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李宁 《人文地理》2003,18(4):48-52
知识经济是21世纪的主导经济。新经济的出现必然会给人类的产业活动带来深远的影响。作为经济活动载体的经济地域必将伴随着这种影响发生深刻的"变革"。最终引起经济地域景观形态的全新变化。一方面表现为经济地域空间结构(即其核心、外围、网络及三者组合关系)将发生根本性的变化;另一方面,经济地域空间结构的变化将使得经济地域的外观形态以全新的面貌展现给世人。本文在明确经济地域景观形态基本内涵的基础上,对知识经济带来的经济地域景观要素及其组合关系的新变化作了较系统地阐述。进而对知识经济时代经济地域的景观形态作了定性、定量的展望。  相似文献   

区域产业结构演变城市化响应形态的演化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘艳军 《人文地理》2011,26(3):65-70
引入"产业结构演变的城市化响应形态"的概念,从单一城市和城市群体两个空间层次构建产业结构演变城市化响应形态的理论模型,揭示产业结构演变城市化响应形态演化的一般规律,得出以下结论:伴随着经济发展以及产业结构的优化升级,城市从单一的城市形态逐渐向城市群体空间形态演化,从都市区到城市整合体,城市群体形态不断发展演化。在现代快速化、立体化交通体系的支撑下,城市(城市群体)迅速走向区域,并最终向区域空间功能一体化形态演化。并以长春市为研究案例,进一步印证了产业结构演变城市化响应形态演化的一般规律。  相似文献   

新休假制度对我国居民出游行为的影响及旅游业应对策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王伟红 《旅游科学》2009,23(3):62-68
本文认为,新的休假制度将对居民出游行为产生影响:假日短线游增加,个性化、休闲化旅游成趋势,远程游将集中在假期、十一、春节、带薪年休假,而节日“小长假”将被亲情友情所“包裹”。旅游业必须转变观念,调整产品结构,提高产品质量,完善旅游服务,改进营销方式,从而应对新的休假制度。  相似文献   


After introducing influences which will affect mechanization of agriculture over the next 50 years, the review deals separately with three aspects of equipment on farms. These are machinery for arable farming, equipment used in livestock husbandry, and the hardware and software likely to assist farm management. The bulk of crop production is predicted to be carried out by a system of field gantries which will replace today's tractor and implements. The gantries will be fitted with automatic guidance but will still carry an operator who will be provided with extensive monitoring instrumentation. Second, monitoring of livestock growth or yield will be computer based. Health and breeding will also be automatically monitored and controlled, and farm staff will be aided by a robot, whose functions will include remote viewing and sensing, routine animal and feed handling operations, and assistance with animal herding. Computers will be used extensively in farm management with on-farm machines linked permanently to national information data banks, to suppliers and organizations who purchase from the farm and to consultant organizations. Computers will also be used for planning decisions based on operational research predictive methods and particularly for daily work planning.  相似文献   

Hugh Gusterson argues, based on his experience in the U.S. university system, that the marketization of higher education can be expected to have perverse consequences. Universities will focus on branding and capturing research funding rather than teaching; students will increasingly see a degree as something they buy and will put pressure on faculty to lower grading standards; many students will also be forced by tuition expenses to work while they are in college, and will therefore have less time to study; and some will turn their backs on their true vocations in favor of courses of study that will enable them to repay their tuition debt. As the British university system increasingly resembles its American counterpart in cost and style, British faculty and students will feel increasingly tempted to study or teach in the U.S. system.  相似文献   

加入世界贸易组织对中国农业发展的影响及其对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
新一轮中国加入世界贸易组织多边谈判的开始,标志着中国入世进程的加快。中国作为一个有8亿多农民的农业大国,入世后农业的发展将首当其冲地受到影响。本文研究了加入世贸组织对中国农业产生的影响及应采取的措施。认为:中国加入世贸组织将有利于优化农产品出口的国际市场,有利于国际贸易争端的有效解决,有利于促进中国农村经济体制的改革;入世后随着进口关税的降低和我国农村经济体制存在的固有矛盾,国内农产品市场将遭受前所未有的压力,国内粮食生产将受到一定的冲击,且一定时期内政府用于进口农产品的外汇将显著增加;国际市场对我国不同种类农产品的生产及贸易产生的影响具有显著的差异性;加入WTO对中国农业发展的影响是机遇和挑战并存,有必要采取积极可行的措施促进中国农业的稳定发展以保证国家粮食的安全。  相似文献   

