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Gyayang Xirab (1957-2004) was born into a far from well-off herder family from a pasturing area of northern Tibet. In 1971,he had only just begun going to the primary school at the age of 14.In 1978,he was allowed to stay as a teacher after graduating from middle school.  相似文献   

When the director woke us early in the morning, twinkling stars filled the sky amid dead silence the mountains could be seen dimly snaking away to the far horizon.  相似文献   

After finishing gathering salt, the next step was to carry it home. Because the salt-carrying cattle had been tied up the prevrous day, the caravan should by rights have set out well before dawn according to habit, Director Tan asked Galsang Wangdui to delay the departure until daylight so as to provide a filming oppertunity.  相似文献   

By setting out for saline lakes in spring, Tibetan caravans on horseback return to farmlands in autumn to barter salt for agricultural products.  相似文献   

In April 2006, cold air reigned in Lhasa. My friend Balsang and I were driving to Yangbajain railway tunnel, the first one after leaving Lhasa Railway Station. The tunnel is surrounded by emerald mountains from north to south. Beside the mountains, flocks and herds were grazing, and more than ten railway workers were walking along the railway line checking its safety. In the distance, the roaring of the machines could be heard from time to time. There were six or seven persons chattering happily while they worked on a flat dam not far away, neatly putting unfired earthen bricks in place.  相似文献   

The goup, numbering 30 or 35, all moved in unison, dressed in thick bluish-gray coats, they descended the steep rocky slopes. Their goal was obvious. These blue sheep were looking for water. They dropped lower. My colleague and friend, Dr. Aili Kang, and I used our binoculars for a better look. Suddenly, the animals bolted, fleeing in different directions and all moving upslope away from snowfields.  相似文献   

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, which practices ethnic regional autonomy.During this 40-year period, what changes have taken place in Tibet and to the life of Tibetans?Dainzin Lhunzhub, with the China National Center for Tibetan Studies, once interviewed some 100 residents of the Xoi Neighborhood Committee of Lhasa. Beginning with this issue,we will publish highlights of the interview.  相似文献   

Temtog(them-thog) Town of Zugong County is famous in the area along the Sichuan-Tibet Highway largely because it contains the ancient Zugong(mdzosgang) Monastery. The presence of the monastery first attracted many visitors and gradually helped to create a local community and market.  相似文献   

The Lhasa River originates from Nyangqentanglha Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is 551 km long and is one of the five major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo. For many years, the average diametric flow volume has been 6 billion cubic meters, which is about one-eighth of that of the second largest river in China, the Yellow River. The drainage area is nearly 30,000 square km. The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans, which witnessed the changes of ancient Tibetan culture. The drainage area of the Lhasa River serves as the center of politics, economy, culture, transportation and religion in the whole Tibet,as well as the significant part of three-river area (the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Lhasa River and the Nyang Qu River) that Tibetan government attaches importance to the development there.  相似文献   

Lhasa: No other land has been transformed so completely as that of Tibet, particularly after the Dalai Lama went into exile in 1959.  相似文献   

Sainted Naxi ethnic group village head Gongqoi Zhaxi Located at southeast comer of Tibet, Yanjin (tsha-kha)is close to Yunnan Province. It is a wellknown place in Tibet for several reasons. First, this place produces well salt differing from the lake salt in northern Tibet. The salt produced here is formed by isolating salty water fetched from wells beside the Lancangjiang River in salt ponds. Second, in Yanjin, there is a unique Catholic church, and there are many Tibetan people who became Catholics from the late 19th century onwards. Third, this is the only place in Tibet inhabited by the Naxi ethnic group. On July 7 2005, this writer interviewed the sainted senior village head of Lower Yanjin Village, Yanjin Township.  相似文献   

During the period from 1950 toearly in 1951,Chairman Mao Zedong sent a cable to Peng Dehuai, saying:“it is said that the road extending from Qinghai to Tibet is smooth and good”. On December 9, 1950, the PLA Southwest Military Area sent cable to the Central Military Commission: “It is easier to build highways from Yushu to Lhasa by way of Naqu and Qamdo than from Qamdo to Lhasa by way of the 39-Tribe and Taizhao,  相似文献   

I have known old Toinzhub for years. After only one meeting, he seemed to sense what was on my mind and could always talk about my favorite subject. A day passes by slowly along with his sips of liquor and his vivid and detailed narration.  相似文献   

藏北大草原 拉萨以北是西藏北部辽阔的高原,一望无际,有着一种震憾人心的苍茫。 成群的牛羊和游牧的帐篷,点缀在翡翠般的草原上。蓝蓝的天空,雄鹰掠过苍穹。清晨或傍晚,悠扬的牧歌随着袅袅的炊烟徐徐缭绕,消失在天边。  相似文献   

Dainzin Leshie is 20 years old now. Three years ago, he became a monk. But then, three months ago, when he headed out of the Nyainqentanglha Mountains and became a businessman of the Daglung Monastery Store, he took off his red kasaya (monk's robe).  相似文献   

扎洛 《中国西藏》2005,(2):21-25
统计资料显示.目前在我国西藏自治区仍有80%的人口生活在农村牧区,这就意味着西藏人口中的绝大多数所需要的公共产品诸如经济安全、社会稳定、公益设施以及医疗、教育等部全部或部分地依赖村级组织的公共服务供给。因此.完善村级组织、提高其公共服务的技能对西藏广大农牧民的现实生活具有重大意义.  相似文献   

泡茶馆 成都是一座来了就不想走的城市。对于外来人说,吸引他们的不仅仅是成都的那些街道、名胜古迹.更重要的是这座城市的生活方式。而这种方式正是长久以来的一种积淀。  相似文献   

The Tibetan Areas Development Study Group of the CAS, led by research fellow Wan Luolin (who is the head of the CAS Learning Advisory Committee and original administrative vice president) and research fellow Zhu Ling (deputy director of CAS Economic Research Institute), developed the extensive research activities in the Tibetan-inhabited areas since 2000, While the study group completed the special subject policy report, it also published some learning achievements such as Choice of Roads to Development in Underdeveloped Areas-Case Study of the Tibetan-Inhabited Areas in Yunnan (published by the Economic Management Press in 2003)and Marketization and Grass-roots Public Serices-Case Study of Tibet (published by Nationality Press in 2005).In July and August 2005, the study group developed a research program in Garze of Sichuan Province and the Qamdo area of Tibet along the Sichuan-Tibet highway.  相似文献   

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