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本文利用金相显微镜和扫描电镜能谱仪对郑韩故城热电厂墓地出土的l5件青铜器进行了分析,发现15件铜器的材质为铅锡青铜、锡青铜;制作工艺为铸造和热锻。热电厂墓地为东周时期郑韩故城贵族墓地,青铜器的初步分析研究为研究郑韩故城冶铸技术状况提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

孙勐  冯双元  韩鸿业 《文物》2022,(12):81-93
<正>玲珑巷宦官墓地位于北京市海淀区八里庄。2014年9月至2015年4月,北京市文物研究所对该墓地进行了抢救性发掘,共清理明清时期宦官墓葬304座,墓葬以明代寺庙摩诃庵(现为全国重点文物保护单位)为中线,东西两侧分布。玲珑巷宦官墓地是北京地区乃至全国范围内规模最大的宦官墓地,墓葬数量众多,分布集中,且类型丰富[1]。该墓地共出土明清时期瓷器37件,器形均为罐。其中,明代瓷器34件,  相似文献   

论虢仲其人──三门峡虢国墓地研究之一蔡运章1991年三门峡虢国墓地发掘的M2009号大墓,是截止目前这座墓地发掘清理的形制最大、规格最高、出土文物数量最多的一座虢君墓。该墓出土的3600多件各类文物中,有200余件大型青铜礼器,为九鼎、八簋、八鬲的最...  相似文献   

正1985-1991年北京市文物研究所对延庆军都山东周时期文化遗存进行考古调查,并选定玉皇庙、葫芦沟、西梁垙三处墓地作了科学发掘。三处墓地出土文物多达6万余件,因所出文物与其它文化不同,被命名为玉皇庙文化。在玉皇庙、葫芦沟两处墓地中,出土了尖首刀币9枚,其中玉皇庙墓地3枚、葫芦沟6枚;同时,还出土尖首刀币柄形坠饰9件,二者合计18件。北京市文物研究所军都山考古队对尖首刀币及尖首刀币柄形坠饰形制、出土位置等作了详尽的记录,  相似文献   

小胡村墓地为殷墟晚期"舌"氏家族墓地,为探讨其出土铜器的腐蚀特征,揭示其所蕴含制作技术和相应考古学信息,从而为器物保护修复提供科学依据,采用金相显微镜和扫描电镜及能谱仪对墓地出土12件铜器进行基体锈层结构和制作技术分析研究。研究表明,相较纯铜、铜锡和铜锡铅合金,铜铅合金耐腐蚀能力较弱,腐蚀严重;铜器经冷热加工处理易造成内部组织结构不均内应力残存,间接加速铜器腐蚀;12件铜器材质:纯铜2件、铜铅合金4件、铜锡合金3件和铜锡铅合金3件;仅2件兵器(刀M28:1、戈M38:1)经有意铸后热锻和冷加工,其余皆直接铸造成型。M21墓4件铜器皆为铜铅合金明器,小胡村墓地作为殷墟周边商文化系统,趋同商文化中心区,亦呈现部分中小贵族随葬铜器明器化现象。研究结果可为器物修复保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

宝鸡■国墓地是20世纪70年代中期至80年代初期西周考古的重要发现之一。该墓地以出土众多的独具自身特色的西周青铜器享誉海内外,特别是该墓地出土的许多具有巴蜀文化特色的兵器格外引人注目。与此同时,该墓地还出土了一些具有北方青铜文化特色的兵器及一些含有人物形象铜器,别具特色,是研究该墓地族属难得的实物资料。本文拟就该墓地出土的这些铜器略陈管见。 1.铜人 共发现两件。一件系宝鸡茹家庄二号墓出土,铜人为女半身立像。圆脸尖颔,额头窄小,双突目,尖鼻头突起,小嘴,双大耳,眉目清秀。头顶上竖立一三叉形铜发饰。…  相似文献   

吉林永吉查里巴靺鞨墓地于1987~1988年发掘,清理墓葬45座,出土随葬品500余件。随葬品中数量较多的是装饰品、兵器和马具,陶器较少。其中多件为一组的青铜牌饰较为引人注目。根据出土的唐开元通宝,推断此墓地的年代为隋末唐初至唐中叶。  相似文献   

河南省济源市桐花沟汉墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桐花沟墓地位于河南省济源市轵城镇南1公里的桐花沟村东,北距轵国故城西南角约500米,向南则有1969年发现的泗涧沟墓地(图一)。自90年代初开始,河南省文物考古研究所对轵国故城外围的泗涧沟墓地再次进行发掘,并首次发掘了邻近的桐花沟墓地,两地共清理战国至秦汉墓葬200余座,出土文物2000余件。泗涧沟墓地已有另文刊布,本  相似文献   

《大汶口》的报告中,介绍了许多奇异之物,尤以龟甲瞩目。这类遗物,多发现于泰安大汶口、江苏邳县刘林、大墩子大汶口文化墓葬;山东邹县野店、茌平尚庄大汶口文化墓地,也有零星发现。大汶口墓地出土龟甲20件,分别出于11座成年人的墓葬中。106号墓出3件,置于脚下;19号墓出4件,  相似文献   

为进一步揭示张家川马家塬战国墓地出土金属饰件的工艺特征,研究者采用金相显微镜、扫描电子显微镜及能谱分析仪对该墓地出士的7件镀锡铜饰件、7件银饰件、4件金饰件和2件锡饰件共20件样品进行了分析研究。分析结果显示这些样品中镀锡铜饰件基体均为铜锡铅合金铸造,表面工艺为热镀锡;银饰件有银铜合金或银金合金,均为热锻成形;金饰件均为金银合金,亦为热锻成形;锡饰件均为铸造而成,为纯锡或锡铅合金。  相似文献   