Prompted by a series of panel sessions at a recent American Association of Geographers annual meeting entitled “A Globe‐Shaped Crystal Ball: The Next Fifty Years of Geographical Analysis,” participants were asked to speculate on the future of the journal, which of course has broader implications for spatial and geographic analytics. In what follows, I provide my thoughts on the journal as a reader, contributor, referee, and former editor of Geographical Analysis. The major points touched upon include the following. First, application to address substantive concerns will come to dominate the field. Second, the spatial data deluge will continue unabated, but will lead to important advances because of better detail and less abstraction of reality. Third, analytical methods will evolve specifically for big data. Fourth, the point‐and‐click revolution will result in ever more use of spatial analytics, but also will lend itself to greater and more widespread abuse of these methods. Fifth, addressing assumptions and theoretical foundations of long utilized approaches will revolutionize a new generation of spatial analytics. Sixth, geographic uncertainty and bias will be more than an afterthought, and methods will emerge to support meaningful analysis. Finally, spatial optimization will have increased prominence in fundamental analysis, particularly associated with establishing and evaluating significance.  相似文献   

A Soviet economic geographer uses a popular science monthly to predict some of the changes that may be expected in the Soviet Union over the next three decades. Urban population will tend to live in middle-size cities rather than gigantic urban complexes or excessively small settlements. Farm yields will be increased through more intensive use of the land. Conventional fuels and hydroelectricity will not be challenged by atomic power except in remote areas lacking other energy sources. Heavy industry will continue a gradual eastward shift beyond the Urals but will not be matched by an equal flow of population, which will remain concentrated in the European part of the country.  相似文献   

This article will discuss the issue of Kirkuk and its development, going back to its historical roots and development. The Kurdish and non‐Kurdish arguments will be presented. Also, the issue will be analyzed in the light of the current situation in Iraq. Some solutions to the problem will be proposed, to help keep Iraq intact as a federal state.  相似文献   

新经济时代我国特大城市发展与空间组织   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
吕拉昌 《人文地理》2004,19(2):17-21
新经济的发展将会全面提升我国特大城市的发展,影响城市的空间组织。本文认为,新经济对我国特大城市发展的主要影响有:促进城市的产业结构提升;促进新经济时代的城市基础设施"数字城市"的建设;促进城市创新环境--生产服务业发展。在新经济推动下,建立有效的知识通道将成为我国特大城市空间组织的一个重要原则,因此,知识源的选择、知识传导的路径及通道,知识使用地的吸引构造以及与软要素构成创新环境的规划、协调、共生将成为城市规划的重要研究课题。  相似文献   

This paper will consider a number of issues. Section 1 will introduce the paper, establishing why reliable internationally comparable statistics on cultural participation are needed. Section 2 will address the major and various difficulties that arise in comparing national surveys, both over time and to each other. Section 3 will consider the problems that persist even with cross-national surveys for comparative purposes. Section 5 will conclude the paper with some policy recommendations.  相似文献   


After telephone, radio, television, telex and data networks, it will be communication satellites, comsats, which will bring the greatest benefits to the Developing World, particularly through direct broadcasting. A warning is given for the future, to choose wisely between competing facilities and the distinction between regulations and controls is emphasized. An end of censorship is foreseen, as freedom of information will inevitably come about and even poor countries will be able to rent the facilities of 'electronic tutors'. It is forecast that by the year 2000 these 'weapons of peace' will be available for all Mankind.  相似文献   

This article reflects on Hayden White's understanding of the subject and explores how best to move forward discussions in theory of history after his arguments about narrativity. To do so, I reconsider his arguments in light of more recent feminist and queer theorizations. Through a reconstruction of the current international new wave of feminism and LGBTQ+ activism as a rich and complex social movement that involves a narration of its own (practical) past, I will recontextualize and revaluate White's insight from the perspective of Judith Butler's theory of subject formation. The argument will unfold in four parts. First, I will recall White's ironic and existential stance on language and narrativity in the representation of reality and in relation to social beliefs. Second, I will again raise the question of the value of narrativity, as framed by White, in the context of the publication of a recent feminist manifesto. It is here that another issue will emerge as crucial: the relationship between the limits of linguistic self-consciousness and the question of the subject. In the third part, my argument will take a partial turn “against White” and toward Butler's subject formation theory. My claim will be that there is a residue of the belief in the sovereign individual in White's insistence on self-consciousness. However, I will also show that his suspicion regarding the psychological impulse toward narrative closure can be re-elaborated as the challenge Butler is facing with their theory of subject formation: that of critically resisting the belief in our being coherent and self-sufficient individuals. In the fourth part, I will present Butler's refiguration of the thesis of the subject's opacity in terms of the primary relationality that binds human beings to one another, and I will offer a new understanding of the individual, norms, agency, infancy, and ethics. Finally, I will conclude that we are bodies in history and that theory of history can find a promising line of research through this conception of the subject, a conception that reframes how we understand the intimate links between political consciousness, historicity, and embodiment. I also claim that this line of research constitutes an ethics for our historical undoing.  相似文献   

