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在葡萄沟旅游,给我最深的印象是火辣。不光是气温高,那些景点的色彩也都鲜艳火辣:通红的火焰山、黄澄澄的交河故城、黑色的砂疗站……这些景点奇特丰富,令人振奋。但是兴奋之后就会有一种渴望:寻找绿色、寻找清凉。我们的导游维族小伙子买买提似乎猜透了我们的心事,下一站就开着他的“小篷车”向葡萄沟驶去。途中有一个瓜市,在一片白杨树树阴下,摆着一堆堆西瓜、  相似文献   

Despite the considerable amount of work already devoted to the topic, the nexus of trauma, history, memory, and identity is still of widespread interest, and much remains to be investigated on both empirical and theoretical levels. The ongoing challenge is to approach the topic without opposing history and memory in a binary fashion but instead by inquiring into more complex and challenging relations between them, including the role of trauma and its effects. This account attempts to set out a research agenda that is multifaceted but with components that are conceptually interrelated and that call for further research and thought. In a necessarily selective manner that does not downplay the value and importance of archival research, it treats both the role of traumatic memory and memory (or memory work) that counteracts post‐traumatic effects and supplements, at times serving as a corrective to, written sources. It argues for the relevance to history of a critical but nondismissive approach to the study of trauma, memory, and identity‐formation, discussing significant new work as well as indicating the continued pertinence of somewhat older work in the field. One of the under‐investigated issues it addresses is the role of the so‐called transgenerational transmission of trauma to descendants and intimates of both survivors and perpetrators. It concludes by making explicit an issue that is fundamental to the problem of identity and identity‐formation and concerning which a great deal remains to be done: the issue of critical animal studies and its historical and ethical significance. Addressing this issue would require extending one's purview beyond humans and attending to the importance of the relations between humans and other animals.  相似文献   

正滕元发(1020—1090),初名甫,字达道,浙江东阳人,北宋神宗、哲宗两朝名臣。《宋史》本传称其"九岁能赋诗,范仲淹见而奇之"。初入仕,名将孙沔"见而异之,日:奇才也,后当为贤将。"遂"授以治剧守边之略"。才既奇,志更高,忠诚报国,欲大有为,却时运不济,仕途坎坷,滕元发初心不改,愈挫愈奋发。  相似文献   

正高适(700—765年),字达夫,唐朝著名诗人、政治家、军事家。他不仅是写诗高手,以杰出的边塞诗雄视唐代及其以后千年诗坛,也是为政能臣。在纷杂迷茫的时局中,固守国家统一意识,坚持清醒的政治抉择,拯时定乱,建功立业,卓然高标于当朝诗人之林,史称:"有唐以来,诗人之达者,唯适而已。"他那种报效国家,解民苦难,初心既定,终身不渝,百挫不退,奋进不已的精神,更是志士仁人永远的楷模。一、报国无门,求索不已  相似文献   

现任美国总统布什上任伊始即强势出击,在国际舞台上采取了一系列的单边主义行动。“9·11”事件之后,更是变本加厉,扬言先发制人,以反恐怖为名,率先发动阿富汗战争,继而又绕开联合国安理会对伊拉克动武……布什的行为充分体现了强硬、叛逆和倔强的性格,世人称之为“西部牛仔总统”。布什的这种性格是怎样形成的?美国的分析家认为,这与他的童年不无关系。  相似文献   

Tibetan,Population:StatusQuo¥Tibet'spopulationhasinthelast40-oddyearsincreasedbymorethan100percent,withtheannualprogressivein...  相似文献   

Philippe Gloaguen and the ‘Routard Generation’ reveal a variety of themes in the cultural history of 1968 and its legacy in France regarding the intersection of travel mobility and generational identification. Mobility was and remains a central motif in the mythology of 1968. The way the cultural phenomenon of French backpacker travel has come to be understood there is bound up with ideas about 1968 and generation. The cultural association of 1968 with French travel and mobility helped create a broad generational cohort able to incorporate those who were not politically involved, or at best, were on the margins of protest activity. The self-proclaimed soixante-routards conflate travel mobility with a generational construct centred on 1968 as a means to render their personal travel with political meaning.  相似文献   

Balzac's works about actual artists like Le Chef d’oeuvre inconnu have long been studied to derive the author's ideas about the artistic creative process. Eugénie Grandet also deals with art, however, even though there is not a real artist in it. In telling the story of Eugénie and her cousin Charles, Balzac suggests his views on the effects of beauty created by artful arrangement as opposed to the beauty in nature uncrafted by human art.  相似文献   

In November 2000 the 10th annual conference of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE) took place in Berlin. The meeting drew together 164 academics and researchers from America, Asia and Europe. The conference was organized with the title "Economics and Social Sciences: Complements, Competitors, Accomplices?". As well addressing its central theme, the conference was opened to different economic topics. In this paper, three participants present selected sessions and papers which are of interest for and related to spatial perspectives, that is 'Technology', 'Economy, Society and Territory', 'The Firm', 'Culture and Technology', 'Economics and Social Sciences', 'Borrowing Ideas from the Social Sciences', 'Economic Methodology', 'Conceptual Frameworks' and, in addition to these sessions, Michael Storper's opening keynote address on 'Economic Geography in the Internet Age'.  相似文献   

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