total catchment approach to erosion control. Given the circumstances leading up to the 1959 PPWC Inquiry, the actions of the ESCP proponents cannot be criticised. However, this study provides a timely reminder that we cannot accept the apparent achievements of natural resource management projects without first examining the science and politics driving the project.  相似文献   

This article deals with the seismic analysis of the dam-foundation coupled system considering direct coupling approach using displacement based finite element method. A cone-type local non-reflecting boundary condition (NRBC) is adopted to model the semi-infinite soil domain. The reservoir effect adjacent to dam body has also been incorporated in the analysis. The results depict the superiority of the proposed NRBC in absorbing spurious wave reflections over the traditional viscous boundary conditions. The analysis results show that the dynamic response of the dam gets highly affected due to the consideration of the elastic foundation domain at its base.  相似文献   

The propagation of a ducted whistler-mode wave is considered for the case in which the wave normal has an azimuthal component. The meridional gradient in electron density associated with the duct is taken to be sufficient to keep the meridional component of the wave normal close to the direction of the ambient magnetic field. Because of the strong anisotropy effects at whistler-mode frequencies, this may lead to a considerable difference, even in cross-meridian propagation, from the unducted case, where there is no such constraint. When there is axial symmetry, the deflection in longitude may be found by a series of elementary steps followed by quadrature, and results are presented for a dipole magnetic field and realistic plasmaspheric density models. For the case of an azimuthal density gradient, a first-order theory is given in which the variation in longitude is given by quadrature, and results are shown exhibiting the dependence on frequency and on the density model used. The case of a duct limited in longitude is also discussed. Here., the ray path oscillates in longitude, and a simple analysis enables the `wavelength' and the relative amplitude of the oscillation to be estimated in terms of the density enhancement and the azimuthal width of the duct. Finally, in an Appendix, the effects of the oscillation in the meridional component of the wave normal. which are second-order, are analysed.  相似文献   

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