In this essay I will place Yeats's enigmatic text A Vision in the context of contemporary science, challenging constructions of Yeats's career as committedly anti-scientific. As I will show, Yeats's philosophy is in fact merely anti-Newtonian and anti-positivist, as relativistic science was not incompatible with his occult interests. I will offer an alternative reading of this text, explaining key aspects of its construction in relation to the post-Einsteinian revolution in cosmology, which, I will argue, was ultimately creatively enabling for him.  相似文献   

王东海 《攀登》2008,27(3):121-123
2008年北京的人文奥运不仅批判地继承了奥林匹克文化的超越精神,而且阐明了人本主义的价值取向。从和谐的角度来阐释奥林匹克精神,有利于处理现代社会所面临的人文危机以及奥林匹克自身的矛盾冲突。奥林匹克精神强调求同存异,从这个意义上说,它寻求的是人类的整体利益,对于消除国家和民族间的矛盾冲突,增进彼此理解,起到了极大的推动作用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this paper the impact of spatial and nonspatial variables on the innovation potential and innovativeness of (small) industrial firms in The Netherlands will be analyzed. Innovation potential and innovativeness will be conceived as latent variables which will be measured by a partial least squares approach. The variables reflecting innovation potential are notably input variables such as internal and external R&D, while innovativeness will be based on output indicators such as the number of product and process innovations. The regional dimension enters our analysis essentially at two levels. First, we will investigate whether more innovative firms are to some extent spatially biased (i.e., on the basis of intrafirm characteristics). Secondly, we will analyze the relevance of an indigenous regional impact, per se. In other words, we will examine whether firms with an equal innovation capacity will differ in actual (i.e., realized) innovativeness as a consequence of different regional conditions. For the first issue, our results indicate that not all regions are equally well-endowed with potentially innovative (small) firms. Our analysis even demonstrates that these firms are underrepresented in regions which are generally considered to offer the most favorable production environment. After compensating for these differences in the composition of the regional set of firms, we demonstrate that an indigenous regional impact per se cannot be identified in The Netherlands.  相似文献   

试论休闲发展的趋势及其对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
楼嘉军 《旅游科学》2004,18(3):45-48
建设全面小康社会,意味着我国社会经济发展已经进入一个全新的时期,人们生活消费结构将发生重要的转型,形成非生活必需品的消费比重和非物质产品的消费比重出现双重递增的态势,从而为休闲元素在社会、经济和文化领域的全面渗透和扩张创造了有利条件。在这一时代大背景下,休闲发展将形成一系列新趋势,并对社会生活逐步产生广泛和深刻的影响。对此,既要保持清醒的认识,又要采取相应的措施,以应对21世纪全球休闲时代的到来。  相似文献   

This article examines how changes in technology affect the strategies various national governments have adopted to protect their respective cultures. The focus is primarily on national policies toward film and television. National quota systems that limit the import of American entertainment products will soon be made impossible to enforce, thanks to new digital and satellite technologies. Economic incentives will still make American products attractive to proliferating private television channels, but narrow‐casting and cable distribution will offer new opportunities for locally produced shows and movies. Increasingly, those countries that wish to continue to protect their cultures from the homogenizing trends of global markets dominated by American films and television programs, will need to move away from quotas and toward subsidies. Moreover, they will have an interest in promoting technologies that are favorable to the promotion of national culture. Financial instruments that reduce risk to local producers may also be appropriate.  相似文献   

This essay will consider the representation of the maternal in some contemporary Northern Irish fiction written by men. It will examine, using feminist theories of embodiment and subjectivity, the power of the maternal image in Irish literary and critical discourse. The work of Julia Kristeva, Elizabeth Grosz and Mikhail Bakhtin will be employed in this argument. The pregnant body has the power to radically unsettle order, and this essay will explore the way in which men write their fears of this all-consuming imago. Northern Irish men write out their fears of all-consuming national ideology through infanticide and grotesque mother figures and this essay will trace how this figure is complicated through political ideology in Northern Ireland. The texts under consideration will be Ripley Bogle and Eureka Street by Robert McLiam Wilson and Resurrection Man and The Last of Deeds by Eoin McNamee, as well as a glance towards the work of Glenn Patterson as a possible alternative to the hegemonic view of the grotesque or abjected maternal.  相似文献   

陈筱芳 《史学集刊》2005,(2):24-28,23
春秋帝崇拜式微,天信仰几乎取代西周天帝信仰。天作为春秋至上神,其突出的特点是权能的广泛性、意志的权威性和赏罚的道德性。春秋天命和天道是天的意志的固定表达方式,从“天”的意志到“天命”到“天道”,是一个从天神的意志到冥冥之中的命运到社会自然法则的转化。在这个转变过程中,天的人格色彩愈趋淡化。春秋天信仰对于现存社会秩序的作用犹如双刃剑,既维护又破坏,具有道德约束、心理平衡和精神支撵功能以及认识功能。春秋人不求在天信仰的精神世界中获得永恒,而是理性地寻求对现实的信念、生活态度和生存价值。  相似文献   

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