刘辉  胡家驹  唐宁  郭长江 《考古》2012,(8):3-28,1,97,102
2008年,湖北省文物考古研究所等单位对叶家庙遗址进行了发掘,这是近年来长江中游史前城址聚落考古的一次重要发现。发现的文化遗存大致分为三期,相当于屈家岭文化早期、屈家岭文化晚期和石家河文化早期。城垣兴建于屈家岭文化晚期。城外墓地的使用时间则从屈家岭文化早期延续至石家河文化早期。  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper presents a re-evaluation of a cemetery excavated over 30 years ago at Walkington Wold in east Yorkshire. The cemetery is characterized by careless burial on diverse alignments, and by the fact that most of the skeletons did not have associated crania. The cemetery has been variously described as being the result of an early post-Roman massacre, as providing evidence for a 'Celtic' head cult or as an Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery. In order to resolve the matter, radiocarbon dates were acquired and a re-examination of the skeletal remains was undertaken. It was confirmed that the cemetery was an Anglo-Saxon execution cemetery, the only known example from northern England, and the site is set into its wider context in the paper.  相似文献   

Tim Havard 《考古杂志》2017,174(1):1-67
Excavation undertaken at the Upper Severn valley round barrow cemetery at Four Crosses, Llandysilio, Powys, between 2004 and 2006 has increased the known barrows and ring ditches to some twenty-seven monuments within this complex, and revealed additional burials. Based on limited dating evidence, and the data from earlier excavations, the majority of the barrows are thought to be constructed in the Bronze Age. The barrows are considered part of a larger linear cemetery. The landscape setting and wider significance of this linear barrow cemetery are explored within this report. Dating suggests two barrows were later, Iron Age additions. The excavation also investigated Iron Age and undated pit alignments, Middle Iron Age copper working and a small Romano-British inhumation cemetery and field systems. Much of this evidence reflects the continuing importance of the site for ritual and funerary activity.  相似文献   

2006年,内蒙古通辽市在国道304线改扩建工程配套专线施工时,在南宝力皋吐村发现一处鲜卑墓地。2007年,内蒙古文物考古研究所对该墓地进行了抢救发掘。发掘面积1000平方米,清理同时期鲜卑墓葬34座。出土少量陶器。根据发掘情况分析,认为该墓地经过迁葬。  相似文献   

Summary: This paper considers the present state of cemetery studies in the north-western provinces of the Roman Empire. Different aspects of the study are identified and a combination of these is put forward as the requirement for a perfect cemetery report, against which some recent publications are judged. the greatest failure is found to be the provision and assimilation of a bone report, whether anthropological or palaeo-pathological. the potential of complete cemetery reports is stressed.  相似文献   

孙研 《东南文化》2016,(5):40-50
2012年,镇江博物馆在镇江市大港镇龙泉村清理汉代土坑竖穴墓10座,出土器物类型以罐、盒、鼎、壶、瓿为主。从墓葬形制和随葬器物推测,墓葬时代应属于西汉中期。从墓葬的分布规律推测,该墓地应为一处家族墓地,家族内部又分为不同的家庭单位,墓葬之间的区别可能与墓主生活时代和社会地位的不同有关。这批墓葬的科学发掘,为研究镇江地区汉代丧葬制度提供了丰富的实物资料。  相似文献   

山东莱州市朱郎埠墓群发掘报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱郎埠墓群位于山东省莱州市大原镇东朱果村东北约1.5千米处.1999年10月至11月,为配合大莱龙铁路建设,烟台市博物馆对此墓群进行了抢救性的发掘,共发现战国、汉代墓葬35座,墓葬形制各异.随葬品主要是陶器,还有少量的铜镜、铜剑、铜印章等.为研究胶东半岛这一时期历史提供了新的资料.  相似文献   

A part of a historical cemetery used to bury victims of sleeping sickness in Maun, Botswana, was recently uncovered by a water supply improvement construction project. The cemetery had become obliterated from the surface and from the memories of the people resulting in the use of the land for residential purposes. Twelve skeletons were excavated along the water supply trench and have since been buried at one of the new village cemeteries. There were eight males, two females and two individuals of unknown sex. They were young adults ranging in age from 18 to 35 years at the time of death. Dental modifications were used to estimate the cultural identities of two individuals. Some of the remains had been buried with body clothing such as belts and necklaces. Poor dental health was most probably associated with poor nutrition and poor oral hygiene among the population. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In March through June 2010, new coring and excavations were conducted to the Daxinzhuang Site in Jinan City , by which a new cemetery from the later stage of the early phase of the Shang Dynasty to the later phase of the Shang Dynasty was recovered. Among the excavated tombs, Tomb No. 139 is the largest one: it is an earthen shaft tomb with tiers around the bottom, on which human victims were found. The burial furniture was one coffin and one outer coffin, beneath which waist pit was recovered. Plenty of gr...  相似文献   

清凉寺史前墓地位于山西省芮城县东北部,在中条山脉南麓、黄河北侧,为山前丘陵坡地(图一)。由于遗址地跨西陌乡寺里和陌南镇坡头村,所以称为寺里—坡头遗址,面积约200万平方米。最早发现于1955年,1965年公布为山西省重点文物保护单位。1975和1984年,当地村  相似文献   

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